The Changing Of Fate (Beastar...

By Magnificent_18

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(Book 2) After being saved by Legoshi and his confession, life couldn't get better for Mary. Summer with her... More

Chapter 1 Summer Break
Chapter 2 Pool Time
Chapter 3 Progressing
Chapter 4 Royal Duties
Chapter 5 Room For Expansion
Chapter 6 Last Day Of Summer
Chapter 7 Rumors Are Just Rumors
Chapter 8 The Mystery Increases
Chapter 9 Lost And Found
Chapter 10 The Echoing Rattle
Chapter 11 How To Solve A Murder
Chapter 12 Friends Are Allies
Chapter 13 New Club Member
Chapter 14 Separation
Chapter 16 Spooky Season
Chapter 17 The Heist

Chapter 15 Healing A Broken Heart

181 7 1
By Magnificent_18

3rd POV: October 17th

The sun soared across the sky as another day dawns. All the students woke up and got ready for the day. The humans got up and did their routine. But someone was missing. Susan was the first one to notice.

"Where's Mary?" She asked.

They all looked at one another.

"I don't know." Said Sarah. "She was here when I went to use the restroom a couple of hours ago."

"I heard our door close like an hour ago. She must've left early." Said Bianca.

Lucy shrugged, "She probably has something to do for one of her classes this morning. Her backpack isn't here so she could be doing that."

Maddie looked over at her, "Are you sure? She didn't mention yesterday that she had to leave early for it today."

"Mary is probably at the cafeteria, we can ask her." Said Susan as she picks up her bag.

As they all grabbed their backpacks and left their room, Hannah leaned over to Sarah, "I wonder what she's doing?"


They went up the stairs and into the cafeteria. Jacob, Mason and Hector were already there. After grabbing their breakfast, they joined the rest of their group.

"Morning." Said Hector.

Jacob looked at all of them and noticed something. "Where's Mary?"

"That's what we're wondering." Said Susan, "She wasn't in our dorm this morning."

"Where is she then?"

Bianca leaned over, "Lucy noticed that her backpack wasn't in our dorm this morning so she could be doing something class related."

Jacob pulled out his phone to send a text to Mary.


Jacob: Hey. We are eating breakfast, wanna join us?


He puts his phone away. They ate their breakfast and before long, it was time for school. After returning the rays, they all went to class, still wondering where Mary was.

Hours passed, before long it was lunch time. And still there was someone missing from their group. And finally the end of the school day has finally come. Everyone was either heading back to their dorm or hanging out with friends.

The humans slowly started to gather near the dorm. Jacob, Hannah, Susan, Hector, Maddie and Mason were all standing together.

"The homework is never ending." Muttered Mason as he kicked a small pebble across the dirt.

Jacob looked at them all, "Have any of you seen Mary today?"

"I haven't seen her." Replied Maddie.

Hector raised his hand, "I think I spotted her down a hallway when I exited class."

Mason nodded in agreement, "Same."

"She hasn't answered my text." Jacob pulled out his phone, "I feel like something is wrong."

Susan was about to reply when Mason pointed over towards the cafeteria and theater building, "Here she comes."

They all turned and looked. Mary was walking towards them carrying some books. But something was wrong, they can tell by her body language that she is upset. Mary had her head bent down a bit, shoulders sluggish and her expression appeared to be full of sadness. She walked past them without saying anything, she looked like she was about to cry. None of them could say anything, they watched her enter the dorm. All soon felt concerned.

Mary walked up the stairs until she reached her floor. She closed the stairway door and pulled out her key to the room. She entered it and closed the door. Taking off her bag and laying down with her books next to the bed before sitting. Then she started to cry. Today was rough on her. Her heart ached due to the sudden distance with Legoshi. All the times spent with him, she believed that she was truly in love. But now it felt like she was wrong. Her first heartbreak was strong.

Mary collapsed onto her bed as she sobbed into her pillow. All she could think was "What did she do wrong?"

All the girls soon gathered outside their dorm room. Closely pressed against the door. They could all hear Mary crying.

"What do we do?" Whispered Lucy as they all took a step back.

