By Thoughtsfrommyhead7

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"Do you want a baby, my queen?" "Yes, darling." "Then we'll have a baby." OR Changbin investigates a mysterio... More

~Information about story~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~

~Chapter 7~

866 22 58
By Thoughtsfrommyhead7

Minho's POV:

"And?"I sat slowly in the car and fastened my seat belt. I placed my bag on the seat next to me."Nothing. Tonight we finish what we started."I started the car and slowly started to drive. It's a good thing it's getting dark. There is nothing I hate more than the summer sun.

"Do you want them to reveal that too or…"I took a deep breath. I know exactly what we are thinking. However, we have all been waiting for this day."Yes. Hyunjin and I talked for a long time and decided that it won't be the whole thing, but a part. We don't think there's any need to reveal more than what's necessary."I turned into a side street. I have no great desire for crowds.

Besides the sun, what I hate is crowds. A crowd for me is just a collection of unnecessary people that need to be removed or just bypassed, but I still prefer the first option.

"Okay. Do you want me to tell him or you?" I parked in front of the building and went to get my things."If it's not a problem for you, tell him, but if you're busy, then I will. I can't wait for everyone to gather after a long time. You were only at that dinner and went out of town the next day."I got out of the car and then I locked it and began to slowly enter the building.

"Well, it's not like we had a business reason."There was laughter from the other end of the phone. At the same time I laughed too. I really don't know what I did to deserve friends like this. If it wasn't for them then, I probably wouldn't be where I am.

"I know, I know, I'm guilty and I admit it. I really don't know what I'd do without you Hyung."There was laughter again from the other end of the phone, but I really mean what I say.  My whole life would be a whole lot dearer if it weren't for them.

"You know we're always here for you Min. Don't you ever forget that."I pulled out my ID card and held it closer to the recognition device. After it was confirmed, I entered the code. Hmmm, this building was really one of the best investments we made.

"Thanks Hyung, see you later. Say hi to Lixie and Sungie."I got into the elevator and they pressed the button for the 6th floor."You'll see them in literally an hour, but fine. See you later Min."He hung up. I put the phone in my coat pocket. The elevator doors slowly began to open.

This is going to be a long night.
Changbin's POV:

"And baby, how do you like it?" I raised my head to the mirror in front of me. The clothes he dressed me in this time, for I don't even know how many times today, consisted of a white shirt with a small collar, a yellow sweater with a picture of a white bunny on it and the worst part a yellow skirt, white socks with yellow shoes.

I'm officially unwell. What a sick obsession with the color yellow and children's women's wardrobe. They definitely have a problem. I am not female nor am I a baby.  But I have to stay composed for the sake of the plan.

"Ooooo, how cute you are. Let me eat you."He kissed my cheek. EW, I can feel the bales on my cheek. Oh, how I'm going to hit him and pay for every kiss, just to get my hands on freedom.

"Uh, I guarantee you'll be the cutest tonight."He tightened the hug. He made me try on the wardrobe all day. Plus he made me set the table together and cook together. The horror.

However, what I am most interested in is who is coming to dinner. If I counted correctly, there were 8 plates placed on the table, which means there will be Mr. Lee, Hyunjin, me and five other people. I can't believe anyone is friends with people like this. Surely those people who come are also hit in the head.

I have to take the opportunity, if I get it, and I hope it will, to get out of here. I know I've decided to stay out of here until I find evidence, but it would be better if I already had a chance to escape, then take it.

The only thing that bothers me is that I don't know what happened to Wooyoung and Yeonjun. I hope they are well. If he praises them for something, I will...Uh, I was furious, but I had to keep a calm face. I slowly began to gain their trust and I would hate to lose it again. Maybe I could ask him who's coming.

"Momma."I tugged on Hyunjin's sleeve and he looked at me with a smiling face."Who's coming-" The doorbell rang."Sorry baby, but it looks like dada is here." He picked me up and we started to leave the room.

"I can't wait him to see you!"He spoke in an enthusiastic tone as we approached the exit door. Hyunjin opened the door and of course Mr. Lee was standing at the door.

"Darling, look how cute the baby looks!"Of course I thought he would love it. I really don't understand how they find this torture fun and cute. This is more sick and sad. Mr. Lee took me from Hyunjin's arms and transferred me into his.

