Laviki(ish) One Shot: when i...

By KetchupTomatoes

494 8 8

like said in the story this is a crack pairing one shot between Lavi Bookman and Tyki Mikk from D Gray-Man. i... More

Laviki(ish) One Shot: when i look into your eye

494 8 8
By KetchupTomatoes

OKAY let's get one thing straight.......THIS IS A TOTAL CRACK PAIRING! NOT AN ACTUAL STORY PEOPLE OKAY? my friend and i made up a few crack pairings for DGM and we thought of a few unlikely ones. this is NOT your typical story XD you just have to read and find's the ending that gets you by surprise. so ENJOYYYY


This story is gay. And I will show you how gay and when you’re done reading it you will be like :o WTF did i just read:

The sky was awfully blue but his mood was awfully Gay I mean gray as his orange cashmere scarf ruffled in the breeze. NOTHING was going his way not even the wind. He just spent like 1 hour on his hair and now it looked like a reddish somewhat orange cotton ball. I mean WTF he already blow dried his hair and didn’t need any help from nature. He was walking down the street when he bumped into something. Wow, his day was not going well, I mean really come on. "Hey watch where you're going" no make that someone. As he slowly lifted his head he was greeted with an unfriendly looking hobo with swirly lensed glasses and unruly hair. It looks like the wind got to his hair too at least he wasn’t the only unlucky one. "Wind got your hair too huh" said the reddish somewhat orange haired teen. "WTF are you talking about my hairs always like this" guess he was the only unlucky one he thought as he looked up at the now angry and strange man he had "unfortunately” ran into. "Oh" he looked down at the ground. "whatever." the man said "just get out of my way kid." he pushed him out of the way and walked down the street.


The same reddish somewhat orange haired teen walked through the two front doors of Starbucks. The smell of coffee beans and baking pastries overwhelmed him. He struts over to the counter and looks at the cash register. It's a man with black hair, glasses and yellow eyes. "Can I help you?" he spoke in a dull British accent. "Uh yea I’d like a-" just then he was interrupted by the same man as yesterday "I'd like a mocha Frappuccino" the teen looked at him angrily "hey I was going to order first! And that's what I want too." the cashier looked at them with a confused look.  "I only have enough for one mocha Frappuccino.” the man turns around and makes it. He then turns back to the counter and puts it down. "Here take it" the cashier says. The

two look at each other then back at the drink on the counter. "Who?" they asked. "It doesn’t matter I don’t care. But someone's paying for It." the man looks at the teen next to him. "I'll take it." the boy looks at him annoyed "no I was here first I'LL take it." the man then picks up the drink and takes out his money "I'LL take it." the teen runs out the door into the rain "FINE YOU CAN HAVE IT." he screams. The man looks at the drink in his hand, puts it down, and runs after him. "WAIT I DIDN’T MEAN TO!"

He searches all over the town for the teenage boy in the orange scarf. He finds him sitting on a park bench. "Hey kid." the boy on the bench looks up at the man in front of him. "What do you want?" he snapped at him. The man looked down at the ground with a guilty look "I wanted to say im sorry, you can have the Frappuccino."  He looked up, his reddish somewhat orange hair dangling in front of his eye, the other already covered in an eye patch. He smiled a little and began to cry. He looks down at his feet "really?" the man laughs a little. "Yea I don’t want it anymore. I'll get a caramel Frappuccino." the teen wipes his eyes on his sleeve and sniffs his nose. "Thanks. I owe you one." the man turns and faces the direction of Starbucks. "Come on we should get back. It's beginning to rain harder."

As they walk into the store the bell chimes. The cashier looks up at them and talks in the same British accent "Oh, you two are back. The drink is right here. Whichever one of you is going to drink it should come up here and pay." the teenager walked up to the counter and took out his wallet. "I'll be paying for this drink." the cashier nodded. "And you-" he looked the man up and down "-my fine gentleman."  The man looked a little suspicious, but rubbed it off. "I'll have a caramel Frappuccino."  The cashier nodded and went to work making his frap. After it was done they both paid and sat down at a table. They were engaged in a conversation about the flowers in the park when the bell attached to the door rang. They both looked up with curiosity and saw a beautiful woman in a dress walk over to the counter. The teen looked her up and down as hearts appeared in his eyes. "STRIKE!!" he shouted "YOU'RE PERFECTLY MY TYPE!" he ran over to the woman and propped himself on one elbow on the counter. "What's a gorgeous woman like you doing here." he asked, adding a little smile. The man at the table looked at the reddish somewhat orange haired teenager in disbelief. The woman smiled and ordered her coffee. The man still sat at the table and watched the boy follow her out of the shop, still flirting with her, and abandoning his mocha Frappuccino. The one he cried over in the park. The man sat there still unable to comprehend what just happened. "What?"

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