Keeping up with ZIAM (The Con...

By ZJMforlife

4.3K 341 25

After "The Wedding of the Century" everything was smooth sailing for all of them. Life had been normal the la... More

The announcement part two
Christmas at the Malik-Paynes
"Stop the tape, and rewind"
"HBD Zayn."
What friends are for
Bibs and relocating?
Tale of two lives
Zayns name list
Summer '09
The announcement part 3?
The nightmare
Pandoras box
Time differences and mixed emotions
Selling Ziam
The O Group
How did this happen?
Secrets unveiled
"Uh oh"
The boy he never knew
Catch up with your past, before it catches up to you
Paternity test
Through the hard times
To come to terms
Uninspired and Anxious
The truth
The first family lunch
The first family dinner
Empathy and sympathy
Early bird gets the french toast
First week
Grandmas know best
"You and I plus Ezra, the baby, and Loki too"
Take Me Home
One big complicated family
Crossing the pond
Chez Ziam
The post seen around the world
Summer daze
Uncle Haz
Blast from the past
New car tension
Grass might be greener
Guilt is the theif of life
Better left unsaid or not brought up
"Can we just talk"
Hes just another kind of boy
Reckless behavior
Shallow waters
Zayns brain game
Zezra day
"It's a small world after all"
Special Delivery

Niallers dilema

64 5 0
By ZJMforlife

Niall was currently in his office Tuesday morning. He was currently looking through some analytics and data from a couple of his clients when he received a page from the front desk receptionist.

"Mr. Horan there's a call on the line for you." His phone speaker sounded.

He reached over and tapped the button on the telephone in the corner of his desk. "Okay thank you!" he said then pushed the button that blinked. "This is Niall Horan."

"Hello this is Andy Samuels I'm one of Liam's friends. I met you at the wedding..." a deep and smooth voice stated on the other line. Niall looked up trying to remember and quickly he placed it.

"Ah yes the one from university right? How are you and how may I help you?" Niall nodded in question and crossed his arms as the phone was out on speaker.

Andy on his side looked back into the room seeing the boy looking at the picture. Ezra didn't notice him as he stared hardly at the picture of Liam and Sophia. He frowned because he figured all this was a bit much for him so he poked his head back out and softly shut the door.

"Liam introduced you as his manager so I figured before I have to contact him, you'd be the next person to know." He sighed.

Niall face shifted to a look of wonder. He knew everything about him so what could this distant friend have to say. "Okay... uhm sure! What is it?"

"Liam has a son he doesn't know about. He's 10 now." He said as if it was the most normal thing. In his line of work sometimes you become void to news that drastic so it wasn't hard for him to say.

As the words processed in his mind Niall grew confused. He picked up the phone taking it off of speaker and holding it close to his ear. "I'm sorry, Andy but I'm not sur-" he started but was interrupted.

"I know that's a pretty big statement but it's true. I have all the proof. To simply put it, the boys mother has passed away and she's all he had. She hired me years ago just as a precaution if something like this happened. I have all his documents, and files. If Liam doesn't take him in, the boy will be entered into adoption. I only came to you because I know you protect him when it comes to his public presence and if he doesn't I unfortunately will have to publicly release the information I have." He recited calm and collected.

Niall flinched at each sentence, especially when it came to the last one. This man who he met years ago at the wedding, was basically threatening him and his client who was now his own friend. He thought back a bit to what the man said about the supposed mother hiring him years ago. So he knew at the wedding... he knew and never told his "friend," Liam.

"I also have a DNA test ready to go just in case you or Liam doubt anything. If you could please tell him I would greatly appreciate it. I'll be in London Saturday with the boy. Well stop by the agency and go from there. Have a nice day Niall." The man said as he hung up.

Niall didn't even know how to process the phone call. Part of him believed it just by the tone in the mans voice but also part of him thought this might just be a jab at Liam's career. He put the phone back in its place and paused.

His mind was going in circles and it felt like the room was closing in on him. This was a major accusation and what hurt him was how this news would affect the couple. It didn't just affect Liam at that point. It affected Zayn. He started pacing as the couples expecting daughter came into his thoughts so he rushed out to the outdoor part of the office space.

Liam and Zayn we're currently in LA. They would be house hunting tomorrow. Should he call them now? He thought, but then remembered the time zone. It was around 1 AM there and he knew Louis and Liam had a long day of office searching and they'd be doing the same that day.

So many questions were popping up in his brain and he was getting overwhelmed. He started thinking about the couples relationship within that first year and it pained him. This would set them back so far. They were quite literally starting their new life.

He thought to Liam and how the man was absolutely clueless. This boy was 10. 10 years he was left in the dark. A whole decade of him not having the slightest clue. How badly would this affect him. He thought.

He than started to think about Zayn. He knew how much Zayn struggled with his thoughts regarding the contract at times and how different their lives would've been had it not happened. This would just be another proof at how differently it all could've turned out.