"Of course, our baby always comes out cute and beautiful."He kissed my cheek and started stroking my hair. During this time, Hyunjin was taking things from his hands.

"Baby, we need to talk about the dinner we have coming up."I looked at him with a confused look at first, but soon nodded. We slowly made our way to the couch to sit down. Hyunjin joined us a few minutes later, because he was leaving Mr. Lee's things.

"Okay. Baby this is how things are."He took a deep breath and I perked up my ears. I'm sure they'll tell me who's coming tonight.
"We have 3 momma and dada's friends coming to dinner."So some mentally retarded people, okay, got it.

"Also, two other people like you will be coming to dinner."Similar to me? What does he mean by that?"Momma and I expect you to be a calm and obedient boy. No problems. I know you're still getting used to all this about. Momma and I absolutely understand but you have to be good tonight. Okay?"I nodded.

He kissed my cheek again. Ah more and those kisses of theirs. It blew me away. Uh, how can I return fists for each of their "kisses". I took a deep breath inside. I'll be good. I have to for my plan. Of course, if I have the opportunity to escape, then I will not choose the means. But until I get that opportunity, I will play the role of "good boy".

"My queen, is everything ready?" Mr. Lee asked Hyunjin and Hyunjin nodded."Baby and I worked really hard today and had fun."He answered proudly. Yes, of course we"had fun". Making animal cakes and choosing clothes was really "fun".

"Congratulations to both of you."And of course another kiss on the cheek. I will kill them. As soon as I'm free, I'm going to have the first surgery to remove the layer of skin on my cheeks that are kissable.

"Baby, momma and dada are going to change, and you stay in your room and play until the guests arrive."He smiled softly. Of course, I'm really looking forward to playing until the guests arrive.

He picked me up and all three of us started walking up the stairs. First they left me in my room and then they went to theirs. I can see this is going to be a long night.

After about an hour of sitting in my room, the doorbell rang."I'M COMING!"Hyunjin was heard shouting and running down the stairs. And then they tell me not to run in the house.

"Baby."I turned my gaze towards the door and saw Mr. Lee walking into my room. "Baby, it's time to meet your new friends." Mr. Lee picked me up and we started walking out of the room.

New friends? What kind of new friends? I only had 4 friends in my life. Two of my four only friends are Yeonjun and Wooyoung, and the first two are sadly gone. I have never been an overly sociable person, but even if I were sociable, my friends would certainly not be people like these two.

We went down the stairs and slowly made our way to the dining room. There were five new people in the dining room, two of whom I immediately recognized. It was Mr. Chan and Mr. Jisung.

Mr. Chan was dressed in a black suit, just like the first time I met him, while Mr. Jisung wore a white suit. Both of them looked at me as if they were seeing me for the first time. So I was right, they are involved in all this. Looks like I'll have to deal with them as well.

Behind them stood a boy who seemed to me to be the same age. He has barbie pink hair with cat ears, in a pink dress with a picture of a cat on it, his skin was clean and white, and as I noticed, he had freckles on his face. The whole time the boy was looking at me very smiling.

The next person I noticed was a blue haired man in a blue suit. He had a cold and serious look on his face. Is he involved in all this, too?

Behind him was standing, or rather hiding, another guy with a puppy face. I can't quite tell if he's scared or just shy. He also seems like we're the same age. He has blond hair and wears a blue sweater with a picture of a dog on it and blue jeans.

Are these two guys he called my "new" friends. If he is thinking of them, did the same thing happen to them or did they also get hit in the head a little and act like this.  Looks like I'll have to find out.

"Okay, now that we're all gathered, it's time for the baby to meet the others!"Hyunjin excitedly exclaimed and everyone started to sit at the table.

Mr. Chan sat at one end of the table, while to his right sat a pink-haired boy, then Jisung and finally Hyunjin. A puppy-faced boy sat down on Mr. Chan's left, followed by a man in a blue suit.

"Just be what you're told and you'll be fine." Mr. Lee whispered in my ear before seating me to his left at the table next to the man in the blue suit.

Is he threatening me? He should know that he is lucky that my muscles are comparable, otherwise I would have beaten him long ago.

