The Marriage Pact

By msadorableidiot

174K 4.7K 470

Viserys has a vision of the Dance of the Dragons. He decides to take action before it is too late. Desperate... More

Desperate Measures
A Debt to be Paid
A Song of Ice and Fire


9.4K 295 25
By msadorableidiot

Helaena hastily composed three urgent missives after the feast that evening, one for each of her sisters-to-be. Visenya, Rhaena and Baela promptly answered the summons.

"What is it, Helaena?"

The princess swayed on her feet, cup of wine in hand, evidently a little tipsy. Visenya wondered if everyone in their family was going to develop a drinking problem before the wedding was over.

"It's Jace," she told them unhappily. "Something he said to me at the tournament today."

"Oh dear..."

"He said-" Helaena lowered her voice to mimic Jace's- "you remind me of my brother."

The girls gasped.

"He didn't!"

"Oh Jace..." Visenya sighed despairingly. "For a sensible boy he really can say the stupidest things sometimes."

"Wait just a moment. What was the context?" asked Baela. "Surely he cannot have been comparing you to his brother physically."

"I don't know!" Helaena wailed, collapsing into a chair by the fire. "We were talking about the tournament, I think. I can't recall what I'd said."

"Perhaps he meant because neither you nor Luke enjoyed the jousting," Rhaena suggested. "You both felt squeamish watching it."

"Yes, that makes sense," Visenya soothed.

"I've tried to tell him how I feel, but I can never find the words. Every time I look at him it's like my tongue ties itself into knots. And then he says something like this, and I realize how very differently he sees me."

"Would you like me to have a word with him?" Visenya offered.

Helaena hastily shook her head. "No, no! That's kind, so kind of you. But I think I might die of mortification." She made a broad gesture. "Please someone, tell me something to distract me."

"Well, I have an announcement," Rhaena declared. "After the wedding, I'm going to attempt to bond with a dragon." The others all exclaimed excitedly. "Yes, I know, it's about time." She looked down shyly. "I just, I've always felt my egg didn't hatch for a reason, that I didn't deserve a dragon. But I was speaking with Luke today, and, well... I've decided I have to at least try."

"Oh Rhaena! I'm so sorry you felt that way." Baela reached over to squeeze her twin's hand. "I never knew... why didn't you tell me?"

Her sister shrugged. "I was ashamed. Besides, I didn't think you could understand. Your dragon was born to you. You don't know what it is to be without one."

"Which dragon are you thinking of claiming?" asked Helaena.

"Luke suggested Seasmoke. He was very supportive. It was sweet."

"Now didn't I say you had nothing to worry about with Luke?" Baela teased her gently.

"I think Seasmoke is a perfect choice. You'll suit each other." Visenya smiled. "Just as you and Luke do."

Rhaena beamed.


Visenya took her time getting ready the following morning. Her presence was not required in the Royal Box until the afternoon, so she decided to spend her free morning reading peacefully in the godswood. It would be a relief to have some quiet time to herself.

While she was dressing, a servant came in to deliver a note and a small velvet pouch. The message was only two words:

Something shiny

She didn't recognize the handwriting, so it couldn't be from her mother. Aemond?

She recalled something he'd said on her first evening in the Red Keep: 'my little niece likes shiny things, does she?'

Visenya tipped the pouch into her hand. A pair of ruby and Valyrian steel earrings rolled out. They were simple and delicate, but still regal. More importantly, they would perfectly match her mother's necklace.

Her heart gave a little flutter. She smiled to herself, and immediately slipped them on.


"Welcome back!" Aegon greeted Daeron enthusiastically, as he dismounted from Tessarion's saddle.

He and Aemond had flown up on their own dragons to meet their little brother as he approached King's Landing. The trio were quite a sight to behold from the ground.

Tessarion was a majestic blue she-dragon, also known as the Blue Queen. Aegon's dragon, Sunfyre the Golden, was widely said to be the most beautiful dragon ever seen. Their dragons had grown quickly, but they were both dwarfed by the legendary Vhagar. No living dragon could match her for size or ferocity.

The three dragons circled each other over Blackwater Bay, playfully swooping over and around each other, before coming to land outside the Dragonpit.

