Jaune's Multiverse Madness!

De RocknRoll7575

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You already know what this is about! Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Mu... Mais

Chapter 1: For The Watch
Chapter 2: TRAITOR!
Chapter 4: A Proud Saiyan Prince...
Chapter 5: Arcus Mortis!
Chapter 6: Quarter Mile
Chapter 7: I Will Never Lose Again!
Chapter 9: Fell Omen
Chapter 10: Demon Duo!
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: The Ones Who Live

Chapter 8: Knighthood

5.8K 54 26
De RocknRoll7575

Source: N/A - Based on Rengoku VS Akaza

Let's call this Chapter not really an alternate Universe but an alternate timeline!

Also! Jaune was in episode 5 of Volume 9! Hell yeah, baby! But now I'm afraid! With how old he looks they could kill him off! I don't want that! please just pull a Narnia and revert him back to his younger self! Please!

Anyway, this timeline will be called "Knighthood!" And We'll see more of it in the future just because it's a fun little idea!





After Everyone returned to the theater, RR appeared in a small flash of light and Looked over the audience with a smile, "Now that all of you are back, are you ready for what's next?" He asked them.

"What's the next Universe, RR?" Reese asked

RR smiled as he turned to her, "Glad you asked Reese because we aren't watching another Universe,"

Hearing this, all of them were confused by what RR was talking about.

"What do you mean?" Blake asked with a raised brow.

RR floated down and chuckled, "We're actually going to be watching an alternate Timeline!" RR said.

"A different timeline?" Pyrrha asked.

RR nodded, "Yep, this timeline actually happens way before the modern day, in fact, way before the Great War," RR told them

All of them were surprised that they were going to see a version of themselves that would technically be over 100 years old, they also wondered what kind of weapons they'd use since Mecha-Shift weapons or guns were invented at the time.

"So what's this timeline about?" Yang asked.

RR turned to the blonde girl, "In this timeline, Grimm/human hybrids have popped up and a group called the Knights of Remnant are a sworn group to protect humanity from these Human-Grimm hybrids who are bent on conquering the world," RR began,

"Whoa! people who are hybrids with Grimm!" Sun cried, "Sound freaking dangerous!"

RR nodded, "They are," He said, "They possess certain Grimm traits, but they are able to regenerate limbs except for their head, and not only that, they possess magic,"

Weiss's eyes widened, "Actual magic!?" She cried.

RR nodded, "A gift from their leader..." RR said, "Anyway, as of right now, in the timeline, team RWBY are Knights but are still new, so they are rookies, while team JNPR are much older and veterans and they are also team RWBY's mentors," RR said.

"Whoa!" Nora said, "How old are we in this timeline?" Nora asked.

RR then turned to her, "I'd say around 25, while RWBY is still 17-18," RR replied.

Nora then looked at team RWBY with a smug look, "Looks like we're the bosses of you guys! How's that for the best team!" Nora said.

Ruby looked at her with a glare, "Team RWBY will not fall behind!" Ruby declared.

Weiss rolled her eyes while Blake and Yang chuckled and smiled.

RR smiled, "Well then, shall we continue?" He asked.

The screen opened up to show Ruby, along with the rest of her team, each wearing a set of armor/clothing from the time period.

Ruby appeared to wear a set of black and red leather armor that appeared to be skintight on her (Thin Dark Brotherhood from Skyrim). Ruby had a scythe, though it was not like the crescent rose she knew, the scythe itself looked like the average garden tool, but more polished and slicker than its original purpose.

As for Weiss, she actually wore no armor, she simply wore a light blue poet shirt underneath a dark blue corset, her pants were black slopes and a pair of white buccaneer boots were worn on her feet. Weiss still had her rapier, though it did not contain the signature dust chamber, instead had a simple guard that covered her hand but allowed space to grab the handle.

Blake wore a dark purple kimono with a black bow tied around her waist, which also held her swords, and she wore a pair of wooden sandals. Blake's weapon was again not like the one she knew but was a simple Katana and a Wakizashi.

Yang wore a bright yellow leather vest underneath a brown fur shirt, she also wore a pair of dark brown pants with yellow leather armor around her legs, her shoes were light brown fur boots, with most of the fur around the mouth of the boots. Her weapons were also vastly different from her own as they were a twin pair of axes.

"Wow, it's kind of weird seeing our weapons be so... simple," Blake said.

