Jealous Girl || Xavier Thorpe

By blehcupidd

69.3K 1.3K 72

If I can't have you baby no one else in this world can Where a girl has spent years chasing after the boy of... More

HAPPY ONE YEAR!+season2 info


2.1K 50 6
By blehcupidd

★ ° . *   ° . °☆  . * ● ¸ .    ★  ° :. ★  * • ○ ° ★.  *  .       .°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° . °☆. * ● ¸ .    ★  ° :●.   *• ○ ° ★  .  *  .

Gates mansion
Super long chapter (2k+ words)

Over the next few days not much happened. The only key part is that the mayor had been killed. It had been someone in a blue cadillac, a hit and run. This has pushed the police even more than before, facing public outcry by the residents of Jericho.

Évangéline had been in Enid and Wednesday's room, already being apart of the latters plans.

"I've been thinking about my less-than-enthusiastic response to your surprise soirée." Wednesday spoke, opposite Enid and Évangéline, still having a less-than-enthusiastic response. "And I must admit, I regret not showing my gratitude towards you more appropriately."

This perked Enid up from her position on the bed. "You really mean it?" Enid asked, swaying her shoulders.

"Take the win, Enid." Évangéline rested a hand on Enid. Making sure Enid's attention was else where, Évangéline gave Wednesday a nod.

"If only there were a way for us to get off campus and have a little birthday redo." Wednesday took the hint. "Just me, you and Évangéline. Too bad the school is on lockdown."

Évangéline walked towards the window, Wednesday and Enid following in tow. "Would you look at that full moon..."

This had given Enid an idea. "Oh, how about I say I'm about to wolf out and get a pass to the lupin cages? And say you two volunteered to lock me in."

"My deviousness has finally rubbed off on you." Enid chuckled at Wednesday's words. "Thing? You know what to do right?" Thing did a thumbs up, pausing hud rubix cube.

The girls began to leave, but Enid had an idea. "Oh, we should wear our snoods!"

"Don't worry Evan, I have a purple one I was going to give you."

"Oh, I believe I left mine at fencing." Wednesday fawned remorse.

"Well, I don't have one so I wouldn't be able to join in." Évangéline shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't worry Evan, I have a purple one I was going to give you." Enid waves off Évangéline. "And actually, Wednesday, you left yours at the Weathervane. Luckily, Bianca brought it back." Enid held out two snoods towards her friends.

"Like a monkey's paw." Wednesday took the snood, soon followed by Évangéline.

The three girls left the room, Enid leading the way, missing the small high five shared between Wednesday and Évangéline, and eye roll.

Wednesday had organised a ride, that ride being Tyler. Évangéline had always gotten weird vibes from him every time they were in contact, he was always so awkward with her every time she goes to Weathervane.

Enid and Évangéline got into the car after Wednesday, seeing their driver. "Wait, he's our Uber driver?" Enid asks.

"Uber driver?" Tyler looked back at Enid and Évangéline then to Wednesday. "I thought we weee going in a date?"

"I thought this was a girls' night out." Enid complained in the back.

"There's been a change of plans." Wednesday explained, not looking at the two.

"What's up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?" Tyler asked another question, sparring Évangéline a glance.

"Don't ask." Wednesday interrupted. "Just drive."

Meanwhile, a figure was making his way towards Wednesday and Enid's dorm window. "Hey, Wednesday?" Xavier called through the window, rapping his knuckles on the glass. "Are you guys in here?" He took a deep breath. "I know it's a bit weird that you saw the drawing of Évangéline, but I just want to talk to you for a second."

Nothing was answering him, yet he heard typing. Opening the window, he saw it was Thing typing. "Where is she Thing? Is she with Angel?"

The four arrives at the gates of the Gates mansion. "Seriously, you wanna go in there." Enid asks in disbelief. "This place is creepy AF."

"I know." Wednesday was suppressing a smile.

"Okay. This isn't what I signed up for." Tyler refused.

"Ditto." Enid agreed.

"It could" Évangéline suggested, earning a look from Enid and Tyler.

"You were in on this?" Enid's jaw dropped.

"I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner or a surprise party." Wednesday saved Évangéline. "I want to do this." She had unlocked the gate.

"Then you shoulda just said so.
You didn't have to trick us." Tyler tried to reason.

"If either of you want to go, you can." Wednesday began to walk away, Évangéline following. "We are going to check out the garage."

All four had reached the garage door, just to see it was locked. Both Tyler and Wednesday had tried, both failed.

