The Last Kingdom Imagines

By Ashes_fall_down

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Ever find yourself wanting to join Uhtred and his band of cutthroats? Ever picture yourself behind the walls... More

Eira x Finan
Liia x Sihtric
Freyja x Uhtred (PART 1)
Ailsa x Osferth

Freyja x Uhtred (PART 2)

360 6 1
By Ashes_fall_down

(So long but SO worth it)

A few weeks later...


"The once proud and brave, Earl Guthrum", Sigefrid shouted from his high horse to the thousands of men surrounding us, "He now calls himself a Christian!" When we all erupted in laughter, he continued, "He now calls himself King Aethelstan, but he's nothing but Alfred's hound, and he shamed us all!"

Boltan began barking next to me, causing me to laugh softly. I looked around at all the men, a part of me hoping to see a certain face in the crowd, though I knew that it was useless to believe he would be here.

"After the battle is won, you should lie with me." Boltan grabbed lightly onto my arm, pulling me close to him.

"If you are lucky." I responded playfully.

When I first left Uhtred, I was happy to finally have the freedom to go where I wished, use my mind in ways that I had not been able to in years. But now I yearn to see him. Or touch him. I could not even think of being with another man. Yet I also knew that I needed a man to survive. He will have to do.

Erik and I shared a glance as Sigefrid continued his speech, "He has shamed every warrior that has gone before us! He has shamed the gods! And the gods call upon every man gathered here today to avenge them! And avenge them we will!" He waited for the men to quiet before finishing, "By sunrise tomorrow, Lundene and all of its riches shall be yours!" Sigefrid turned to me quickly, flashing a smile. "Believe me when I tell you, the gods are with us!"

As Sigefrid repeated the mantra, the cheers and shouts became almost deafening. Being gone for so many years, it would take me some time to get used to it. But thinking on that made me feel homesick, as a part of me itched to be back behind the walls of Coccham, the small town that I had grown to despise the walls of. Now I was beginning to miss it more than ever.

No turning back now.

That night...


Erik, Sigefrid and I sat inside a church, exhausted from the day, however, Erik seemed not able to enjoy the victory, as he had begun pacing for several minutes.

"What troubles you, brother?" Sigefrid finally asked.

"Uhtred, he doubts the dead man." Erik replied, taking a few steps towards us.

Suddenly I was confused. "What dead man? What does Uhtred have to do with a dead man?"

"We sent Uhtred to see Bjorn. We hoped it would convince him to join us." Erik groaned, knowing exactly what I was going to say.

"This was not part of the plan!"

Erik sighed, rubbing at the sides of his face, "Freyja, enough. We made this plan before we had you return to us."

"Of course, he would know it is a lie!" I shouted angrily. "Why did you not confide to me in this? He will think this was my plan from the beginning!"

"Careful Sister, you sound as if you care for him still." Sigefrid said slowly before turning to Erik, "You believe he knows it to be a trick?"

"Yes. Maybe." He stared into the fire unblinking. "We should have approached him man-on-man, with honor."

"You don't know though." They shared a small laugh between them, but I was not so amused. Only an idiot would believe the rising of a dead man. Uhtred was no fool by any means.

"No." Erik sighed.

Suddenly Sigefrid groaned, grasping at his amputated arm. Erik sat beside him, helping him remove the armor he had wrapped around it. I hadn't seen his hand uncovered since I saw it when it was first removed by Uhtred himself.

"How's the pain?" I asked softly.

"The same... Constant."

I felt a jolt of anger run through my body. Even though Uhtred had caused the damage, and I had a soft spot for him, what he did to my brother was something I could not forgive. Maybe I made the right decision to return.

"It reminds me I am alive. That I should live." There was a silence between the three of us before he spoke again, "If Uhtred knows that Bjorn is a lie, then he will come. With Alfred's army."

"Of course, he would. It is Uhtred." I grabbed onto his good hand, trying to comfort him as best as I could.

"Well, so I get to kill him after all."

My hand wavered slightly when he said those words, but I did my best not to show it on my face. Yes, I was angry at him for what he did to us, but he was also a part of me that I don't think I could just give up so easily by just walking away. I was in a back-and-forth struggle for what the right path for myself was. I knew this was going to soon be a problem. For all of us.

"If we wish", Erik's voice took me from my thoughts, "There is a way to raise the greatest army these shores have ever seen. It can be done. The Temes River would be dark with ships, Danes and Northmen. All we need to be is clever. And patient."

"Patient?" Sigefrid asked. This was a word that he most certainly was not. We all knew this, and a calming laugh surrounded us.

Erik patted Sigefrid's back, "Oh, there will still be blood to spill, brother... but this way we can be kings of it all. No Guthrum, no Aethelred, no Alfred." He then looks to me, "No Uhtred."

This was not going to end well.

One day later...

I watched as a priest was crucified to a cross, screaming out in pain as his wrists nailed down. I squirmed slightly at the sight and sound of it. My brother was definitely the most ruthless, and most creative when it came to torture. Being with Uhtred these past few years must have made me weaker than I was before.

"I do not understand how this kills a man." Sigefrid said simply as he watched in curiousness.

"Sigefrid, take his head and be done with it." I heard Erik reply. He was much more sensible than Sigefrid, I believed I was somewhere in the middle. While I would not

wish one of the Saxon's holy men to die so horribly, I knew better than to go against Sigefrid. So, I remained beside Boltan, and quiet.

"No, no no no. I want to know how." Sigefrid held out his hand towards Erik to stop him from intervening.

Suddenly the voice from one of our prisoners spoke loudly, "The cross kills a man slowly, Lord, over days. It is both torture and execution. Unlike Saxons and Danes,

the Romans were clever." This priest would most likely be next. Maybe my brothers would allow me to have my fun with him before we did away with him.

As I thought about what I could do with him, Boltan leaned down to whisper in my ear "We could play with him together." I laughed softly, pushing him slightly. He motioned towards a table with ale, and I nodded. I watched as he sat down at a table nearby, though my eyes rolled when I saw a whore and the eyes she sent him and perching herself in his lap. I was in good enough spirits to spill whore blood today.

"There, you have your answer." Erik commented. "Now take his head off."

"Agreed, Lord. And if you please, when it comes to me, with your sharpest axe and strongest man." The priest spoke again. It sounded as if he wished to die.

"May I do it?" I asked happily. While it wasn't the whore on my man's lap, any blood spill would do.

