Paradise Bound- an outerbanks...

By Motherbrooklyn

265 2 0

In the perspective of Rain Meyer, Sarah Cameron's best friend and Rafe Cameron's girlfriend. Rain gets tied u... More

Cast- in case you were wondering
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5

Ep 1

84 1 0
By Motherbrooklyn

Everyone knows the famous Cameron family. Kook royalty. We have Ward Cameron- former Pogue who actually grew up on the Cut but worked his ass off and is now the famous Kook king. He owns Cameron Development and eventually became a multimillionaire. His kid's mother is gone and he remarried to Rose. Not the sweetest lady on the earth, but she is in love with Ward and practically worships him.  

Then there is his eldest child. Rafe Cameron. Drug addict and obsessed with doing everything right by his dad. Also known as my boyfriend. He has his moments where he can be a total douche, but it isn't his sole personality, surprisingly enough. It got worse over the years. He used to be a really good brother and a even better boyfriend. Then there is Sarah, the Kook princess, and my best friend. She's Ward Cameron's favorite, and he isn't afraid to show it. We are a packaged deal- have been for as long as we could remember. And a huge activist for all animals. I like to think she got that from me. I turned her over to the good side of actually working to save the earth. Then Wheezie. The youngest. She honestly just does her own thing. As long as she gets her WIFI, she's fine with life. She looks up to Sarah since she's her big sister. 

When you are with a prince, you become a princess. So, that's me, the new Kook princess, alongside Sarah. We are like the demonic duo, that for some reason everyone loves. Correction- everyone loves Sarah, I just tag along so people have to put up with me. I was married into royalty. Not literally married but it doesn't really matter. It honestly doesn't matter how much money you have or where you live. If you hang out with Kooks- you're a Kook. You hang out with Pogues? Then you get all your rights revoked and you become a Pogue. 

I wasn't full Kook my whole life. It all happened after I met the Cameron's and they kinda took me in. My parents suck- plain and simple. I'm convinced the only reason they had me, was so they could put me on their taxes. 

There was just a huge hurricane and now the seagulls are attacking the mice that had to surface to the ground. Trees and branches have been thrown everywhere, and workers are currently fishing a statue out of their pool. Agatha's one crazy lady. And who knows where Rafe is? While everyone is at the house, he is nowhere in sight. 

"Sarah! It's crazy over here!" I yell to her. I wave the tennis racket in the air like a maniac. A seagull comes uncomfortably close to my head and I fear for my eyeballs. If I get my eye gauged out by a bird, I will no longer work to save the planet. The birds can have their pollution. 

"I know! They won't stop! They're everywhere! No. No, no, no!"

"Sarah!" I hear Ward call. He must have just come by, probably assisting the workers in cleaning up the yard. 

"I'm busy!" she calls back, swatting at a bird. 

"What are you doing?" he shouts back to her. I look over to see him standing next to a very distraught woman. She isn't from figure eight, I know that for a fact. 

"The burrows filled with water from the surge! The birds are having a field day!" She runs after birds that are diving down to some grass. I run after her, to give her assistance, glancing back at the woman beside Ward again. I see Ward shake his head and give an apologetic look to the woman. 

"The birds have to eat too, Sarah," 

"No! It's a mouse genocide out here," I swat at more birds and run towards one as I see it take off with a fat mouse in its claws.

"It's the cycle of life, sweetheart. Now, come on," He says, waving her over. 

"I can't be a part of it. First, they come for the mice, Daddy," She jogs towards her father and the woman next to him, looking back helplessly at the desperate birds. I give her a thumbs up to let her know I have it. 

"I have a human being you might help," He says and Sarah turns to her.

What they say after that is unintelligible since I decide to give them their space to have their conversation. Sarah runs back over to me and I raise an eyebrow in question. She shakes her head and mouths later, promising a conversation in private. 

"Maybe we should give it a break with the birds," I suggest, gesturing to head inside. "We don't know if they die if we don't see anything." She nods her head slowly and frowns at the birds.

"Yeah? Let's go." I saw and toss my arm over her shoulder. Sarah's house is huge. The Camerons are Kook Kook. Like real Kook. I'd say my family is in the middle, but I'm over here just as much as Sarah is, so their house is like my house. 

