Child of the Moon.

By 12thPrinceOfDarkness

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Hector. We all know how his story began and ended. This villainous warrior was sworn to keep all away from th... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
~Chapter Twenty-Three~
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

~Chapter Twenty-Two~

56 0 0
By 12thPrinceOfDarkness

Hector rode slowly down the path that led to the capital city of Corona on the back of Tekakwitha, Lady and Luna trotting close behind. Tekakwitha had grown tired of running and they were almost to the city now anyway. Hector could see it clearly now, and guess there was only an estimated hour or so left in his journey if they continued at the leisurely pace. If the rhinoceros ran the rest of the way, they would of course reach their destination sooner. But Hector doubted his friend would want to run anymore, and he would not make her.

He had left his brother's home early that morning just before the sun started to rise. He had quickly packed his things for his journey from the farm to the city before quietly slipping out the door. He had left a note on his bed in the guest bedroom of the farmhouse. It simply said,

I've left. I don't know for how long. Don't follow me, don't try to find me, and don't grieve if the worst is to happen. - Hector.

Beyond that note, he had left nothing for his family. No remaining possessions of his for them to track him with, no further instructions, and no goodbye. It would be better that way, for all of them.

The warrior had debated with himself over whether or not going to the city had been the right decision. There were a thousand things that could go wrong. For one, his family might go after him even though he told them not to, and they could find him in the city. Another point of worry was that if anyone found out the extent of his plan, they might have him imprisoned or kept under guard. He would have to be careful with his words and how much he revealed.

But despite the dangers in doing so, he decided to go to the city to speak with the queen anyway. He would try one last time to convince her, and if it failed, well... he would take his own path.

Hector rode through the gates of the city and dismounted. He would leave his animals by the gate and walk the rest of the way to the palace to avoid being noticed. He additionally pulled the hood of his fur cloak over his head and pulled a mask up over his face so that only his eyes were visible.

He strolled through the streets of the city to the palace. He was ignored by everyone, just as he had hoped, and his walk was quick enough. He soon walked through the massive front door of the glamorous palace. He was almost immediately stopped by a guard.

"Who are you, stranger?" The guard asked. "And why are you masked?"

"I am a man here to see the queen or her lover if she is truly unavailable," Hector answered. "And as for your second question, I wear this because I must for personal reasons."

"Then I repeat, who are you?"

The guard gave no further question about the mask or the cloak, which surprised Hector. He had expected keeping his identity secret to be harder.

These men should not be this easy to fool, Hector thought. Eugene has a lot of work ahead of him if he intends to make them into a useful army.

"Stranger?" The guard questioned, snapping his fingers to get Hector's attention.

"Oh! I apologize. What was your question?"

"Who are you?"

The guard's voice had grown exasperated and almost angry. His hand ever so slightly moved towards the sword at his hip.

"Simply tell your queen that the son of Troy has come to see her. She will know who I am."

The guard hesitated before briskly instructing Hector to stay exactly where he was while he went to inform the queen of her visitor. Hector obediently went to sit on an ornate bench that rested directly in front of the wall. The guard ran off, leaving Hector alone. The warrior knew that the queen or Eugene (preferably the first) would drop anything to come and see the son of Troy.

The title was a callback to the night beside the fire that seemed so long ago, while they were all still traveling to the Dark Kingdom, when Hector had told his friends of how he had gotten his name. He told them of how his true name was unknown to him and always would be. Since his parents had abandoned him at birth, he would never know what name they had given him, if they ever gave him one at all. Hector was simply the thing that an oh so young Adira had begun to call him in those first few weeks after the seven-year-old boy had been found wandering the palace halls. Oh, he had been called many things by Arimama. 'Boy', 'Little One', 'Dear', among the dozens of titles. The high priestess had never truly given him a name though. It was her feeble attempt to not grow too attached to the little boy. Adira had cautiously started to approach him that first day of his new life outside the prison cell. When asked his name, the boy did not have an answer, at least not one set answer. And so, the young, white-haired girl had introduced him to the name of her favorite hero at the time. The boy had said he liked the name, and so it stuck. That favorite hero of young Adira's had been Prince Hector of Troy.