"Baby, I know you already know who they are, but I'll introduce them to you again. This is Uncle Channie and Aunt Ji." He gestured towards Mr. Chan and Mr. Jisung.

Uncle and aunt, huh? Are they kidding me?  Now they're suddenly uncle and aunt, and they're not crazy, huh, I wouldn't say.

"And this is their ba-"Suddenly Mr. Lee was interrupted by a pink haired momsk."You can call me Lixie!"He exclaimed happily and everyone started laughing.

"Kitty, it's not nice to interrupt others when they're talking."Mr. Chan addressed him.  The guy went back to his seat and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry Uncle Min."He quietly apologized to Mr. Lee. Uncle Min? What's next Aunt Hyunjin? Funny."Don't worry Lixie there's no need to apologize. I know you're just excited about making a new friend."The boy's face was once again that big and happy smile from a while ago.

"The next baby I'd like to introduce you to is Uncle Innie." He gestured to the man in the blue suit sitting next to me. Um, Uncle Innie. I wonder what his real name is. I'll find out somehow.

"And finally, in the end, I want to introduce you to Minnie."Seungmin slowly straightened his head and looked at me shyly."H-Hello."He said quietly. So he's still shy."Sorry about Seungie he's a bit shy. Nice to meet you Binnie."Uncle Innie addressed me. I just nodded my head.

Binnie? How does he know about that nickname? Only 6 people were authorized to call me that nickname. And those are my parents and my 4 friends. I didn't let anyone else call me that.

"How about we take it slow with dinner?"  And so the dinner officially began. I honestly thought I would find out something important while they were talking, but they only talked about my slowly getting used to my new "life", Mr. Chan and Mr. Jisung's business trips, and Uncle Innie's trip to Japan.

Since I didn't hear anything from the "elders", I turned my attention to Lixie and Minnie. Unfortunately, neither of them was of any use. Since they were sitting opposite each other, it was easier for them to talk about some of their topics, which were limited to toys, what they saw and did, and other unimportant things.

Also what annoyed me about this dinner was that the "elders" so to speak were eating something called Kartoffelpuffer, Klosse and Bratkartoffeln( A/N: I tried this in a restaurant and as far as I understand this is a German dish, but I'm not sure.😅 ), which I understand is some German dish I've never heard of. And we "younger", so to speak, ate Chicken nuggets, damned Chicken nuggets, the worst thing was that they were in the shape of a dinosaur.

Dinosaurs? Chicken nuggets? What's next?  My personality is hurt. The last time I ate this was when I was 5, or maybe 15, I'm not sure, but the point is the same. I don't really know what to think.

I can't understand how people who look this normal can be like this.  But what annoys and confuses me even more is whether Minnie and Lixie act and dress like this voluntarily or are they forced to.  Their faces do not reveal to me any influence of coercion. But then again, what normal person would behave like this. Ah, I'm too confused, and my head is starting to hurt from thinking so much.

"Baby."Hyunjin spoke to me. I shifted my gaze from my plate to him."Do you want Lixie, Minnie and you to go to your room and play?"I gave him a confused look.  There's no way I'm going to play with them or anyone.

"Yes!"There was a loud yes and a soft yes.  They are really looking forward to this idea."Perfect! Just so you can get to know each other better."Hyunjin slowly got up from the table, followed by Lixie and Minnie. I only got up when they approached me. I feel humiliated.

"HAVE FUN!"A voice that I assume belongs to Mr. Jisung came out."Fun", of course. It's going to be crazy. We went up to my room and started to go in."I'm going to get you snacks and juices, and you have fun."He kissed the back of my head and left. It's good, it means we'll be alone.

"And? What do you want to play?"Lixie asked me, but I just ignored him and started thinking about how I could take advantage of this situation.

"B-Binnie?"I took a deep breath it's time to finish this, I'm already sick."Listen."I spoke to them in a serious tone and they looked at me with a slightly confused look.

"I have no interest in playing or hanging out with you. I'm only doing this to gain their trust, find evidence, and get out of here. So please don't talk to me, because I really have no intention of playing this SICK game of yours! Was I clear?"I replied angrily.