My brothers shared a laugh, and Erik grabbed my shoulder, "I like that idea."

"You talk too much." Siegfrid called to the priest.

"I do, you should kill me swiftly."

I grew giddier at the thought of cutting the man's head off, "I cannot guarantee swift or painless, but I will enjoy it nonetheless."

Haesten suddenly called to us from across the yard, "Lord. It is Uhtred."

I immediately turned my head, seeing if what he said was true. And by the grace of the gods, it was. He was here. The second he came out from under the shade of the building, our eyes met, and I had to resist the urge to run to him. Finan and Clapa were also alongside him, though I noticed Sihtric's absence which I found odd, though I knew to keep quiet.

His eyes remained on mine until Sigefrid's voice stirred him, "Uhtred Ragnarson! The future King of Mercia! Welcome to Lundene, your new home should you want it."

"Sigefrifd... I thought you might want to kill me still."

"Oh, for a long time I did. But then I grew to like my new hand. Though I have to be careful when wiping my arse." Sigefrid lifted up his hand so Uhtred could see it.

The man around us all broke into laughter, including myself.

"It is good to see you here, Uhtred. Though your friends are not familiar." - Erik and Uhtred grabbed each other's arms in a greeting, though I refrained from approaching him, as I knew it would only cause the thoughts in my head to get worse.

"This is Aethelred of Mercia." Uhtred pointed to the pretty boy behind him, and I immediately felt a distaste for him.

"Lord. My spies tell me you are to marry Alfred's daughter." We had heard news of the proposal; I was slightly upset I hadn't been able to attend the wedding. I had met Aethelflaed on several occasions and I enjoyed her company from time to time.

"Your spies are wrong, Lord. I've already married Alfred's daughter." Aethelred didn't seem to be enthused about his new bride.

"Oh, how does she ride?" Sigefrid asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I've no complaint."

"You think you'd sound a bit appreciative of having such a woman as your wife." I refused to break eye contact when he looked at me. Something about this man made me despise him.

"Uhtred, why is he here?" Erik asked, clearly hoping to speak with just him.

"I am here, lords, to ask for your price... for leaving Lundene." Aethelred cut in.

"Alfred wishes to negotiate" Uhtred shrugged.

Again, pretty boy cut in, "I (<- ITALICS) wish to negotiate."

"We have only just arrived, why would we want to leave?" Erik replied cockily.

"You're warriors, you will know that Lundene is impossible to defend, so, let's get this done." Aethelred spoke with an arrogance that made my blood boil. If we are ever in battle, I would not hesitate to kill him.

My brothers and I all shared a look of amusement.

"Is that a threat? It sounds like a threat." Sigefrid asked.

"I'm asking you to retreat, lords, for a price, for silver." Aethelred needed to work on his bargaining.

Erik slowly smiled, "Flesh, is our price." When Aethelred had a look of confusion, he added. "Your bride, Aethelflaed."


"She has great beauty, a good mind. I'm in need of a wife." Erik turned to Sigefrid.

"I'm in need of a hump, we will share her." Sigefrid returned his smile.

"She is my wife!" Aethelred exclaimed angrily. I could almost see a vein on his forehead from anger.

"Aethelred, they're teasing you." Uhtred comforted, then turned to my brothers, "Perhaps we can begin with a cup of ale? It's a long walk from the river."

"A cup of ale it is, Lord Uhtred." Erik seemed thrilled that Uhtred was here, but I knew that it was not for the reason he wanted.

Erik and Sigefrid led the group into the main hall. I noticed Uhtred glance at the priest who was knelt on the ground. I followed shortly behind when I heard my name called from behind me. I turned to see Boltan beckon me over to him. When I approached, I pushed the whore from his lap, wielding my dagger.

"Eye him again and I'll make your eyes into a necklace." I warned, pushing the dagger into her cheek. I sat beside Boltan, who grabbed my hand.

"Have you decided if you will lie with me?" He asks before taking a drink of ale.

"I thought you'd wish to sleep with the whore." I replied angrily.

"I only have eyes for you. I am happy you returned."

"You are?" I find it hard to believe. Before these past few weeks, Boltan and I did not speak much as I was with Eske, but that might explain why I suppose.

"I always had eyes for you."

Before I could respond, I heard Sigefrid's voice ringing out and he came running into the courtyard, "Boltan! We need to be entertained! Are you man enough to kill a priest?"

Boltan smiles at me before standing up and ripping his shirt off. He was given a sword and shield by my brothers and sent into the square. I don't know why they'd have him fight a priest; it was almost a mercy kill.

"So, when I kill him, I'm allowed to go free? That is the bargain?" The priest called from across the square, a hand and sword handed to him as well.

"That is the bargain." Erik called back as I made my way over to him and Sigefrid, standing in between them.

"Hear that Boltan? He plans to kill you." Sigefrid placed an arm around my shoulders.

"I'm afraid, Lord, spare me this trial. I beg you." Boltan outstretched his arms towards us.

When the fighting bega, Boltan easily seemed to get the best of him, which was ot be expected. He taunted the priest, knocking him over several times. At one point, which seemed to finish the battle, Boltan kicked the priest to the ground. Boltan began egging on the crowd, specifically looking to me as if killing a priest was a high achievement.

"Finish him!" Sigefrid called out, wanting him to finish the job.

Suddenly the priest jumped to his feet, surprising Boltan and slicing his arm before getting him to his knees, his knife to Boltan's throat. I immediately sensed something was wrong. No average priest would know how to wield a weapon this way.

"Sigefrid do something! Boltan cannot die!" I grabbed at his arm desperately, but he pushed me off.

"Now, I do not wish to kill this idiot, as I'm sure his mother loves him..." The priest released Boltan, and I let out a sigh of relief, but he still had the sword pointed at his throat. "But do I have your word as warriors, that I am now a free man?"

Still in shock, Erik responded. "You have my word, priest."

"Remove your sword." I warned.

The priest nods and backs away, "If all your men fight like this, Alfred will have no trouble throwing you out of Lundene."

"Put down the sword." I warned again.

"Thank you, Lords. It was a bit on the heavy side." The priest proceeded to back up more, then dropping his sword dramatically onto the ground.

Sigefrid suddenly rushed forward, pushing past our men that were in front of him until he reached the square. Sigefrid had his sword drawn and proceeded to cut Boltan's throat before approaching the priest in anger.

