Together Again

Od Chriska_Bensler

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Od Chriska_Bensler

Olivia once again woke up first, at 6:30. She looked over up at Elliot sleeping and never felt more safe. She moved over to him and snuggled into his side. With her leg draped around his thigh and her hand caressing his chest, he started waking up.
Elliot looked at her and had the biggest smile on his face. "I can't tell you how happy I get waking up and being able to look at you," he said, bringing her up to him so he could kiss her.
Olivia ended up sitting on top of his stomach, "you hungry?"
"A little, but I don't want to do anything just yet."
"Okay," Olivia shrugged, got off of him and went to the bathroom.
Elliot watched her, and thought about how she was pregnant and they were engaged. That just made Elliot so much happier.
Olivia walked out and saw Elliot with a huge smile on his face, "what's making you so giddy?" she asked while she climbed into the bed next to him.
Elliot chuckled, "yes you, I mean just having you in my life is amazing but the fact that you're pregnant and we're engaged. It just makes me so happy."
"Awe baby, I love you," Olivia said, laying down beside him.
Elliot's hands made their way to her stomach and he kissed her head, "I love you too."
"So, you excited for today?"
"No, today's my last day with you before you have to go to work.. Without me," Elliot said.
"Well I'm not happy about that either, but I meant seeing your son."
"Oh, yeah! Of course I am! Are you coming with me?"
"I want to, but I don't think I can, I need to get some stuff ready for work tomorrow."
"Okay baby," Elliot said, the disappointment in his voice obvious.
"I'm sorry baby, but it's either I go and take away time from you later to get work done or you go see your son for a couple of hours and I get what I have to, done."
Elliot sighed, "I guess you shouldn't come."
"Oh so you don't want me to?"
"What, no I do! But I thought-"
Olivia turned so she was facing him, "baby I was kidding, don't worry. Go have a good time with your son."
"I'm gonna miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you too, but it's only a couple of hours everything will be okay."
"I know, but still..."
Olivia got up and started walking out of the room.
"Woah, where are you going?" Elliot asked getting up.
Olivia walked over to him and made him sit down on the bed, "I'm going to make us coffee." "Now you stay here and I'll be right back," she said, kissing him hard, leaving his lips red and swollen.