Tears started to fall from Minnie's eyes."L-Lixie?"He walked over to Lixie and hugged him tightly. Did I really scare him that much?"You don't r-recognize us?"I looked at them confused. Do I know them?  How would I know them?

"W-What do you mean? How would I know you?" He took Minnie's hand and they started walking towards me."Take one more look at us and tell us if you're sure you don't recognize us."I looked at them again. However, I don't see anything that would indicate that I know them.

"It's us, Binnie. Minnie and Lixie, your friends. We've been friends for 15 years. It suddenly hit me."N-No. N-No way!"No way. It's definitely not them. It can't be them!

"Binnie, do you recognize us now?"I fell to the floor in shock. I never thought in my life that something like this would happen to me. I directed my gaze towards them as tears began to flow from my eyes.

"Lixie, Minnie, is that you?"They both came up to me and started to hug me. I hugged back."I missed you so much. I thought you were gone."Really, that morning when they told me what happened, I was completely broken. That's why I wanted to become a detective, to help people find the people they love.

"How did you get here? Don't tell me they kidnapped you too?"They suddenly let me go and looked at me with a slightly angry look. I was a little surprised by their reaction.

"What do you mean kidnapped?"Seungmin asked me. Now I looked at them a little strangely."Do they also make you dress and behave like this, if so, don't worry, I have a plan how-"Felix interrupted me.

"No, no, you got it wrong. They didn't kidnap us, they saved us."He said. I was shocked. What do you mean they weren't kidnapped but rescued?"What do you mean?"I asked him."Simple. They saved us from those horrible people who called themselves our parents."Excuse me? Saved from horrible people?

"Saved from your horrible parents? Are you out of your mind?"Are they really serious?"Because our so-called parents, including yours were paid to look after us by Mommy and Daddy, as well as Uncle Innie, and of course Uncle Min and Aunt Jin. But soon they wanted to be paid more. And naturally since they refused and said they wouldn't pay them more, it wasn't because they didn't want to but they wanted to take us under their wing, and that's why they threatened to hurt if they don't get their money, do you understand now!"What? What kind of nonsense is this? They are really brainwashed.

"YOU'RE LYING! Those are pure fabrications. And I don't believe they're true. This isn't a movie so something like that happens. I don't know what they told you, but it's obvious that they brainwashed you!"Suddenly, the door was suddenly opened. I turned to the door and saw that everyone else had come.

"Baby-"I cut them off."What did you do to them?!"They all looked at me blankly."Baby what are you talking about-"I cut Hyunjin off again.

"STOP IT! I'm not your baby and stop acting like that and answer the damn question!" Mr. Chan and Mr. Jisung ran over to Felix, who had an angry look on his face the whole time. And at the same moment, Uncle Innie stops Sungmin, who is slowly starting to see tears in his eyes, and starts to comfort him.

"Binnie, keep your voice down, they're the ones who saved you after all-"Oh, they saved me again."SHUT UP FELIX!"He looked at me in surprise.

"No one saved me from anyone! None of that is true! The only truth is that these lunatics kidnapped me, just like you, and are treating me like some sick plaything of theirs! But you know what? I don't care and I won't be a part of  these games! If you two want to play this sick game, play it, but don't drag me into all this!"I snarled at the top of my voice. Hyunjin started to fall to the floor, but Mr. Lee caught him and lowered him gently.

"Baby-"Mr.Lee interrupted Hyunjin"Minho, let him go."He said calmly. We all looked at him, including me, shocked and confused.
"But Darling-"He cut him off again."No. It's fine."He slowly started to straighten up looking into my eyes.

"Changbin, you're right."He said. I looked at him even more strangely. Did he say that I was right?"We shouldn't have kidnapped you and that's why I apologize on behalf of both of us."Did he just apologize to me?

"And that's why we're going to let you go." Let me go? Is he really going to let me go? "But before you go, I'd like you to just listen to the reason. After you hear it, you're free to go, but I beg you to listen to me first."I took a deep breath. And I corrected myself.

"Okay. I'll listen to you, but after that you'll let me go. If Felix and Seungmin decided to be like this, I don't want it." Slowly, Hyunjin lowered himself completely to the floor and sat on his knees. The whole time Mr. Lee was holding him and hugging him."Thank you."Slowly we all got down and sat on the floor.