"No!" I rushed into the square, kneeling down beside Boltan who laid on the ground clutching his wound on his neck. "Boltan, no, no, no, no. No! Damn you!" I pushed my arms into his chest in anger, knowing that there was no saving him. A lone tear tried to break free, but I wiped it before grabbing Boltan's sword and handing it to him, making sure he was gripping it. I stood up slowly and went to rush at the Sigefrid but was stopped by Uhtred, who pulled me back.

"Uhtred, no! Get off of me!"

"I will not." He grabbed my sword, tossing it out of arm's reach. He got close to me, putting his lips close to my ear to speak softly, "Now is not the time."

"Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?" I asked angrily. If I wanted to attack my brother, I should be allowed.

"If it is acceptable, I will return with the Lord Uhtred" I turned at the priest's voice, immediately turning back to Uhtred.

"You know each other." When he didn't respond, I knew I was correct. "You knew the priest would win in battle."

"I did not know your brother would pick your man to fight him. Nor did I think he would kill him." He replied sadly.

"This is not the first time someone I am with has died because of you."

"Freyja, please--" Uhtred tries to stop me, but without another word between us I pushed past him and back into the hall.

Two weeks later...

Horsemen ride into camp in a hurry, Heasten leading them. We had a plan set for the second Aethelred's army came to try and retake Lundene. It was not a plan that I had wanted or even cared for, but against both my brothers, I had to follow along. But I was frustrated at having to lose Lundene over this plan. The whole reason for abandoning Uhtred was to retake Lundene, but now to give it up when I only just got it made me believe it was all for nothing.

"Lords, they have set up their camp no more than a mile away." Haseten called from the square.

"Then we get this done", Sigefrid turned to a man standing behind us, "Tofi, the fire must smoke. Black smoke."

"Yes, lord. There will be smoke." Tofi quickly exited.

"This is nonsense, we should not abandon our stronghold for a princess." I huffed; my arms crossed over my chest. I tried to convince them to let me stay in Lundene by myself, but they were adamant that I join them, as they needed every man with them.

"Freyja, enough. You are not making the plans anymore." Sigefrid wrote me off quickly, watching as Erik jumped onto the balcony.

Shouting down to all of the men below, Erik made sure every man could hear him. "Every man up on his feet! Up! We must be ready! You all know what needs to be done! We cannot fail! Go!" Erik

I watched in disgust as the men rallies together, cheering almost deafening loud that I had to cover my ears. Maybe it was not that I had become unaccustomed to the shouting, but that I have just simply tired of it. As the men began to race out of the square out of the city, I followed my brothers onto horseback, racing after them.


We raced into the camp, slaughtering every man and woman that we saw. Our only specific plan was the Aethelflaed was to not be killed. Everyone else was to be disposed of. Through the chaos that was happening around me, I ran through the crowds, attacking any man or woman that came close. I heard Sigefrid shout "Princess!" that caused me to turn around. I saw Aethelflaed running into the woods nearby, with two women right behind her. I raced after them, just catching up as Erik and Sigefrid were to kill the two women. Erik disposed of one quickly, but as Sigefrid went to strike at the other I stopped him.

"Sigefrid, no! Not this one!" I shouted, holding my hand out to stop him.

I looked down at the woman on the ground, immediately recognizing her as Thyra, Uhtred's sister. She looked up at me in surprise and seemed as if she wanted to say something but I shook my head to her, begging her not to speak.

"We need one of them alive to tell what has happened." I added quickly, sheathing my sword.

"They will know regardless." Sigefrid was out for blood, but I could not have Thyra's death on my hands.

"For once listen to me! The princess is our priority, remember?" I motioned towards the direction that Aethelflaed had ran, and she could just be seen slightly in the distance.

My brothers nodded to me, and along with Heastan, took off after her. I waited until they were several feet away before turning back to Thyra, giving her a nod before following.


We finally made it back to Beamfleot that night, men could be heard cheering from the foretress for several miles before we even arrived. I'm sure the news of her capture and already spread in the hours that it took us to return.

"See this? Warriors join us by the day. With word of your capture, there will be more. All waiting for war. You have my thanks, lady." Sigefrid strode alongside Erik, who guarded Aethelflaed.

"There will be many men inside. They will want to get close to you, look you in the eye." Erik made sure to keep her from jumping from the horse by keeping his arms close.

They'll want to frighten me." Aethelflaed said quietly. She had not spoken much since her capture, not that I could blame her.

"They will."

Aethelflaed turned to me when I said that, seeming to recognize me. I was hoping that she would not, as I had only met her a handful of times when with Uhtred. Same as Thyra, she seemed to want to say something, but I quickly went ahead to avoid any conversations. As the gates opened, men began to cheer again, all swarming our horses, all of them trying to touch at Aethelflaed and I found myself swatting and kicking at some of them to get away.

"What did I say? I told you I would invite Alfred's daughter. And she is here!" Sigefrid addressed the fortress. "I swear to the gods... that this prize will not be sold cheaply. There will be wealth and glory for every man here!"

More deafening cheers filled the space, and again I held my hands over my ears until it was slightly quieter. These men were riled up, ready for blood, and ready to conquer.

Erik and some of his men escorted Aethelflaed to her cell in one area of the fortress, I followed closely behind. When she looked around the cell, I could see the sadness in her face. I'm sure she is used to her soft lifestyle.

"It is the best we have. These are my own men. They will watch you; you will have a guard at all times. You will be safe here." Erik gestures to the men around us. The only trustworthy one was Dagfinn, I'd have to make sure he knows his place.

"And my companions, my servants from the camp?" Aethelflaed looked like a lost puppy, she has never had to care for herself her entire life.

"Any woman who is not Aethelflaed will have been killed or claimed. But if you need a woman to assist you, Freyja will be around to help. Just call upon her." Erik looked over to me, as if asking for permission to be assist her.

I sent her a small smile, which she returned. With a nod I followed Erik out.

Two days later...

I followed Erik, Haesten and several other men outside the walls of Beamfleot. Aethelflaed had requested to bathe with privacy, which Erik was happy to oblige it seems. I only offered because Erik did not give me much of a choice.

"Why so many guards? Are you afraid of me?" Aethelflaed walked alongside Erik.

"You're a prize, lady. Even when unwashed." Erik seemed to have a hint of playfulness in his voice, one that did not go unnoticed by Aethelflaed or myself.

As we got close to the river, Erik had all of the men stop to allow Aethelflaed and I to continue on by ourselves. She seemed much more comfortable without all of the men around and I could see the tenseness in her shoulders drop.

