The Sins of Tomorrow: Book #2

By micahstarks

69 9 40

"A devastating death, a shocking abduction, an unexpected overdose, and a long awaited arrest.😈" Craig DuP... More

Chapter 1: "The boiling point Pt. 2"
Chapter 3: "Secrets in mourning"
Chapter 4: "Power plays and heartbreak"
Chapter 5: "Drifting"
Chapter 6: "Hurtful truths"
Chapter 7: "Too little, yet too late"
Chapter 8: "Disrutpions and assumptions"
Chapter 9: "Searching & Nurturing"
Chapter 10: "Kill or be killed"
Chapter 11: "As normal as we'll get"
Chapter 12: "Sinners will sin"
Author's Note

Chapter 2: "Twists and turmoil"

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By micahstarks


Stamford Hospital - Admissions Area

8:16 AM

As they all sit down and process the tragic news of Charlotte's passing, Cierra tries to console Chelsea and Craig, who are both inconsolable and in tears. Suddenly, Mitchell Jr. and Michelle enter the hospital and instantly spot them. "Oh my god, you guys!" Michelle shouts, as she and Mitchell Jr. sprint over to them.

"Hey-" Chelsea cuts Mitchell Jr. off before he can finish his sentence. "We just need to be alone! PLEASE!" Chelsea shouts at the two, before getting up
and running out of the building. Craig inevitably gets up and chases after. Confused, both Michelle and Mitchell Jr. look to each other, realize the situation, and then turn back to Cierra with sympathy.

Seemingly at a loss for words, Cierra just sheds a tear and nods her head, letting them know their suspicions are true. "Oh, babe!" Mitchell Jr. says wholeheartedly, as he consoles her. Michelle stands to the side and rubs Cierra's back in attempt to comfort her.

Fielder Estates - Dining Room

8:30 AM

Rafael and Amara are both seated and savoring their delicious full breakfast when Amyra barges in! "Mom! Dad!" She goes loudly, as she approached the table. "Morning, sweetheart." Rafael greets her. "What's the matter, Beta?!" Amara says.

"Can you give us a minute, Walter." Amyra looks to the Fielder's loyal butler of many years, Walter Bamford (60), standing at the entrance of the space. "Of course." He responds, before walking away. After assuring he is gone, Amyra turns back to her parents and says "Ramiro and I did a horrible thing..."Confused and worried at the same time, both Amara and Rafael are all ears...

Stamford Hospital - Admissions Area

8:35 AM

After confirming that the DuPoints were okay and being taken care of, Mitchell Jr. reenters the hospital. He goes up to Michelle, who is talking to the doctor about their father and getting good news. "Everything okay?" He asks the two. They both look at him.

"Yes! I was just telling Ms. Carter that your father has awaken from his coma and is in pretty stable condition..." The doctor informs him. "Wow, that's amazing!" Mitchell Jr. claims in happiness, as he and Michelle share a hug. "Yes, it is!" Michelle replies to him perkily.

"So, when can we see him?" Michelle asks. "Right now, actually! Although, I must inform you both that as a side effect from the coma and medication, he cannot speak properly. So, if you can't understand what he's saying, just try to converse calmly." The doctor responds, as he leads them to Mitchell's room...

Fielder Estates - Dining Room

8:38 AM

After a short while, Amyra finally acknowledged the awful deed she and Ramiro committed! With the terrible news, Amara and Rafael are both deeply conflicted. "Are you fucking serious, Amyra?! You don't just up and KILL someone!" Amara exclaims at Amyra.

"I mean sleeping with a coworker and blackmailing him?! Then pushing him over the edge of a goddamn balcony?! You and your brother have both did some crazy ass shit in your lifetimes that me and your mother have covered up, but now you've crossed the line!" Rafael chimes and goes off. "Yeah, honey, I agree. This just like what he did all those years ago..." Amara continues, dreadfully holding back tears. Out of nowhere she, Rafael, and Amyra have a flashback...

Fielder Estates - Amara & Rafael's Bedroom - Rafael's Closet (Flashback/24 Years Ago - 07/10/1999)

10:55 PM

Ramiro, who was ten at the time, led his two younger siblings into their father's closet in a sneaky and joyful manner as the clock had just struck 10:55 PM. "Come on guys, I'm telling you I saw it in here!" Rafael Jr., Amyra's twin brother, and Amyra, who were 7 years old at the time, were both informed by him. "I don't think we should be doing this Miro..." Amyra announced, as she began to get second thoughts.