As we are walking in from the backyard, we run into my boyfriend. "Hey, babe," I say, with scrunched eyebrows. I'm skeptical of his frustrated look on his face and approach him like a stray dog. He barely acknowledges my greeting. He grunts and gives me a quick kiss and walks away, probably looking for his father. I look toward Sarah and roll my eyes. 

"Sorry that my brother is a total ass," she says, flipping him her middle finger as he walks away. I shrug my shoulders and we head upstairs to Sarah's room. The generators powered up while we were outside, so Sarah is set on getting the TV to work. 


"Boo," Topper says from Sarah's doorway. "Are you going to the kegger?"

"Of course, why not throw a kegger literally right after there was a hurricane? Not like people's houses are destroyed or anything," Sarah says, hopping up from her bed and going over to Topper. He wraps an arm around her head, pulling her to him. I watch with a smile as he plops a kiss on her forehead and Sarah's mood brightens up. 

"Yes, we will be there. Is Rafe going?" I ask, automatically heading toward Sarah's closet. 

"Uh no. Said he's busy. Sorry," he says awkwardly and I shrug. 

"No biggie," I saw and click my teeth while digging through Sarah's closet. I throw a dress out for her on the bed and grab a white top and blue shorts for me to wear. "Let us go!" I say, shoving Topper out the door so we can get dressed. He chuckles and closes the door behind him.


You can't understand the Outerbanks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's the Pogues. The working class groups. Then the Kooks, the rich kids that go to fancy boarding schools. And then the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. I don't care about the whole Kook vs Pogue scenario. It's just a bunch of bogus. But Topper and Rafe? Total anti-Pogue. They practically think they were bred to mow lawns and aren't human beings trying to make a living. 

"I can get us drinks if y'all want?" I call to Sarah who is climbed to the top of a lifeguard seat and is looking at everything. She has a huge smile on her face and Topper is looking at her like he's in love. I feel bad for him honestly. I know Sarah bails on people a lot. She punishes herself. She tried bailing on me a few times but she was stuck with me. Kinda like the annoying plants that are in grass that stick to your clothes, and then to your finger when you try to get them off. And then when you finally get them off, it's like 3 more appear. Yeah, that's me.  I wouldn't let her run. 

"Fancy a drink?" a blonde boy says in a mock British accent. He's wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and has a brown backpack thrown across his back. A boy beside him, with brown hair and a bandana tied around his neck, smacks the blondie's chest and furrows his eyebrows.

"Why are you British, man?" he says and the blonde boy shrugs. 

"Do you happen to have water?" I ask and the girl next to him scoffs. Kiara. The three of us- me, Sarah, and Kiara were inseparable. And then Sarah bailed. I feel bad honestly, but I didn't know how to explain it to Kiara. It was a year ago, but Kiara still seems pretty butt-hurt about it. 

"It's a kegger. You think we are going to have bottled water?" She asks, and the brunette boy next to her widens his eyes and whistles awkwardly.

"Yikes," he mutters. 

"Right. Pleasure as always Kie," I say and she rolls her eyes and walks away. The blonde boy smiles goofily at me and offers me a cup of beer. I hold up two fingers and give a hopeful smile. He looks to the brunette boy next to him and they pretend to debate and consider it carefully. 

"Should we give the lady another?" Blondie asks.

"I don't know, man. We give her two, then everyone will want two. We have limited resources,"

"True, but she has a pretty face," he says and the boy with the bandana acts like his friend made a very good point. He nods and fills another cup. Blondie takes it and hands it to me.

"Just this once, okay?" he says and I nod. 

 "Why, thank you sir," I say and walk away. They're little debate made me laugh and I'm still smiling as I walk over to Sarah and Topper. I hand Sarah and Topper the beer cups and they take it gratefully. 

"What's up with you?" Sarah says, immediately noticing my smile. 

"What? Oh nothing, just funny guys over there," I say and point to the boys passing out drinks.

"Oh yeah, the brunette? That's John B. He works on Dad's boat, so obviously I've seen him around. And that's his friends JJ and Pope and obviously that's Kiara," she says, squinting over at them. I turn to see Kiara staring daggers at us and then shakes her head turning away, clearly annoyed at the fact that we are breathing the same air molecules as her. I make a mental note of the mention of JJ, the blonde boy that talked to me like I was a human being and not Pogue vs Kook. 

