Blindsided By The Boss

By JeniRaeD

135K 9.4K 1.8K

Enemies-to-lovers * Bickering/bantering Boss/employee * Romantic comedy with a HEA He says I'm a hemorrhoid a... More

1 - Callum
2 - Eloise
3 - Callum
4 - Eloise
5 - Eloise
7 - Callum
8 - Eloise
9 - Eloise
10- Eloise
11 - Callum
12 - Eloise
13 - Callum
14 - Callum
15 - Eloise
16 - Eloise
17 - Callum
18 - Eloise
19 - Callum
20 - Eloise
21 - Eloise
22 - Callum
23 - Callum
24 - Eloise
25 - Eloise
26 - Callum
27 - Eloise
28 - Eloise
29 - Callum
30- Callum
31 - Callum
32 - Eloise
33 - Eloise
34 - Eloise
35 - Callum
36 - Callum
37 - Eloise
38 - Eloise
39 - Eloise
40 - Callum
41 - Eloise
42 - Callum
43 - Callum
44 - Eloise

6 - Eloise

3.1K 227 38
By JeniRaeD

"I need your ID and your updated test papers, please," the young woman with dark hair and big, round, brown eyes behind the counter asked Lilah. She complied by handing her both, and then the woman looked at me, asking for the same.

It gives me great comfort knowing that by my sister coming here looking to have a little sexual fun, they have a mandatory test system to participate in any sexual activities. Because of that, I can now scratch that one huge worry off my list.

"Oh, that's my sister; she came here with me to see if this would be a place she'd like to be a member of." Lilah turned around, holding her hand toward me with her palm facing up. "Hand me your ID."

I swung my purse around, fished out my license, and handed it to the lady instead. After swiping my ID and logging it into their system, she eyed me holding a bracelet, saying, "I need your wrist, please." I extended my right hand to her. "Once this is on, you won't be able to take it off until you wish to leave the premises. The security officer at the exit doors will then remove it. Wearing this bracelet lets everyone around you know that you're unable to participate in any sexual activities. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "Yes, I do," I answered, then added, "I didn't plan on having sex with anyone here tonight, anyway. I'm just here with my sister to explore, watch, and see if this would be something I might enjoy coming to in the near future."

"I also need to add that cameras and phones are not allowed on at any time. So if you need to make a phone call, you can come back here and make the phone call you wish to make."

"I completely understand." Thankfully, Lilah warned me on the way to the club. And I can see it now. Callum would be the one to cost me my phone from him emailing me while I'm here. And my dumbass would be dumb enough to look at it and see what he needs. Because, well, it's become a habit to immediately open his emails whenever one comes in—which is all hours of the day and night.

And if he were the one to cost me my phone, I'll bet anyone anything he'd be the motherfucker that wouldn't replace it. I know him well enough to know he'd say; you should've listened to the rules from the start because Callum's all about discipline and punishment.

I don't play nice, Eloise... he said the other day. That there says it all. He'd have a big smile resembling the Joker's famous shit-eating grin. And he would rub it in about how I deserved to lose it since I didn't listen to the club's rules.

The woman behind the counter was young, small-framed, with dark hair and dark eyes, and she looked and dressed identically to Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice. I don't know what I was thinking, but what came out of my mouth next, I earned a smack from Lilah. "Are we going to be seeing a Beetlejuice wedding tonight?"

Since I'm learning about this different lifestyle, I'm curious about how this place works, so I had to ask. Because right now, we're in a bright room, and once security opens the doors for us, I know it'll be a whole different world, especially with how I see everyone dressed, standing in front and behind us. Some are dressed in costumes, some in business attire, some in sexy clothes, and others are pretty damn near naked.

Because of that, I'm more than curious about what I'll see behind these doors. Will it be loud? Will it be quiet? Will it be dark? Or will it be bright?

I have no idea what to expect, and I feel like I'm about to faint from the nervousness of not knowing—afraid to see what my sister enjoys and does. What I enjoyed doing with Cal a week ago. And after talking with Lilah about this sexual lifestyle, I think what he did was pretty mild.


"What?" I looked at the girl behind the counter and then at Lilah. "I was only asking. I'm curious if there will be any Beetlejuice role-playing tonight. You know how that's one of my favorite movies... Hello... you did say they have all kinds of different things that go on every night here."

Lilah turned to the Lydia Deetz look-alike girl and said, "Ignore my sister. She's new to this."

The woman smiled at her, waving her hand over her face. "Don't worry. It wasn't the first time someone asked me that tonight. And honestly, someone is walking around dressed as Beetlejuice," she said with a smile. "Have fun tonight," she added, looking at me. "If you are interested in joining, The Night Lovers Club, come back here and ask one of us for a membership sign-up packet. You can either fill it out here or bring it home and drop it off at another time."