"I recognize you" Aethelflaed said as she removed a part of her dress.

"I was hoping you would not" I took it from her and folded it aside.

"Are you no longer with the Lord Uhtred? Is that why you are here?" She glanced behind us at the men to see if they were still watching.

"My situation had changed, lady. I needed to join with my brothers again." I too turned around, seeing them all looking down at us and I knew Aethelflaed would refuse to bathe with them all watching.

"I know you to be your brothers' strategist. Was my taking part of your plan?" She asked.

"No, lady. It was not my plan. I only wanted Lundene."

"You do not seek Wessex?"

"I only seek peace now. But I'm afraid I am passed the point of return. I must deal with the fate I have chosen for myself now." She did not answer, as she was still looking towards the men behind us. "Do not worry, I will not let them look."

I gave Erik a look that told him to turn around, which he obliged. Once I saw the backs of all of their heads, I nodded to Aethelflaed that she could remove the rest of her dress. I held it in my arms as she waded into the river and after a few seconds I turned to look back up the path, only to see Erik watching. Originally, I was to say something, but the way he was looking at her... There is no hunger in his eyes, but a gentleness. I decided to remain silent. For now.


As Erik and his men escorted Aethelflaed back to her cell, I decided to head back to my own chambers, but just as I was to go inside, out of corner of my vision, someone caught my eye. When I turned, I had to look twice to make sure I knew who I thought I saw. Quickly I approached and he immediately walked to a place more secure when he saw me. We found a small corner where we could not be seen.

"If you are here, I assume it is as a spy." I said straight.

Sihtric sighed, "Yes. Uhtred wanted to make sure that Aethelflaed was still alive. And how she was being treated."

"Erik takes care of her. I assist her when she needs. She is protected at all times." I assured him. "Is Uhtred going to try and free her?"

"There is no plan. Not that I would be able to tell you either way. You are the enemy. I should not even be speaking to you" He tried to push past me, but I stopped him.

"Sihtric, I am not the enemy. You know this."

"Then why leave? Why take Lundene? Why ransom Lady Aethelflaed?"

"None of this was my plan. I had nothing to do with it, I am just going along because I do not have a choice."

"Uhtred has hurt since you left. He feels he is to blame for you being unhappy."

"He does? You know this?"

I did not think Uhtred would miss me. After what I did, I would despise me if anything. Spending all of that time with someone for them to leave and go back to their old ways. But I did not expect that Uhtred would feel at fault for my choice.

"He speaks of you almost every day. How he wishes he could have gotten you to stay."

"There are many days now I wake up and wish I had, Sihtric. What I thought I wanted, is not actually what I want anymore."

"So, what do you want?"

"That is a good question."

That night...

I sat outside of Lady Aethelflaed's cell alongside Dagfinn. Aethelflaed had asked for me to stay nearby, as having my presence brought her comfort, as women in the fortress are few and far between. As I was stood up to check on her, Haesten marched into the room, heading straight for Aethelflaed's cell.

"What are you doing?" Dagfinn jumped up from his seat to get in between Haesten and the gate.

Haesten grabbed him by the collar of his armor, "Shut your mouth, Dagfinn. You saw nothing."

"No, but I do." He must not have noticed me standing there before, and when he did, he let out a laugh.

"You say anything, and I will do the same to you after." Haesten released Dagfinn and approached me. While I was not scared of him, I knew that he could easily get the best of me in a fight. I also knew I was faster than him and I could run for Erik, who I knew was just outside in the hall with Sigefrid.

When Haesten began entering the cell I ran out of the room, heading out into the courtyard and racing towards the hall. Thankfully, Erik had seemed to be walking in my direction and saw me coming.

I stopped to catch my breath, "It is Haesten. He was going into Aethelflaed's cell!"

Erik did not even respond before he took off in a sprint towards her cell, me hot on his tail. When we entered, Aethelflaed was standing over Haesten, a dagger in her hand and she was about to kill him. Erik ran to her, taking the knife from her hand.

"Dagfinn, hold her!" Erik commanded. Dagfinn held onto Aethelflaed to keep her from running away or trying to attack again.

Erik attacked Haesten, punching him and kicking him to the ground. "Get up. GET UP!" Erik shouted in anger.

"Lord, she is a hostage!" Haesten groaned as he tried to stand back up, though he was in evident pain.

Erik hit him again, causing him to fall once more. "Get up onto your feet!"

"She is a hostage!" Haesten shouted again.

"She. Is. Precious!" Erik shouted. When there was a silence, he quickly added, "She is of value!" He turned to Dagfinn and I, "Release her!" He took several seconds to catch his breath. "Leave us!" Looking between Haesten and Dagfinn. "All of you", This time directed at me.

I exited the cell but stayed close by enough to hear and see them.

Erik offered her his hand, which she took and shakily got to her feet. "This should not have happened, and it will not happen again. My apologies."

As Erik proceeded to exit, Aethelflaed responded, "It is not the first time a man has mistreated me."

Erik stopped in his tracks, "Who else?"

"Not here. Before here. Now I know what to do should it happen again. I... I will use my night bucket, and a knife." Aethelflaed was still shaken, I could tell. So, I wanted to remain close by to assist her after Erik left.

"You should. You are precious lady." He turned to see me standing nearby but said nothing. "Sleep well. Safely."

Erik exited and shut the doors behind him. When he turned, we made eye contact for what felt like several minutes. There was something we were trying to tell each other, though I don't think either of us had quite understood. He sighed and walked out without another word.

Several hours later, as I was walking back to my chambers for the evening, I walked along the barracks, looking out into the fields surrounding it. It was there that I saw two bodies down in the grasses. As I was about to go investigate, they both turned to each other, and from the moonlight I recognized them as Erik and Aethelflaed. They should not be out there together. Had she tried to escape?

That was when I saw them lean in and share a slow kiss. Everything was beginning to make sense now. Erik was growing fond of her, and she him. This was going to be a problem if anyone else found out. I knew that I needed to keep this to myself, as if Sigefrid discovered their love he would put an end to it immediately. But how long could they keep this up?

Two weeks later...

Over the past few weeks, I had caught on to Erik and Aethelflaed's visits, and have spent much time with Aethelflaed herself that we have become relatively close. I knew about their love and had promised the both of them that I would keep it a secret.

Today, Uhtred was returning to discuss the ransom for Aethelflaed. Neither you nor Erik wanted to have this discussion, but we both have to play along, as we had a plan, but we need Uhtred to do it.

