
By shiiranai

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She's everything he hated. He's everything she ever wanted to be. She may be the queen, but he's had her on c... More



133 4 44
By shiiranai

That night, the four of them decided to celebrate on the beach. They gathered around a bonfire that a previous group had left. Genesis passed the drinks to everyone, unknowingly serving a little too much for Luciel.

"Why don't you choose dare, you pussy?!," Luciel hollered at Genesis, downing the contents of his glass in one go. "I wanna go. Get me a dancing pole, you boring kids!"

"Oi, sit down!" Genesis yanked the tipsy guy's arm and forced him to sit down.

That was when Luciel began to sob. "Why? Am I unattractive now? You think I can't do it?!"

Yulia sipped on her orange juice, trying not to make fun of Genesis's stressed face. It was a very hard feat as she was already on the verge of losing to her laughter.

The two were already of legal age, old enough to drink themselves to passing out. But it seemed Luciel was in no way the type to pass out when drunk. He was more chaotic than a spin top.

"Okay, you chose truth," Yulia reiterated. It was Genesis's turn and the first time he had chosen truth. Yulia's cheeks flamed at the audacity of her question, but she didn't want to ask a boring one. She was also curious. "Have you ever had an intimate physical relationship with anyone?"

In other words, sex.

Elijah nearly spat out his drink. For a split second, Luciel's expression morphed into a horrified one.

"Wow, naughty," Genesis teased. He let out a low chuckle and simply answered, "I have."

Yulia did not know what she expected, but for some reason, the answer made her heart beat erratically. She realized Genesis wasn't just her friend. He was also a guy, and he was experienced in things she could barely even imagine.

Her cheeks burned brightly. Genesis really was a cool person! But he surely wouldn't be her role model anytime soon. "In...all those girls?"

Genesis looked at her dumbfounded, and then he burst out laughing. "No, no. Just one. I only do it with one person."

Do? Present tense...?

Luciel, who seemed to have sobered up from the topic, turned to him with furrowed brows, but Genesis paid him no attention.

Yulia's eyes widened. If that was so, Genesis wasn't all bad of a Cassanova. "Could it be that you're just in love with one person?! But the other girls..."

Genesis grinned. "I only have one. And they're like a rabbit."

"A rabbit? Because she's cute?"

The green-haired guy hummed, downing his drink. "Uh huh. And elusive. They're my first in everything."

"Adorable," Yulia giggled, her feet giddily playing with the warm sand. "First love, first kiss, and first time."

"They're not my first kiss," Genesis corrected. "These lips of mine are virgins!"

Yulia just laughed it off without realizing that under the pretense of a dramatic joke was the truth.

Luciel's fears and Genesis's limitations.

As ironic as it would sound, Genesis told the truth. Luciel had always refused to let their lips meet, not at least once.

"So... everyone is..." Yulia's eyes widened as she looked around, feeling an awful amount of pressure realizing she was the most inexperienced out of her friends. She knew she shouldn't be, but she did not expect peer pressure to be as strong as others claimed it to be.

Luciel averted his gaze from hers, lowering his head.

"For real?" The girl's lips parted in shock. Luciel, who seemed like a very protective brother to her, and a lady?! Why could she not imagine that at all? Luciel seemed the type to get overprotective and affectionate only to them.

She, then, turned to Elijah, but the youngest just looked unbothered. He sipped on his orange juice and cringed at how sour it was. "Count me out. I'm not interested in that."

Yulia sighed in relief. Elijah was her age, so she felt the pressure completely lifting off her back. "I see..."

At the corner of Yulia's sight, she saw Genesis keeping the drinks away from Luciel, his hand smoothening the other's back. Her head bobbed sidewards, tilting in confusion. Genesis was a naturally caring person, but she wondered if he had always been that gentle.

He wasn't that way toward Elijah.

That was weird.

"Ciel," Genesis cooed against his ear. "You alright?"

Hard as it could be to stop midway, Genesis held his breath and decreased his pace. His finger traced the other's nape. Luciel's skin was flushed as he shivered against his fingertips. Weakly, he complained, "so slow."