"I'm very glad to be home," said Daeron, grinning at his brothers. "Unlike you two, I've been working hard these past three years."

"Oh yes, it must be exhausting pouring wine into cups a few times a day," Aegon mocked. "If that's your idea of hard work little brother, I'm sure I've done quite as much as you."

"There's more to being a cupbearer than just serving wine Aegon," Daeron scolded him playfully. He turned to Aemond. "I'd forgotten how enormous Vhagar is. Poor Tessarion almost fell out of the sky when she saw that great beast looming towards her."

"Are you sure it wasn't Aemond she was afraid of? Because he has that effect on a lot of people," Aegon quipped. "You should see him in the training yards. He's running out of opponents because they're all too afraid to train with him."

"What? Even Ser Cole?"

"Pft, nothing scares Cole."

"If you're both finished, we need to get back to the Keep," Aemond cut in dryly. "Mother's expecting you."

An affectionate smile crossed Daerons face. "And I want to see her. Let's go!"


"I still think it's monstrously unfair, that you're the only one of us who hasn't been trapped into an arranged marriage," Aegon was saying, as the three brothers descended from the carriage.

"Oh please," Aemond scoffed, "you've all but chained yourself to Baela -and she never would have looked twice at you if she wasn't being forced to marry you."

"Again with the hurtful words brother!" Aegon cried, dramatically throwing up a hand to his heart. "Why must you cut me so deep?"

Aemond rolled his eye. "Save it for the stage Aegon. Your talents are wasted as a prince. Gods know you were born to star in a mummer's farce."

Aegon bowed with a dramatic flourish. "Why thank you."

"Daeron!" Alicent called out to him, adopting the motherly tone her children so rarely heard. She usually spoke in a cold and formal voice, as became the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Now she was hurrying down the steps to greet her youngest child. Daeron pushed past his older brothers and all but ran into her waiting embrace.

"Oh my baby," Alicent cooed, fondly smoothing down his hair. "You're finally home! Let me look at you." She took a step back, the better to see him. Daeron straightened up. Like his older brothers, he longed for their mother's approval. Alicent cupped his face in her hands. "My goodness! You're all grown up... and so handsome."

"Hardly mother," Daeron disclaimed, blushing. He turned to Helaena, who'd followed in their mother's wake. "Sister?"

She smiled and held out her hands to him. "I'm very happy you are home brother."

"As am I." He took both her hands in his and squeezed them. "From what Aegon tells me, it sounds like I've been missing out on all the fun." He looked around expectantly. "Where's father?"

Alicent sighed. "He is still abed. He attended the opening of the tournament yesterday and is now suffering from the exertion. Come up with me though. He will be pleased to see you."


Visenya was so wholly engrossed in her book she didn't notice Aemond approaching her in the godswood. It was only when she felt his breath on her neck that she looked up. He was crouching down behind her, reading over her shoulder.

"Oh!" she gasped, almost jumping out of her skin. "Uncle, you startled me!"

She pressed a hand to her heart, willing it to settle down. Aemond brushed his fingertips along her cheek, as light as a feather, then slowly curled a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Do you like them?"

"What? Oh- the earrings! Yes, I do, very much." She gave herself a little shake. "Thank you, uncle. I can't imagine where you found more Valyrian steel."

"I have my ways." He tapped the ruby with his finger, making the jewel swing back and forth. His fingers skated down along her neck. She shivered. "And I want my pretty girl to have pretty things."

Visenya stayed completely still as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. She couldn't breathe. Why did he have this effect on her? And why did she like it so much?

Aemond dropped his hand and sat back. The spell was broken. Visenya inhaled sharply and shut her book with a snap, setting it aside.

Clearing her throat, she turned on her knees to face him.

They were alone in the godswood. Everyone else was busy readying themselves for the second day of the tournament. It was quiet, peaceful. A complete contrast to her own inner turmoil.

Aemond was reclining against the tree, one knee bent, and the other leg stretched out in front of him. His face was turned up towards the sun. The gentle wind swept through his silver hair, shimmering in the sunlight streaming down through the branches. He looked the very picture of contentment.

It didn't seem fair that she affected him so little. Her skin was still burning everywhere he'd touched her, as though he were made of fire.