"I know," Yang said, "I mean hell, I don't even fight with my fists, I have to fight with axes,"

"My weapon was mostly simple really, so I think this version of me should be fine without the dust chamber, I mean I still have my semblance,"

RR looked at the Heiress, "Uh... about that, the four of you don't really have your aura unlocked," He told them.

the four of them were stunned as they looked at the ball of light.

"Wait! What about JNPR!? Do they have their Aura's unlocked?" Weiss asked.

RR shook his body from side to side, telling them no, "Well, Pyrrha does, but most knights don't, the only knights that do are Pyrrha, Ozpin, Qrow, and Raven, they don't even have their semblances either,"

They all let that settle in, accepting that their other selves were essentially putting their lives on the line with every fight they had, which scared them a little, wondering if they would see the other versions of themselves die in this viewing.

The four appeared to be resting outside of a small fortified village in the dead of night, each with their weapons in their hand, though they sat or were on their knees. The four female knights were tired as they had fought the largest hoard of Grimm they ever had for most of the night, and of course, were exhausted, they could barely move.

"I-I'm so damn tired..." Yang said, breathing deeply.

Blake looked at her partner, "Look on the bright side... this might be the last of them," Blake said.

"I... hope... so," Weiss said.

Ruby looked at her team and smiled at them but heard a growl and turned back to the road that lead to the village and saw a lone Beowulf glaring at them. Ruby glared back at the beast and tried to stand up but fell to her knees. 'Crap! I'm too sore and tired... I-I can't move!' Ruby thought with a panicked look on her face

Noticing their plight, the Beowulf charged at them, ready to kill the young knights right there and then, but before it could get to close the figure clad in white and gold armor slammed down onto the beast and embedded its sword into the beast's head. The four girls were shocked and they saw one of their mentors, Jaune Arc, standing over the dead Grimm.

Jaune wore a high-collar black shirt under a pure white chest plate that covered a bit more of his upper abdomen and similarly-colored bracers. Both the chest plate and the bracers were trimmed with gold, and he wore two shoulder pads, he wore a pair of black gloves with gold-colored metal armor plates over his fingers, and he wore a pair of dark navy pants and dark brown boots on his feet. Jaune's weapon was relatively the same, nothing much about it had changed.

Pyrrha looked at this version and she couldn't help but blush hard as she never thought she see Jaune so built, it was over the top but it was just right in a sense.

Velvet also couldn't help but blush as well seeing her crush look so... dashing, like an actual knight in the fairy tales.

A shade of pink struck Reese's face, she had seen Jaune's body before when they had... well they had slept together and she found it hot then, and she still found it hot.

Nora looked at her leader with a sense of pride, "Hell yeah! Jaune's got some muscle on him now!" Nora said with a smile.

Ren nodded, "He must have trained very hard in this Universe," Ren chimed in.

Ruby pumped her fist up into the air seeing Jaune save her and her team, but mostly for the badass entry he did.

Ruby looked at him with the most surprise, before her expression turned to joy. "J-Jaune!" she cried.

Jaune pulled Crocea Mors from the Beowulf as it fades into dust and turned to the for, "Hey Ruby!" he said with a bright smile. "Gotta say, you rookies did amazing work! I'm impressed!" He said with joy.

Hearing those words from someone who was their senior/mentor put smiles on their faces.

"Th-Thank you... sir," Weiss said with a smile.

Yang looked at her senior and smiled, "Good to see ya Jaune, but... is back up on the way?" She asked.

Jaune nodded, still smiling "Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora are on their way here,"

Blake looked at him with a raised brow of confusion, "They aren't with you?" She asked.

Jaune looked a little bashful as he scratched the back of his head, "When I heard they stationed you four here for your first mission, and when HQ got your raven about the sighting of a Hybrid, I came here as quickly as I could," Jaunr told them, "Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora were on other missions while I left, though they were informed a day after I left, and they should've left on horseback, so they should be here soon," He told them.

"Well as long as they are on the way, we should be fine then," Yang said with a smile, letting out a sigh of relief as well.

Jaune nodded, "You four did a great job! Heck, you four have definitely proved yourselves to be some amazing knights!" Jaune said.

Ruby smiled brightly at her senior and gave him a quick nod, "You know it!"

Jaune chuckled, "Well, looks like the hoard is dead, so let's get you four back inside the town and let you get some rest," He said.

