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"Nanon Korapat Kirdpan" is a 10th grade highschool student (Ohm's junior) and Ohm pawat chittsawangdee is a 1... المزيد

Trailer :):
Chapter-7 (End)


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بواسطة Bl_World__

Ignore my grammatical mistakes

Previous chapter

Ohm looked at their hands and smiled "One day, I will hold your hand as your boyfriend, be ready for it my soon-to-be-boyfriend"Ohm said while kissing Nanon's fingers before letting go of his hands.

These actions are making Nanon's heart beat faster. He could feel a thousand butterflies in my stomach

Ohm moved back a little and started to walk out of the auditorium

"I was considered to propose you with some typical Romantic ideas, but that would not suit my personality."
"I love you, Nanon," Ohm said winking at Nanon as he walked backward looking at Nanon with a grin.

"See you tomorrow baby," Ohm said and went from there leaving Nanon flustered.

Nanon is still in shock he is sitting in his class looking outside the window

"Does he mean what he said? Ohm loves me. Omg, Ohm pawat loves me he proposed to me. How can it be possible? Till today I thought I was invisible to the entire school but"

chimon is looking at Nanon's face confused Nanon's expressions are changing from time to time making it hard for him to keep a normal face he can't resist but laugh loudly seeing Nanon's face

"What happened to you? Did you get caught by any ghost or something?"Chimon asked laughing nanon looked at chimon with a pout.

Nanon looked around apologizing he shut Chimon's mouth by smacking his head with the note

"Ouch, rude, "Chimon said while rubbing his head

"Ohm confessed"Nanon mumbled making chimon confused.

"What? Coming again? Ohm confessed? To whom?"Chimon asked

"To me," Nanon said there was a long silence.

"Ohm said he loves me"Nanon Said making chimon scream.

"Fuck! My ship is going to sail"Chimon shouted Nanon quickly covered his mouth and looked at everyone with an awkward smile.

"Sorry," Nanon mumbled while dragging chimon out of the class.

He let go of chimon "If you shout I will smack your head" Nanon said as he saw chimon was about to scream.

"What happened there? Come on spill it all don't miss any sequence"

"Is it like a movie for you? "Nanon asked chimon nodded his head. Nanon rolled his eyes.

Nanon said everything making chimon squeal in happiness.

"Did he ask you out? "Chimon asked Nanon shook his head. Chimon pouted

"Why didn't he ask you out?"

"Well, I'm here to ask about going on a date with me"Ohm's voice came from behind startling them both.

"P'Ohm? What are you doing here?"

"Came to ask you out on a carnival date with me, "Ohm said with a wink making Nanon blush. Chimon was about to fall as the scene in front of him was so good for his shipper mind.

Perth held him from behind while rolling his eyes.

"So, what's your answer?"Ohm asked Nanon had been unable to form a coherent reply to Ohm at the time.

But Ohm merely smiled understandingly, telling Nanon to think about it before walking away not before giving a flying kiss to Nanon.


"Are you going to go?" Chimon asks. While taking a sip from his milkshake.

Nanon fiddles with his backpack strap uncertainly. "I don't know...what would he even see in me?"

Chimon elbows him playfully. "Who cares, as long as you're having fun! You have to say yes."

But the thought of spending time alone with Ohm makes Nanon panic. What if he messes things up? What if he makes a fool of himself? Ohm will realize his mistake in choosing boring little Nanon.

Yet part of him is also curious—what does Ohm want from him? Could there be more behind those charming smiles than just kindness?

But still

"Nanon, stop your train of thought. If you've at least one percent liking towards Ohm then give it a try."Chimon said making Nanon nod his head with a smile

"Alright, fine. I'll go."

Chimon cheered as they went back to the classroom ignoring all the eyes which are staring at him.

Nanon smiles, already feeling butterflies at the thought of his date with Ohm.

Their chance encounter has turned into an opportunity for something unexpected—and possibly wonderful—to blossom.


Nanon stands anxiously in front of his mirror, scrutinizing his reflection. It's already Saturday evening, almost time for the carnival. But with his usual simple shirt and jeans, he knows he'll pale in comparison to Ohm's effortless style.

Chimon came in and saw Nanon's nervousness "Stop stressing, you look fine."

"Easy for you to say," Nanon mutters. "You're not the one who is going on a date with the hottest guy in our school."

Chimon laughs. "Well, not to worry, I'll help you impress our Prince Ohm."

Chimon rummages through Nanon's closet, emerging with a charcoal sweater and black skinnies.