Olivia came back with the coffee a few minutes later with Elliot gone.
"Yeah," he said from the bathroom.
Olivia set the coffee on the nightstand then went into the bathroom to find Elliot with the pregnancy test in his hands and him staring at it like it was gold.
"Do you wanna frame that?"
Elliot looked up with tears in his eyes, "I'm sorry."
Olivia walked towards him, "don't apologize baby, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, its all so perfect. Thats the thing," he said setting the pregnancy test on the counter and turning to face Olivia. "You're just so perfect and you're pregnant and you make me so happy and uhm.. I just don't know what I would do without you, you're my world and I wake up every morning thinking how lucky I am and what I did to deserve someone like you."
Olivia now in tears, "I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you! My whole life has been one big mess and ever since you came into it everything seemed to get better and everyday I'm with you it gets better."
Still crying Elliot picked her up and sat her on the counter and stood in between her legs, "wow I love you.. Honestly I still find it so bizarre that I'm actually with you and we're engaged and you're pregnant and just all of this. And knowing that if I want to kiss you I can. If I want to stare at your ass, I ca-"
"El, you did that before."
Elliot chuckled, "I know but now it's technically okay, and I can hold your hand and wrap my arms around you. I get to wake up every morning and go to sleep every night with you right by my side. There's nothing else that I would want in this world."
Olivia crying with her hands on her belly, "I love you Elliot. Please, whatever you do, don't ever forget that. I've loved you since day one and I don't think I'll ever stop. I really want this baby to get here.. I want it to have all of your features honestly."
"And if its a girl?"
"Well you know what I mean," Olivia said chuckling. "If its a girl then my hair but your eyes.. I really want it to have your eyes no matter the gender."
"You're making it sound like you're some horrible person right now, and that you aren't sexy."
"Well I'm not exactly saying that but you're so gorgeous and I really just want them to look like you," she said, her hand tracing the side of his face.
Elliot kissed her, he really wanted her right now. So bad but decided that he really shouldn't.. No matter how hard it was.
"Okay, I gotta get ready," Elliot said, squeezing her thighs then walking out of the bathroom.
"No," Olivia said, grabbing his sweatpants, pulling him back to her, making the sweatpants fall. "Uh oh."
"Yeah uh oh," Elliot said, kissing her.
His hands making their way up her shirt and grabbing her breasts.
Olivia gasped, "ow. El don't do that.. You have to be more careful now."
Elliot looked her in the eyes with the look asking if she was serious.
"El, I'm serious, it hurts. My breasts are really sore and its gonna get worse."
Elliot moaned, "this is happening too quickly."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"I mean that it never happened this quickly before and now I need you really bad and my favorite part is basically off limits."
"Hmm well you do have other parts..."
"Yes ma'am, I sure do.." Elliot said grinning.
He pecked her on the lips, not letting the kiss last. Letting his head under  her shirt, moving down her chest, he pecked and slightly sucked at her breasts. He made his way to her pelvis, making her thighs tighten, she knew what was coming and so did he.
He kissed and sucked at her. Olivia took one hand from her stomach and moved it to the back of his head. Pulling him closer to her, she allowed his tongue to enter, when he did so Olivia's back arched.
"Elliot!" She screamed, moving the other hand to her mouth to make herself shut up, but quickly moved it to the back of his head. Making him go closer to her.
Elliot's knees on the floor hurt, but knew every right move and was thankful for it.
"El," Olivia barely whispered, out of breath.
Elliot came out of her, trying to catch his own breath, and looked up at her.
His shirt now covered in sweat, which was still on Olivia.
Not saying anything he stood up to find Olivia's eyes closed. He slowly took the shirt off of her.
"Are you okay baby?"
Olivia opened her eyes and looked at him, "I'm okay."
"Good," Elliot said wiping the single tear that came from her eye and picked her up.
He brought her to the bed, "I don't think I'll ever get over you being in my shirts."
"Hopefully that'll never stop."
"It never will, it is definitely never will," Elliot said, pushing her back onto the bed, making his way down her he got to her breasts and whimpered.
"It'll be okay El, they're still all yours, you just have to be gentle."
"Be gentle? With you? When it comes to sex? Really Olivia."
Olivia laughed and looked at him, "either that or you can just wait till all of this is all over."
Elliot didn't say anything. He went down her left leg then went up the right. Getting to her lips, he smiled. "I guess I still have these."
"You act like it's the end of the world, you still have me."
"Or do I?"
"Do you? I mean I thought you did but I guess not.. Elliot?"
Elliot was too busy with his face in between her breasts. Leaving butterfly kisses all over them, nervous that he would hurt her.
"El, baby."
She grabbed his face, "get over my breasts and get to the rest of me, please. I'm not gonna be with you for a few hours, and I'm gonna miss you."
"I don't wanna hurt you though."
"Elliot, other than my boobs nothing has changed, I still need you, bad."
Elliot grinned, finding her opening and going in. Olivia gasped, but smiled.
"This may be considered wrong but dear God its Elliot and I can't live without him anymore, I need him.." Olivia thought.
Olivia flipped him onto his back, "oh baby."
Elliot flipped her back onto her back, "no, no, no, no, no, you're on bottom today."
"As of right now," Olivia said, letting herself relax, giving her whole body to him.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know exactly what thats supposed to mean."
"I had an idea.."
"Elliot stop talking."
He stopped talking, kissing her, making his way down her jawline. He got to her ear and nibbled at it, while Olivia was in another world. She didn't care amymore, she let Elliot have her, no matter what he wanted.
Elliot got to her breasts again and started to suck. Leaving both of them extremely red. He went down to her stomach and stopped. He laid his head down and just listened, knowing he wouldn't hear anything from the baby but just knowing that the baby was in there was enough for him to stop for a second.
He continued after a minute and got to where her waistline would be. He decided to go down her left thigh, then went to her vagina once again. Making her come out with his tongue, making her back arch as much as it could. He continued down her right leg then back up her left leg, sucking and nibbling at them.
Making his way back up, her hands made their way to his ass then in between his legs.
"Hmm?" She mumbled, smiling.
"What're you doing?"
"Nothing that you wouldn't do if you were in my position."
"True," Elliot mumbled.
He found his way back to her lips, and he knew he already had her but it was like he needed her still. Something was missing.
Olivia realized Elliot started to go off into another world and she knew that this normally wasn't a good thing.
"What's the matter El?"
"Nothing, just leave me alone," Elliot said getting out and off of her and going to the bathroom and slamming the door.
Olivia was so confused as to what just happened. Everything was fine, "what the hell?!" Olivia murmured.
Olivia got up, threw on sweatpants and his shirt, and grabbed the coffee cups which were now cold and took them to the sink. She washed them and tidied around the kitchen.
She needed to talk to Elliot and figure out what was going on. She made her way to their bathroom, and allowed herself in.
Elliot heard the door open, and knew it was her and knew exactly why she came in here.
When Olivia got in there, the entire bathroom was fogged up and hot. She dropped her clothes and went into the shower, but didn't say anything.
Elliot heard her step into the shower and didn't know what to say to her.
She didn't come near him, just stood there, knowing he was standing on the other side of the shower.
"Elliot, what the hell just happened."
"I don't know."
"Well you obviously do! You just got up out of nowhere and told me to leave you alone. Something obviously happened."
"I know something happened, but I don't know what. I find all of this unbelievable and I just don't know how to handle it all sometimes. I'm afraid that its all a dream and I'm gonna wake up and you'll be gone. And that terrifies me."
"Well on one note if this is all a dream, which I don't think it is, you better get all of me while you can but on a different note, you shouldn't push me away like that. At the very least you need to talk to me about this stuff, especially when it involves me."
"I know Liv, I know. Just something inside me clicks and I don't want to push you away, at all but I don't know how to control it and I don't want to hurt or lose you," Elliot said, his voice cracking.
"Listen baby, I don't think you'll be losing me anytime soon," she chuckled, her hands going to her belly.
Elliot's hands meeting hers, "you feel the bump?"
"A tiny one, yeah there's a small difference."
"It's amazing," Elliot said, letting his head rest on hers.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm better, please if this ever happens again, leave me be for a few minutes than come to me."
"Always for you."
"I really need to get ready this time."
Olivia chuckled, "yes you do, it's almost 9. What time do you have to be there by?"
"Hmm okay," Olivia said grinning, kissing him making him backup till he hit the wall. She made her way to his ear.
"I'm serious."
Olivia moaned, "ugh, fine."
Olivia stepped away, out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Elliot did the same while he watched Olivia walk away and to the closet.
Olivia threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and walked out to the table to start on her work.
Elliot got dressed and walked out of their room. He came up behind her, took the file out of her hand and threw it on the table.
"You said you were gonna start working once I left."
Elliot made her stand up and sat her on the table. "I'm not leaving yet," he said attacking her neck.
"But its about 9:30 and you have to be there by 10, and her house isn't the closest," Olivia said allowing him more access.
"Okay," Elliot mumbled, not stopping.
"El, I'm serious," she said, pushing him away.
Elliot whimpered, "okay."
Olivia stood up and kissed him, "but the sooner you leave the quicker you can come back."
"I'll be back then," Elliot said, pecking her on the lips and then walking to grab his keys and leave.
"I love you!" Olivia said.
"I love you too baby."