Just as he was about to help Ruby up to her feet, something from the sky shot down from behind the group like a rocket and crashed into the ground, causing some dust to spring up and block their vision from seeing what had landed.

The Audience felt a sense of dread as they saw the thing crash behind the blonde, knowing that whatever it was, wasn't good.

Yang looked to her partner, "You think... it could be one of those Hybrids?" Yang asked.

"Knowing the odds..." Blake began, "I'd say, yeah,"

As the dust cleared, the figure was revealed to be a slim shirtless man, wearing on white pants and brown boots. His skin was pale as snow, his hair as black as Blakes, and his eyes were black red, much like a Grimm, on his wrist were pincer-like blades, and attached to his lower back was a scorpion tail that resembled a deathstalkers, his expression was crazed and full of glee.

The four tired knights looked in shock at the figure, as it was their 2nd time seeing a Hybrid, and his joyful expression shook them to the core.

Team RWBY as well as the rest of the audience felt a chill go down their spine as they saw just how cheerful the hybrid looked, and that scared them because they had never seen someone who looked so excited to fight.

Ruby looked at the man with a shocked and confused expression, 'A hybrid...?' she asked herself, 'Why is he here now?'

The hybrid kept smiling before he jumped forward and with blinding speed appeared above Jaune and Ruby, his hand and weapon pulled back to strike the young female knight. Seeing the incoming attack, Jaune put his shield in front of Ruby and blocked the hybrid's strike, seeing his attack was stopped, the man jumped back quickly just as Jaune swung at him.

The hybrid stood up and smiled at Jaune and chuckled, "Nice reflexes," He said.

Ruby was utterly stunned by the Hybrid's speed. "Did you see how fast he was!?" Ruby cried with shock.

"It's amazing that Jaune was able to block that in time," Pyrrha said with wonder.

Weiss nodded, "Yes... it seems Jaune's reflexes are just as quick as the hybrids," Weiss said.

Jaune looked at the hybrid, keeping his composure and smiling, 'He regenerates quickly and I can already sense some intense pressure and some pretty bad emotions, coming from this guy... so this is what a Hybrid is like,' Jaune thought, "Have you no shame, attacking a young girl who can't even fight back?" Jaune asked.

The hybrid looked at Jaune and shrugged, "Those four would just get in the way of you and me," Replied the Hybrid.

"Is that so?" Jaune asked, "I just met you but I already know I don't like you," Jaune said with a smile.

The hybrid's brow raised but he kept his twisted smile, "Is that so?" He asked, "I really hate weak humans, even just looking at them makes me want to vomit," he said, chuckling.

"Then it looks like you and I have different moral values," Jaune replied.

"Then I have a proposal," The hybrid asked, "How about you become a hybrid too?"

Hearing the hybrid ask Jaune that question, the four female knights looked shocked and looked at Jaune, who simply smile and shook his head.

"Hate to tell you this, but no," Jaune replied.

The hybrid giggled, "I can see your strength just by looking at you," he told Jaune, "Your no rookie... Your battle spirit, it's polished, you're as strong as the rest of us upper-ranked hybrids," He told Jaune.

The scene then showed a large bright white light surrounding Jaune while small, Red, light blue, purple, and yellow lights surrounded the four girls, and the Hybrid smiled and chuckled.

"My name is Jaune Arc, I'm a Knight of Vale," Jaune told the Hybrid. "And you are?"

The Hybrid giggled, "a noble Knight, eh? I am Tyrian Callows, I am the Queen's 2nd-ranked warrior!" Tyrian replied. "Why don't you want to be a hybrid? Is it because you're human? Humans grow old, and they die! If you join me and become a hybrid you'll never die! You'll train and grow stronger for 100 maybe even 1,000 years! You can get stronger!" Tyrian said with a wide smile.

Neptune whistled, "I gotta admit, that's a tempting deal," Neptune said.

Arslan nodded in agreement, "To live forever and polish one's skill," Arslan said, "I'd take that if it didn't involve me becoming a Grimm Hybrid," she finished.

Hearing the Hybrids rank, Ruby looked panicked, 'J-aune can't beat this guy alone! I have to get up! I have to help him!' Ruby told herself.

Jaune looked at Tyrian, "Growing old and dying, is the beauty of human beings," Jaune stated, "Because they grow old and die, they are tremendous, loveable, and precious, what they call strength, doesn't just apply to one's physical power... these four girls aren't weak, so don't you dare insult them, so no matter how many time's you ask me, I will not become a hybrid!" Jaune declared.