"Here, put these on. The sweater brings out your eyes and the skinnies show off your legs."

Nanon obeys reluctantly, examining his altered appearance. He has to admit, with his swept hair and without glasses, that the outfit transforms him from a studious nerd into something mildly presentable.

"See? You are looking incredibly cute and handsome" Chimon says with pride.

"Now come on, let's do something about your hair."

He sets to work styling it into an artfully tousled do, then swipes a bit of mascara and lip balm on him for color. Stepping back to admire his handwork, Chimon grins.

"Ohm won't know what hit him. Just be your charming self and have fun! Now come on let's go the carnival is about to start."

Nanon nods anxiously, steeling his nerves.

"Can I know where is my little brother going?"Nanon turned and saw his brother Tay who was standing there with a teasing smile.

"He's going on a date, "Chimon said making Nanon blush Tay chuckled at Nanon's reaction.

"Who is that unlucky guy" Tay asked making Nanon glare.

"Phi" Nanon whined while grabbing Tay's arms.

"Just kidding, "Tay said while ruffling his hair.

Tay: "Now tell me who is he?"

Chimon: "Ohm pawat"

Tay: "Woah, you captured the most famous guy in our school huh?"

Nanon: "How do you know him?"

Tay: "I once studied there, so I know every update about our school and Ohm is one famous guy from our school."

Nanon: "You got a point"

"Anyways, if he makes you sad or a single tear from your eyes I will kill him with my bare hands," Tay said making Nanon roll his eyes at his protective brother.

"Phi, I going to be fine. Chimon is also going with me"

"Okay then, enjoy your date, "Tay said while kissing Nanon's forehead.


The carnival is already in full swing by the time Nanon arrives. Bright lights and sounds engulf the fairgrounds as families and couples mill about. Scanning the crowds, Nanon glimpses a familiar figure by the entrance.

His breath catches. Ohm looks incredibly handsome in a fitted navy top and leather jacket, chatting casually with Perth and Drake.

Will Ohm find Nanon as changed as he feels? Taking a deep breath, Nanon started walking towards him.

Perth notices Nanon first, nudging Ohm and nodding in his direction. Ohm turns, eyes widening slightly at the sight of Nanon.

"Perth why everything is moving in slow motion, "Ohm asked Perth looked at Ohm weirdly who was himself talking in slow motion

"I think I've fully gone crazy, " Ohm said Perth smacked his head ohm stumbled while rubbing his head

"Why the heck you are talking in slow motion" Perth shouted Making Ohm snap out of his thoughts

"Oh am I *clears throat* I"Ohm asked normally after clearing his throat
Perth rolled his eyes

"You are a love-sick dog," Perth said making Ohm look at Nanon as a slow smile spread his lips

"I know, it's called Nan kitty fever," Ohm said dreamily as Nanon looked eternally beautiful.

"Wow, you are looking so cute" Ohm murmured appreciatively, gaze roaming Nanon in a way that makes him blush.

"Thanks. You too." Nanon manages heart, hammering. Up close, Ohm is even more stunning than usual without trying. Does he have any idea of the effect he has?

"Then enjoy your date I'm going to enjoy mine by finding a date for me, "Chimon said crying in single making them chuckle.

"Shall we go in?" Ohm holds out an arm teasingly. Relieved Ohm isn't finding fault, Nanon loops his own through with a shy smile. Their arms brush as they stroll in together, acutely aware of each other.

Maybe this night won't be so bad after all.

Chimon took his phone and clicked some photos of Ohm and Nanon. Then he looked at his phone squealing in happiness.

Perth looked at his every action with a smile.

"Don't you know taking pictures without their consent is wrong?" Perth said chimon rolled his eyes as he stuck his tongue out at Perth then he went back to look at his phone.

Drake sighed looking at Perth who was looking at chimon with a smile.

Drake: "Now I'm the one who needs to cry in single"


They spend the first-hour exploring various booths and rides. Nanon is surprised by Ohm's playful, carefree nature—he throws his head back laughing without reserve. His smile is dazzling up close.

Grabbing candied apples, they find a quiet bench to sit on. Nanon delves right in, syrup dribbling temptingly down his strong jaw. Ohm averts his eyes, trying not to stare as
Nanon licks it clean with distracted swipes of his tongue.

"So tell me about yourself," Nanon says, jolting Ohm from his less-than-innocent thoughts. Panicking, Ohm blurts the first thing that comes to mind.

"I love to read comics"

To his shock, Nanon's eyes light up. "No way, me too!"