Hector knew that Rapunzel or Eugene would remember the story, and therefore know the person behind the title 'son of Troy'. How could they forget? They had been so shocked and so astounded that someone could live for a thousand years without ever knowing their real name or if they actually ever had one.

Soon, the guard who had stopped Hector at the door came running back. Hector stood. The guard took a moment to catch his breath before addressing Hector.

"The queen will see you now, son of Troy. She will meet you just outside her chambers. I will take you there."

The guard led Hector through the palace to Rapunzel's chambers. He didn't need leading; he'd been there before for the many meetings that the queen had with her closest friends. But he followed behind the guard nonetheless.

They soon reach the beautifully painted door of Rapunzel's room. The guard knocked on the door, and it was quickly opened by Eugene. The former thief was startled a little by the tall figure of Hector, almost completely covered in black. But the alarm soon faded, when he realized who was standing in front of him. He'd know those eyes anywhere.

"Thank you, Richard," Eugene said to the guard, dipping his head.

Hector started to walk into the room, but was stopped by the guard, who had his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"It's alright!" Eugene informed the guard. "This man is a trusted friend of mine and Rapunzel's. He can come in."

The guard let go of Hector, bowed, and left. Eugene then pulled Hector inside the room by his arm, closing the door behind him.

Rapunzel ran around the room throwing things into a travel bag before taking them back out again, putting them back in, and so on. Panic flared in the regent queen's eyes. A piece of once-rolled paper laid out on a nearby table. Rapunzel kept glancing over at it, as if to ask it for help.

When the princess finally looked up to see Eugene and Hector, she dropped everything and ran over to the two. Hector pulled his hood back and removed the mask.

"Hector, what's going on?" She asked. "What's with the mask? Is something wrong? Wh-"

"I simply-" Hector interrupted before being interrupted himself.

"Where have you been?!" Eugene hissed.

His words came out harsh though he hadn't meant it that way. He was simply hurt and worried.

Both Eugene and Rapunzel had tried multiple times to go to Old Corona and speak with Hector in the past two weeks. After Cassandra and Rapunzel clashed, destroying the Moonstone thief's fortress, Hector had gone to stay with Quirin to look after Varian. Whenever Eugene or Rapunzel came, he would absolutely refuse to see them, not even coming to the door. And now Hector had suddenly arrived at their door, masked, using a secret title, asking to talk with them about something urgent. Eugene was worried.

"What are you packing for?" Hector asked, not answering Eugene's question.

"We just got a message from someone we know, Calliope," Rapunzel explained, twisting her hair nervously. "She said that she's in trouble and that something terrible has happened. She said we need to get to her home, the Spire, as soon as possible. We have to go.

"But, what did you need from us?"

"How long will you be gone?" Hector asked.

This could change things. For one, he didn't want to rush what he had to say to them. He wanted to have time to convince them. But, if this threat that their friend spoke of was in fact Cassandra, then he didn't want to keep them waiting. This actually could be the perfect time to finally convince them that an army and a nationwide search was the only way to apprehend Cassandra.

"We'll be using one of Varian's modified hot air balloons," Rapunzel said. "So if the situation isn't too bad and she's just being her dramatic self, then we should be back by tomorrow morning. Why?"

"Did this Calliope say or send anything else?"

"W-well she just said that she and the Spire were in danger because of someone, and she thinks we could help. She also sent this key with her letter and told us to protect it. Hector, what's going on?"

"And you didn't think that this someone who was threatening her could possibly be Cassandra?!" Hector growled.

Rapunzel jumped at the sudden aggression in Hector's voice.

"We did think it was her!" Rapunzel said, shying away slightly. "That's why we thought it would be best if me and Eugene went so we could talk to her!"

"You can't talk to her!" Hector snarled before turning on Eugene. "You saw what she did to Varian and Maldue! Maldue is still missing; we don't know what she's done to him now!"

Hector paused and took a deep breath to collect himself. He had tried the aggression method before in Quirin's farmhouse. Rapunzel had won out. And so, he had to beat her at her own game, using calm, collected, and logical statements.

"Rapunzel," Hector began as calmly as he could. "I know you feel for Cassandra. Her past is... regrettable. To be abandoned by one's own mother as a child is painful, believe me, I know. But Cassandra cannot blame Gothel's actions on you. You were an infant. You did not ask to be stolen by that witch, no more than Cassandra asked to be born her daughter. And furthermore, she cannot take this hurt and anger out on our kingdoms.