Tyrian smiled and peered at Jaune, "I see..." He said. Tyrian then took a fighting stance, "Then I'll just have to kill you!"

Tyrian then charged at Jaune and Jaune charged as well, both running with incredible speed.

'Those two are fast! I can't keep up with my eyes!' Weiss thought with amazement.

The two battled it out, each sending out furious strikes, but none landing. Tyrain slashed at Jaune, but he blocked the attack, and Jaune then cut him across the stomach, but the quickly healed the wound and slashed at Jaune quickly, but Jaune blocked and deflected each attack. Jaune saw an opening and quickly swung at Tyrian, but Tyrian jumped up and dodged the attack.

"Of all the knights I've fought, none of them were as good as you!" Tyrian cried, "It was a pity! None of them also took my offer which was a shame! So I'll kill you Jaune! While you are strong!" Tyrian cried.

Tyrain's Hands then glowed and fire appeared in his hands, and he threw four fireballs at the Blonde knight, but Jaune blocked all of them with his shield, however, the attack rattled his shield arm and Jaune groaned.

Yang growled, "So they really do have magic," She said, "It isn't good, if he can do stuff like that multiple times, Jaune's in big trouble and might not get close to killing him," Yang finished.

Hearing what Yang said, Blake agreed, "Worse, the only way to kill him is cutting off his head, but that isn't an easy task, worse... this Tyrian guy is only the 2nd strongest apparently, makes you wonder who's the first," Blake said.

'Looks like HQ's information was right! They do have magic! But that's not my only problem, Tyrian's moving in a fraction of a blink! I can't let him shoot those fireballs anymore!'Jaune thought.

He charged in with amazing speed and got close to Tyrian, and the hybrid was surprised and smiled at Jaune's speed. The blonde Knight slashed Tyrain across the chest before quickly bashing him backward with his shield, spun his sword around, and held it like a dagger, he hoped to get Tyrian to the ground and stab him in the neck before cutting it off. However Tyrain smiled as he used his tail to stop his fall and push him forward, and he sent a kick to Jaune's gut, causing him to fly back and tumble across the ground.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha cried in fear.

"Crap! Jaune's losing!" Yang cried.

"We have to help him!" Blake cried.

The four tried to get up as they grabbed their weapons, they felt their strength slowly returning to them, and not only that, but the fire to help a mentor burned inside of them, and they all remembered how he acted when they were still apprentices.

"Nice work Yang! Perfect throw at each target!" Jaune told her as he patted her on the back. "You keep that up, your dad's gonna be one proud man!"

"Weiss, you keep up that speed you'll poke a Grimm full of mole holes that any person with a bow!" Jaune cried with a laugh.

Jaune put his hand on Blake's shoulder and looked at her with a serious expression. "Blake, don't pay any mind to Cardin or anyone else who has problems with who you really are, You're gonna be one of the greatest Knights from Mistral!" He told her.

Jaune looked at Ruby as they stood on a balcony and looked over the city, "Ruby, you're an amazing fighter and I'm sure your mother is proud of you, she always talked about you, and she believed in you... so believe in yourself," He said with a soft smile.

Seeing how close their other selves were with Jaune made them tear up a bit, and it also made them cry seeing how he supported them.

"We really gotta hang out with VB a little bit more," Yang said with a smile

Weiss nodded, "Yes... and I should ease up on him," Weiss said.

NPR smiled as well, knowing that he was always supportive of them and helping them out when they were a bit bummed out.

Jaune quickly regained himself and stood up and turned to his fellow knights and glared at them, "DON'T GET UP!" Jaune told them.

They all looked at him with stunned faces, shocked that he didn't want them to help him in the fight.

Tyrian appeared right in front of Jaune and swung at him and Jaune quickly deflected the attack. Tyrian chuckled, "Don't pay those weakling's any mind Jaune!" Tyrain cried.

Jaune growled and swung at Tyrain, managing to cut him up, but it did no good because of how fast he was able to regenerate, and Tyrain's stamina and strength seemed boundless, as he just kept fighting non-stop, never letting up. Tyrain slashed with such speed that it seemed to increase, and Jaune did his best to keep up, but Tyrain then use his tail to slash Jaune's leg, causing the knight to groan in pain, and then Tyrian pulled his gauntlet back and slashed Jaune across the left side of his face, much to Jaune's dismay, but then Tyrian quickly slashed him across the right side of his lower abdomen.

