The Sins of Tomorrow: Book #2

By micahstarks

69 9 40

"A devastating death, a shocking abduction, an unexpected overdose, and a long awaited arrest.😈" Craig DuP... More

Chapter 1: "The boiling point Pt. 2"
Chapter 2: "Twists and turmoil"
Chapter 3: "Secrets in mourning"
Chapter 4: "Power plays and heartbreak"
Chapter 5: "Drifting"
Chapter 6: "Hurtful truths"
Chapter 7: "Too little, yet too late"
Chapter 8: "Disrutpions and assumptions"
Chapter 9: "Searching & Nurturing"
Chapter 11: "As normal as we'll get"
Chapter 12: "Sinners will sin"
Author's Note

Chapter 10: "Kill or be killed"

2 1 1
By micahstarks


4589 Clark Street, Marlton, CT

9:23 AM

While Chelsea is away at her recovery program, Cierra is still in town exploring building alternatives for their new joint venture. A luxurious building's parking lot is where Cierra pulls in. She is immediately hailed by the realtor in charge of the building as soon as she steps out of her car.

"Good morning, Ms. DuPoint! We're so excited to do this walkthrough of this gorgeous office space with you today." He tells her. She smiles and replies. "Not as excited as I am about purchasing it!" She jokes. The two then begin their walkthrough of the building, as they enter through the entrance...

Fielder General - Break Room

9:40 AM

Amyra stumbles into the break room to find her parents and brother seated at the table. "You guys wanted to see me?" Amyra asks them. "Hey, honey. Come have a sit." Amara tells her. "Okay, what's this all about? Miro? Father?" Amyra continues, as she takes a seat at the table. "I have no idea." Ramiro goes. "We're about to tell you two." Rafael announces. "I've been diagnosed with breast cancer. It's already spread to other parts of my body, and the doctors say I don't have much time left." Amara explains.

She contains her emotions to stay strong in front of her children. The room falls very silent, as Ramiro and Amyra lock eyes. "Well?" Rafael says. "We already knew, mother. Amyra overheard you telling father and she told me." Ramiro confesses. "I'm so sorry, mother. I didn't know what to do." Amyra hurriedly admits. Both Rafael and Amara are shocked yet relived. "It's okay, sweetheart. We're all in this together." Rafael tells her. "I just want us to spend as much time together as we can before...before I'm gone." Amara mutters.

"We'll be here for you, mother. Whatever you need, we'll do it." Ramiro tells her, fighting back tears. "And we'll fight this with you. Every step of the way!" Amyra declares. Amara's heart melts, as she's overwhelmed by the love and support from her family. "Thank you, my darlings. Your support means everything to me. And I have one more request." Amara asserted. "Of course! Anything, my love. What is it?" Rafael asks her. "I want to renew our vows. To reaffirm our love and commitment to each other before I go." Amara expresses.

"That's a beautiful idea, mother!" Ramiro gushes. "I'll have the best of the best plan it. It's going to be beautiful!" Amara chimes in and says. "Yes, we are going to make this happen for your mother." Rafael smiles, as he grabs Amara's hands and consoles her. "Thank you, all of you. I love you so much!" Amara tells them all, as she begins to tear up. They each return the kind words and cherish the special family moment...

4589 Clark Street, Marlton, CT

9:50 AM

Cierra and the realtor for the property are finalizing details, as they walk through the doors. "Okay, I love it! We cannot wait to get all settled in." Cierra shrieks. "And how much for the property in total?" Cierra asks, as she digs into her purse and retrieves her check book and a pen. "Uh, approximately one million, Ms. DuPoint." He tells her.

"Alright, I have my banker wire the money over to you guys. And my sister will do the same soon." Cierra announces. "Perfect! Oh, and speaking of the other Ms. DuPoint, where is she?" He continues to ask. Caught off guard, Cierra takes a moment to think of answer. "She's away on another business trip. You know her." Cierra lies with a smile. "Oh ok. Give her my best regards." He says.

Fielder General - Staff Restroom

Amyra stands above the sink in the restroom, hyperventilating as she stares at her reflection in the mirror. "It's okay. You can tell them, Amyra!" She tries to convince herself to tell her parents she's pregnant for the man she and her brother murdered. She experiences a flashback of the horrid incident. She remembers it like it was yesterday. The adrenaline, the fear, and the regret. "Oh, God." She sighs, before taking a deep breath, adjusting herself, and exiting the restroom.