"Ummm... we should go ask what happened." Replied Sarah.

Bianca looked at the door before looking back at them, "One of us should go in and comfort so that we all don't overwhelm her."

They all looked at one another.

"I think either Susan or Bianca should go in." Said Maddie, "She will listen to what you have to say."

Bianca looked over at Susan, "You should go in first."

Susan nods.

Bianca stepped forward and unlocked the door. Then Susan slipped in as she closed the door behind her quietly. She approached Mary, hearing her sobs muffled by the pillow.

"Mary... are you alright?" Susan asked as she stood near the bed.

Mary's sobs stopped, and she turned to face her cousin. Her hair was messy and eyes were a bit reddened.

Susan sits down on the bed, "Oh, Mary... what happened?"

"I don't know how to start..."

"No worries... you can take your time." Susan started to rub Mary's back.

It took a bit until Mary sat up to speak, "It happened yesterday... I met Legoshi on the fire escape where we usually meet up. It started normal... Legoshi was calm and I tried to kiss him."

Susan nodded, "How did that turn out?"

"It didn't happen." Mary finished wiping her eyes, "Because Legoshi asked me if I still liked Louis."

"What...? Why would he ask that?"

"I don't know... It took me by surprise when he asked that. I simply said no..." Mary stopped to take a breather as she felt like crying again, "That's when... he left me..."


Susan immediately turned towards their dorm door to see the girls all clustered together. It obviously showed that they were listening closely but Maddie's outburst ended their eavesdropping. Bianca had her hand covering Maddie's mouth in an attempt to quiet her.

Susan turned back to Mary, "Are you alright if they come in?"

She nods.

"Alright girls, you can come in." Susan announced.

The other girls entered the dorm and crouched by Mary's bed.

"You can continue." Susan scooted closer to comfort Mary.

"I tried to tell him. But he says my reaction was all that he needed."

Sarah shook her head, "What a dick move."

"So he obviously thought that you and Louis were together?" Asked Bianca.

Mary nodded.

"Then what happened?" Asked Lucy.

"Then... I sat alone on the fire escape. Stayed there for a few hours until it started to rain. I tried to text and call Legoshi, trying to better explain why me and Louis are just friends. But he never replied or answered my calls."

"Ohhhh... Mary... most of us know how much a first heartbreak feels." Hannah puts her hand on Mary's knee.

Mary looked up and understood. Most of them were in a relationship before she got hers. Susan, Lucy, Hannah, and Maddie. They all nodded in agreement.

"Time will heal..." Hannah continued, "Listen... You're gonna fall in love so many times before you find the one you wanna spend forever with."

Sarah leaned forward, "Right. Picture it this way, your one broken heart closure to your happily ever after."

"Sarah... that's just fantasy talk." Mary grabbed her pillow and held it against her chest.

"Yeah... But my friends guide doesn't have the section where your best friend's heart has been broken by a wolf who she has fallen in love with."

Bianca taps in, "I think what Sarah is trying to say is... the first person you love isn't always the right one. It may be one or a couple of times before you find the one that works. Like how my mom dated a couple of times before meeting my dad."

Mary looked at her and nodded, "Sometimes hugs work." She muttered.

They all then did a group hug around Mary for a bit before pulling back.

Sarah stood up and huffed, "I swear... the next time I see Legoshi... I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."

"Let's not start something with him." Bianca replied, "If he doesn't want to be near her. Then we shouldn't either."

Susan gently removed the pillow that Mary was holding, "Are you hungry?"

She nodded.

"Let's get you something to eat." She helps Mary up. "Let's go to the cafeteria."

Everyone followed Susan out and to the cafeteria. She got Mary a salad, green tea, and a bag of chips. She then led everyone outside to a table and bench to sit. They all watched Mary eat until she finished.

"How do you feel?" Asked Maddie.

"Full..." Mary wiped her mouth with a napkin. She then picked up what was left and tossed it in the garbage.

They began to walk around the school until they stopped at a bench near the tennis court.

"Are you feeling better?" Asked Lucy.

Mary shrugged, "A little bit... Just my heart still hurts." She sits down on a bench that was near them.