She could barely admit it -even to herself- but she craved his touch. It was exhilarating, like the first time she rode a dragon. And when he pulled away, she felt a peculiar ache, a strange sense of loss.

"Is there something you wish to ask me niece?" Aemond asked calmly.

"Uh..." Visenya wracked her brain for something to say other than what she'd just been thinking. "Is it irritating to wear? The eyepatch?"

Aemond shrugged. "I'm used to it."

Visenya took that as a 'yes'.

"You don't have to, you know... not around me anyway."

Aemond chuckled and opened his good eye to look at her.

"Oh sweet girl," he said in a patronizing voice, "you're already afraid of me. Believe me you won't feel any better for seeing what's underneath this."

"I'm not afraid of you," she retorted, nettled. It was half-true. She was certainly less afraid of him than she had been two days ago.

Aemond raised an eyebrow skeptically. "No? Then why do you tremble every time I touch you."

Visenya averted her gaze. She couldn't tell him the truth... could she?

"I..." she took an unsteady breath and licked her dry lips, scarcely able to believe the words about to come out of her mouth. "I tremble because I- I like it... when you touch me."

A long silence followed this. She didn't need to look up to know he was staring at her. Gods she was so mortified. She couldn't believe she just told him that! She must be losing her mind...

"What?" Aemond rasped.

"Nevermind." She plucked nervously at the grass, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

"No. Say it again." It wasn't a request. It was an order. "Slower this time."

"Uncle!" Her face was burning. She was certain her cheeks would be as red as the rubies dangling from her ears.

"Say my name too." His voice sounded deeper than she'd ever heard it. From the corner of her eye, she saw him shifting closer.

"I..." she sucked in a nervous breath. "I like it when you touch me, Aemond." She swallowed hard. Her blood pounded in her ears. For the sake of her pride, she added in a small voice, "I like it less when you speak."

Aemond's fingers lightly stroked under her chin, tilting her face up.

"Then I won't speak," he murmured, and kissed her on the lips.

She froze, eyes wide. Her racing heart stopped beating altogether. But then his hand slipped back into her hair, and his warm lips moved against hers, and she relaxed, eyes fluttering. Oh, this is nice.

She tentatively kissed him back, resting her hands on his chest. Aemond hummed like he was pleased. It reverberated all the way down her spine, making her toes curl. He tilted his head more, deepening the kiss. His arm wrapped around her middle, pulling her against him.

Visenya gasped softly, and shyed away when he went to kiss her again. This was a lot -and fast. She couldn't think straight. Aemond kissed the corner of her mouth instead. His lips lingered until she caved and turned her head back, returning his kiss, lips parting under his. Her fingers tightly clutched the front of his tunic. It was a lot... but it was exciting.

Aemond's long fingers wound through her hair and tugged gently, dragging her head back. His other arm held her even tighter against him, arching her back. He made a deep rumbling sound in his chest as he kissed her throat. Heat coiled in her belly. She squirmed, pressing her legs together.

"Aemond..." Her breathing was shallow and unsteady. She felt warm all over. It would be easy to get carried away and that couldn't happen. Not yet, and certainly not in the middle of the godswood. Aemond kept kissing her neck, hungry wet open-mouthed kisses that made her insides melt. She shook her head, trying to clear the haze. "Aemond, we should stop."

He paused, puffing a hot breath against her damp throat.

"Hmm... we should, should we?" He nuzzled her neck before straightening back up. His chest was rapidly rising and falling. His mouth glistened and his eye was hooded. He rolled his lips. "Do you know, you even taste sweet little princess?"

Gods! Visenya pushed herself off his lap -not entirely sure how she'd ended up there in the first place- and scrambled to her feet, all hot and flustered. Aemond chuckled and lounged back against the tree.

"I should- I should go. The tourney will be starting soon." She smoothed down her dress, hoping she didn't appear as much of a mess as she felt.

Aemond nodded. "I'll see you there."

She picked up her book and began to walk away, but Aemond called after her, stopping her in her tracks.

"Oh, and little princess?" she turned back slowly, clutching the book to her heaving bosom. Aemond was smirking at her, very much back to his usual self. "I will take the eyepatch off... after we've taken everything else off first."

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