The gates opened and I watched as Uhtred and his men entered the clearing on foot. They looked tired, as I'm sure they walked a good distance. Uhtred turned to make eye contact with me, and from my talks with Sihtric, I know that seeing me here was hurting him almost as much as it was hurting me.

"You will all kneel." Sigefrid said plainly.

"That is a bit much. Is it not?" It seemed ridiculous to humiliate them further.

"We will not. We have come here in peace and as equals. You've made us walk a good distance to meet you, that is respect enough." Uhtred seemed to understand my thoughts.

Sigefrid approached slowly until he was only inches from Uhtred. "You should have joined me, Uhtred."

"If you wished me to join you, why have a dead man tell a prophecy? Why didn't you simply ask?"

"Well, me, you would refuse, but the gods?"

"The king of Wessex sends his greetings. He hopes you have enjoyed the company of his daughter." Uhtred addressed the crowd now.

Sigefrid laughed, "Enjoyed her?"

"Oh, she's not his favorite. Why else would he have allowed her to marry the pig's arse standing behind me?" Uhtred beckoned to Aethelflaed and I refrained from laughing too loud.

Aethelflaed pushed through his group to stand closer to my brothers and I, "Before any negotiations take place, the pig's arse wishes to be certain that his wife is well."

Suddenly Erik's stoic face turned into one of anger. "And if he is not well, what then? What will the pig's arse do, fart?" They were only a few inches apart and Sigefrid's laugh broke the tension.

"Will you fight me? Will you fight my brother?"

"I would like that." Sigefrid smiled at the thought.

"Can we both fight him? I would also enjoy it." I turned to Sigefrid and we shared a laugh for the first time in what felt like months. These moments were few and far between.

Erik began to slowly circle Aethelred, "You alone will kneel."

"I will not."

Erik quickly grabs him and pulls him to the ground, "KNEEL!"

The crowd erupted in laughter, but I knew that Erik was letting his anger towards Aethelred show, and why I knew why, I knew others were growing suspicious.

"Erik, calm, please." I said quietly.

"I have come to negotiate! I demand respect!" Aethelred took this as an opportunity to stand up. "If you do not wish to hear my price then I will leave happily."

Dagfinn brought Aethelflaed out and I motioned for them to come stand beside me so I could comfort her if she needed.

"As you can see, she is well." Sigefrid stepped out of the way so Aethelred could see her.

"I would like to speak with her." Aethelred replied.

"Then do it."

Aethelred cautiously approached, walking past Erik on the way. When he saw that I was not moving from where I stood, Aethelred leaned down to talk more quietly.

"They are treating you well?"

"They are. Freyja has been a lovely companion." Aethelflaed's voice was quiet and meek, as she has confided in me about his treatment towards her.

"You have not been... touched?"

The audacity of this turd.

"I have not." -Aethelflaed replied, not making eye contact.

"That's enough talking." I warned.

"What I must now do is secure an acceptable price for your release. There will be word-games played. Do not be alarmed by what I may say. I assure you, once this is over, they shall pay for what they have done to us all." He said even more quietly, hoping that I would not be able to hear.

"Thank you, lord." Aethelflaed turned to me, hoping I could get him to leave her.

"I said that is enough talking." I repeated, taking a step forward.

Aethelred eventually turned to my brothers, "What is your price? It must be fair, or you can keep her."

Sigefrid could not help but laugh, "You talk of your woman like you do not care."

"She is important to me of course, but she has a price beyond which I cannot go." Aethelred's voice was calm. "I will not go."

Sigefrid is clearly unamused. "Then name it. Name this price."

"One hundred pounds weight of silver." Aethelred said loud enough for everyone to hear, "My lands can afford no more."

Along with myself, Sigefrid seemed to be in a state of shock, having to shake himself out of it. Erik is still staring him down as Sigefrid turns to Uhtred. "Does this man speak for Alfred?"

"He does not." Uhtred replied plainly.

"Figures." I scoffed.

"Weland!" Sigefrid began shouting. I knew trouble was coming the second Sigefrid began shouting for him. Big ugly man thing he is. He was almost as big as Clapa.

"Where is Weland? I do not see him. Weland!" Sigefrid began walking around the clearing. "Ah, Weland."

Everyone remained still as Weland made his way into the clearing.

"This man here." Sigefrid pointed to Aethelred, "Hit him."

Weland walked up to Aethelred quickly, who seemed to grow smaller with every step he took towards him. Then Weland threw one punch and Aethelred was out like a light.

That night...

After the meeting to discuss the ransom amount, I had to see Aethelflaed to see how she was doing. Erik and I were having struggling to keep all of this hidden, which Aethelflaed knew, but now that a number has been agreed upon, our window to for our plan was getting smaller and smaller.

"I will give you time, lady." I said quietly as I left her in the chapel to say prayers.

"Thank you, Freyja."

I exited the chapel and looked up towards the barracks to see Uhtred. I knew that I shouldn't approach him, especially when there were so many people around to see, but this could be my one chance. I made sure no one was looking befoer sneaking up to the barracks. When I saw him only a few feet from me I waited for a few seconds and memories began washing over me so I approached.

"Aethelflaed is praying. You may go see her if you wish." I was weary of anyone close by being able to hear me, so I made sure to speak quietly.

"I will wait here with you, if that is alright."

"Of course."

There is a long silence between us. We caught each other's glances at times until finally, Uhtred's voice cut through the silence.

"I know what you did, for Thyra at the camp."

"I do not know what you mean."

"She told me you had her spared by your brothers."

"Thyra is a great woman. She did not desrve to go out like that."

"I know you did not have to do it. But I'm grateful."

"It was the only way I could think to get back in your good graces."

There was another silence, this one where we were so close I could feel his breath on my face, but I quickly pulled away.

"You and Erik do not seem to share the same joy as Sigefrid. Why?"

"We do. It is just hard to see."

"I have known you long enough to know when you are lying. What troubles you? This is what you've wanted, is it not?" He asked, getting closer to me so we are only inches away from each other.

"No, Uhtred. I- I do not want this. Any of this." He does not respond. "What I've done. What is happening. I'm sorry. I never wanted this. I thought I did, but something inside of me has changed."

"You don't want a ransom?"

"No. These past weeks, Aethelflaed and I have gotten close. We talk about our lives. What they are, what they could be, what we hope they will be. Do you want to know what I mentioned in all of these talks? The one thing I wished for. You, Uhtred."