"It'll take time to heal." Bianca stood in front of Mary, "I know something that'll help. What's the one thing that helps release stress?"

"Ice cream?" Maddie muttered out loud.

"Music. Studies say that listening to music can have your brain release a chemical that increases good mood and reduces stress."

"Ohhh." Maddie nods her head.

"Look. No matter what, we are all here to help."

"I know." Mary wipes her eye, "But I feel like it keeps coming back."

"Like a boomerang?" Asked Bianca.


Bianca unlocked her phone and turned up the volume. "Heartbreak can be hard on one's heart. But friends can help heal it."


Mary: Bold


I've been holding on, don't wanna let you go

'Cause every time I try you find a loophole

I've been slamming the door and just leave you cold

When I come back you feed it up to South Pole

Bianca, Maddie, Susan:

You see my body rush for the escape

While my heart wants to stay

(They jump onto the bench)

I run away, hit the road in an old Mustang

But I keep turning back just like a boomerang

You're like a back seat ghost telling me to stop

No matter what you do I keep on coming back

Just like a whoa, whoa boomerang

Just like a whoa, whoa boomerang

Just like a whoa, whoa boomerang

And I keep on spinning like a boomerang


You know exactly where to push or pull

And I am going mad just like you know I would

You're reading me like an open book

(Pretends to flip through a book)

You know me better than I ever thought you could

Sarah, Hannah, Lucy:

You see my body rush for the escape

While my heart wants to stay

(They too jump onto the bench.)

All six girls except Mary:

I run away, hit the road in an old Mustang

But I keep turning back just like a boomerang

You're like a back seat ghost telling me to stop

No matter what you do I keep on coming back

Just like a whoa, whoa boomerang

I keep on spinning like a boomerang

(Mary stood up and began to sing)


My head is spinning on my shoulders

So what's the use of trying, baby?

All the ways they lead to you

You're like a magnet pulling me in

All together:

I run away, hit the road in an old Mustang (Mustang)

But I keep turning back just like a boomerang (boomerang)

You're like a back seat ghost telling me to stop (stop)

No matter what you do I keep on coming back (coming back)

(Mary jumps onto the bench)

Just like a whoa, whoa boomerang

Just like a whoa, whoa boomerang

Just like a whoa, whoa boomerang

I keep on spinning like a boomerang

Just like a boomerang

I keep on spinning for you

Like a boomerang

I keep on spinning like a boomerang


As the song ended, all seven girls were panting. And all looked energized by it, especially Mary. She smiled and felt better at the moment.

Bianca leans forward, "How do you feel?"

Mary turned towards her, "I feel better now." She smiles.


They all jumped off the bench, Bianca put her phone back into her pocket. "So what have you learned?"

"I've learned that I've got special people in my life. That cares about me, and even though Legoshi and I aren't close anymore, I've to you all."

They all smiled before returning to their dorm. Mary believed she felt fine, but there was one small pull coming from her heart.


Mary POV:

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to the Drama Club today. I felt better after my friends and cousins helped me out but it'll be awkward with Legoshi there. It's like if someone just experienced a breakup and then later ran  into their ex. It will be hard.

"Are you alright on going to today's meeting?" Susan slips on her white shirt.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"You sure? I don't want you to get uncomfortable when Legoshi is there."

Lucy finished getting ready and we exited our dorm.

"Have a good time." Called out Sarah.

We descended the straits and met Jacob outside.

"Hey Mary... Are you alright?" He sounded concerned in his voice,

"Yes... I'm alright. Just had a bad day."

Jacob reached out and rubbed my shoulder.

As we walked, Susan pulled Jacob aside and whispered to him about what's been going on quietly. We reached building 3 and Jacob quickly stood in front of the door.

"Ok. Before we go in, are you emotionally ready?"

I nod, "Yes."

He opened the door and we followed him in. We entered the main room and it looked like everyone was there.

"Hey, you guys made it." Greeted Sanu before announcing, "Everyone, let's get seated."

Everyone gathered in front of the dry erase board near the small stage.