Genesis pressed his lips against his smooth white nape, ignoring his urges to leave his marks on him. Luciel would kill him without a second thought if he ever did. Genesis reached for his chin and tilted it sideways to get a glimpse of his expression. "You're being quiet. Am I hurting you?"

Luciel harshly pulled his hand away and buried his face in the pillow. "No. Just... continue."

Genesis sighed. Obviously, there was something wrong. "Hey, tell me."

He knew it was a matter of who could hold out longer when Luciel decided to shut his mouth. "You're... annoying."

"Am I?," the latter murmured against his skin. As much as Genesis loved feeling Luciel tremble from his touch, he'd never risk hurting him. Luciel was far too precious for him to use to satiate his self-satisfaction.

"Just hurry... fuck!," Luciel whimpered. He could feel blood rushing to his head, leaving him dizzy. Grasping the sheets with his fingers, he patted Genesis's arm and prompted him to move.

Genesis marveled at the sight beneath him, a sigh getting stuck in his throat. "So damn beautiful..." He lowered himself, dipping his warm, damp lips to every curve he could reach. He let out a soft guttural moan.

If Luciel knew just how much he wanted him, he'd run away.

Heavy breaths signaled Luciel's impatience. He was getting lightheaded. He could only whimper helplessly as scorching heat spread through every part of his body Genesis would touch. For the first time, he wanted to beg him to move or at least let him hand over the reins.

Genesis could feel him melting, just like he wanted to. The eldest seemed particularly sensitive, and he wondered if it was because of the alcohol.

That reaction... It was as if he offered a starving man just a piece of food. It was temptingly cruel, delightfully torturous.

"Say please," Genesis finally spoke, pinning Luciel's hands down to prevent them from straying South to relieve himself.

Luciel would never let him get his way- that was something Genesis knew ever since they'd started this setup. He was strict with the limitations he had set, never letting Genesis an inch close to his real feelings.

"Please," the word rolled out of Luciel's lips to Genesis's surprise. "Please go harder."

"Holy shit, Luciel." As comedic as it could be, Genesis stared at him wide-eyed. His jaw hang open. If it wasn't too cartoonish, he would probably be dripping puddles from a nosebleed at the moment.

Unknowingly, he stumbled back, away from Luciel. The warmth on his cheeks told him his face was beet red.

Luciel mustered up his remaining strength to turn around, shooting daggers at the guy who left him hanging.

And boy, was he pissed.

"S-sorry," Genesis stammered, finding himself genuinely flustered for the first time in his life. "It's cause you're too... t-too..."

Too late to explain. Luciel's eyes had already turned to slits. He was not amused with the situation, to say the least. "You're your own cockblocker."

"I'mma shower," Luciel added, grumbling in annoyance. He picked up the same towel he brought with him down to the beachside and walked to the restroom. His unstable balance and messy sense of direction gave away the fact that he was really drunk. "And Eli?"

Well, he could be drunk, but he'd never lose his older brother side.

Genesis frowned at the mention of the name, but he didn't bother argue with Luciel. It would never end up well, especially with him folding for whatever the older one says. "I... don't know. Maybe with Yulia?"

Luciel raised a brow but did not say anything. He trusted Elijah would never act inappropriately towards a girl, but he somehow felt sorry he had to give way for them to be left alone.

"Ciel...," Genesis muttered, scratching his nape. "Come back to bed."

Luciel rolled his eyes. "Don't want to."

The guy was indeed more childish when drunk.

Genesis wasted no time and pulled Luciel back to his arms, savoring the feeling of their half-naked bodies together. He hugged him from behind and kissed his bare shoulder. "I'm sorry."

And another kiss up Luciel's neck.

Genesis knew his limits, but his self-control was running thin. He wouldn't back down now. Not when Luciel had already begged for his touch. He'd have to take it slow, torturing both of them in the process.

If Luciel wouldn't allow them to kiss, he'd have to make Luciel beg for him to do it.