"She has stolen the center of the Dark Kingdom. She has attacked you, kidnapped and tortured your people, and threatened us all. It cannot go on! I do not tell you how to deal with your criminals. When she is captured and the Moonstone is returned to its place, you may do what you wish. Our kingdom will want some say in the matter, but the ultimate decision is up to you. But that decision can only be made if she is captured.

"The time for talking is over. You have tried to make her see reason, and many times at that! She has responded with more violence. How much longer do you think it will be before she kills someone? I know you think she is a good person, and maybe she was when you knew her, but she has changed. She's not the same woman you knew. She is a danger that must be dealt with, regardless of personal attachment. And talking is not how she will be dealt with.

"I'm asking you, begging you, please make this stop! Bring this to an end! You must attack. You must form an army. I'm not asking you to kill her, but I am asking you to keep her from killing. Please, Rapunzel... please."

The room was silent. Rapunzel watched Hector closely. He was on his knees with his hands clasped in front of him. His eyes brimmed with tears. The queen remembered how his nephew had come to her similarly whilst his father was being imprisoned in the cold amber. She remembered the look in his eyes, the desperation. She saw it now on Hector. She had refused Varian help in order to save the Coronans, but now Hector was asking not only for himself and those close to him but also for the protection of both their peoples.

Rapunzel knelt down in front of Hector and clasped his hands. She helped him to his feet, but she didn't let go of his hands.

"I'm sorry," She said. "I'm sorry that I haven't listened to you, I'm sorry that your family has been hurt, and I'm sorry that you feel as though you have to kneel and beg for me. You do not. I am the one at fault here, not you. I've put you all in danger because of my own naïveté.

"We will do as you say. Fortifications will be put up, we will train our army to fight her, and we will listen to your judgment more. But first, I have just one request, if that is something you can grant to me after all I've done."

"And what is that request?"

"Allow me to go to the Spire. Allow me to try and speak with Cassandra one last time, just as you have come to speak with me. We will be cautious and will try to avoid her. If she attacks, we will defend ourselves and flee if we must. Please, just one more time. If it fails, then I will do anything that you need to help defeat her."

Hector paused for a moment. Talking had not worked before. In fact, it had only made things worse. It wouldn't work now. And yet, that was what he had thought upon coming to see Rapunzel.

"One more chance," Hector said slowly. "I will give you one more chance to try and reason with her. One and only one. And you are to go to this Spire and Calliope with protection and a plan to fight. I already know you won't allow me to go, so I just ask that you are safe and that you lead with your head, not your heart. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Rapunzel responded, sighing a little with relief. She had not thought he would allow her this. "I understand, and I will do as you say. I swear."

"Good. Pack what you need. I must leave to un-scare my family."

"What did you do?" Rapunzel asked, tilting her head to the side.

"I may or may not have left them without a goodbye and only a note stating that I was going somewhere where they could not follow."

"What do you mean?"

"You planned to go after Cassandra yourself if we didn't change our minds and agree with you," Eugene answered for Hector with complete certainty. "You're a reckless man, Hector. You would have died."

"My conscience would be clear," Hector responded cooly.

Hector thought to ask Eugene what he thought of all this - going to the spire, dealing with Cassandra - but he already knew the answer. Eugene would go along with whatever Rapunzel said and would support and protect her no matter what. He would follow her into the very fires of Hell with a smile on his face.

The warrior thanked Rapunzel one last time before pulling his hood and mask back up and leaving. He strolled out of the palace calmly, then he turned into a nearby alleyway. He leaned his back against the wall of the alley and sank to the ground. He began to laugh and cry at the same time. He'd done it. He'd finally convinced the unmoving queen to take action. His home and its legacy would be restored, his family would be safe, and he had not had to do it alone.

A young red-haired girl had walked up to Hector and placed a hand on his shoulder, asking him if he was all right. He had quickly wiped his tears away and stood up, brushing his clothes off. He thanked the girl for her concern, but said that he was perfectly fine, better than that in fact. She smiled at him. She couldn't have been more than nine.