He looked to be in disbelief, "You were the one that wanted to leave."

"It was a mistake. Every day I wake up, you are the first thing I think of and the last before I lay my head. I cannot escape you. I have tried." I ran a hand through my hair. "Aethelflaed is not the only one who wishes to leave this place."

He slowly grabbed my hand, pulling me even closer if it were even possible, "There are days when I think of you as well."

"I have ruined what we had. I know this." A tear fell down my cheek, but I dared not break the moment we were having.

"Then, why?"

"We all have a part to play, Uhtred. I felt I needed to do what I do best and rejoin my brothers. I'm sure you can understand that." I rested my forehead against his, his lips brushing against mine. "But the dynamic is not the same. Sigefrid's hunger has grown insatiable. I have not seen him like this in so long. Erik is differnt as well, but not in the way you would think."

I slowly pushed away from him, turning towards the water and resting on the barrier. Uhtred quietly came and joined me. "Twenty six ships?"

"By the next moon there will be more. And more still the moon after."

We both turned when we heard footsteps coming towards us, but I let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was Erik.

"Alfred will pay for his own destruction." He said as he joined us.

"You should not underestimate Alfred of Wessex." Uhtred replied, watching him wearily.

"Never. But he will pay what you have agreed?"

"He will."

"Even for an unloved daughter?" Erik did not like thinking Aethelflaed was unloved. I think he believes she is more loved here than at home.

Uhtred sighed, "Alfred is suffering. He loves her dearly."

"Her husband does not." I chimed in.

Uhtred directed his attention to Erik, "I was surprised at your anger towards Aethelred. What purpose did it serve?"

"It was a mistake."

"You and your sister seem to agree on that." Uhtred subtly walked towards Erik, "You made it clear you care for her."

Erik tried to avoid eye contact, but it was no use, "I... cannot let her go. I cannot give her up."

"Erik, don't--" I tried to stop him but Uhtred cut me off.

"We have just settled on a price. There is agreement."

"With our brother. Not with us. We have a plan." Erik gestured to the both us.

Uhtred looked confused, "What kind of plan?"

"One that would allow Aethelflaed and Wessex's safety." I turned to Erik, "You must help them escape, Uhtred."

"And you?" He seemed to be concerned what would happen to me after Erik and Aethelflaed made their escape. In truth, I wasn't sure what would happen. Sigefrid could have me killed; I could be forced into slavery. There were many bad paths it could take, and none I wanted to think about.

"My fate is already sealed."

Two days later...

As I was walking through the courtyard, I felt someone grab onto my arm. When I saw Sihtric, I turned and looked around, seeing if anyone was watching. Sihtric pulled me over to where his horse was located, and I saw he was preparing to leave.

"Sihtric, what is this? You are leaving?"

He nodded, "Yes, Erik has given me the note to deliver to Uhtred."

"Will you deliver a message for me as well?"

Once again, he nodded, "Of course."

I leaned in and whispered a message into his ear. When he pulled away, a look of surprise was on his face.

"Are you sure?"

I sighed, "I have done nothing but think on it since I left. I've made up my mind."

We shared a smile before he departed.

The next day...

Aethelflaed and I sat inside of her cell. Usually, I would come in just to help her when she needed assistance, but recently, I've been visiting just to see her. As we were talking about our plan that was to come, the gates to the cell burst open and Sigefrid and Haesten barged in.

"Sigefrid? What's happening?" I asked, standing up to stand with them.

Sigefrid ignored me, and grabbed Aethelflaed from where she sat on her bed.

"Stop! What are you doing?" I went to stop him, but Haesten grabbed me, leading me out of the room.

Sigefrid and Haesten led us out of the cell block and all the way into the main hall, where many of the men had begun to gather. I saw a cage sitting on the floor that was to be suspended by a chain.

"Sigefrid! What is this?" I asked in a panic.

I watched as Sigefrid pushed Aethelflaed into the cage, and no matter how hard I fought against Haesten to try and help her, he would not budge. Aethelflaed looked at me with pure fear in her eyes and I could do nothing. Erik finally rushed in, his face filled with horror as Aethelflaed hung where every man could see her.

"Now it is clear. Each man has a right to see her. And every man will guard her with his life!" Sigefrid shouted to the gathering.

"Sigefrid, please! What is going on? Get your hands off of me! Erik!" I pleaded to him, but he too seemed to not understand what was happening.

"She is our wealth. She belongs to us all!" Sigefrid made sure to look Erik straight into his eyes.

All of the men began to cheer, and Erik looked shattered as Aethelflaed was clearly in distress and he too was unable to help him.

"You are to be punished." Haesten finally said as he began leading me out of the hall, Sigefrid close behind us.

"Punished? For what? I have done nothing! Sigefrid!" I continued to try fighting against Haesten, but it was no use.

When we made it into the courtyard, I saw a barrel placed in plain view. Haesten pulled me until I was standing directly behind it.

"Stop! Please!" I shouted.

"You were seen sending out a messenger headed for Wessex." Sigefrid walked over to us. "What was the message?"

"There was no message! Whatever they saw, it is a lie!"

Sigefrid groaned in anger, "I will give you one opportunity to convince me you are not a traitor. Or you will bathe. Right here. If you are not a traitor, you will show us."

"Sigefrid, I am not a traitor, you know this." I could not believe this was happening.

"Then reveal your message." He prodded once more.

I could not reveal our plan, as they would kill both Erik and I for treachery. The only way to save everyone was to keep it to myself. No matter what. This secret would die with me if it needed. I looked around and saw Erik several yards away, helpless.

"I cannot."

Gasps and whispers rang out from all around the clearing.

"Speak or the punishment stands." Sigefrid giving me one last chance.

"I cannot say, please Sigefrid." I pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears.

Sigefrid paused for several moments.

"Then begin."

"Sigefrid, please." I felt my knees begin to buckle and I could barely stand.

"Either you, or the princess. This is the deal I will make." Sigefrid offered.

He knew I would never allow Aethelflaed to do this. And Erik would never forgive me. Knowing that there was no way out of this, I managed to get back to my feet and slowly begin to remove my clothes. Sigefrid nodded to Haesten before leaving.

Two hours later...

Erik and I sat in silence along the Temes River. We had not spoken a word since the incident. My hair was still slightly wet, and it made my body shiver from the cold.

"I am sorry. For what happened." Erik finally said.