He sighed in frustration and kicked a chair as he turned around. These weren't just his clients but his close friends and this affected their personal life, not just their media presence. He shook his thoughts away and made a B line towards his office. He packed up his belongings and dashed towards the elevator.

"I'm going to be in Wolverhampton for the day. Direct any calls to my assistant." He said without looking back and pushed the elevator button and stepped in. He needed to talk in person with Andy before he acted on it and broke the news to Liam and Zayn.

He zoomed to the station and booked the next train out of the city to Wolverhampton. It was still fairly early there and with the train it would only take 2 hours so he'd be there by noon. He had his assistant get the number and send it to him where he called Andy back on his own phone saying he was headed there.

When he arrived he called on a car to take him to a restaurant Andy told him to meet him at. It was down the street from the hospital so after they would be going there after so Niall can see the boy.

They greeted each other rather tensely as they sat down to talk over lunch. Niall didn't know what to make of this guy. Was he genuinely trying to come off harsh or what is solely based off because it's what he was hired to do.

"I do apologize Niall. The last time I met you we shared a few drinks together so I don't want you to think I'm that harsh." He stated taking a sip of his drink.

"Well you called basically threatening my friend so I don't know. Kinda seems like you are." Niall said bitterly then smiling to the waitress as she set down some bread to start with.

Andy nodded and shrugged. "He's my friend too... you think I wanted to keep this from him? I also just really feel for the boy. In my line of work we're taught not to have a bond towards our clients, but he has nobody. Excuse me for wanting a life for him."

Niall nodded slowly as he inspected the man's face. He seemed like he was being genuine so he didn't want to let his guard down. "So I guess to start, How do you know?"

"I ran into her when the boy was 4. She left out of nowhere back in our first term at uni. Liam was uh- in that phase of his life so she was the first of many girls and even guys after the whole Danielle thing. I walked in on them at Liam's birthday party and I I kinda pieced it together first. She then told me everything and asked for my help." He came out with the truth.

"And what is this plan or what? Is it a ploy to nail him for his money or what?" Niall questioned.

Andy chuckled at how passive Niall was being. He wanted the truth down to the very last detail. "No it's not. She made that perfectly clear. He has nobody..." he sighed. "The foster care system here isn't necessarily the brightest. She wanted another option for him and that's it. Niall I contacted you personally. I could've easily taken this public, but because he's my friend and I know you're his public relations manager, I didn't. I'm giving you a chance to shape the outcome of this in the presence of the media."

"That's not all I care about..." Niall frowned in frustration. "This affects their lives too."

"I agree, It does. Especially since now Liam's living a perfect life with Zayn. I know the way he thinks and this is going to eat him up so trust me I'm not thrilled about this. I've even come to terms with him hating me for not telling him. It wasn't my place to say."

"I think it was definitely your place to say. You knew and lied to Liam this whole time though." Niall got frustrated. What he was saying made sense yes, but the man also contradicted himself a bit.

"I know. Trust me I wanted to but I just couldn't. She trusted me not to. She thought Liam knew the whole time because she told his father that winter break. She went up to the agency looking for Liam to tell him and he dismissed her saying he'd tell Liam. She thought he just didn't want anything to do with the her or boy."

"Wait hold on. You're saying Geoff knew she was pregnant?" Niall face contorted in confusion. That was new information regarding all of this that he wasn't aware of.

"That's what she told me yeah. I believed her. I've only known Liam since uni but I know how harsh his father could be. Their phone calls weren't always so pleasant let's just say." He shrugged again. The waitress came and took their orders as they resumed the conversation.

"Yeah... he is." Niall said agreeing with him. It was all just so much information to take in. With the main points he wanted to ask out the way he was still apprehensive but felt a little more at ease. "What's his name?"

Andy's lips curled up a smidge. He knew he was slowly gaining Niall's trust again. "Ezra." He said as the other man inhaled widely and sighed. He still felt cautious but they continued the meal talking more about the subject at hand.

After their meal they exit the restaurant and walked towards the hospital. They made it up to the floor the boy was on and paused at the door. Andy walked in first to check and see if he was up for a visitor first. He didn't want the boy to feel so overwhelmed especially since he left the files to him.

When Ezra gave him a thumbs up, Andy opened the door allowing Niall to step in. Once he walked further into the room he took in the boy. He saw some features that resembled Liam but what surprised him more was the picture that he held on his lap.

He took in the sight, and seeing the small boy in the hospital bed alone just made him ache. It didn't matter what he thought before. This wouldn't be a lie. He was Liam's son and he was all alone now. His eyes glossed over as he blinked them back and cleared his throat.

"Hey buddy. I'm Niall... I'm uh-" he looked to Andy as he sent him a reassuring look. "I'm your fathers friend." He offered a sympathetic look as the boy just stared at him for a second.

"You know my d-dad." He whispered as his mouth quivered and gripped the picture tightly. He was scared. He had never felt so alone in the world.

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