"Okay, thank you."

While heading to the entrance doors, Lilah leaned to my ear, saying, "Stay close to me. It's easy to get lost in here. It's one huge maze. I always call it the Labyrinth because it pretty much is."

"Will we see Hoggle or Ludo?" I snickered.

"Maybe," she shrugged, then laughed. "It wouldn't surprise me."

"Have a fun time tonight. And remember, if anyone gives you a hard time, there's a security officer everywhere you turn," security at the door said before opening it for us.

When he opened the doors, all I saw was blackness. And it made my heart slow. It also wanted to stop, but I refused to let it. "Are we entering a haunted house or something?" Because that's what this feels and looks like.

Lilah laughed. "This is the gateway to heaven. That's how I describe it, anyway. This is just the hallway leading to the kingdom of heaven. All you do is follow the glowing arrows, and once we get to the next set of doors and enter, you'll see the different world, and it'll blow you away."

Lilah wasn't kidding. When she opened the door, my breath was taken away by what I saw—an alluring massive seductive nightclub. At the center of it was a dance floor, if that's what you call it. And large bird-like cages are hanging from the ceiling, with people dancing and performing inside them. And there were multiple bars surrounding that center floor.

But as I stood frozen in place looking at everything in front of me, I noticed multiple hallways surrounding this area, leading to who knows where.

"Do they have a map or something? How in the world do you know where to go?"

Lilah laughed. "There are no maps. That's why I said, stick with me. Newbies always get lost. I did. And it took me about a month to figure this place out."

"How long have you been coming here?"

"Since I turned twenty-one, so about six years now."

Holy shit.

My life has been full of surprises this week!

Lilah grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the first hallway to our left. "Since you've never been here, I'll walk you down every hallway and show you every floor, so you know what to expect. Just remember, no phones are allowed, so take a mental note of all this. They'll take your phone from you, and you'll never get them back."

The first hallway she walked me through was dark. We couldn't see inside the rooms, but everyone inside could see us. Apparently, it was a business area where CEOs, executives, and others gathered for meetings.

The next hallway she took me down was dark, quiet, and full of bystanders standing, watching, and masturbating to what they saw behind the glass wall—inside the rooms—people having sex.

I can't believe the people inside the rooms don't mind having hundreds of people watching them have sex.

Every room is designed differently, depending on what the couple or group is into doing. However, I may be shocked by what I'm seeing, but watching these people have sex surprisingly aroused me. My cheeks were heating, and the heat between my thighs was desirably burning, clenching, and pulsating. And it sent my mind into a tailspin. This is because it was so erotic, exciting, and highly arousing.

What in the world is wrong with me? This is a live version of porn! And it's strangely exciting to me. So, remembering Lilah saying she had sex at this club and curious if she had done it in one of these rooms, I leaned to her ear, quietly asking, "Have you had sex here? Where everyone is watching you?"

She bit her bottom lip, then looked at me, grinning as she admitted, "I have. And it's exciting as fuck. You wouldn't think it would be, and you think you'd be nervous. But it's the opposite. Being in these rooms, having sex while knowing hundreds of people are watching you, makes sex more arousing. And it has you wanting to be more licentious, sex-positive, wild, and adventurous. It's fun, crazy, really."

I stared at her for a moment. Trying to remember if she had given any hints she was into this. But when nothing came to mind, my gaze returned to the trio behind the glass before us. A woman was lying on a bed with a man hovering over her. And another man was in the room, sitting in a chair beside the bed. He was giving orders to the other man about what he wanted him to do to the woman while masturbating to the erotic sight.

I whimpered when Lilah grabbed my hand and pulled me away from what I was strangely getting into. "Time for the next area," she told me.

The next area she brought me to was a room full of BDSM performances. All stages of couples and groups were performing different things with each other. Again, another visual type of act I didn't think would excite me—but it did.

Next, she brought me to an area full of private rooms. "These rooms here you have to rent. A lot of times, the rooms are booked a month in advance. Specifically room number eight. That one is the most sought room to rent."


Lilah shrugged. "I have no idea. I've never seen it. But I have heard amazing things about the room."

After several hours of exploring and watching, Lilah finally brought me back to the nightclub dancing area with the cages. After getting our drinks and finding a spot to dance and watch the performers in the cages, my heart dropped into the pit of my belly when someone from security grabbed hold of my arm and began walking me away from Lilah.

I thought I was in trouble for something. But knowing I didn't do anything but walk around, stopping to watch performances and such, I fought back, trying to loosen my arm from his grip.