Hector reached into his tunic and pulled out a moon pendant that hung on a thin gold string. It had belonged to King Benedict. He lifted it over his head and knelt down, carefully putting the pendant around the girl's neck.

"This belonged to my father," Hector said. "It's very ancient, and it will protect you. Take good care of it, will you?"

"Yes, I will!" The girl responded eagerly, holding the pendent close to her heart.

"Good. Off you go then. I have something important I need to do."

Hector stood and walked away. He didn't know why he had given Benedict's pendant to the girl. All she'd done was ask if he was okay. He didn't even know her name! But then he heard the girl's voice again. He saw her in the corner of his eye, talking with who he could only assume were her parents.

"I just met an angel!" She announced, bouncing up and down.

Hector smiled. Whatever the reason, or lack thereof, was, it was worth it.


Hector had actually met Quirin and Varian while he was about to leave through the gate out of the city. They were riding in their wagon as Hector mounted Tekakwitha. They noticed him before he noticed them. After all, how could you miss the tall, cloaked man who rode the rhinoceros?

Varian had shouted for Hector, instantly getting his attention. The boy had leapt out of the wagon, sprinting towards his uncle. He jumped into his arms and was spun around by him. Then they sat on the ground, cradled in each other's arms. The boy sobbed into his uncle's chest, gripping him tightly as though he was afraid that the man would disappear if he let go.

Then Quirin suddenly yanked Hector to his feet and began to shout at him. He pulled the mask off his face. Though his words were harsh and angry, Hector could see the relieved tears in his brother's eyes. He stood silently as Quirin yelled. When Quirin noticed the forgiving smile on his younger brother's face, he couldn't bear to be angry with him anymore. He embraced Hector. Varian joined the hug, and the family stood there for a while, ignoring the stares from those around them.

Finally, they released each other. Quirin cupped Hector's cheek and begged to know what he'd done wrong to make Hector do such a thing.

"It was not you," Hector had responded. "It will not ever be you."

The warrior explained why he had left and how he had thought that the princess would still refuse to attack Cassandra, so he would have had to attack her himself, such was the reason for the note. Quirin understood his motives against Cassandra but said that he didn't understand why Hector had not allowed him to go with him. Hector simply answered that he had thought of it, and he had wanted his brother and nephew with him. But he finished by saying that their safety was more important than his comfort.

Quirin embraced Hector once again before saying that they should be getting back to the farmhouse. Hector offered Varian a place behind him on Tekakwitha. The boy had never ridden the rhino before. Quirin had forbidden it, but right now, the farmer was too tired to care. He gave his permission, and Varian was thrilled.

They made it back to the farmhouse before sunset. They ate a quick supper before heading off to bed. It had been a long day, and they were all tired. Quirin said that he would make them all a big breakfast in the morning, and they would have a carefree day together.

Hector wanted that badly to be the case, but he knew that Rapunzel and Eugene would be returning from their mission concerning Cassandra then, and he would have to be there when they did.

Quirin sighed but let his brother be. His duty was to the Dark Kingdom and its protection first; that was how it had always been.

And so, Hector climbed into bed, already preparing himself for the queen and her lover's return tomorrow. At least... he hoped that they would return.


The following morning, Hector got up before sunrise, just as he had the day before. Only this time, Hector's family knew.

He quickly packed what he would need and left the house. It took just about the same amount of time to reach the capital city as it had before. This time however, Hector couldn't keep Thanatos at bay, and he eventually resigned to letting the small dog come along. He hadn't let him come last time since he wasn't trained to attack and fight like the other animals were. He wouldn't be safe. But now, that would hopefully not be a worry.

When Hector reached the city, he kept himself unmasked and with his hood down. He didn't need to hide now. Rapunzel and Eugene had told him that they would be landing in the courtyard of the palace, so that was where he went. The queen had told her guards the day prior to let him in and do what he pleased until they arrived. Hector actually saw the guard who had taken him to see Rapunzel before. Richard, his name was.

Hector waited among the flowers of the courtyard, singing to himself. Some of the younger palace servants sat and listened to him in wonder. It almost made him forget the hours that passed without seeing Rapunzel and Eugene.

Finally, when it was well past noon, Hector finished one of his ballads and saw something in the sky. He jumped up and politely pushed past the servants. It wasn't long before the hot air balloon landed right in the center of the courtyard. Rapunzel was the first to jump out. Hector approached her, arms crossed.