Elliot got to Kathy's at 10:05 because the traffic wasn't that great. Elliot knocked at the door and Kathy came to the door with Eli.
"Hey," Elliot said, gently reaching out to his son.
"Hey, he just woke up so you came at a good time."
Elliot grabbed his son and walked into the living room.
"So how has this past day been?" Elliot asked.
Kathy chuckled, "long."
"I can imagine," Elliot said, not being able to take his eyes off of his son.

Elliot sat there cooing at his son, and he told Kathy that if she needed to go do anything she could.
"Yeah, I actually need to go get some diapers and pacifiers. You know where everything's at, just help yourself."
"Okay, thanks."

About 10 minutes later Eli was off to sleep again. Elliot just stared at him in awe. His son wasn't even a day old yet, but he loved him so much and he didn't want to think about leaving him.
Kathy came back to her sleeping baby and said she was going to take him to sleep in his playpen.
"So how are things with you and Liv?"
"Things, are good. Uhm actually things are amazing!"
"Well that's good, I'm glad," Kathy said with a sentimental smile.
"Yeah, I think I'll take the rest of my clothes and everything today. Just get it all out of here."
"Okay, if you want you can just do that now while Eli is sleeping and hopefully he'll wake up before you leave."
"Okay, that works," Elliot said walking into Kathy's room.
He went through everything and got all of his stuff, clothes, bathroom stuff, pictures, jewelry.
"Okay, I think I have everything," Elliot said, walking into the living room and shaking the duffel bag.
"Okay, great! Eli isn't up yet, so if you want to stay you can but I think it'll be awhile."
"It's okay, when can I see him again?" Elliot asked caressing his sons cheek.
"Um tomorrow, if you want."
"Okay! That works, what time?"
"Anytime but noon time is probably best."
"Okay, that works," Elliot said walking towards the front door. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah see you tomorrow, bye."
"Bye Kathy."

Elliot got home at 12:30, walking in he saw a note on the counter saying that Olivia went to the store.
Elliot went into their bedroom and started unpacking. Putting away all of his belongings took a good twenty minutes. He texted Olivia what she wanted for dinner.
"You," she texted back.
"You got it baby."

Elliot just finished making dinner and setting the table when Olivia got home with bags of food.
"Someone's pregnant," Elliot said with a chuckle.
"Shut up."
"Woah, baby what's wrong?"
"Nothing, people just annoy me, a lot," Olivia said setting all the bags down and putting everything away.
Elliot walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Its okay baby, you're home now."
"And I'm with my favorite person, ever," Olivia said, turning around to kiss him. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For everything, I can come to you and you instantly make me feel better."
Elliot smiled, "well come eat then I might really make you feel better later."
Elliot walked her over to the table and sat her down.
They ate dinner and Olivia took a shower while Elliot cleaned everything up.
Elliot was in the kitchen and didn't notice Olivia come out of their bedroom in lingerie and sit on the couch.
Olivia cleared her throat and Elliot turned around to see her sitting there and was taken back.
He was never fully ready for how unbelievably stunning she was and couldn't find anything to say.
"Is this not enough?"
Elliot couldn't say anything but just shook his head no.
"Oh really," Olivia said walking up to him and allowing her hands down his pants. Slowly allowing her hands to explore and Elliot was still just standing there.
Elliot still not able to say anything, Olivia took her hands out and he pushed her back up against the counter and kissed her. He he picked her up and hoisted her up against the wall, undressing her. He let the lingerie drop.
"How do you manage to do this to me every time?!"
"Do what?" Olivia chuckled.
"Amaze me."
"I guess it's my specialty."
Elliot laughed,"I guess that's a way to put it."

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