"Jaune!" Ruby cried.

Blake glared, "Tyrain he got him!" Balek cried

"Damn," Ren cried.

Jaune backed away but held his stance as he breathed heavily as he glared at Tyrain, the left side of his face bled and he had to close his eyes due to the blood, and his rib and leg both bleed badly.

Nora looked at her leader with worry, "Come one fearless leader! You got this!" She cried.

Ruby looked in fear as she saw Jaune's state, as did the rest of her team, all of them feeling a sense of dread, fearing the worse may happen to their mentor.

"Don't die on me now, Jaune Arc," Tyrain said.

Blake looked at the fight with worry, 'There's no opening, there's no way any of us can jump in, and even if we could, what could we do? We're tired and we can barely stand, what the hell can we do!?' Blake cried with a sorrowful expression.

"Why do you continue to fight, Jaune? The cut I gave you with my tail is slowly poisoning you, and you can't see out of one eye, and that cut on your rib was deep enough to cause some very big pain," Tyrain told him. "No matter how much you try, humans can not beat us!"

'Damn it! Get up! Get up! Get up!' Yang cried, her anger rising.

Weiss stabbed her rapier into the ground and picked herself up, 'I will not sit here and watch a mentor of mine die!' Weiss cried to herself.

'Do not let him down! He believes in you! He's put his hope into you!' Ruby cried as she stood up.

"So I'm going to die no matter what then, right?" Jaune asked.

Tryain just smiled and nodded.

Jaune smiled and then dropped his shield and held his swords with both hands, "I am a Knight! Protector of all 4 kingdoms and their people! I swear on my name and on my life that I will uphold the duty bestowed upon me!" Jaune cried.

Hearing him cry out those words with such passion the young knights couldn't help but feel a sense of power inside of them.

Weiss looked at RR, "What is he saying?" she asked.

RR looked at the heiress, "His oath, each Knight takes it," RR said, "But he's not finished," RR told him.

Hearing him speak his oath, the four younger knights felt a wave of passion grow inside of them seeing their mentor so fired up.

Jaune gripped his sword tighter, still smiling at Tyrain. "KNIGHTS! WHAT DO WE SAY TO OUR ENEMIES!?" Jaune asked.

"RUN!" Yang and Blake cried with a smile.

Yang smiled at her other self. "Damn right they'd better run!" Yang said with a chuckle

Blake nodded in agreement, "From the both of us," Blake said with a chuckle.

"WHAT DO WE SAY TO DEATH!?" Jaune asked.

"NOT TODAY!" Ruby and Weiss cried.

"Yeah!" Ruby cried high-fiving her partner.

Weiss couldn't help but feel a sense of pride when she heard those words.


"DO NOT FALTER!" The four cried.

RWBY and NPR couldn't help but cheer at his words, and the others felt moved by his words and felt a fighting spirit surge into all of them.

Mercury grinned, "Man, I feel pumped," Mercury said.

"Oddly enough, so do I," Emerald said.

Jaune nodded with pride, "Damn right!" Jaune cried as he charged at Tyrain.

Tyrain's smile widened more than they thought possible, "Such spirit! Such determination! YOU REALLY ARE STRONG, JAUNE ARC!" Tyrian cried.

Jaune launched forth and Tyrain did the same, both charging at each with great speed before they collided and a burst of dust rose up from the ground completely obscuring the vision of the four knights.

'I can't see anything because of the dust!' Ruby thought 'Jaune... please be ok!' Ruby cried to herself.

"He had to have done it right!?" Nora cried, "He had to!"

Ren prayed silently that Jaune had cut off Tyrian's head and that he won, Pyrrha watched in anticipation along with the rest of RWBY, who gripped their armrest tight.

Reese felt a sense of dread flow through her as she expected the worse, she too hoped Juane had one, but deep in her heart, she had the feeling that he had lost.

Sun and Neptune watched rooting for the blonde and hoping that he had won, because, to them, it was going to be a shame if he died.

Arslan kept watching hoping for the best but also expecting the worse, but would continue to watch because she had never seen a man so noble.

As the dust cleared, they saw Jaune's blade raised, but they also saw how close Tyrain was, and when the smoke completely cleared, they saw that Tyrian's hand had completely stabbed through Jaune's left side.

The four female knights looked in horror as they saw what the hybrid had done to their Mentor.