"You're late," he said.

"I know," Rapunzel answered.

She sounded dreadfully tired, like she hadn't gotten any sleep at all. She also looked worn out for a different reason.

Before Hector could ask Rapunzel any more questions, Eugene spoke.

"I need to speak with you Hector," he said with seriousness that Hector rarely saw.

Hector hesitated, but eventually followed Eugene into a private room inside the palace. Eugene closed the door slowly and paused for a moment, his hand on the doorknob. If Hector didn't know better, he could have sworn it looked like his friend was about to lock the door. But he didn't lock it. He turned to face Hector, his face grim.

"Cassandra was at the Spire," he said.

"I figured as much," Hector responded.

"Let me finish, Hector."

Hector was taken aback by this, but he held his tongue.

"Cassandra wasn't the only person there," Eugene continued. "We also saw her ally, Zhan Tiri."

Hector stepped back, running into the wall, his face pale. It was just like he felt at Cassandra's fortress after her battle with Rapunzel.

She really is working with the demon.

"You... you're sure it was Zhan Tiri?" Hector asked quietly.

"Positive," Eugene answered. "And there's more.

"The Spire is a stronghold of magical weapons. Cassandra came looking for one, something she called the Mindtrap. We saw the Mindtrap. It had the symbol of the Brotherhood on it. Zhan Tiri said we would lose some close friends and gain powerful enemies because of it. Me and Rapunzel... we think Cassandra and Zhan Tiri are going to use the Mindtrap to hurt you or control you."

"What?!" Hector snarled. "What do you mean 'control me'?!"


"You told me that I wasn't a puppet that evil can control! You swore that to me! And yet you're here telling me that I'll serve Cassandra! Never!"

"You're not a puppet, but you also aren't magic! You can't defend against it! I'm warning you! I'm trying to protect you, Hector!"

"And what do you intend to do to 'protect' me from this magic?!"

"We were thinking that if you were kept hidden and under watch, then we would know the moment something happened, and we might be able to hide you from her all together."

"You..." - Hector backed away from Eugene, horror plain on his face. - "You were going to lock me away?"

"No!" Eugene insisted desperately, trying to reach for his friend. "We were going to keep you hidden and safe, and we would make sure that you were comfortable!"

"A golden cage is still a cage!" Hector growled, the anger in his voice returning. "After everything we've been through, you'd still chain me over threats from a thief and her demon minion?! You didn't think that maybe Cassandra is lying and trying to scare us?!"

"We don't think she is."

"She has to be! Edmund would have told us if such a thing as this Mindtrap existed! He wouldn't keep this from us!"

"He might not know, Hector! Please, you have to understand-"

"I called you my brother, and you betrayed me like this?!" Hector screamed.

Angry tears filled Hector's eyes, and he turned away to hide them. Eugene sighed behind him.

"Hector," he said sadly. "I have a duty to my kingdom, same as you. We think that you may become a threat, not because you yourself are dangerous to us, but because Cassandra has a lot of power, and you would make a good weapon. She has a demon on her side, Hector; we can't take chances. You asked us to do something about Cassandra, and this is a part of it. I don't want to do this, and I wish I didn't have to, but I do. I'm leading our army now. I'm their commander, their captain. I have a duty to protect them from anything that might do them harm. I had hoped that you would understand. You will be comfortable, I swear, but I know that won't help. I have to do this, Hector, and not just to you, but to my father as well. You don't think that will pain me? Please, don't make this hard for me... don't make me shackle you."

Hector turned slowly around to face Eugene. The two stared at each other for a while. Eugene's hand rested close to the knife on his thigh.

Finally, Hector wiped the tears from his eyes and held out his wrists.

"Well," he sighed. "Clap me in irons, I suppose."

"I don't think I will," Eugene said with a smile. "You haven't done anything but yell at me, after all. Now, if you'll kindly follow me."

Eugene led Hector out of the room and down the halls of the palace. He said that there were several secured rooms nearby that, if guarded by a few soldiers, would be perfectly safe. He also said that he wished Hector and Edmund could be together in one of these chambers, but it probably would not be the best idea. They would regretfully have to be separated. Eugene went on about how nice the rooms were and how he would come to visit Hector as often as he could, but the warrior tuned him out. He just followed, followed and waited.