"Can I try?" Enid asked, looking at Évangéline and Wednesday; both giving her a nod. With just a few tugs, the door broke open.

The garage was dark and dingy. Évangéline had found a light, revealing a covered car. The flickering lights covered up, but failed, the colour of the car; blue.

"That's the car that hit the mayor." Enid's voice spoke from behind Wednesday. "Okay. This just took a dark turn. We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now."

"Why?" Wednesday asked, not wanting the sheriff to be involved. "So he can take me back to Nevermore and get me expelled? It's not gonna happen."

Making their way deeper into the house, they knew it had been abandoned. The dust particles were floating around, spider webs decorated corners.

"This is the night I'm gonna die." Évangéline's corroer voice quivered. She had been happy in the beginning, but she doesn't know what she got herself into.

Slowly, they entered a room full of cobwebs and antlers; it seemed to be someone's study. All four were looking around for anything that could be what they were looking for.

Wednesday had pressed something on the bookshelf; revealing a painting, showing the hatred towards outcasts. "Who doesn't have a spooky built in altar in their family library?" Évangéline sarcastically asked no one in particular.

"Ours is in the living room." Wednesday drawled, earning a look from Évangéline, Enid and Tyler. "More seating for year long Día de los muertos."

The candles along the bottom of the painting caught Évangéline's eyes. Walking up to them, she felt them; lifting her hand back up, she eyed the residue and turned around. "They're still warm."

"Tyler and Évangéline, you check the rest of the ground floor." Wednesday ordered. "Enid and I will search upstairs." Enid and Wednesday walked off, leaving Tyler and Évangéline.

Both Tyler and Évangéline stayed together. That was until they approached two rooms. "I go left." Évangéline shone a light towards the left side of the hallway. "You go,"

"Right." Tyler finished, both shining a torch to the right side of the hallway.

Évangéline was finally alone. Not that she wanted to in these circumstances, yet she enjoyed it. The room was one of the bigger rooms, seems like it had been a living room.

She had finished in that room, not seeing anything notable, and made her way to Tyler's room. "Tyler?" She asked, not seeing him in the kitchen. Looking around, she didn't see the table and walked into it. Causing something to fall and to shatter.

Using her powers, she lifted it up and saw it was newly bought flowers. Hearing another shatter, she turned. Seeing nothing, she continued to inspect the flowers.

The sound of growling was prominent, almost like the growling she had heard on outreach day. Turning around to could see the heavy breathing monster she had seen many times; that being once in person and many paintings by Xavier. The hot breath was prominent and the smell of blood was lingering.

Forcing herself out of the shocked trance, she turned to run away. This was halted as the monster had sunk its claws into her shoulder. "Run!" She shouted, her voice hoarse showing her pain.

Holding her left hand to her right shoulder, she could feel the blood loss. Tyler's voice could finally be heard, "Guys! Get out! It's here!" The slashes she had not long heard was prominent and was followed with a scream from Tyler.

She had ran up the stairs to see Enid and Wednesday, "The dum waiter. Go!" She winced multiple times, holding her arm tighter.

The deep footsteps were making their way up the stairs, following the three girls. Finding themselves in the dumbwaiter, the monster was only a few steps behind.

The repetitive oh my god was being whispered by Enid, who was behind her, got more prominent when she saw the mess of Évangéline's shoulder. Then it was silent, no growling, no panicking, no movement.

"Ah!" Enid screamed as the monster started roaring loudly, shaking the weak stability of the house. Évangéline would've been screaming, only she wasn't so focused of passing out. "Not your snood!" Enid whisper shouted as Wednesday used her black snood to hold the entrance closed. The monster was getting incredibly angry, the girls know this because of the claw marks made, showing the angry look it had.

The fraying of the rope, holding them up, was echoing in the almost silent dum waiter. Both Enid and Évangéline started screaming as the rope snapped, pushing the girls down multiple floors it seemed like.

Rolling out into a lab sort of place, the confusion was prominent. The thundering footsteps caused fallout underneath the monster, making Enid Évangéline and Wednesday run for the window.

Just as Enid was about to go outside, the door of the basement had been busted open. Enid was safely outside, Évangéline and Wd essay were still there.

"Wednesday! Come on!" Évangéline shouted over the monsters footsteps.

"What are you doing?" Enid pushed the window open, wondering why her two friends hadn't joined her.

"These are the body parts from the monster's victims." Wednesday was too involved, both girls needed to leave.

