Manaria Friends X Male Godzil...


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Anne, Grea, two people that became friends at the pregstigious magic school, Mysteria Academy. During the sch... Еще

(Y/N)'s NEW Bio
Episode 1: Anne, Grea, and (Y/N)
Episode 2: Agony of Grea
Episode 3: Princess's Holiday
Episode 5: Hide-and-Seek

Episode 4: Floating at Sea

438 18 6

-At the Beach-

{We see four girls split into two teams as they begin to play Volleyball as more kids watches the event}

Hanna: I won't go easy on you just because you're my junior.

Random Female Student: When I play, I play to win.

Lou: We're not gonna lose!

Hanna: Very well. Let's begin!

{She throws the Volleyball in the air while it spins as the scene changes to a forest to see three people walking}

Anne: Hey, Grea? Are we really going to do this? Like, for real? Really?

{You turn your head around at the forest to see an illusion of an monster a massive clawed forelimbs covered in orange scales and spikes, several pairs of forelimbs sticking out its abdomen, and a hardened shell with razor sharp back spires staring at you until you blinked multiple times}

(Y/N): Goddamn it... she's dead. Stop imagining this.

{You continued to walk in the forest with Anne and Grea as the sun shined brighter over the three of you and the surrounding area}


{We now see Anne, Grea, and (Y/N) standing on a cliff, admiring the beautiful view of the sea and the surrounding area}

Anne: Wow! Check out the great view!

(Y/N): It's really beautiful.

Anne: Being in such a wonderful place with the two of you, it's just so fun!

(Y/N): ...Um

Anne: Well now that we've seen the sights, I think it's time to go back.

Grea: Not yet. Our final destination is farther that way.

{The three friends then looks to their left to see a dark tunnel that leads to another path}

Grea: Come on, let's go.

Anne: Jeez...

{As Anne and Grea starts to walk towards the tunnel, you look back at the view as you see a vision of your species getting killed off by another species as you took a knee on the cliff and said}

(Y/N): I'm sorry...

Grea: (Y/N)? You coming?

(Y/N): *Shakes head* Yes!

{The scene changes to the Volleyball getting swung back and forth on opposite sides as Hanna jumps and spikes the Volleyball. It suddenly catches on fire as it hits Lou pitch perfect on her face as she falls down on the sand}

Lou: Uhh...

{The scene changes to the trio walking inside the cave that has crystals, shells, and rocks shining everywhere in the cave as Anne grabs onto (Y/N)'s arms, scared for some reason}

Anne: Hey, Grea? Why don't we go back? We've already come too far.

(Y/N): Why do you want to go back?

Anne: To be honest, I love being with the two of you together. It's really wonderful, but..

(Y/N): But...

Grea: We're almost there.

Anne: Ugh, ugh, ugh!

(Y/N): Anne... You're making it hard to walk if you're pulling my arm like that.

Anne: Because I want to go back!

Grea: Are you sure you want to give up?

{She then looks down all the way to Grea's tail and trails her finger around it, making Grea blush}

Grea: Why are you touching me!

Anne: I'm not touching anything!

(Y/N): Let's go, we're getting closer!

Grea: Jeez, you're the one who came up with this idea, Anne!

Anne: Okay, then let's spend tonight together, too.

Grea: Sure, sure.

Anne: They say the stars are really pretty out here. Let's gaze at them together.

Grea: Sure, sure.

Anne: We can light off some fireworks, too!

(Y/N): I don't think that's a go–

Grea: Sure, sure.

Anne: And have a sleepover together.

Grea: Sure, su— Huh?!

Anne: I brought our matching pajamas!

Grea: No way, absolutely not!

(Y/N): I agree!

Anne: Too late, it's decided!

{The both of you stopped and looked at each other with an blush appearing on your faces at Anne walks in front of you with her arms behind her head}

Anne: I'll take the lead!

{After a few moments of staring at each other, the two of you starting walking besides each other behind Anne as she walks outside the cave to an private area of the beach as the waves crashes onto the sand}

Anne: Beautiful...

Grea: It's a nice spot, don't you think?

(Y/N): This is fantastic!