"Ah yes. We had a lovely chat," I say, turning back to Sarah and Topper.

"Did you?" she says and I nod very seriously. 

"For sure. We rekindled our friendship. She's actually the future godmother of my children and I will be leaving you for her," I say jokingly, and Sarah fake gasps.

She holds a hand to her heart and nods, "Completely understandable. I wish you well." We laugh and Topper gives an awkward chuckle. 

"I mean, what can you expect? They're Pogues. The simple idea of us just makes their skin crawl," he says, still staring at them behind us. Me and Sarah make eye contact, silently sharing words on his comment, but decide to let it go. 

The kegger was fun, and we talked with a lot of the Tourons. One guy's parents are debating moving here. Topper puts his hand on the poor boy's shoulder and looks him deeply in the eyes.

"You're here now, right?" he says, and the boy nods quickly, a confused and slightly scared look in his eyes. "If you manage to escape this island, stay away. It's dangerous for new fish in this sea." Sarah scolds him for teasing the younger boy and apologizes quickly. Topper shrugs innocently and mouths something to him, causing the boy to widen his eyes and walk away. It was a little unclear from the angle I was at, but it looked like run. "We've been trying to escape for years!" He yells after the boy as he hurries away. 

"Stop, Topper!" she scolds, but she doesn't mean it because she's giggling like crazy. Topper looks at me with wide eyes and tries to get me to "save him". 


"Hey, Rain, you ready to leave?" Sarah asks me, and I nod my head, stifling a yawn. I like to be in bed by 9 at the latest and it's well past that time. We start leaving and then hear someone call for Sarah to wait. It's the blonde boy, JJ from earlier, and he's walking towards us with a cup in his hand.

"Sarah! Can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" He asks, a slur in his voice. It's hard to tell if this is just the way he acts or if he is slightly drunk. I decide to go with the latter.

"Uh, no, thanks," Sarah says, clearly wanting to leave, and unsure of the boy's intentions.

"Is it not fancy enough for you," He asks, holding the cup out to her again. Topper scoffs at him and tries to pull Sarah back.

"No, we were just leaving," she says and Topper cuts in, noticing her discomfort.

"Hey, you know what, I'll take it," he says and reaches for the red solo cup. "Thank you, man, I appreciate it."

JJ jerks the red solo out of his grasp and smirks, "That's nice, but I didn't ask you,"

"JJ, cut it out, dude. Leave Sarah alone," I say and I see John B's eyes shoot towards me, but JJ doesn't even notice I talked. I try pulling Sarah back but Topper and JJ are now having it out. 

"If you said pretty please, maybe," Blondie says to Topper, "But you didn't so."

"Oh? Pretty please?" Topper says, his patience growing noticeably thin. 

"Yeah Sarah, pretty please?" JJ says, shoving the cup in her face once again.

"Cut it out," I say, trying to get the cup out of her face. 

"She doesn't want it," Topper says, hitting the cup, spilling the contents in JJ's face. JJ throws the cup to the ground and turns to Topper.

"You're so funny man," he says and shoves him. John B steps in between JJ and Topper, trying to calm his friend.

"Dirty Pogues," Topper says and that's when shit goes down. John B and Topper break out into a fight, pushing and shoving and punching. I see Topper get a good punch on John B, right in the face and he goes down, right into the water. 

"Topper! Babe!" Sarah keeps yelling, trying to bring Topper back to reality. 

"Don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper says and I hear Sarah gasp. 

"Sarah! Get your boyfriend!" I yell and people are now gathering around the fight. Topper is holding John B's head under the water and John B is struggling to get up, but he can't. People around us are chanting to fight and cheering like this is a TV show and not actually happening. Like Topper isn't trying to almost kill him.

"Stop, Topper!" Sarah keeps yelling.

"You're going to kill him!" Out of the corner of my eye, I see JJ run up to Topper with something in his hand and press it to the back of his head. A fucking gun. Sarah begins to freak out and grabs my hand tightly. She's screaming at JJ and Topper and JJ's friends are screaming at him to chill and something about laying low.

