Transformers Prime: Fanfiction

By SilverJetPrime

545 23 0

okay This is going to be a Transformers Prime fanfiction but will add some characters that are not relevant t... More

This Is What They Will Look Like.
What The Weapons Will Look Like.
What They Will Look Like With Their Weapons


20 1 0
By SilverJetPrime

Location: Still On The Nemesis: StreamStorm's Room: The Next Morning:

StreamStorm's Pov:

"I was starting to wake up feeling just a tad better. I slowly got up and freshened up. I then walked out of my room and went to my brothers and sisters lab."

Location: Still On The Nemesis: Slipstream+JetStorm's Lab:

JetStorm was sitting down at the table having a splitting headache. "This headache hurts a lot worse than having that annoying Starscream around." He said to himself. He then looked and saw his sister over to him. Slipstream walked over and gave him some aspirin. "Here, JetStorm, take this." She said to her brother. "Thanks sis." He said. "Anytime." She replied. I then walked in. "JETSTORMY!" JetStorm immediately covered his audios and held his helm. "Ayi. Sis. Lower your voice please. Your brother has a headache." He says to you.

I immediately went down. "Oh sorry." I replied back. "It's fine sis. So I see you are feeling better." He asked me. I nodded. "Yep. Just a tad bit better." Soon I saw my sister walking over to us. "Here, sis. Here's your drink." She says to you. I smiled. "Thanks." I replied. I grabbed the bottle. "I am off to see Megs, bye." I then walked off to see Megs.

Location: Still On The Nemesis: Megatron's Quarters:

Megatron was up and gathered his items. He was walking when he tripped over his own peds and soon his doors slid open and he went and fell flat on his face.

Location: Still On The Nemesis: In The Halls:

StreamStorm's Pov:

"I was walking in the halls to see Megs when I saw doors open and soon I saw Megs go down hard. I sorta giggled. It looked really funny. I then walked over and picked up his items."

Megatron shook his helm. "Ugh my head. Now I am going to have a splitting headache." He says out loud. Megatron looked around and he didn't see his stuff. Soon he felt a tap on his shoulders. He looked up and saw you holding his items. He smiled. "Morning StreamStorm." He says to you. "Morning Megs. Here's your stuff." Megatron took his items and he slowly got up and he chuckled. "Thank you. You didn't have too. But I am glad that you are feeling better. Anyways come let's head to the throne room." He says to you.

Megatron's Pov:

"Man that was…. embarrassing. But I am glad I had a little helper picking my items. But I wonder why she does this. She really doesn't need to. But like I said before, she is something else."

Non- Pov:

"Megs." I said out loud. Megatron looked down. "Yes, little one." He replied. "Megs. When can we start training?" I asked him. Megatron chuckled and laughed. "Soon little warrior soon. Just not today. Because I can sense that you are still not feeling well." I looked at him. "I am feeling okay." I replied back. He shook his helm. "No you are not. Now I am not having a warrior fight that is not feeling well." He said. I groaned. "Awe, come on, Megs. Please." I said. "No. And that is my final answer, little warrior. The training will continue tomorrow." He replied. I groaned. "Awe. Okay." Megatron chuckled. He lifted you up and he carried you inside the throne room.

"Megs. Can I ask a question?" I asked him. Megatron looked at you. "Of course, little one. Anything." He replied. "Megs. Why are you being nice to me? I have been hearing people saying that you are not nice but you are really strict but can be rude and mean. Why aren't you like that when I am around you?" Megatron looked at you but he looked the other way. "Megs. Was it something I said?" I asked him. "Almost. You….you remind me of her." He said. "Remind you of who." I asked him. "You remind me of my….daughter. She's apparently offline but I can feel in my spark that she is online. But one of these days I will reunite and see my daughter." He said. We then walked to his throne and we sat down talking about everything. I felt awful for Megs. But I know someday he will reunite with his daughter. And I hope that day will come.

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