{You took a few steps from them as the waves crashes onto your feet as you stared at the beach to see trees and pillars poking out from the water}

(Y/N): I wonder what the bottom of the beach looks like...?

Anne: You just know all the best places, Grea! Nobody will bother us out here.

{You turn your head around to see Grea taking off her outfit to reveal an bright blue swimsuit with an blue and white skirt with an rose as she puts her hands behind her head}

Grea: So, are you ready to get started?

{A few minutes went by, we can see Anne building a sandcastle while humming}

Anne: La-de-da! La-de-dum!

Grea: What are you doing?

Anne: Making a sand castle! How about you join me, Grea? (Y/N)?

{You nodded no while Grea walks behind towards Anne and tries to take off her outfit}

Grea: Anne, hurry up and take this off. Come on, get moving.

Anne: But...

Grea: No buts!

Anne: Fine, then you take it off for me.

Grea: You can't be serious!

-Another Scene-

{We cut to a crowd of students watching the Volleyball game as Hanna spikes the ball to the opposing team as Lou gets hit in the face again as it turns into a montage of her getting hit in the face, her eyes spinning in a circle}

Hanna: You're not half bad.

Random Female Student: We're not done yet!

Back to the trio

Grea: Okay, now let's really get this started.

Anne: Started with what?

(Y/N): Practice. Didn't you want to know how to swim?

Grea: You told us you would be embarrassed if anybody found out. That's the whole reason we came out here.

{She then looks at Grea and (Y/N) with an angered expression}

Grea: Come on, strip down to your swimsuit.

{She continued to look at the duo with a angered expression}

Grea: Strip down.

{Her expression turns into a defeated one as she stands up}

Anne: Fine...

{She takes off her outfit to see that she's wearing a white swimsuit as she turns around, a small blush appearing from her face as she takes off her sandals and starts to walk towards the ocean until she turns around and points a finger at (Y/N)}

Anne: Then tell him to strip down!

(Y/N): Wha?! Where did that come from?!

{Grea then stares at you with the same expression she gave at Anne earlier as you look away}

Grea: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Are you sure...?

Grea: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Positive...?

Grea: Just take it off.

(Y/N): Ok then.

{You then started to take off the outfit slowly with a small grin appearing on your face as you finally take it off to reveal a shirtless (Y/N) with a F/C swimming trunks with the sun shining brightly behind you as you stretched, making Grea's face turned red as she stares at your body}

(Y/N): Kept you waiting?

{You said with a smile on your face as Grea continued to stare at your body, her blush growing larger}

(Y/N): Um... Hello? Grea? Hey, Grea? You good?

{She then snaps out of it and stares at you}

Grea: Uh... Yes.

{You both look to see Anne walking onto the water as a smile appears on your faces, that is until it reveals that she's using magic to walk across the water with her spellbook out}

Anne: What do you think?

(Y/N): *points finger* No magic allowed!

Anne: But why? I shouldn't have to struggle to swim if I can just walk on the water!

(Y/N) & Grea: No magic.

{We cut back to the Volleyball game as the ball gets flung back in forth, turning into ice and fire as smoke and sand dust cover the area}

Anne: Here we go...!

{She takes a deep breath before trying to dive underwater, but stops near inches as (Y/N) floats next to her while Grea watches as the scene changes to see Anne grabbing onto (Y/N)'s right arm as he swims around the beach with ease}

(Y/N): It's okay.

Anne: But my feet can't touch the bottom.

(Y/N): You just need to stay calm. Panicking will only result in you drowning, or dying. First, let's start with the basics, floating.

Anne: Float?! Humans weren't made to float!

{You then lay on your back as you started to float with the water with Anne still grabbing your arm}

(Y/N): Can't float? It's ok, just try it out.

Anne: ...

(Y/N): It's okay, Anne. Just breathe in slowly.

{She takes a deep breath}

(Y/N): And out.

{She then breathes out}

(Y/N): Repeat. Breath in. Now out.

{She takes another deep breath and exhales}

(Y/N): From what it looks, you need to relax your mind.