"Ah, excuse me. What are you doing? Where are you bringing me? I haven't done anything wrong! I haven't had sex with anyone here. So why are you dragging me away from my sister?"

Finally, he stopped guiding me to another area where it was much quieter—and darker. He spun me around, cleared his throat, and warned, "Mister Harrison asked me to give you a message."

Mister Harrison? Is he talking about Callum? If he is, why is he here? He's supposed to be attending a business meeting, talking about the month's worth of reports he made me do in only four days.

Business meeting... the first area Lilah walked me through... he's here. And he saw me...

I swallowed and asked, "Mister Harrison?"

"That's right."

"Do you mean Callum Harrison?"

"I'm not at liberty to say. You're only addressed as mister, miss, or misses here."

I wish I knew what Callum looked like. "What message is that?"

"Leave. Leave now. This is no place for a woman like you. And if you don't leave, you're fired."

"Did he now." Not a question, but a statement. "Tell Mister Harrison I said no. I'm not leaving that he can't fire me for something I'm doing on my own time. Not business time." My hands firmly gripped my hips, and I scowled. "You tell Callum that I don't take orders from a man who refuses to show his face. That if he wants me to leave, he needs to find me himself and make me leave. Because I'm here to have fun and enjoy my life outside of Wish Upon A Star, I'm not going anywhere."

"Very well, miss."

"Oh, tell him I said he can shove that up his pipe and smoke it, as well. Please and thank you!"

He walked me back to Lilah. And when he disappeared into the crowd, she turned to me, asking, "What was that all about?"

"Supposedly, Callum is here."

"Your boss?"

"The one and only."

"What did he say?"

"That I'm supposed to leave, that this is not a place for me to be. And if I don't leave, he'll fire me."

Lilah's eyes widened as she shouted, "He can't do that! What you do on your own time is none of his concern."

"I know that, and I told security that. I also told him I was not leaving, and if he really wanted me gone, he needed to show me his face and drag me out." I laughed. "If he doesn't show his face, that will show how right I am about Callum. My boss is a coward."

"Have you ever Googled him to see if there are photographs of him on the internet?"

"Yes. And there's nothing. There are lots of stories about him, but no pictures. And I found out the reason why. He supposedly paid millions of dollars to keep his image off the internet. So there are pictures of him; his face is just blurred out. Like they do with celebrities' children."

"What a strange man, then."

"Ya think? Emma told me he hadn't even visited the office in like two years! What kind of owner of the company does that shit?"

"Maybe he goes there when nobody's around. Obviously, he has to go in. How else do you get those stacks of paperwork Emma hands you?"

I shrugged a shoulder. "I've never asked and had always assumed it was done through emails, and she prints them off for me."

"He obviously knows what you look like, so he's had to have been there without you knowing."

My eyes rolled. "Callum knows what I look like because of the cameras he has installed throughout the office. And one of them is aimed at me in my office."

Lilah suddenly busted out in laughter. "The freak watches you all day? He must masturbate to you also!" She laughed again.

"That's not funny, Lilah. That's sick."

I may think it's sick, but now that she says it that way. Now more than ever, it makes me want to do what I've wanted to do ever since he installed the new camera system.

And come Monday, I'm doing it.


Callum never did show his face Friday night, telling me the asshole is a coward, as I thought. So now my job, on top of my actual job, is to torment him. Emma felt if my stabbing the voodoo doll like a crazy maniac wouldn't make him come into the office, nothing would.

Well, Emma. I've got a new plan. And if that doesn't work. Then, I don't know what will.

I walked into the office with my head held high, said my hellos to Emma and the others, grabbed a coffee, and headed to my office. Walking in, I did my usual everyday good morning Callum salute by flipping him the bird.

Then I removed my blazer and hung it up on the coat rack, and then as I sat, I made sure my see-through white blouse was unbuttoned enough to expose my breasts. To pull this look off, I wore a push-up bra. I don't need to, as my breasts are full enough to pull the look off by itself, but I wanted to show them even more where they're practically falling out of my blouse.

Throughout the day, I'd play with my necklace, sliding the diamond from side to side. I'd bite my lip. I'd lick my lips. And I'd bend over in front of the camera—acting as if I was itching my foot or ankle. All the while showing him my ass. Of course, I was wearing a pencil skirt, so it's not like he'd see my undergarment. It was just the point of showing him my ass.

I don't know why I'm working so hard at trying to arouse a boss I've never met. He could look like Beavis or Butthead. He could look like Gargamel, Sloth, or even the elephant man.