"Yeah, me too!" Rafael Jr. chimed in. "It's fine." Ramiro told them, as he began searching through Rafael's closet... "I'm going back to my room. If you find it let me know!" Rafael Jr. told them, as he turned around and began exiting the closet. As soon as he stepped one foot out of the entrance, Ramiro turned around, wielding Rafael's revolver, ecstatically.

"I found it! I found it!" He shrieked, but before he knew it, his finger slipped on the trigger and the gun fired! The bullet went straight through the back of Rafael Jr's head and came out through the center of his forehead. Blood splattered everywhere, as his dead body dropped down to the ground. The sound of Amyra's scream intensified, as the two realized what just happened.

And within the blink of an eye, Rafael and Amara stormed into their bedroom to find the bloody situation! "AHHH! Oh my, God! What have you done?!" Amara shouted through her tears and at the top of her lungs, as he sat on the floor and held Rafael Jr. in her arms. Terrified, Amyra and Ramiro stood there crying. "It was an accident!" Ramiro continuously claimed. Rafael was horrified and standing there soaking it all in, knowing what he needed to do next.

Fielder Estates - Dining Room (Back To Present)

They all dismiss the concept, haunted by the thought of their tragic past. Amyra wipes away a tear after being deeply saddened by the recollection. "Look, I'm sorry. But we did what we had to do! But there's just one problem..." Amyra confesses. "Oh, God! Please tell me you didn't kill someone else?!" Rafael goes.

"Hell no! Who do you think we are? Michael Myers or the freaking Scream killer?!" Amyra replies, as she becomes offended. "Thank goodness!" Amara chimes in and says. "But, I think Ramiro is trying to pin this all on me..." Amyra tells them. "What?!" Rafael says. "I heard him on the phone last night telling someone 'She's going down for this.'" Amyra informs them.

"Are you sure that that's what he's doing?" Rafael asks her. "That's what I heard..." She responds. "I swear!" Amara adds. "What the hell is going in here?!" Ramiro says heatedly, as he appears out of nowhere and enters the dining room. Frightened by his unexpected presence, the three of them stand there stunned...

Stamford Hospital - Mitchell's Room

8:45 AM

While reclining on the tiny couch and observing Mitchell take a nap, Michelle and Mitchell Jr. unwind and chat. "I'm just so glad he's going to be okay... It's really a miracle." Michelle says gracefully. "I know right. I mean there's still a few missing pieces to the story, but all that aside, things are looking good." Mitchell Jr. responds in the same tone.

"You know what... Where the hell is mom?!" Michelle asks. "I have no idea. I tried calling her earlier and it didn't go through... I'm actually starting to get worried." Mitchell Jr. replies. "Yeah, and I haven't seen or spoken to her since early yesterday... You would think she would be here by her injures husband's side." Michelle continues.

"I agree." Mitchell Jr. goes. "Let me try her again." Michelle tells him, before pulling out her cellphone and dialing Karen up. Instantly, the phone goes to voicemail. Confused and anxious all at the same time, both Mitchell Jr. and Michelle make intense eye contact. "I don't know what's going, but I don't think it's good...." Michelle nervously says.

Fielder Estates - Dining Doom

8:48 AM

"She's already told us everything, Ramiro! Every fucking thing!" Amara screams at a deflective Ramiro. "Why would you?! I thought we agreed that I was going to handle this!" Ramiro shouts at Amyra. "Because, why wouldn't I! Your ass can't even clean your own condo, let along have a homicide covered up!" Amyra counters the shouting at him.

"Enough! Both of you NOW! I mean it." Rafael angrily chimes and shuts down the disagreement. Ramiro and Amyra both do as told and shut their mouths. "Your mother and I will have this situation handled. The PROPER way." Rafael assures them. "I am so disappointed in the both of you." Amara tells them."I've lost my appetite. I'm gonna go upstairs." Rafael announces, before exiting the room.