"Do not be." I replied quietly.

"I know what a cost this plan has brought you. I'm sorry. But the plan is still in motion. We will both leave here. Now more than ever we know what must be done." Erik tried to be uplifting, but at this moment I felt anything but.

Many footsteps approached and Erik and I turned to see Dagfinn walking up with three other men.

"I asked for 10, Dagfinn. How are we supposed to scrub down a ship with three men?" Erik asked angrily.

"Then men refuse to leave the hall, Lord." Dagfinn's voice was uncertain, as if he did not want to make Erik any angrier.


"They say they are protecting their wealth, under the orders of Sigefrid."

"Who said this? Name them."

More footsteps approached and this time it was Sigefrid and Haesten. I could not look either of them in the eye, so I kept my spot sitting on the dock, my eyes directed towards the flow of the river.

"Your brother has called for more guards, lord, until the metal comes." Dagfinn said as Sigefrid finally made it up to us.

"It is no use, Erik. It's over." I said almost nonexistently. It was almost as if I was saying it to just myself.

"Erik. You have been sleeping at the river. Why?" Sigefrid asked suspiciously.

"You have made a fool of me." Erik replied sadly.

"You have humped her enough. You have fed and washed her enough. Do not allow the men to see what I know for certain. You have grown too fond of her. It is not her arse you want, it is herself. It will pass."

"You have shamed me."

Sigefrid, clearky offended, got closer to Erik. "What I have done... is protect you. What is happening around us is your plan. And it is a fine plan. To give up Lundene to take the princess, to ransom her for ships full of gold and silver, on which we will build an army that no man will want to face and every man will want to join. This will be our land." He managed to catch me looking up the same moment I looked up at him. "All of it. I will not allow us to fail."

Almost as fast as he arrived, Sigefrid was gone again.

"Haesten, a guard every ten paces." He commanded as he walked away.

"Yes, lord." Haesten replied, following after him swiftly.

"Forgive me, lord, it's not that the men do not want to serve you. It is that they do not know where your loyalties lie." Dagfinn said as we were finally left in peace.

I finally stood up from where I sat, looking between both Dagfinn and Erik before walking away.

One week later...

The past week I had barely left my chambers. Every time I see men out in the clearing, I am reminded of what Sigefrid had me to do. I felt disgusting, and not even Erik had been able to break me from my thoughts. Aethelflaed still remained in the cage in the hall. Erik has possibly been humping whores to release his anger.

It was two nights until the first of the ransom was to be paid, and many of the men were celebrating the best way they knew how. By drinking as much ale as humanely possible. Erik and I sat beside each other, as it was the only way that I would leave my chambers. As we sat, we both turned when the main hall doors opened. Sihtric peered through the door and caught our sight. Instictively, we both stood up and followed him. He led us to the horse stables, where Uhtred and his men were hidden.

"Uhtred." Erik let out a sigh of relief, "She said that you would come. I dared not believe her but you are here."

"Tell me what has changed." Uhtred seemed frustrated. As we all were.

"In truth? It is hopeless." Erik was almost at a loss for words. "Sigefrid is suspicious. Freyja was punished for concealing the message Sihtric delivered." After Erik said that, Uhtred looked to me with concern. "We are always being watched. I have no crew for my ship. But the first task is not how we escape Beamfleot, it is how we free Aethelflaed. She hangs where every man can see her."

"Lord, I enjoy a fight as much as the next idiot, but this is beyond us." Finan, who suddently seemed to try being the voice of reason.

"She's inside the hall?" Uhtred asks.

"Inside the hall, inside a cage, surrounded by men." Erik elaborated so he knew just how difficult this would really be.

"Warriors." Sihtric added.

"Then we must first get rid of the men. We do it now." Uhtred seemed confident that there was still a way to make the plan work.

Uhtred had the group split up into differnt areas of the fortress, setting fire to every building possible. When we were finsihed, we all gathered near the rear entrance of the hall, as most likely, the men would be exiting from the front. We waited for several minutes before I finally heard Sigefrid began shouting that there was a fire. In seconds, the men came rushing out of the hall, scattered and disorganized.

"Quickly, put out the fire!" Sigefrid shouted. I waited until he was out of sight to nod to Uhtred that the coast was clear.

Quietly, we made our way into the hall, only seeing a handful of men. We each took one man, slaughtering them easily as they were too distracted by the fire.

"Lock the doors!" Uhtred shouted and Erik quickly did so.

"Uhtred!" Aethflaed sat up in surprise.

"Clapa, Shitric, the cage." Uhtred commanded.

"This is one bastard lock to break!" Sihtric made several strikes at the lock, though it was hardly taking any damage. My breath began quickening and it felt as if I was struggling to breathe, as I knew that if either we were going to be caught or we would burn trying to free Aethelflaed. But I knew we would all die trying.

"Get it down before we burn!"

After man ypainstaking seconds, Sihtric finally managed to break the lock, and Clapa slowly began to lower the cage to the ground. He seemed to be struggling terribly, as I'm sure the cage was not light by any means.

"So, we've cleared the hall of men, lord, now how do we clear the yard?" Finan took a glance outside and remembered just how many men were currently in Beamfleot.

Uhtred and I stared at each other as we thought about what to do. The only reason the men would leave the courtyard is if they were after something. But what would make them leave?

"They will follow the silver." I told him suddenly.

Uhtred seemed to understand what I meant, but how would we trick the men into believing Aethelflaed was no longer here? I glanced between Aethelflaed and I, and seeing the slight resemblance, I knew what I needed to do. But I also knew that this would be a death sentence if I was caught. Without even thinking too much into it, I grabbed Aethelflaed's cape, draping it over myself and rushing to the door.

"No!" Uhtred grabbed my hand, preventing me from leaving.

"You are not doing this!" I looked behind him to see Erik looking worried. He too knew what this plan would lead to.

"Uhtred, Erik, please! It is the only way!" I begged.

"They will kill you!" He pulled at my hand to keep me from the door.

"There is no time!" I replied.

"There must be another way!" Uhtred shook his head, "I cannot lose you again."

"Please. It is the only way." Pieces of the ceiling began falling all around us, there was no time to waste.

He suddenly leaned in, kissing me hard, as if it was to be the last time. "Go."

I nodded, then embraced Erik, as that too would most likely be the last time I saw him. "Good luck."