"Yeah," JJ says, laughing but with no humor in his tone, "You know what that is. Your move broski." Topper puts his hands up, letting go of John B and JJ keeps the pistol pressed against the back of his head. 

"Stop! JJ! Put the gun down!" Sarah keeps screaming and I grab onto her arm to keep her with me.

"Did you say something princess?" he calls to her.

"We're good! We're good! Put the gun down!" Topper is yelling. Slowly, JJ lets him stand up and removes the gun from his head. Sarah sprints after Topper and I run after her. Seeing JJ standing there with the gun, I take one step towards him and shove him as hard as I could. He barely loses his balance and just glares at me. 

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" I scream, pointing at John B, attempting to catch his breath, "That's on you! That is your fault!" JJ glares at me and nods, with a bitter look on his face.

"Alright everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" He yells and fires a shot into the air. The sound rings out through the beach, followed by people screaming and shouting. His friends begin to yell at him saying things like are you crazy? Stupid! And then Pope says that he is going to jeopardize everything and it makes me wonder what he meant. Kiara runs over to pull John B out of the water and Pope continues to scold JJ for his stupid behavior. 


"Crazy fucking Pogues!" Topper keeps saying as we walk back to our bikes, "A gun, Sarah! He had a gun, to my head, safety off,"

"I know," she says for the 20th time, attempting to rub the stress from her eyes.

"He tried to kill me!" He says and I accidentally scoff.

"What are you on the Pogue's side now, Rain? Are you a filthy Pogue like them," he spits, turning on me. Sarah tries to get him to stop but fails.

"First of all, watch your mouth, and don't talk to me like that. You're lucky JJ held that gun to your head. You wouldn't survive a week in prison from literally murdering John B. If JJ didn't stop you, you would have killed him. Do you even realize that?"

"Whatever," he spits and walks away from us. Sarah looks at me awkwardly and back to him. 

"It's okay, go with him. I don't mind," I say, shoving her in his direction. "Seriously, go."

"Thanks, Rain," she says and jogs towards him. 

"Looks like your a Pogue now," JJ says, walking out from behind a van. His gang is behind him, including Kiara who is glaring daggers at me. "Thanks for standing up for me princess." He says sarcastically, "You may be a stuck-up Kook, but you have some redeeming qualities."

"Oh, no. You don't get to talk to me. This was 100% your fault. If you would have just backed off when Sarah said she didn't want the drink, none of this would have happened. But you got butt hurt and had to make a fucking fool of yourself. You, and John B, and Topper."

"What did I do?" John B says defensively and Pope shushes him. 

"You just had to fight each other. What is up with this Pogue vs. Kook bullshit? A little lesson for you, if you offer someone a drink and they say no, back the fuck off," I grab my bike and glare at the group. "Anything else?" I ask, settling down now that I got that off my chest and John B shakes his head. "For what it's worth, it was a pretty good kegger. Up until, ya know," I say and pretend to punch someone in front of me. 

"Uh yeah, thanks," they say and I nod and hop on my bike. I look at them one more time and pedal away. John B and JJ are still standing there all confused and it brings a small smile to my face.


"Ugh, I am so sick of John B!" Sarah says storming into Rafe's room. I'm sitting on his bed with him, watching some basic scary movie. I ruin all scary movies for Rafe because I point out the obvious mistakes, like going into the creepy house, separating, etc. "Can I borrow Rain for a minute?" she asks, and before Rafe has the opportunity to answer, she grabs my arms and drags me out of the room. 

"Okay, tell me," I say, flopping onto her bed beside her. 

"Okay, so I go on the boat and I see John B right, so I make a joke, like oh are you plotting your revenge? and he's all like just tell your daddy I blew the bilge on the Druthers? Anyway, then I asked him if he was okay because he has a major black eye. Instead of saying, I don't know, 'Thanks Sarah, yeah I'm good' he is just like you can tell your boyfriend that he won the first time and I'll be back. Um, okay? And so I ask him if that's just going to be a thing now. A battle on the island and he says something about wars being started for less, and so I just say can we drop the whole Pogue versus Kook thing? Cause it's stupid, and I told him so. And then this bitch just says it's easy to say when you're a Kook. I was literally trying to be nice, but okay, throw your fuckin' tantrum." Sarah rants and I sit there in silence just listening. When she's done she lets out a big sigh and looks at me expectantly, waiting for what I have to say.