Relieved to find common ground, Nanon animatedly discusses the comics. Ohm listens with such rapt attention that Nanon forgets his usual shyness.

Ohm smiled as he could see Nanon was free to open up his thoughts to him. He started to look at Nanon's features with a smile playing on his lips.

"So cute," Ohm blurted out softly when he saw Nanon eyes light up now and then when he mentioned his favorite characters. Nanon stopped his rumbling when he heard ohm saying cute. Nanon holds Ohm's earnest gaze, taken aback by the sincerity At that moment, he truly believes Ohm sees him.

Their intimacy is interrupted by the fireworks display beginning overhead.

Colorful bursts of light paint their awestruck faces as they lean in, drawn closer by the romantic mood.

The warmth of Ohm's proximity and smile stir something new and sweet within Nanon's heart.

Maybe he's finally found someone who likes him for who he is.


The carnival lights twinkle around Nanon and Ohm as they exit, lingering at the entrance. Fireworks still glow brightly in Nanon's mind, along with Ohm's smile. He feels uplifted yet anxious, awaiting Ohm's verdict on their magical night.

Ohm turns to him, expression tender.
"I had a great time with you, Non."

Nanon exhales, relieved. "Me too. You're not what I expected at all."

Ohm chuckles. "And what did you expect? A school gangster?"

"Caught," Nanon grins sheepishly.

"Something like that, yeah. But you're so kind and fun to talk to. I'm glad we did this."Nanon mumbled making Ohm smile.

"Me too." Ohm takes Nanon's hands in his, sending tingles up his arms.

Ohm: "Would you maybe want to do it again sometime?"

Nanon nods eagerly. "Yes, I'd like that."

His heart flutters wildly at the hope in Ohm's smiling eyes, so openly caring towards him. Is this happening?

"Perfect. It's a date." Ohm squeezes his hands before kissing them gently.

"See you tomorrow," Ohm said as he saw his friends coming out too.

Nanon looked at chimon whose face was red and the same went with Perth. Drake just walked out without caring about anything.

Nanon went to chimon and asked if he was okay which chimon only nodded in response.

Perth cleared his throat "If you guys don't mind it's already so late we will drop you both home" Perth said to avoid any awkwardness.

Chimon nodded his head quickly "That's a good idea right, Non"Chimon said making both Ohm and Nanon confused. Drake just rolled his eyes.

"Then let's go and take our bikes," Drake said while dragging both Ohm and Perth.


Ohm looked at Perth once they went to the parking lot

"What the hell happened between you and Chimon"Ohm asked Perth sighed

"We kissed"

"WHAT?"Ohm shouted and on the other side Nanon shouted at the same time.


"Don't shout, yes we kissed"Chimon said making Nanon's eyes widen.

"For real, do you like Perth?"Nanon asked

"WHAT? NO!"Chimon shouted making Nanon roll his eyes.


"I don't know," Perth said Ohm sighed. "I can feel you, buddy," Ohm said while tapping his shoulder

Drake just chuckled at them.

"Why are you shouting are you trying to convince yourself or what?"Nanon teased making chimon sigh.

"I don't know what came into me that I kissed him. It's just I've never felt like this in my entire life"

"Well, mon we are just 17yrs old"Nanon reminded him. Chimon rolled his eyes.


"Now, what are you going to do?"Ohm asked

"Forget it, let's go they will be waiting for us," Perth said taking his bike.


Ohm stopped his bike in front of Nanon's home.

Ohm removed his helmet and Nanon did the same. He handed his helmet to Ohm.

"So?" Ohm asked with a smile

"So, see you tomorrow," Nanon said hurriedly while running inside his home. Ohm just shook his head smiling.

Ohm was about to drive to his home when Nanon came back making him confused.

"I forgot something, "Nanon said and kissed Ohm's cheeks making Ohm shock

"Goodnight," Nanon whispered and ran inside, Ohm came out of his shock he touched his cheeks and Nanon kissed him. Ohm lay his head on his bike while squealing.

"Non, what have you done to me"Ohm mumbled while his heart was beating so fast.

Ohm looked up at Nanon's bedroom "Good night non" Ohm mumbled when he saw Nanon switching off his lights.

Ohm drives off. He floats home airily on clouds.



♡━━━━━━━━ - ━━━━━━━♡

Well, that's it for this chapter. I didn't check before uploading the chapter so just ignore the mistake
See you guys in the next chapter.💙

And I'm very Sorry for the late update
I hope you like this chapter❤️💚


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