Carter Law - Rebecca's Office

10:30 AM

Rebecca pauses her document preparation for a moment to reflect on Mitchell Jr. She remembers the sensual encounter they had when she bent down in front of him. She still feels the need to rip his clothes off and have passionate sex with him since she can still feel his eyes glaring at her behind. Someone bursts through the door after loudly knocking. The one who is doing that is none other than Mitchell Jr.

"Ah! MJ, hey!" She goes. "Hey! I, um, just wanted to let you know that the firms having a nice dinner down at the Ambrosia tonight, in case you didn't have plans and wanted to join us..." He casually invites her. On the inside she's ecstatic! But, she remembers to contain herself. "Okay, wow! That sounds like good time. And no, I don't have any plans. So, I will be seeing you... you guys tonight." Rebecca responds quirkily. "Okay. Sounds good. Seven pm, don't be late!" He tells her, before leaving and shutting the door behind him. "Yes!" Rebecca shrieks quietly.


The Cantina, at Marlton

7:00 PM

Michelle is sitting lonely at the bar. She's admiring her cocktail until someone starts calling her. She looks at it and immediately answers. "Hey, boo. Yeah, I can't really hear you. I'm at this new little lounge downtown. The cantina, yeah! It's really nice, im just not feeling like myself. I know, I know. Look, I'll call you when I make it home. Alright, love 'ya. Bye." She goes.

"Is this seat taken?" An androgynous female asks Michelle in a sensual tone. Enticed, Michelle quickly turns around and faces her. "No, and neither am I." She says, in the same tone. She smirks at Michelle, before taking a seat next to her. "Let me get two whiskey sours." She looks to the bartender and orders, then looks back to Michelle. "My favorite." Michelle discloses in a sexy manner...

The Ambrosia, Marlton

Meanwhile, across town at The Ambrosia, the Carter Law Firm's employees are enjoying a nice dinner. The table is filled with laughter, when Mitchell Jr. takes a moment to make short speech. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?" He asks, as he stands up. Everyone gets quiet and gives him their undivided attention.

"Thank you. I just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you to every single one of you amazingly talented and dedicated people. You all are absolutely amazing, and given the whole situation with my dad and everything, the firm would've been doomed without you all. But, we were able to pull through and persevere like the family that we are. And most most importantly, I would like to point out and acknowledge our amazing new hire, Ms. Rebecca Hanover! She's been just excellent since the moment she was hired. So, just thank you and I appreciate you all so much." Mitchell Jr. expresses.

During all of that, the table erupted in cheers and applause, as well as after. On the other side of the table, Rebecca cannot keep her eyes off of Mitchell Jr.! He then asks to be excused before getting up and heading to the men's room. Of course, Rebecca notices that. So, after letting a few seconds pass, she sneaks away from the table and follows him...


The Cantina, at Marlton - Ladies Restroom

8:05 PM

With the door locked and sexual desires running wild, Michelle is hunched over the counter moaning as her new friend is kneeled down rimming her. "Ahh, don't stop! Keep going!" Michelle shouts at her. And, she does as told. While this was unusual for Michelle, a hookup in the bar restroom with someone she's just met. But, she was enjoying every minute of it!

The Ambrosia, at Marlton - Ladies Room

As Mitchell Jr. gracefully passes by the ladies room on his journey to the men's room, Rebecca runs up behind him, grabs him by his arm, drags him into the ladies room and locks the door behind them. "Rebecca, what the hell are you doing?!" He asks her nervously. "Shut up. You know you want to..." She tells him before ramming him into the wall and passionately kissing him. He then picks her up and sets her on the counter. As they are caressing each other and kissing, they accidentally knock over a glass soap dispenser. She grabs his penis print and tries to unzip his pants.

"I can't do it!" He tells her, as he quickly backs away. "This can NEVER happen again!" He declares, as he fixes himself up. He then storms out. Another glass dispenser flies right behind his head and smashes on the door, as he's in the process of slamming it. Suffering from the pain of rejection, she looks to the mirror and cries, as she stares at her reflection. A few moments later, as everyone is back to their festivities, the table sees Rebecca storm out of the restaurant. "Hey, where's Rebecca going?" A worker shouts out. "And whats the matter with her?!" Another one asks. "I have no idea." Mitchell Jr. lies, before taking a big sip of his wine.

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