Crown Princess Of The Dark Co...

De HelenaSagario

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Finally... The Hunter Exam. I've waited 12 years for this and now we're finally here. The Hunter Exam is only... Mais

Chapter 1: Departure
Chapter 2: Tests of Tests
Chapter 4: The First Phase part 1
Chapter 5: The First Phase part 2
Chapter 6: The Second Phase part 1
Chapter 7: The Second Phase part 2
Chapter 8: Sorry Grandpa
Chapter 9: The Third Phase part 1
Chapter 10: The Third Phase part 2
Chapter 11: The Third Phase part 3
Chapter 12: The Third Phase part 4
Chapter 13: The Third Phase part 5
Chapter 14: The Third Phase part 6
Chapter 15: The Third Phase part 7
Chapter 16: The Fourth Phase part 1
Chapter 17: The Fourth Phase part 2
Chapter 18: The Truth About Us
Chapter 19: The Final Phase part 1
Chapter 20: The Final Phase part 2
Chapter 21: Kukuroo Mountain part 1
Chapter 22: Kukuroo Mountain part 2
Chapter 23: Leaving With Our Friend
Chapter 24: Freaky Horror Movie Shit
Chapter 25: In Another World
Chapter 26: More Rivals
Chapter 27: Holy Sh💩t!
Chapter 28: Why You Gotta Be So Rude??
Chapter 29: F-Fairies!?
Chapter 30: Swordsmith Village

Chapter 3: The Square Nosed Bastard

328 25 4
De HelenaSagario

My pov:

" How many years has it been since someone was able tell us apart? " the Kiriko on the right said.

" I'm so happy! " The other one said.

Sei asked Kurapika and Leorio if they could tell the Kirikos apart but they didn't.

" Don't you see? The Kiriko that Y/n and I hit is actually the husband! " Gon said happily.

" And... Which one exactly? " Leorio and Kurapika asked in unison.

" Allow us to introduce ourselves " one of the Kirikos said " we are the navigators, our family provides support for the hunter exam! "

" I'm their daughter " the pink haired woman said.

" And I'm their son " the blue haired man said.

" Man, you had us fooled " Leorio said.

" The hunter exam changes location every year, keeps it interesting, it's quite difficult to find it, so we navigators help by guiding applicants to the site " the Kirikos said.

" Oh, so that's how it works " Gon said.

" But don't get the wrong idea " the daughter said " we don't help every candidate "

" First we test them to see if they're qualified to take the exam, making sure they have what it takes " the son added.

" Kurapika-dono "

" Yes? "

" You successfully used the most vague of hints, but you were able to pick up on them to the determine that we weren't a married couple, your only hint were these tattoos " the daughter Kiriko showed her arm to reveal tattoos " which in this region marks a woman as single for life. Kurapika-dono demonstrated that he is very knowledgeable and therefore he passes. " The daughter explained making Kurapika sigh in relief.

" Good for you, Kurapika " I say to him with a smile, making him blush.

" Leorio-dono " the Kiriko son said.

" Yes...? "

" You never realized my true identity, however you dressed my wounds faster and more thoroughly than any doctor would, most importantly you continue to reassure me that my wife would be okay showing sympathy and kindness. " The son said making Leorio blush and feel embarrassed but in a good way.

" Your compassion makes you worthy of taking the exam, so you pass " he finished.

" Really? " Leorio let out a loud sigh in relief and we all congratulate him.

" Gon-dono "

" Yes? "

" Your superhuman physical ability, perception and teamwork with Y/n-dono and Sei-dono makes you more than worthy of taking the Hunter Exam. So you pass " the Kiriko husband said.

I the! congratulated Gon.

" Y/n-dono "

" Yes? " I responded.

" Just like Gon, your superhuman physical ability, perception and teamwork with him and Sei-dono was truly amazing. Not only that, the moment you and your friends saw us, you knew it was an act. and you did a good job of playing along with it, and even though you knew, you didn't tell your friends because you wanted them to be tested and found worthy of taking the Hunter Exam, your excellent judgement and observation has proved you to be more than worthy of taking the Hunter Exam. " The wife Kiriko said.

Gon and I looked at each other with bright smiles and did high-five with each other.

" And finally, Sei-dono " The Kiriko daughter said.

