His Princess To Claim✔️ (ON I...

By jhenny_pink

382K 10.2K 775

Dimitri's voice lowered, sending shivers down my spine. "Unless your goal is to get me hard princess, best be... More

1. Chapter One.
2. Chapter Two.
3. Chapter Three.
4. Chapter Four.
5. Chapter Five.
6. Chapter Six.
7. Chapter Seven.
8. Chapter Eight.
9. Chapter Nine.
10. Chapter Ten.
11. Chapter Eleven.
12. Chapter Twelve.
13. Chapter Thirteen.
14. Chapter Fourteen.
15. Chapter Fifteen.
16. Chapter Sixteen.
17. Chapter Seventeen.
19. Chapter Nineteen.
20. Chapter Twenty.
21. Chapter Twenty-One.
22. Chapter Twenty-Two.
23. Chapter Twenty-Three.
24. Chapter Twenty-four.
25. Chapter Twenty-Five.
26. Chapter Twenty-Six.
27. Chapter Twenty-Seven.
28. Chapter Twenty-Eight.
29. Chapter Twenty-Nine.
30. Chapter Thirty.
31. Chapter Thirty-One.
32. Chapter Thirty-Two.

18. Chapter Eighteen.

8.8K 273 6
By jhenny_pink

"So you must be Rena. The dead girl walking." It would be an understatement to say that I was afraid of her.

"How typical of him to go after the pretty one. The dumb pretty one's that are foolish enough to fall for his traps. Well I can't say that I'm not pretty myself but at least I'm smart." Sofia stated glancing me up and down.

My body felt numb and my chest began rising at a very quick pace. The thought of dying flashing before my eyes and I had never felt so petrified in my entire life before as I stood still while the blood drained from my face.

"Well aren't you going to say something my dear Rena?" Sofia taunted walking circles around me before putting the gun to her side.

Knowing that the pistol was at least not pointed at my head, I finally let out the air I had been holding for so long.

"Do you understand why I was able to reach you so quickly, my dear Rena? Because Dimitri doesn't care that much about keeping watch over you, he assigns his inexperienced adolescent brothers to keep watch over you while he does nothing." She chuckled menacingly.

If Sofia was attempting to instill fear into me, she was successful in doing so. Her remarks caused me extreme anxiety.

"Do you know how comes I'm here? Because Dimitri doesn't care that much about you, he simply uses the ones he thinks are usable and then discards of them that why he hasn't sent you on your way or killed you yet." Her presence sinister laughs made the hairs on my skin stand out of fear.

Instead of being here, I longed to be in so many other places. I loathed how her words were gnawing at my very soul. Being helpless and pathetic bothered me.

A few gang members that I could see were acting as though they were unaware of what was going on. The fact that this was routine for them given that they kill suggests that they wouldn't take any action to stop her from killing me.

"Didn't Dimitri tell you what happened to his previous conquests? How after he used her I slit her throat and watched her die? And yet here I am unharmed and is set to marry Dimitri. I could just kill you right now and nothing would come out of it. Nothing would happen simply because Dimitri cared nothing for you." She continued to terrify me.

"Dimitri and I are just the same. We like to kill, especially the innocent. Only I don't like to play around with my victims much but on the other hand he likes to trick his preys into thinking he's a good man then when they aren't expecting it, he strikes them." She laughed while I pathetically stood glancing straight ahead of me.

When anxiety crept inside of me, my knees were on the verge of giving way. I was in fear. In addition, I feared the man I had slept with.

What had I done?

Apart of me desperately wanted it not to be true. Dimitri stated he didn't kill women but was I supposed to believe a gang member who killed not to have killed anyone innocent because he said so?

"Are you mute?" Her words came out as annoyance of me not speaking rather than her really wanting to know if I was mute.

I was so scared to answer her question that tears began to stream down my face. Soon my knees would give in.

"N-no." I managed to croaked out as the vile woman laughed at me.

"How pathetic, at least the others could fight or defend themselves. Out of all the girls Dimitri has slept with you are the most pathetic. Let me guess, you were pampered growing up?" She taunted.

"Fortunately for me and unfortunately for you brat, this can't save you. Nor either is Dimitri going to save you although I doubt he would if he wanted to or else we wouldn't be in this predicament that we're in now would we?" She continued to taunt.

I could hear gunshots being fired nearby frightening me even more as my tears came harder.

"Well I guess that concludes the rest of our thrilling discussion although I did most of the talking." She held up the gun to my head stopping before me.

"Butta quella fottuta pistola, Sofia."

(Drop the fucking gun Sofia.)

I felt somewhat relieved knowing at least the twins were now there.

"Took you two long enough, I was starting to wonder if the both of you couldn't put your brains together and think of a way to actually escape the room I locked you in. You two failed poorly and demonstrate your not ready to be in this mafia." She somewhat scolded them.

"Whatever you say doesn't matter as you don't have any say here, just drop the gun and fucking walk away." Nico threatened and it was the first time I had seem them so serious.

"Penso che voi due dovreste cambiare il vostro modo di pensare considerando che presto sarò la moglie di vostro fratello."

(I think you two should change the way you think considering that I will be your brother's wife soon)

"Just shut the fuck up and put the gun down you delusional freak." Rico spat seemingly getting Sofia who was pointing a gun at me angry.

What were they doing?

"Se non vuoi che le metta un berretto in testa, suggerirei a voi due di abbassare le pistole. Sono sicuro che Dimitri sarebbe molto dispiaciuto di sapere che vi ha affidato un semplice compito che entrambi non potreste fare."

(If you don't want me to put a cap in her head I'd suggest you two put down your guns. I'm sure Dimitri would be very displeased to know he gave you one simple task to which you both could not do.)

Sofia jammed the gun in my head making me gasp. The twins lowering their guns after sometime.

The thought of being killed was just too much for me as I felt like vomiting from being afraid and anxious bottled up all together.

"If you pull that trigger then you die too." Hearing those words from Rico making me sick.

"I'll be sure to make the two of you learn some manner....... plus if I was going to kill her I would've already have." She spoke staring me dead in the eyes curiously and making my eyes widen.

"You look very familiar to me." Sofia held up her gun letting a small amount of fear go away but nevertheless I was still scared to wit's.

Her eyes penetrated mine as if searching my soul and I glanced away unable to stare into her evil dark orbs that looked as though they would pull the trigger at any moment.

"Era questo ciò che Dimitri mi stava nascondendo? Come ho potuto non averlo visto per tutto questo tempo?"

(Was this what Dimitri was hiding from me? How could I have not seen it all this while?)

"Very interesting." She murmured to herself with a sly smile on her face before putting away the gun.

"I guess the ball game has suddenly turned in my favor."

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