Genesis's arms tightened around Luciel, trailing kisses up his jaw. Luciel squirmed, making little effort to free himself. "Gen...stop."

Genesis watched in amusement. If Luciel really wanted him to stop, he could've punched him or did something with his hands.

That sly yet innocent seduction.

His lips lingered by Luciel's cheek before he pushed him down and hovered on top of him, retaining only the smallest distance between them.

Genesis knew the latter wanted it, too.

But reasons, too many reasons.

If I force him right now, he'd give in.

Genesis took a deep breath, slowly releasing it. He could feel Luciel's hand on his cheek. Luciel, too, was running out of patience.

"You're drunk," Genesis stated, pressing a soft kiss on Luciel's forehead. Luciel let out a whiny groan but instantly hid it with a faked cough.

Oh, how Genesis would love to savor the submissive guy beneath him to his heart's content.

But no. Luciel was... his heart, and he would never hurt the one he valued most. He'd make Luciel want him, undeniably. He could wait. He would wait.

He placed a kiss on each of Luciel's eyelids as they close instinctively, then on his nose, his cheeks, and finally, on his forehead. "I love you," he mumbled under his breath.

"Hm?" Luciel's thumb gently caressed Genesis's cheeks. The look on his eyes caught Genesis off-guard. He was taken aback by the affection Luciel's eyes contained. Surely, whoever sees that would not second guess about the two being a couple.


Luciel loved him, no doubt.

What's stopping him?

"I said," Genesis paused, smiling at him fondly. "I love you, Gen loves Ciel, Genesis Yoo loves Luciel He. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Luciel just stared at him drowsily. "Hnng."

"You're so unfair," Genesis chuckled. He pulled the blanket and gingerly covered the other guy, kissing his cheek every time he'd get the chance.

"Mos...quito," Luciel complained, slapping Genesis away from his face.

"This mosquito loves you, too," Genesis teased, snuggling against his neck. "Rawr."

Oh, love.

"Checkmate," Yulia gasped in astonishment. Her hotel room, designed to accommodate student guests, had available chess board games. And now, she finally managed to corner Elijah after 5 games of losing to him. "Checkmate! I got you!!"

Elijah gaped at the squealing girl.

As much as he hated losing, Yulia's celebration made him feel helpless. He ended up chuckling and massaging his temples. "One more."

"Nooo, I'm done!," Yulia exclaimed, jumping to her bed and snuggling with her pillows to contain her happiness. "I beat you, Elijah Xia!"

"In 1 out of 6 games, Ms. Lim" Elijah added sarcastically. The guy wouldn't let go of his wounded pride either.

"I still managed to win!"

"Because I was sleepy."

"Eli, you sore loser!"

The guy's forehead creased, his lips subconsciously morphing into a small pout. "Yeah, whatever."

The sullen reply made Yulia chuckle. She didn't know Elijah was capable of making such expression. It reminded her that Elijah's age wasn't that far from hers at all.

"Uhm...Eli? How old are you?," Yulia couldn't help but ask.

Elijah raised a brow at her sudden question but answered it anyway. "Seventeen."


"Which month were you born in?," the curious girl added, sitting upright and turning all her focus to Elijah.

"November," Elijah simply answered while placing the chess pieces back to the board.

Yulia's jaw dropped. "You mean I'm older than you?!"

She was indeed, by one month.

"What about it?" Elijah tried to remain passive, but the burning on his cheeks betrayed him.

For some reason, he suddenly got embarrassed for acting sullen in front of someone older than him. He wondered if Yulia thought he was sulking like a child. Elijah inwardly groaned in annoyance.

However, his uninterested reply scared the poor girl. Yulia hated the thought that she had gotten too friendly with Elijah when the guy himself didn't like her in the first place. Hanging her head low, she sheepishly rubbed her neck. "I'm sorry... I just got exci-"


Elijah's eyes widened, followed by the girl's. He had accidentally knocked over a flower vase, having it land on the ground with a loud crash and clanking of pieces. "O-oh... no."