Sihtric and I quickly ran towards the horse stables, where Osferth waited with the horses. Without even telling him the plan, I jumped onto a horse, heading straight for the gates as fast as my horse would go. I knew once I had even passed through the gates that men had already begun to follow. I knew I needed to think fast. Do I head for the forest and hope to lose them, or stay in the fields and hope I can outrun them?

Against my better judgement, I decided to keep going through the field, hoping that my head start would be enough. However, Haesten quickly began to catch up, soon riding right next to me. Just as I was to turn, Heasten grabbed me from my horse, throwing me to the ground. I let out a cry as I hit the ground, as my ankle had hit the ground in a horrible angle. I heard Haesten jump from his horse and quickly he turned me onto my back.

"No!" Heasten realized he had been fooled.

In a split second, Heasten raised his fist, striking me several times. I lost count before my eyes finally closed.

I woke up shortly after, and to my surprise, Heasten and his man had left, leaving me in the field. Also, what seemed like a sign, my horse still lingered nearby. I turned towards Beamfleot, seeing it up in flames and I could only hope that they had all made it out alive. I beckoned my horse over and quickly climbed up, taking off in the direction of the flames.

As I drew closer, a loud roaring grew in volume. A fire would not be this loud, this was something else. Something much worse. As I reached the top of a hill, I looked down and through my swollen face, I saw a great battle taking place just below, men from both sides slaughtering each other. Alfred must have brought his army. But why?

I quickly raced to the battle, jumping from my horse and trying to find anyone that I recognized. I was forced to kill several Saxons, as they saw me as the enemy. After several minutes I located Finan. I rushed to him, though my ankle prevented me from running at my full speed, pushing over a Dane who was about to kill him from behind.

"Finan!" I grabbed his shoulder, turning him around.

Before he could even respond, I heard Sigefrid's voice through the crowd, "Princess!"

Aethelflaed should not be here. They should have fled along the Temes River by now. Something was wrong. "Lady Aethelflaed? She is here? Where is Erik?"

"Sigefrid caught us in the hall." His face only showed sadness and exhaustion, "I'm sorry."

The second the words left his mouth, I felt as if my heart had fallen out of my chest. "Erik.. Erik is dead? My brother? Killed by..." I had suddenly lost most feeling in my body and I found myself falling to my knees, tears finally breaking the surface and streaming down my face.

I heard Sigefrid yell for Aethelflaed again and my head shot up towards the direction it was coming from. After all of this time, I knew what I needed to do. I stumbled to my feet, pure adrenaline keeping me going. As I ran at him, I felt every ounce of anger I have felt over the last few months come together at once, and as hard as I could, I shoved him to the ground, sending him flying several feet. I hissed in pain, grabbing at my wrist, as pushing him had now caused even further injury that I could not afford to have.

"How could you? Our own brother!" I shouted to him, tears still falling from my cheeks.

Sigefrid slowly got to his feet, "You destroyed everything! All we worked for! You turned against me! Against your own kind!"

"All we wanted was to be happy." I cried, thinking about how Erik never got achieve it.

"It is over for us all, Sister." Sigefrid wielded his sword, holding it out towards me.

"You would kill me as well?" I knew I would not put up much of a fight, I was having trouble seeing, and with my injured ankle and wrist I was almost defenseless.

Not seeming to care about my state, Sigefrid attacked, swinging his sword at me from all directions. Both of our pent-up anger coming out at each other. He slammed his shield across my face, my head now beginning to ring as I fell to the ground. He stood over me, his sword gripped in both hands. I knew it was the end, so I just made sure my sword was still in my hand.

I felt the sword plunge straight into my lower stomach. A heat washed over my entire body and the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. I let out a cry, looking up at Sigefrid in disbelief. As his hand swung down to strike me again, someone came from nowhere and pushed Sigefrid aside.

"Uhtred!" I shouted in relief. My vision was beginning to become foggy, but I was unable to get to my feet. "Uhtred, I am here!" Uhtred and Sigefrid began to fight, and I watched as best as I could, crawling to the best of my ability towards them. "Stop, please!"

Just as I got within several feet, Sigefrid and Uhtred too only stood a few feet from each other. Just as Sigefrid went to kill Uhtred, who also seemed severely injured from the battle, a knife was plunged through Sigefrid's chest. I was unable to see immediately who it had been done by, but when I saw what looked like myself standing behind him, I began to cry again. It was Aethelflaed.

"Uhtred.." I did not think Uhtred would hear me, but by some miracle he did, and came rushing to me, "Uhtred, please. I'm sorry-- I'm sorry, Uhtred. I never... never should have left. I did lov--love you. I loved you. I still do. You ch--changed me, Uhtred. You have a good heart. That I cannot say for myself. I... I hope you can forgive me. If I could have any--anything. It would be that." -F

"There is nothing to forgive. What you have done, if it was not for you, who knows what would have happened." He picked me up in his arms, rushing somewhere but I had already felt my eyes begin to close, his face being the last thing I saw.

"I will always be here, Uhtred." I whispered, but it went unheard.

Several days later...


When I woke, Osferth was looking down upon me, a look of relief on his face. I tried to sit up, but my body still felt heavy, so I just turned slightly to my side to face him.

"I am glad to see you are alright, Freyja." He said happily, wiping my forehead with cool water.

"Well, your face was not the one I thought I would see first, but I guess I yours will do." I replied playfully, though I could not laugh with him long as my chest was still in pain from my wound.

"Were you hoping to see his?" Osferth pointed towards the door, and I turned to see Uhtred leaning against the doorway.

I laughed as softly as I could without it hurting too much, "Actually I was hoping for Aethelflaed."

Osferth stood up, leaving Uhtred and I alone. I sat up as best as I could as he sat in the small stool next to my bed.

"How are you feeling? He asked.

I shrugged, "I will live, but it will take time. And to adjust to... everything."

He smiled softly, "Then you will return to Coccham with me until you are healed."

My face dropped in surprise, "This is true?"

"You cannot stay here; you know how Alfred is with Danes inside of Winchester." He replied amusingly. "Is that alright with you?"

I reached forward and grabbed him for a kiss, my hands tight on his face.

Slowly, I pulled away, "Nothing would make me happier."

(I'll be honest you guys, I had planned to split this into three parts instead of two, but I have some great ideas I want to get started on, so I made it all into one super long chapter, and also when I first wrote this, I had Freyja dying at the end, but considering you guys waited all of this time for the second part I couldn't go through with it. Plus, I fell in love with them. Hope you enjoyed <3 )

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