The two soon passed the wide-open doors at the front of the palace. The doors were always kept open since Rapunzel had taken the throne. She said she wanted the palace to look more welcoming. Hector's heartbeat quickened as he and Eugene neared the open doors. Close by the door was supposed to be a flight of stairs that led to Hector's new, high-security chambers, so they had to pass them. This was all the more lucky for Hector.

Just as he and Eugene came upon the doors and were ready to turn down another hallway, Hector whispered,

"I'm sorry."

"What?" Eugene asked, but he never got an answer.

Hector bolted out the front gates of the palace and towards the winding streets of the city. Eugene raced after him, calling his name. He knew Eugene was also calling for the assistance of any soldier he passed, but Hector didn't notice or care. All he could hear was his quick breath and the pounding of his feet against the stone streets.

He would not let them cage him as if he were an animal. He would not let them chain him down because of Cassandra. They would not take his freedom from him because of her. She had already taken so much, and Hector would not let her take this also. If he was truly a threat then he would protect those he loved on his own terms, out of his own free will. He would not let them chain him down and hide him. He would face Cassandra and her magic head on. He had planned to anyway.

Hector ran, and ran, and ran until at last he saw his animals waiting for him at the gates.

"Run!" he shouted at them, and they understood; they always did.

Hector barely managed to jump on Tekakwitha's back before she raced out of the city gates with the bearcats and Thanatos close behind. Hector heard Eugene scream his name, knowing that he wouldn't be able to catch up with him. He wiped away the tears that started to form in his eyes. It was for the best.

Hector and his animals sprinted through the woods of Corona, twisting and turning in hopes of throwing anyone following off their tracks. They didn't know where they were running, but they knew they had to get as far away as possible. They ran for hours and hours, longer than they had in a long time. They never stopped, they never slowed. They passed the forest and came upon fields of grass and flowers. They ran through another smaller forest. They went through a sort of rocky swamp and pushed through towards mountains and more forests. And yet they still ran.

Only when the sun started to fall behind the horizon and Tekakwitha's muscles finally failed, did they finally stop running. The place they had stopped in was beside a stream in the densest forest they had passed through. They had been forced to use Tekakwitha's horn to crash through the trees, destroying them. They still barely had enough room to stand.

Hector fell back against Tekakwitha's leg and sank to the ground, weeping. He had not expected leaving to hurt so much. He had planned this, after all, and he knew he should have known it would be painful. He had left all of his family and friend's behind without warning. He didn't even get to say goodbye. He would have to fight Cassandra on his own, and he would most likely be killed by her, meaning he would never see his family again. They might not even know what happened to him. And Adira...

Hector stayed there on the ground for almost two hours, crying and crying. His animals did their best to comfort him, but it did little to ease his pain. He might have cried forever and withered away, had it not been for a strange sound that rushed through the trees, almost like voices. He looked up and drew his blade, ready to fight, but there was no one there. He searched around him and still nothing. He was just about ready to assume he had imagined the sound, paranoid old fool that he was, but then he heard the sound again. It grew louder and louder. He saw something too.

Far in the distance, glowed a bright blue. The light surrounded him in a circle. He recognized the shade of blue. It was that of the Moonstone.

He could not run. He was completely surrounded. He had no power to defend himself from whatever magic this was. He was helpless as the blue light grew closer and closer.

Before he could even begin to think of a plan, the blue light and its voice-like sound was upon him. It stung like a thousand arrows all over his body, but also in his mind. It crushed him and held him in place. He thought he could fight against it, but he could not.

The last thing he felt before his whole world faded to black was the tormented Moonstone and Cassandra's mocking, laughing presence. 

Hello, everyone! My, my, how lovely you look! Welp... Hector's been Mindtrapped. Eugene was right after all, but it hurt too much for Hector to realize. How sad. On a different note, I thought the story of Hector's name would be interesting for us all to learn, and so you did. And by popular demand, Rapunzel had finally been convinced that she was wrong, and she has to attack Cassandra. About damn time, huh? (Worried Quirin is most wholesome Quirin!) But anyway, I think that's about all I have. I wish you all the best in whatever your day/night holds! God bless!


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