It's Still Complicated ☾ z.m...


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*This story is the sequel to my Niall fanfic "It's Complicated". If you haven't read the first one you will b... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Part 1)
Chapter 11 (Part 2)
Chapter 11 (Part 3)
Chapter 11 (Part 4)
Chapter 11 (Part 5)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Final Chapter

Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

"This is going to be THE best weekend of our lives" stated Harry and I rolled my eyes.

"Speak for yourself" I whispered.

"What was that Zayn?" asked Louis.

"Nothing man, it's going to be great!" I said, trying to sound excited.

Liam watched me with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I'm going down to the beach and take a walk, anyone wants to come?" I asked.

They all looked at their girlfriends who shrugged in return.

"We'll meet you in a bit" said Niall looking at Liz with a dreamy look on his face... probably eager to spend some quality (alone) time with her, since we've been together all day and sometimes they get shy to be affectionate in front of everyone.

"We'll be there in a couple of minutes, I gotta unpack my stuff" Liam said and the rest of the guys agreed.

"Alright" I said standing up and getting out of the house. That's when I bumped into someone and we fell...

Aisah's POV

"This is not my day" I groaned trying to get up but whoever bumped into me was making that very hard.

When we finally untangled ourselves and stood up, I was dusting dirt off of me when I heard this angelic british accented voice.

"I'm so sorry" he said and I looked up and I literally forgot about words.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned expression, then I snapped out of it.

"Uh, yeah, fine" I replied looking down at my shoes.

"Are you sure?" he insisted.

"Yes... I'm sorry" then he smiled and I got even more nervous.

"Don't worry it was my fault... I was distracted, hasn't been a good day" he said softly.

"Tell me about it" I said with a little sarcasm.

"Um, I'm Zayn" he stated and offered his hand.

"I'm Aisah... Ais for short" I answered.

"Ice?" he asked. "That's how it's pronounced but it's spelled A-I-S" I said, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth.

"Oh... cool" he said smiling.

"So... what are you doing here? and my friends rented the house fo the weekend" he stated confused.

"Oh... then I will be your housekeeper" I said slowly, "Oh my God... it's Ally here?" I asked trying to keep calm.

"Oh yeah, she's with Louis... you know her? well of course you do if you asked about her" he said smiling.

"Oh and apologize in advance, Louis is really messy, so he won't make your job easy" I laughed.

"I wasn't expecting it to be easy, at least having my best friend here and meeting One Direction will make it worthwhile" I said grinning.

"Yeah... c'mon so you can meet the guys" he said motioning me in after he opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I said and walked inside.

The guys were all in the living room with their girls but they looked up at me confused until Ally saw me and yelled excitedly.

"Ais! What are you doing here? I thought you had to work and wouldn't be able to make it!" she said while she ran towards my direction and hugged me.

"Umm... this is where I'm working... I will be your housekeeper" I said a little embarassed.

"Oh it's alright, I'll help you out" she said, then Louis came up and stood next to Ally.

"I'm Louis" he said with a mischiveous smile on his face.

"I'm Aisah, Ally's best friend" I said trying not to freak out.

I was in the same room with One Direction, I was trying real hard not to fan girl.

"Nice to meet you... so any dirty secrets on my girl here?" he said putting his arm on Ally's shoulder protectively.

"So many of them... but I'm not telling you though" I said with a wink.

"Ugh... women and their secrecy codes" he said dramatically and we laughed.

"Well I guess I should do something" I said before introducing myself to everyone else and taking a tour of the beach house to know where everything was.

Maybe this weekend wouldn't be so bad after all...

Liam's POV

Befor Zayn and Ally's friend walked inside I got everyone's attention.

"Hey guys, I gotta say something" everyone slowly focused their attention on me.

"It's about Zayn..." I stated.

"What's wrong with Zayn?" Harry asked concerned.

"Nothing's wrong he just... I guess he's feeling lonely and left out. All we do it's spend time with our girlfriends and obviously he doesn't have one. He actually loved being on tour becuase it was just us... but now we're back and again is him alone (rethorically). I think we should make an effort to spend time with him and to do group things, not couple things" I finished.

They all stared at each other, nodding slowly.

"I know we all love our girlfriends" I said and Danielle smiled at me, "but Zayn's our best friend, we can do this for him and it's not like we won't be spending time with the girls, we just have to leave the romantic stuff for other moments, are you guys okay with that?" I asked.

"Of course! you're right, we've been really rude and selfish" said Liz and I smiled at her, it was so her to blame it on herself even if it wasn't her fault.

At least this time she included the rest of us on her statement.

"Yeah, we can totally do this for him" Niall agreed, like always on Liz side no matter what it was... they will make a good team when they get married, the thought made me smile.

"Alright so everyone agrees?" I questioned and they all nodded.

"Okay, then it's settled" I stated.

But when I saw Ally's friend I had another idea and I talked to Danielle about it.

"What if we make Zayn and Aisah spend time together? It's not like I'll let a girl clean after us, especially Ally's best friend, that would be messed up!" I said

"Maybe you shouldn't get in between... if something happens it must be because they want it to happen" Danielle responded and I sighed.

"I know, you're right, I just feel bad for Zayn..."

"It's alright, he can find a girlfriend all by himself, he just hasn't found the right one yet" she stated and I nodded.

"He hasn't liked anyone since Liz..." I said.

"Yeah... Liz is sweet, but she and Niall are so perfect for each other, Zayn and her wouldn't have been the same. Let's just leave time do whatever needs to be done, okay?" I nodded and hugged her.

"I have such a wise girlfriend" I said and she laughed, "and don't you forget it" she said with a smile.

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