{The camera then shows fishes swimming underneath the trios a few meter below them as you pull Anne closer towards you, making her blush as you put her on her back as she closes her eyes in fear until she opens it again}

(Y/N): It's ok, Anne. Don't be nervous. Just relax your body. You need to be more comfortable in the water. Without panicking, you can be able to float with ease, even if you're afraid of water. You don't have to worry. If you start drowning, me and Grea are here.

{You slowly move your arms away from Anne and swims towards Grea to see if she could float without your help}

(Y/N): Look into the sky. Keep your arms and legs loose.

{Without the help of (Y/N) or Grea, she starts to panic and swings her arms around the ocean as she struggles to get to the surface until her body stops moving and hears (Y/N)'s voice again}

(Y/N): Relax your arms and legs. Relax... relax... relax. Now open your eyes.

{She slowly opens her eyes to see (Y/N) next to her, looking at her dark emerald eyes}

(Y/N): Ok. Deep breaths. Relax your arms. Relax your legs. Listen to my voice.

{You slowly take your arms off her and float away to see if Anne can float. After a few deep breaths, she follows (Y/N)'s voice in her head and successfully floats as she starts to smile as the scene changes to sunset to see the Volleyball net destroyed as the scene changes back to the trio floating in the water, watching the sunset}

Anne: So, this is what floating is like.

(Y/N): Yeah.

{We cut to see an reflection of Anne hugging both (Y/N) and Grea as the sun continued to set in the background as she stares at you}

Anne: Thank you, (Y/N) and Grea!

{You both nodded your heads as they continued to watch the sunset as the screen turns to night time to see fireworks on the sand}

Hanna: Are we really supposed to hold these fireworks in our hand?

Anne: They're apparently from another land out in the east. Ms. Miranda ordered them especially for us.

(Y/N): Isn't this kind of dangerous?

Hanna: Huh? It's fine, don't worry. Whenever you say that is exactly when something dangerous happens.

Grea: We can see the stars now, but you're still going to do fireworks?

Anne: Do they not do that in your country, Grea?

Grea: Not really.

Anne: What about you, (Y/N)? Does your country have fireworks?

{Hearing that, your mind went blank and you didn't speak as your head went down as you put your hands on your legs, tightening your F/C swimming trunks}

Anne: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): ...

Grea: (Y/N)? Are you okay...

(Y/N): I didn't have a country... my race was wiped...

Anne: You have a... race of your kind?

(Y/N): Yes... I'm the last of my kind...

Hanna: What happened...?


(Y/N)'s Voiceover: My race of species was a thriving one. Bringing balance to nature and the entire world. They were also very kind and peaceful to the open world, protecting the dangers from the world. My ancestor, Dagon, was like a father to me unlike no other in the world.

Little (Y/N): When I grow up, I want to protect the world just like you!

Dagon: Don't worry, Goji. You'll get your chance.

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: He had high hopes for me to become the next King of the Monsters, he believed he saw the potential of it happening. Every single threat he faced, he'd always win, no matter the difficulty, no matter how strong the opponent is, he always found a way to defeat them. This is until...

Grea's Voiceover: Until what...?

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: The M.U.T.O's, known as Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms, started invading my species, killing them off one by one as I stood there and watched it happen... I couldn't do anything about it, I was young, scared, hopeless, afraid that I'd die, so I ran away from the conflict, hid for years until it ended.

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: A few years later, I walked outside to see nothing but bloodshed, bodies everywhere, M.U.T.O's to my species on the ground. I started wandering around the world to find Dagon, who went missing in the conflict. Few months went by, I was still searching for my ancestor non-stop until I found him fighting M.U.T.O Prime, known as Jinshin-Mushi, the strongest in the M.U.T.O family, beating the pulp out of my ancestor, his Dorsal Fins shattered. I couldn't do anything as I saw her put some kind of spore onto Dagon's stomach and the M.U.T.O Prime left him to die.

Little (Y/N): Dagon... Dagon... Get up, Dagon! You told me you wouldn't give up!

Dagon: Goji... We have to go... Come on...

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: We retreated into the oceans and Dagon tried to heal, but a few years went by, and it proved to be fatal. The spore eggs that were feeding on my ancestor's nuclear-rich blood and life finally hatched and killed him. I went back to check on him to see that his chest and stomach had a hole in it. Seeing my ancestor dead made me cry as I holded his arm and put my head on his bloody chest, making some of his blood on my forehead. I balled my fist, my mind now in the state of revenge and death of the M.U.T.O species.