" Y-Yes? " Sei responds, stuttering.

" Your excellent teamwork with Gon and Y/n and your incredible superhuman abilities make you more than worthy of taking the exam " The Kiriko mother said.

" Congrats, Sei! " I said, smiling at her.

After that, the Kiriko family told us that they would bring us to the Exam site.

' finally, the hunter exam " I thought.

Thinking about it makes my heart anxious. I'm gonna have to explain a lot of things to the boys.

Deep breaths, inner fangirl calm down or I'll get a heart attack.

" Y/n-chan, we're going now " Kurapika said looking at me a bit worried.

" A-ah yes, sorry I was just thinking of something " I said slightly blushing.

The Kiriko family couldn't carry all of us, Sei and I assured them that we can fly on our own so I summoned my dragons.

Sei rode on Viserion while I rode on Drogon. We had the dragons follow the Kiriko family and we made our way to the Exam.

We finally landed in Zaban city, the site of the Hunter Exam. The young kiriko led us through the town's market. Gon, Sei and I enthusiastically looked at many different stalls selling all kinds of wares.

The boys stopped in front of a huge skyscraper, admiring it's size. I couldn't help but giggle.

" Hey guys, the exam site is over there " I say as their eyes follow my finger until they land in a shabby looking restaurant beside the skyscraper.

We walked into the restaurant with the young Kiriko, he then asks the chef for a steak combo for five people.

" Five people? Huh... How would you like it done? " The chef asks while squinting his eyes at us.

" Grilled over a low flame until cooked. " Said the young kiriko as he led us to the back room.

" Wait here " our navigator said.

" Wait, where are the other applicants? " Leorio asked.

" Man! I'm into having that steak combo " Gon said.

" Umm... Gon, I hate to break it to you but, there's no steak combo. That was just the password to get us inside " Sei explained calmly.

" Aw man... " Gon said disappointed.

I smiled softly at him and said.

" Gon, I have some snacks with me. We can eat together "

His eyes lit up

" Really?! "

Sei and I then took out the food we packed from our inventories and placed them on the table.

Leorio looked at me shocked when he saw me taking out a whole turkey out of nowhere while Kurapika was just as shocked as Leorio.

" What are you all waiting for? Go on and eat, you'll need your energies for the Hunter Exam " I told them.

Once we all sat down the whole room started to move.

" What was that? " Gon asked.

" It appears this room is an elevator " Kurapika explained.

" That explains it " Leorio said.

We started to eat until I saw Kurapika open one of the soda cans and drank a bit.

" It's warm... " Kurapika said.

" Oh, let me cool that for you " I said.

He looked at me confused as I took the soda can from him. I used my ice breath to make it cold and then gave it back to him.

When he touched it and realized that it was now cold, he looked at me with surprise and recognition but I gave him a look that says to wait until we can find a good time to have our emotional reunion.

" How did you do that? " He asked.

" Magic~ " Sei and I said playfully.

Leorio too was surprised, Gon looked at me with sparkles in his eyes.

" Wow! Y/n-san, you have ice magic?! " He asked.

Oh right... Sei and I didn't use our magic during the time when we were in Whale Island.

I mean, we don't want the townspeople to think we're Witches or something.

" Not just ice magic, I have other magic as well. Sei also has magic " I said.

" Can you show us more of your magics?! " Gon says excitedly.

" Nope! But we'll let you see them at the Hunter Exam~ " Sei said playfully.

" Amazing... " said Leorio.

I then cooled the other drinks. After we finished our food and drinks, Sei and I took the dishes and cleaned them using our magic before putting them into our inventories and we disposed the empty soda cans in a trashcan inside the elevator.

We waited for a few more minutes until the elevator stopped and the doors opened, we were greeted with cold stares and snickers from strangers.

Soon enough, a green jelly bean gave me a Hunter badge with the number 406 on it while Sei's badge had the number 407. I place the badge on my clothes.

" I haven't seen you guys around " said a voice.

Oh shit! Not that bastard...

I sighed just by hearing his voice while Sei had an annoyed look.

" Well, this is my 35th attempt, I'm an exam veteran! My name is Tonpa. " He explains with a fake smile plastered on his face.

Ugh! I really wish I could shove his poisoned juice all the way down to his throat

Hmm... That doesn't sound like a bad idea...