"Wednesday!" Évangéline looked at the monster, seeing the monster pull over a shelf. "We need to go now!" The pain was less prominent in her arm, as she was more worried about her and Wednesdays life.

Pushing Wednesday out before her, she was almost struck again by the monster. Landing in the floor, she tried to regulate her breathing. The three girls stood up, one wincing, as Wednesday looked at the other two. "You okay?"  Both Évangéline and Enid gave her a are you serious look.

"Since when do you care?" Enid voiced both of the girls, storming off. Following Enid, the pain was slowly coming back. Évangéline wiped the blood in her hand on the front of her jeans. "Wednesday what the hell are you doing?" Enid yelled at the black haired girl retreating to the house.

"We have to go back for Tyler!" She continued running. All Évangéline could think of was that Wednesday said we. We? She was bleeding out of her arm, literally five minutes ago she was struck by the monster that was in there.

They had found Tyler, heavy breathing and in the same condition she felt she was in. "Enid, hold this." Wednesday shoved her torch into Enid's hand, then tending to Tyler.

Slumping against the wall, wincing in immense pain, she just wanted to go back to Nevermore. Opening her eyes, she was met with someone she wouldn't expect to show up; Xavier.

"Where'd you come from?" Wednesday asked Xavier, turning her head away from Tyler.

He handed over his scarf for Tyler. "Here. Take this. "Looking past Tyler he saw Évangéline, pushing her head back and gritting her teeth. "Angel," his eyes softened, seeing his Angel holding her shoulder and was in obvious pain.

Cursing under his breath, as he didn't have anything he could put on her. Looking at her head, he saw the snood. Pulling the purple fabric off of her head, and holding her head up as it lulled to the side, he applied pressure to the wound. "What happened to them?" Xavier was met with silence.

The newly group of five had made their way to Tyler's house; Xavier driving, Enid in the passenger seat with Wednesday in the middle of the slumped Tyler and Évangéline.

In Tyler's living room, Wednesday had found butterfly stitches in the medical kit in his bathroom. Wednesday was patching up Tyler, Xavier with Évangéline. Because of the position of the slash, Évangéline had to remove her jumper and shirt. Her clothes were absolutely ruined. Covered in blood, and long cuts. She was utterly embarrassed.

Every time Évangéline winced Cavier would mutter a quick sorry. Xavier was shortly finished and looked at Évangéline with pity. She was holding her shredded bloody clothes to her chest and had dried tears underneath her eyes. Realising the situation she was in, he pulled off his coat and secured it around her shoulders.

Looking over she gave him a thankful smile and pulled her arms through the holes. "Not to make this about me, but i am having. A full blown panic attack right now." Enid's voice interrupted the moment between the two, eyes focused on something in the room. "We need to get back before Weems realises we've been gone."

Then, the door opened; making the teenagers look at the intruder. Seeing it was the sherif, Évangéline tightened the hold she had on Xavier's coat. "What the hell happened?" He took steps into the room towards Wednesday, "This was you wasn't it?"

"Wait, Dad, please. I'm okay." Tyler stopped his father before he could do some damage.

"Sherif, I understand you're upset, but I think you need to see something." Wednesdays voiced quivered.

Walking towards Enid and Wednesday's room, she heard the end part of the argument between the two. "You didn't have to because that's what friends do!" Enid yelled, "the fact that you don't know that says everything." She picked up her bags. "You want to be alone, Wednesday? Be alone." Enid walked past Évangéline, then she made eye contact with Wednesday.

"Ev," Wednesday's voice was weak.

Seeing Wednesday walk forwards she stopped her, "Just stop, Wednesday." Seeing the look of confusion on the girls face she explained. "You have put not only me, but Enid and Tyler in danger. You didn't even realise I was almost bleeding out. But you noticed Tyler! I was on your side, but you just kick it back in my face. Xavier was there for, what? Five seconds? And realised I was bleeding, or at least I was in pain."

Without sparing Wednesday a second look, she turned around and made her way back to her dorm.

End of Gates mansion

★ ° . *   ° . °☆  . * ● ¸ .    ★  ° :. ★  * • ○ ° ★.  *  .       .°  . ● . ★ ° . *   ° . °☆. * ● ¸ .    ★  ° :●.   *• ○ ° ★  .  *  .

Hi sorry it's been like 5 days I was a going to update on the weekend but I stayed at my friends house over the weekend. Thanks so much for 1.5k+ this book is growing faster than I thought it would :) new chapter soon also sorry if it's bad I really didn't like this chapter sorry if it drones on for too long

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