"Uh, yeah. Seems like he's throwing some big fit and... uh yeah," I say, hoping that will satisfy her. 

"That's what I'm saying!" She shout and Rafe pops up in the doorway.

"Can I have my girlfriend back or is going to be another week until you let her see the light of day?" Sarah glares at Rafe and scoffs.

"I barely got anytime with her," Sarah pouts. "Whatever, go you traitor." I stand up and rush to join Rafe in the hallway. His hand reaches out to my waist, drawing soft circles with his thumb.

"Hi," I say, smiling up at him.

"Hi," he says back and kisses me. We get to his room and he shuts the door. We sit on the bed and he wraps an arm around my shoulder, leaning back so we are both lying on our backs, staring up at the ceiling. It's moments like these that remind me why I dated him in the first place. I know Rafe struggles a lot with things like his addiction and pressure from his dad. Ward can be pretty brutal to him but Rafe still worships him. And it's hard to want to try so hard for your dad but have it shoved in your face repeatedly that Sarah is Ward's favorite. Rafe can't even measure to Sarah and he knows it. Rafe pretends at points that it doesn't bother him, but I can tell it does. 

"I uh... heard about a fight. Yesterday, down at the beach. During a kegger, I believe," he begins. I tense up, wondering where this is going to go.

"Yeah, there was. Who uh, who did you hear it from?" I ask him, keeping my eyes trained on the ceiling, not wanting to look at him.

"Topper," He says and I silently curse. If Topper was the one that told Rafe, he no doubt told him about me telling Topper off and in a sort, standing up for a Pogue. "He told me some things. Some were actually about you."

"Oh yeah? What did he say?" I sit up so I can look him in the eyes, instead of laying in a vulnerable position on my back.

"Well for starters, the Pogue's starting a fight, and then that Pogue JJ pulling a gun on him. And then, you know, he mentioned the fact that you agree with what JJ did. Pulling a gun,"

"There's more to the story than tha-"

"You know he had the safety off, right?" he interrupts and I stiffen. 

"W-well yes, I'm aware but-" I begin and Rafe slams his fist on the side table beside him, making me jump.

"Damnit, Rain," he scoffs and brings his hand to his face. He clenches and unclenches his fist and begins to shake it slightly. (You know the thing I'm trying to say? The thing Rafe always does when he's annoyed.) "You know, if you just go around, excusing the Pogues of all these things, then it will look bad on my family. You are associated with my family and anything you do, reflects on us. On me."

"Rafe, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I was just saying to Topper that he shouldn't have fought John B. It could have gone really bad. I mean, he was drowning John B. I'm looking out for him, I don't want him to go to prison," I say, standing up from the bed. 

"Right, it's always the Kook's fault." He laughs humorlessly and runs a hand down his face.

"That's not what I'm saying," I say quickly.

"You know what, it's fine. You wanna side with the Pogues, then go be a fucking Pogue," Rafe says and storms out of his room. I stand there in shock at his outburst and stare at the spot we laid in, just moments ago. He switched up so quickly, from being happy to being angry, that it left me in shock. I eventually walk out of the room to face the family, promising myself that I will no longer let my guard down around Rafe Cameron. 


If y'all need a quick refresher of the first episode, here is the script. It's what I use to remember the exact plotline and lines of the episode, instead of watching the episode every time I want to write something in the chapter. I try to write in the POV of Rain if the Pogues are actively doing something. Like when the Pogues were diving down to the Grady White, I tried having a scene with Rain and Rafe. This is the first book I've written and I don't have a very consistent writing schedule. You may get three long chapters in one week or one after a whole month. So sorry in advance. If I go long without writing and you harass me, I'll probably update. Most authors are like "Be patient with me. Don't harass me". No, I literally won't update if y'all don't annoy the shit out of me. So do it. Thanks for reading. ❤️

The little ●~●~●~●~●~ between paragraphs will indicate a new scene or a time jump.

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