"JAAAUUUUNNNEEE!" Ruby cried in anguish

"NO!" Pyrrha cried.

"H-He can't die again!" Reese cried.

Ren looked horrified and sad at his leader's situation, seeing that he was alive, but not for too long.

RWBY looked in horror as well and felt terrible, their other selves couldn't help Jaune nor could they do anything to save him, they had let him down.

Jaune looked down to see the wound that Tyrain had given him and glared at it.

Tyrain looked at Jaune, "You'll die, Jaune! Become a hybrid! Tell me you'll become a hybrid!" Tyrain cried, almost pleading with the blonde.

Jaune didn't answer as his mind flashed back to when he was a child.

In the flashback, he looked up to his father who had just finished training other apprentices and approached the younger Jaune.

"You were an amazing father! Can you teach me when I become a Knight!?" Jaune asked

His father looked down at him and smiled, "So you want to be a Knight huh? Well, then I'll for sure train you!" He said proudly, "And who knows! You might become a better Knight than I!"

Jaune nodded, "I will become stronger than you! I promise!" Jaune said with a bright smile.

The flashback then changed to show a teenage Jaune walking with none other than Summer rose, who also adorned a set of white and red armor, and in her hands, she held a saber with a rose-shaped guard.

Yang looked shocked as her eyes widened with surprise, "Summer!" Yang cried.

Ruby looked in awe at seeing her mother, as she looked amazingly dressed as a Knight.

"I'm afraid that I'll let you down, Lady Summer, you believed in me but I feel like I'm not enough," Jaune told her with a sad expression.

Summer smiled at her apprentice, "I believe in you because you remind me a lot of my daughter," Summer said, "You and she are very similar, you believe in doing what is right and you both do not give up, and because of the strong will, I believe in you, because you'll inspire other after you, like I have," Summer told him.

Jaune looked at her with wide eyes, "Lady Summer...!" Jaune cried with astonishment.

Summer patted him on the back, "You'll never disappoint me Jaune, just Like you'll never disappoint your father, because we have faith in you," She told him with a bright smile.

Jaune then put the last of his strength into his sword hand and swung at Tyrain's neck, he managed to chop into it, but he didn't cut it off, instead, he pushed the sword deeper, hoping to cut it off with his remaining strength.

"He's still going!?" Arslan cried

"Damn, dude!" Sun cried with a smile.

Seeing him still fight made Reese smile, knowing that Jaune was trying to take the bastard with him. "Kick his ass Jaune!" Reese cried.

Tyrain was shocked, 'he still has strength!?' Tyrain cried.

The hybrid then pulled back his left hand and aimed for Jaune's head, but Jaune's own left hand caught his arm and held it in place, not letting him go nor letting him get a hit in. Jaune glared at the Hybrid as Tyrain looked in shock at the strength Jaune still possessed.

'Amazing! Despite me piercing his side he still has so much strength!' Tyrain thought. Tyrain then saw the faint light of the Sun rising. 'Ah! It's almost dawn, I'll be weaker in the sunlight!' Tyrain cried.

He then tried to pull his right hand out of Jaune's body but it wasn't budging!

'What the hell!? Why can't I remove my arm!' Tyrain cried to himself in shock

Jaune glared at him, "You're not getting away!" Jaune told him.

Weiss looked a little confused, "Wait? Why is he weaker in the sunlight?" Weiss asked.

RR looked at her, "Their powers are weaker in the sun, a cost of becoming a hybrid, their eyesight is slightly blinded by the sunlight, and their regeneration is slower, though they are still very powerful," RR said.

"Also, why can't He pull his hand out of Jaune?" Blake asked.

RR turned to look at her, "It's a Breathing technique he picked up from the Raven of this timeline, it allows him to tighten his muscles with his breathing, it can also help him with his attacks and stopping his wounds from bleeding to much," RR said.

Ruby managed to get to her feet and grabbed her scythe and charged toward her Mentor and the Hybrid, "I have to help him!" Ruby cried, "I have to cut off his head!"

Tyrain glared at Jaune, 'Damn it! the Sun is coming and he said that Backup is on the way! I can't take on more knights in the day!' Tyrain cried, "LET GO OF ME!" Tyrian cried.

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!" Jaune cried with fury.

Jaune pushed his blade through Tyrian's neck farther, getting close to cutting off the hybrid's neck. Ruby appeared behind Jaune and readied her weapon to cut off his head, but Tyrain put his strength into his feet and jumped up into the air, tearing his arms off and breaking Jaune's sword in the process.