Oh, God! I never thought of that! What if he looked like Sloth or the elephant man and was embarrassed by his looks? That could be the entire reason behind his shitty attitude...

Curious to know, I headed to see Emma. "What's up, girly?"

"I have a question. Have you ever met Callum?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because the motherfucker ordered me to leave the nightclub I was at with my sister on Friday night. He didn't have the guts to come to me himself and had someone from security give me orders."

"Did you listen?"

I grinned. "Nope. I told him if Callum wanted me to leave. He needs to come to me himself and drag me out. He never did. So, now I'm curious about what he looks like, so I can picture him in case I go back to the club."

She laughed and grinned proudly. "Good for you. Any other woman would have left on command. That's what I like about you. You refuse to give in to Callum. The only gutsy woman I know that'll do that. You must have been at The Night Lovers Club."

Shocked she knew about the place, I loudly whispered, "You know about that club? And you know he goes there?"

"I do. It's where he holds a lot of his meetings. It's a place he knows where they won't be bothered, all while seeing tits and ass all night—without having to shove bills down a woman's thong or money holder strapped to her leg."

"Can I ask what he looks like so I know who to look for the next time I go there with my sister?"

She leaned back in her chair.

"Is he ugly? Like badly ugly that he's embarrassed to show his face to us?"

"Oh, God. No. The man is to die for. He's heavenly good-looking. A real lady-killer. And when he does smile, it releases the butterflies in your belly. The man was gifted with amazing looks."

Well, there goes the theory of him being an ogre.

"He's that good-looking, huh?"


"Do you have the hots for him?" I asked, my lips curving up after seeing some drool leaving the corner of her lip.

She flashed me her hand, wiggling her finger. "I'm happily married. But I won't lie; Callum's definitely a catch."

I sighed at the thought.

Now more than ever, I'm inquisitive about how good-looking the boss truly is. And why he's hiding from all of us—if that's what he's even doing. Because Emma said it herself, it's been two years since he last was in.

"Maybe he was in an accident and has scars he's embarrassed about. The entire reason he refuses to come into the office," I said, curious to see if Emma knew more than what she's told me already.

"Well, he does come in from time to time. But it's always after everyone is gone."

Just like Lilah assumed.

"What a weird man," I exhaled, looking at the ground.

"And no. He wasn't in an accident. He just works differently than other CEOs."

"You still haven't answered about what he looks like."

"Tall. Dark-haired. Dark-eyed. Full lips. Muscular and extremely handsome. That's all I can say, really. The man is just a gorgeous human being with an attitude." She shrugged.

And he sounds all too familiar with the man I had a one-night stand with in Florida.


Since splitting with my ex, I've avoided men altogether. That was, until Cal approached me. I guess since I wasn't looking, I never realized there are more God-like men such as him out there. And that's exciting to know. I just wish I knew where they all were—preferably men like Cal and not one with a horrible arrogant attitude like my boss.

I returned to my office to finally read the email from Callum. The one I've avoided reading since he insisted I leave the club.

From: Callum
To: Eloise
Subject: First Warning

Dear disobedient executive administrative assistant,

This email is to inform you of your first company warning. Two more, and you're fired.

When I give you an order, you listen. The Night Lovers Club is not a place I want to see my employees hanging around, walking around a sex club wearing what you and the woman you were with were wearing.

You're asking for trouble. And like I've said before. I don't play nice, Eloise. So if you continue defying my orders, you'll be punished.

Do you understand?

Callum Harrison

Well, fuck you! You're only the boss of me during business hours. And my time with Lilah Friday night was way outside of business hours.

"Disobedient," I scoffed... I'll show you disobedient.

From: Eloise
To: Callum
Subject: Re: First Warning

Dear motherfucking asshole,

First of all, you have no business telling me what I can and cannot do outside of work. If I want to hang out with my sister at a sex club, I will. And there's nothing you can say or do about that. You're only the boss of me during business hours, and that's it.

Two, what I wear outside of work is none of your business, either.

Three, you proved how much of a coward you genuinely are Friday night by sending security to tell me to leave the premises instead of your stupid ass telling me yourself.

Four, you keep saying you don't play nice. Well, newsflash, mister bosshole, I don't either.

Lastly, I read the employee handbook. And I reread it today. Nothing inside it says anything about what we can't do or wear outside of work. And FYI? Nobody knows who I am or that I work for you at Wish Upon A Star. So fuck offyour first warning is something I'll write off as a joke. Because that's precisely what it isa fucking joke.

So leave me alone... don't talk to me, and don't send ridiculous emails unless it pertains to work.

Your pissed-off, schizophrenic assistant, Eloise

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!! 🤞🤞

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