I looked around and noticed that Legoshi was the only one not here. And I didn't wanna start wondering so I just dropped it.

"I am happy to announce that we can begin pre production of our play." Sanu looked at all of us with excitement. "We are doing Adler again."


Looked over at Lucy and she had a shocked look on her face.

"Really?" She whispered, "We just did that."

Sanu continued, "His first action to take is announcing that the play will have some changes to it. The role of Adler is still in discussion, but the one to play Adler's victim is Pina."

We are all shocked. Then Pina stood up and winked. He had the red sweat pants on but instead of a white shirt like everyone else, it was light cream blue color.

"I'll do my best with such an important role."

"Other than that, the other parts of the play will be revealed in the coming days. For now I suggest that you get into your groups and discuss a plan for the coming weeks."

With that, everyone went into their groups. Jacob left to go with the props team. We stood with Dom, Fudge and Kai. I glanced over at the actors team to them all chatting to Pina, asking him on his part. But he knew I was looking and looked towards me. I darted my eyes away back to my group.

"Where's Legoshi?" Asked Kai.

Fudge looked up to reply, "Sanu was told that he was taking care of his sick grandpa."

Dom nodded, "That's fine. It's good that he's doing that."

I was surprised, it kinda gave me an answer rather than a question.

Could that be why he acted the way he did? Was it because he received the news of his grandpa?

It kinda puzzles me but I didn't want to focus on it. He made his decision and I-

Just then, the door to the main room opened and walked through... a tall white fox?

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the individual who entered. Nobody said anything. We were all shocked but they soon were surprised.

"Legoshi?" Sanu asked.

He nodded before sitting down on his knees. Everyone gathered in front of Legoshi, some sat on the ground. I got a clear look at him. All of his bluish gray fur was gone, only the cream colored part was left and was all over which made him look white. The scar on his right arm was now more visible. I noticed that there's a bandage above his left eyebrow on his head.

"Sorry that I'm late..." he mumbles.

"Oh, it's fine, Legoshi." Sanu quickly spoke up, "We are all just surprised that you came in today."

"Umm... I went to the hairdresser last night..." he looked up and saw that everyone was staring at him. Both curiously and shocked still. "Umm..."

Sanu quickly spoke up, "Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm listening, Legoshi. I was just a bit awestruck at your sudden transformation." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well..." Legoshi continued, "One thing led to another... I went a bit overboard at the hairdresser." He gave a small smile and rubbed the back of his head, "It's cold, and I feel a bit restless."

"Yes, I can imagine. I didn't even recognize you at first. I thought you might be a sick fox." Confessed Sanu as some people whispered to one another. "Well, so anyway... I guess you still need to go take care of your grandpa in the evenings?"

"Yes, that's right. I'll do my best to come to practice," Legoshi straightened his back, "but I'm afraid I'll be leaving the cleaning up to the rest of you for some time. I'm really sorry for pawning off my work like this."

With his hands on his knees, he bowed to us all.

"No, no, don't worry about it!" Sanu replied, "We all understand! Right?" He turned to all of us and everyone nodded in agreement. "It's fine, Legoshi. You don't have to apologize."

Legoshi leans back up, "Thank you, everyone."

Sanu turned to Bill who was sitting next to him, "Refreshing look, huh?"

Everyone started to talk to one another and giggle. Legoshi looked around until his eyes went over towards me, Susan, Lucy, and Jacob as we leaned up against the wall. His eyes, I felt were about to land on me but he quickly looked away. Refusing to look at me.

That hurt.

"Um... While I can't help with cleaning," Legoshi spoke up which drew everyone's attention back to him, "I'll work as hard as I can for the club. Thanks for still having me."

Everyone smiled at him, I felt like I was gonna lose it again.

"I need to sit for a bit." I turned and quickly left the room.

Susan, Lucy and Jacob watched me leave, unable to say anything but we're all feeling concerned.

I entered the girls locker room and sat on the red bench.

Legoshi refusing to look at me hurts my heart. Even right after separating in a relationship, I can understand the awkwardness of running into your ex the next day.

Taking some deep breaths to calm down was something to try. But I didn't want to go back into the main room.