"I'm right behind you, honey." Amara shouts behind him, as she slowly follows behind him. But, before leaving, she turns back around and approaches Amyra and Ramiro. "Please forgive me mother-" Ramiro is a immediately cut off by a powerful backhand smack! After slapping the daylights out of Ramiro, she walks up to Amyra and does the same thing to her.

"Now the both of you take your sorry asses home and get on your knees and pray and ask The Great Spirit for forgiveness. And then after that, you better pay your father can write a big enough check to have this catastrophe handled." Amara goes off on them, before walking away.


Unknown Location - Basement

9:00 PM

Karen drags herself and a few of her belongings into a dark, unfinished basement, where she lies fatigued, disheveled, and still tremendously pained from the previous night. She places her belongings in a corner after digging through her luggage to find a burner phone. She takes a deep breath and wipes a tear that was just starting to slide down her cheek before she continues.

After a quick moment, she goes to the camera on the phone and begins recording a video. "Hello, everyone. My name is Karen Carter. And I feel that now is the time for everyone to know what has recently went down in my life..." She says emotionally into the camera...

Fielder Estates - Rafael & Amara's Bedroom

9:05 PM

Amara and Rafael were nearly fast asleep, when they both received a message from Karen! Both intrigued, they proceeded to watch it. And within seconds they became shocked and outraged all at once! "After all this time, I finally learned that Mitchell Carter, my adored husband, had been cheating on me and having an affair with Charlotte DuPoint. And the funny thing is, one of my dearest friends tried to warn me about it and I was too blind to realize it." They watched Karen say. "OH MY GOD!" Amara shouted out loud.

The Marlton Place - Ramiro's Condo - Kitchen

9:10 PM

"And before I knew it, this psychotic urge to track them down took over me and within the nick of time I was in Stamford..." Karen says on the video, as Ramiro stands at the edge of his island watching on his phone. "Okay, so what did you do?!" Ramiro asks himself.

The Marlton Place - Amyra's Condo - Master Bathroom

9:15 PM

As Amyra is soaking in bubble bath, she's watching the video on her cell as well. "Oh my goodness, please don't tell me!" She goes, as she continues to listen to video. "Yes. I ran over my husband and Charlotte. And while I know it was wrong, and there is absolutely no excuse for what I've done, it was almost as if my spirit had left my body and there was nothing in there but- revenge and hatred. So much so, that as soon as I saw them exiting the restaurant the only thing I could do was step on the gas pedal..." Karen confesses in tears on the video. Amyra sits there covering her wide open mouth.

DuPoint Manor - Private Theatre Room

9:20 PM

The DuPoints were viewing old home movies of their fondest times as a family in their private theater room when they got Karen's video message. "And I really apologize for the suffering I have caused Craig, Chelsea, and Cierra, my lovely, dear Cierra. I just wanted you all to be aware of what was truly happening because there are no words to adequately express or atone for my terrible deeds." As Karen emotionally states in the video, they observe.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Chelsea announces in tears, before storming off. "Chels, wait!" Cierra yells, as she runs after her. She stops at the door, realizing it's no use in chasing after her. She then turns around and looks to a betrayed and enraged Craig, who is still watching the video. "Oh my, God!" Cierra goes, pretending to be shocked by the entire situation.

Carter Castle - Mitchell's Office

9:25 PM

Mitchell Jr. and Michelle were hard at work going through tons of paperwork, trying to go through Mitchell's latest cases and financial reports, when they received the video from Karen. For the last twenty minute, they have been watching the video, heavily upset and distraught by it all.

"And to my babies, MJ and Mimi, I love you both beyond belief. And I just want you both to know that I will be home soon. To explain everything further and answer all your questions. I know you both might hate me right now, but I'm begging you to please find a place in your heart to forgive me." Karen continues wholeheartedly on the video. Michelle takes a deep breath, as she weeps intensely. Mitchell Jr., shedding a few tears as well, does his best to contain himself and comfort Michelle.

"And to you, my dear husband, Mitchell. If your sad, sorry, excuse of a man ass doesn't die in that hospital bed, know this... That I'm gonna hunt you down and make sure I finish the job this time. WATCH and SEE!" Karen says angrily and determinedly, before ending the video! Flabbergasted, both Mitchell Jr. and Michelle sit there stunned. "W-what the hell-"
Michelle cuts Mitchell Jr. off. "Has she done?!" She says...

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