" 35th ATTEMPT! " The boys exclaimed simultaneously.

" That's nothing to brag about... " I muttered under my breath.

" Indeed " Kurapika, Sei and Leorio whispered discreetly.

As the boys were keep talking to Tonpa, I went around to see the other participants.

I hope I don't bump into the clown

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a scream.

" AAARGHH!!! "

A scream pierced through the air, as everyone turned their heads around to see where the sound came from, soon enough spotting a redheaded clown.


I feel my muscles tense up at the image of the clown, I may be stronger than him but I can't stand his weirdness.

Just like magic, the arms of the man disperse into the air in the shape of red petals, like petals in the wind.

" When you bump into someone, you really should apologize " the clown said in a deep seductive voice.

" Crap... " I whispered to myself but Hisoka seemed to have caught it and looked directly at me with recognition and gave me a creepy smile.

Oh shit... I hoped that I wouldn't get his attention but I got it in the end.

" Oh, right... A little something to mark our meeting " Tonpa said interrupting my thoughts as he handed the boys juice which secretly contains laxative.

He hand me and Sei one with a fake smile, but he doesn't know what trick I have on my sleeves.

I looked at Sei and she immediately knew what I was about to do, I took the can. before the boys could drink the juice, I stopped them.

" Wait... You first " I said, giving my drink back to Tonpa.

He looks at me pretending to be confused.

" What do you mean? " He asked.

" My grandmother once told me that if someone offered you a drink, you must always make them take a sip to assure you that it's not drugged or poisoned " I said calmly.

" W-What are you talking about? "

Bitch, stop playing innocent. We know you're far from innocent.

Kurapika and Leorio looked at him intensely, seeing as what I just said made sense.

" Don't you see, Tonpa? You're a guy and you're offering free drinks to a group that had two pretty girls in it. How could we be sure that you didn't drug the drinks so you could take me and Y/n to do inappropriate things to us? " Sei says with a smirk.

" B-But that only happens in bars... "

" Tonpa, the bar isn't the only place where this kind of thing happens " I say.

Leorio and Kurapika's glare at Tonpa intensified while Gon stood there confused. So Tonpa hesitantly took the juice he gave me.

" What are you waiting for? Drink it, prove that there's nothing wrong with the drink " I said.

The atmosphere around us became intense, Kurapika and Leorio soon glared at him even more for taking too long to drink.

" If you don't drink then I'll shove that soda can down your throat and watch you choke on it " I threatened with poison dripping from my words.

At this point, he got even more scared. His skin became pale and began sweating cold sweat. He hesitantly brought the can to his mouth.

Sei got impatient and grabbed his face and forced him to chug down the juice then she let go of his face, making him stumble backwards and tried vomiting the juice out before scrambling away from us.

Serves him right...

Leorio was about to go after Tonpa to beat him up, but I stopped him and told him that he shouldn't waste his time and energy on trash like him.

" Yawa ka, Tonpa! " I spat at Tonpa.

Translation: Fuck you, Tonpa!

Earning a confused look from him from afar. even Gon, Kurapika and Leorio were confused at what I just said but Sei wasn't. After that, we went to a different area away from that asshole.

" Hey, Y/n " Kurapika called.

" Yeah? "

" How did you know that the juice was poisoned? " He asked.

Crap! I need an excuse, I can't tell him that I know because of the anime. I must come up with an excuse.

" I have a great sense of smell just like Gon, I was able to smell the poison from outside the can and also because Tonpa looked suspicious. I mean, what kind of person goes around giving drinks to random people? " I explained.

Thought that's not completely a lie, I did managed to smell a faint scent of laxatives from outside the can.

" That makes sense " Kurapika said, satisfied with my explanation.

" Then why didn't I smell it? " Gon asked.

" Maybe her sense of smell is stronger than yours? " Leorio said.

" That might be the case " Kurapika said.

" But Hey, thanks to Y/n's sense of smell. We didn't get poisoned " Gon said enthusiastically. " Thank you, Y/n "

I blushed lightly and said

" You're welcome, Gon. "

" Also, Y/n? "

I hear Leorio say.

" What is it? " I responded.

" What did you say to Tonpa earlier? " He asked.

" Umm... You don't wanna know " Sei says.

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