"Son of a bitch!" Yang cried as she saw the hybrid escape.

When Tyrain landed, his arms quickly regenerated, and left to escape. 'Now I need to get out of here!' he told himself.

However, as he was running away, Ruby put all of her strength into her handle and threw her scythe at the Hybrid, managing to stab him in the back. Tyrain was caught off guard by the attack and looked back to see an angry Ruby looking at him.

"Don't Run away!" Ruby cried, "Don't run away you coward!"

Fury rose up into Tyrain, 'Damn bitch! Who does she think she is!?' Tyrain asked himself 'Calling me weak!'

"I'm not done with you coward turn and face me!" Ruby cried, "Don't forget that we knights fight you hybrids and Grimm in the dead of night where you have the advantage! We're not like you at all! We don't heal as fast and when we lose a limb we can't grow it back! Don't run away you bastard!" Ruby cried

Jaune looked at Ruby a little stunned to see how angry she was.

"Of course, I'd be angry! He turned and ran away!" Ruby cried, her tone just as angry as her counterpart's

A song could be heard as the scene continued.

"You're a coward! A COWARD!" Ruby cried, "Jaune is stronger than you'll ever hope to be! You didn't win against him! He kept everyone safe! He fought to the very end so that no one would die! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO LOST! DO YOU HEAR ME!? JAUNE WON! HE WON DAMN YOU!" Ruby cried, tears falling from her face.

Ruby finally broke down and fell to her knees as she began to cry, and Yang ran over to her sister and hugged her while Weiss and Blake ran over to Jaune, who just smiled at Ruby.

"Don't work yourself up, Ruby, you'll just tire yourself out more," he told the young girl. "Come over here, all of you, and let's speak one last time," Jaune told them.

The sisters rushed over to Jaune and looked at him, joining their two other teammates, and Jaune smiled at the four as they stood in front of him.

"I have a favor to ask all of you," Jaune began, "Look through the reports of Summer, I remember that she reported every single instance of hybrids being seen, and she was even investigating them, she might know who is behind them, so you might have a change of finding out how to stop all of this," Jaune told them.

Ruby looked at Jaune sadly but nodded.

"I also want you to pay my home a visit, tell my mother to take care of herself and my sisters to follow their dreams, and give them my sword and my shield, understood,"

Blake nodded, holding back tears.

"And the last thing I need you four to do... is to keep your head high," Jaune said.

The four looked at him with surprise but tears still fell from their eyes, "If you feel that you are not enough, that you can't move forward... then set your soul ablaze! Dry your tears and keep moving forward!" Jaune told them with a smile.

Ruby cried and she gave him a hug, surprising him before the rest of the girls hugged him, and his shock turned to comfort as he smiled softly at them. "Don't feel bad that I'm going to die, as a Knight, it was my duty to protect you all," he told them, "You young flowers must be allowed to bloom, and any other knight would have done the same as I, you must continue to grow, and become strong and wonderful knights! I believe in each and every one of you, no matter what!" he told them.

The four knights could not hold back their tears any longer as they cried and broke the hug, looking at their mentor. Jaune looked past the four only to see two figures standing far from them and his eyes widened when he saw who they were. It was his father and Summer, looking at him with smiles.

'Father... Lady Summer... did I become a strong knight? Did I make you proud?' he asked.

His father gave him a thumbs up, "You did a wonderful job, my boy," His father said.

"You made us proud, Jaune," Summer told him.

Jaune was shocked but he smiled at the people who made him strong, but his eye began to close and death had finally taken him, and the screen faded to black.

Not a single person didn't shed a tear, as they watched another Jaune die, but in his final moments, he once again saved their lives. Even Mercury was crying much to Emerald's surprise, as she thought the guy had almost no emotion.

RR smiled a little but he shed some tears, but he "wiped" them away and looked at them, still smiling, "Let's move on Shall we?" He asked, looking through the other Universes




I had to do this chapter because I just finished watching Mugen train but I also saw the most recent Episode of RWBY Volume 9, and I couldn't help myself!

Thank you for reading and I hope you're ready for the next chapter!

Next Chapters:

Chapter 9: Maidenless!? (Elden Ring)

Chapter 10: Love Necture!? (Shimoneta)

Chapter 11: Demon Duo! (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Continue lendo

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