I don't know how long I sat but I sat there for like over an hour. Refusing to return to the main room until I hear people walking towards the locker room. Ellen, Sheila, Els and Juno entered.

"There you are, I was wondering where you went." Said Els, "You disappeared suddenly, are you alright?"

"Yeah... I didn't feel good so I decided to sit."

"Oh. Hopefully you'll feel better." Els smiled as she opened her locker.

The girls began to change back into their uniforms. I got up and walked over to the sink that was in the room. Feeling a bit crummy on my face, so I ripped a piece of paper towel off the dispenser and wetted it under the faucet. It did feel refreshing to wipe my face with a cold wet paper towel. I stepped over to dispose of it in the trash. Juno quickly left the room as she heard Sanu down the hall. At the moment, all of the girls were done changing. Ellen was standing next to the sink, Sheila by her locker, and Els was sitting on the bench.

"Hey Mary, aren't you gonna change?" Asked Ellen.

"I am. But I didn't bring my uniform so I'll change when I return to the dorm."

She nodded, "Quick question, white Legoshi, yay or nay?"

"Ummm... are you asking what I think of the new look?"

"Mmhmm." Ellen nodded.

"Well... I think he looks... alright."

Ellen then turned to Sheila just as Juno returned to the room.

"So, white Legoshi, yay or nay?"

"He's a definite maybe." Replied Sheila.

Els was swinging her legs back and forth as she sat on the bench, "Yay, I think, as long as I get some time to adjust."

Ellen turned to Els to listen. I noticed Juno opened her locker to retrieve her back I assumed. But then she showed excitement like she couldn't handle it.

Susan then appeared in the doorway.

"Hey Mary, you alright?"

"Yeah, I am fine."

"We were hoping you were. Let's quickly head back to the dorm so we can change and eat some dinner."

"Right." I turned to say goodbye to the girls, "Bye everyone. See you later."

"Bye Mary." They all said except for Juno.


Timeskip: 10:15 p.m.

It was dark out, and most of the room was in their bed. I was laying in my bed, my back turned to the room as I stared at the bedside wall. The room was dark

Susan exited the bathroom after she finished brushing her teeth. By that point, Lucy, Sarah, Hannah and Maddie were fast asleep. Maddie was reading a book with a nightlight and Bianca was doing last minute reviewing of homework that's due tomorrow.

Susan passed Hannah's air mattress after turning off the bathroom light and bent over to my bunk.

"I hope you'll sleep well tonight, Mary... Just always remember that you aren't alone."

I didn't respond. Hopefully she thinks that I'm asleep at that point. She climbed up the ladder to the bunk above.

Still staring at the way, I began to feel the return of sadness. The book that I had sitting on the small bed shelf, mom's picture was sitting up against the wall.

I remember grandma telling me when she first learned of my mom. She was very interested in meeting her at the time. All due to dad meeting her at a farmers fundraiser which was going to help show  support of the parliament bill that would help farmers of Archeania.

"The way your father fell in love with your mother is like a fairytale come true in many people's eyes."

All over Archeania, people still talk about my mom. She was the people's queen in their hearts.

Today was rough, but my friends were here to help me. Even though they are, I still wished I had a mom or a mother-like figure in my life.


And Done! Finally finished this chapter. I had a month-long vacation in Europe. It was really fun, I went to Paris and Rome. Saw a lot of historical sights and art which was amazing. The food was delicious. I took personal notes of that to write it into the story later. Other than that everything is good. Also heard that Akira Toriyama the creator of Dragon Ball has passed away which is very sad. I think his work was the first anime I saw. Condolences to his family and friends. Also, I heard a rumor that on March 23, Netflix is doing a panel in Japan for the anime releases. I really hope they show more stuff for the upcoming season since we only got a picture. Which to be fair was lame. But fingers crossed for it, we're about a quarter of the way through the year and still no update/announcement for season 3. Anyways, hope you all are in good health. Make sure to smash the vote button and comment below. And I'll see you all in chapter 16!😁💙💛 (Coming really soon)

(Word Count: 3923)

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