"Oh no," Yulia seconded. "What happened?"

Elijah, who seemed to have lost all his energy with the series of embarrassments, refused to meet Yulia's eyes like a guilty kid. "I was trying to look at the flowers."

"The flowers?," Yulia reiterated. She got on her feet and approached the mess, but before she could get any closer, Elijah got to his senses and instantly pulled her back.

"Your feet," he reminded sternly in a low, serious tone. He pulled out an extra pair of hotel slippers from under the bed, ripped the pack open, and placed the slippers before Yulia's feet. "There are shards everywhere."

Alright. He might be younger, but Yulia thought Elijah definitely was more attentive and responsible than her.

He bent down on his knees, used the slippers' packaging as a glove to remove the bigger shards, and turned it inside out to contain them. "Avoid walking around this area, I'm gonna ask for housekeeping."

Yulia could only nod absentmindedly. Once again, Elijah left her speechless. He was definitely not the type of guy she expected him to be from when they had first met. He was much more... humble?

Was attentive the right word?

The flustered girl sat on her bed, warming her thighs with her palms. And once again, the words of those girls from the party rang in her mind.

Did she really have no interest in one of her friends?

Well, not on Luciel and Genesis, it seemed.

A stem with beautiful white flowers, both budding and fully bloomed ones, occupied her sight. "Here."

And that was it.

Yulia's cheeks almost blew like a fuse when Elijah kneeled down before her on one knee. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Be quiet," a displeased Elijah shushed. He reached for a bottled water, popped the lid open, and gently poured some over the flowers. Beneath his hand was a trash can ready for stray drops.

Yulia watched in amazement when the soft, milky petals turned translucent, then transparent when the water settled in. "Woah..."

Elijah grinned, a childlike pride in his eyes. "It's called Diphylleia grayi or skeleton flower. It's pretty rare, so I didn't expect it to be here."

So that's why he was excited?

"It's so prettyyy." Yulia fawned over the flower, taking it from Elijah's hands. The latter handed it to him, his attention shifting from the flower to the girl's bedazzled expression.

"It looks like you," Elijah chuckled under his breath.

Yulia's eyes snapped to him. "What...?"

"Beautiful, but transparent," he noted in the simplest manner. That wasn't just what he meant, and she knew that. "Complying with every standard of beautiful people imposed on you."

The smile on Yulia's face mellowed, saddened. His compliments were simply forgotten, and Yulia could only focus on his metaphor. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No," Elijah softly replied as if he were assuring her with his tone. "No. I meant you were strong. Even stronger than me."

Stronger than Eli?

Just what did he have to go through?

"Eli." The girl looked down to the small flowers on her hand. "You can tell me if you're having a hard time, right? I'm... your friend."

Elijah nodded. "Yes, you are."

Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest from the gentleness of his reply. It was not the appropriate response of a friend. She knew she should be grateful, but she couldn't quite comprehend the confusing feelings she'd been having while she's with Elijah.

Fast heartbeat.

Warm cheeks.

Averted eye contacts.

It sounded as if she...

"G-goodnight, I think!," Yulia stammered. "I- I... I'm sleepy."

Elijah thought it was too soon, but when he realized it was already past midnight and he had been keeping her up for company, he decided to let it go. "Yes. Sleep tight. I'll be by the couch."

The two already had a talk about Elijah staying the night. He reasoned his older brothers' sleeping habits, but he did not elaborate on it further. Yulia didn't have to know more.

Whatever sleeping habits there could be.

However, Elijah staying in her room just started dawning on Yulia. She didn't expect she'd be that nervous to have him there. She wondered if she would be feeling like that at all if it was Luciel or Genesis.

Probably not.

"Alright," she answered meekly.

Noticing her sudden shyness, Elijah reassured, "if you're not comfortable, I can g-"

"No!," Yulia exclaimed. She realized she sounded rather flustered. "No... It's totally fine. I was just worried if you'll be able to sleep well in the couch."

Elijah chuckled. "I'll be fine. Goodnight, Lia."

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