Little (Y/N): They're gonna... pay for this...

Grea: ...

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: For years to come, I trained myself to be strong enough to take down Jinshin-Mushi and the entire species until the day finally came for my years of revenge. And it was also I knew that my entire species was wiped from the world.

-Timeskip in the Flashback-

(Y/N): ...

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: Today's the day I make my ancestor proud... So I went and killed every single M.U.T.O in my way to get to the Queen and Jinshin-Mushi until I finally made it inside.

Male M.U.T.O: He here, Qu—

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: I blasted my Atomic Breath towards the MUTO in front of it as the Queen MUTO stared at me walking in the hall, my entire body sparking in blue energy as I walked up to the Queen MUTO throne and she was scared of me.

(Y/N): This is what I wanted...

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: And with my anger growing, the entire area exploded, killing every single MUTO inside and in its radius as they turned into dust. A few weeks later... Me and Jinshin-Mushi fought, fire burning in the background, the sky red.

Jinshin-Mushi: You... Dagon's sweet little child.

(Y/N): ...

Jinshin-Mushi: Now, the fate of your world will be decided by this battle, Goji.

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: The fight was brutal and tough as the two of us destroyed half of the area, her roar almost shattered my Dorsal Fins and she almost defeated me. As she was going to kill me, I heard my voice in my head saying "I want to protect the world just like you, Dagon!" With one trick left, I lifted her and blasted her with my Nuclear Pulse, sending her into the air and I shot my Atomic Breath at her chest, increasing the pain as she fell to the ground, critically injured. And before she could react, I stomped her head, killing her.

(Y/N): I did it! I did it! I finally did... it...

(Y/N)'s Voiceover: Now with realization, I realized that killing an entire species as revenge didn't do anything to me. Mine was still gone... and killing Jinshin-Mushi did nothing as I fell to my knees and cried in realization as it came to me...

—Flashback End—

{We cut back to (Y/N) finishing his story about his species, how was it wiped, and the species that he killed as revenge as we see him on the verge of crying}

(Y/N): That's how I... *sniff* Have nobody left... Nobody left for me to care...

Grea: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I... I have to go...

{You walk into the woods, your head down as tears started to uncontrollably fall from your eyes}

Anne: I... I didn't know he had to go through something like that...

Hanna: Same...


{We now see (Y/N) standing alone on the beach, crying as the moon shined above him as he wipes his eyes, but continues to cry more and more as he put his right hand to make it look like he was grabbing the moon and puts his hand on his chest}

(Y/N): Why... Why did it happen... Why am I the only one... Why am I always alone... Why do I exist...

{You continued to cry as a person watches you from behind as you looked behind}

(Y/N): I know you're there, Grea.

{Hearing this, she walks out from the forest and moves besides (Y/N)}

(Y/N): Why are you here...?

Grea: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): ...

Grea: I'm sorry that you had to go through all that pain.

(Y/N): ...All that pain for what... In the end, I changed nothing... And yet... I'm still alone

Grea: (Y/N)... You've got us, remember?

(Y/N): ...Yeah, but I... lost everything I loved back then... I couldn't fulfill my dreams... I couldn't prove anything... My mind told me to do one thing... to get revenge...

Grea: ...

(Y/N): Now I can't see my ancestor anymore... I can't see my species anymore... I've lost everything... So what's the point...?

Grea: ...(Y/N)

(Y/N): What's the point of living...

{She then gently grabs your head and kisses you while the waves crashes on you and Grea's feet as she puts her shoulders around your neck}

Grea: (Y/N), I don't want you to relive that nightmare again. You got us now. You will never be alone again in your life.

(Y/N): Are you sure...?

Grea: I'm sure.

{The two of you continued to stare at each other for a few seconds before kissing you again as you followed later along under the moonlight as stars shined bright in the background as the screen turns black}

(A/N: That's it for episode 4! How did y'all think I did to the backstory of (Y/N)? Episode 5 will be soon! Stay safe out there!)

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