"Minho's, Chan's, Jisung's, Jeongin's as well as my parents were best friends. So since we were born we were all together and hanging out. As we grew up, I soon realized that I had feelings for Minho.

I don't know if you'll believe me, but Minho and I have practically been together since we were 5 years old. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. When I was 13 and Minho was 15, the most beautiful thing in our lives happened.

Mine and Minho's mother unfortunately didn't have much time for us, which they always regretted, and that's why they left us to their friend or our nanny. Soon our nanny got pregnant.

To be honest, I was very jealous that I was not female and that I could have my own child. I know it sounds gross, but it's true.  Throughout her pregnancy Minho and I helped her and I think we learned the most about babies during that period.

And finally the day had come when she was supposed to give birth. My mother and I drove her to the hospital, and I immediately called Minho to come because I was a little scared if something was going to happen. When Minho's mother and Minho arrived, the delivery was already over.

The next day we came to visit her and see the baby. While we were looking at the baby, we heard a woman yelled. She said that she did not want that child and that that child was the biggest mistake in her life.

My mother asked the nurse, who was with us, what was going on. That nurse explained to us that the woman was an alcoholic and that on one occasion, while she was drunk, she slept with someone and got pregnant. However, she says that it was clear from the beginning that she did not want a child and that she was not able to take care of that child and that the baby would most likely end up in an orphanage.

We asked her if we could see the child and she said it was not allowed because we are not family members, but still Minho's mother convinced her to let us see her.  And that's when we saw you for the first time.

I'll never forget that look when we saw you. You were so small and cute. You looked like a little angel. Minho and I have decided that we want to take care of you. I know it sounds weird because we were only 13 and 15, but as soon as we saw you we knew we wanted to take care of you.

Our mothers paid your so-called mother to give you to us. We couldn't let such a sweet baby end up in a home for neglected children. And your mother agreed without any hesitation.

And that's how we took care of you, believe it or not, for 5 years. We watched you grow up for five years. It was one of the best memories we have. Your first walk, first words, first lost tooth and a lot more. You are, me and Minho, I know you won't believe me, but you called us momma and dada. You thought we were your parents.

The two of us were so happy. After 5 years, Minho was 20 and I was 18 and then our parents thought that you were a hindrance in mine and Minho's career and they wanted to get rid of you.

Since Minho had already started working for his father, he came up with a large amount of money and we decided to give you to someone who will take care of you until we can again.

And so the people you now call your parents agreed and even paid them for 10 years to take care of you. Unfortunately, we couldn't visit you because we were afraid that our parents wouldn't find out about what we did.

However, when we told them that we want to finally take you back, they said until we pay them a figure that represented the sum of all the money we gave them.

They threatened to hurt you on the day we were supposed to pay them that figure, they tried to gather you, Felix and Seungmin all in one place, under the pretext of having a sleepover, and start torturing you.

We managed to save Seungmin and Felix, but unfortunately we couldn't save you.  They managed to get you back. To this day, I cry because we couldn't bring you back, if only we had succeeded, you would have..." He started to cry. Me too. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My heart is breaking.

"Take it easy Darling. Just take it easy. Calm down, then if you want and if you can, continue." Minho soothed Hyunjin."I'm fine. I'll continue."I just cried too. I didn't know what to think. I was broken, my whole life was one big lie. He came to me and hugged me. I hugged back without thinking.

"For the last 5 years, they have been sending us more threats. They threatened us that we would never see you again and we did everything to find you. Huge amounts of money were left only in fear that they would do something to you. I'm sorry that we kidnapped you, but we thought that if we approached you normally they would try something and that's why we had to act like this and, but I swear to you, that this with our assistant and you was pure coincidence. You have no idea how happy we were to find you. Felix  and Seungmin share the same fate as yours."We both cried. I don't think anyone knows who split more tears.

"If you want to leave, go. We won't stop you. We won't even do anything to you if you want to report us for what happened. But I want you to know that Minho and I will love you forever. We might be broken, but we'll be happy if you will be happy too."I don't know what to feel. I don't know what I should do. I don't think I know anything anymore.

"No."He looked at me confused, wiping his tears."I won't leave."I can't leave. I don't know why but I just can't leave."I'll stay here with you and be your baby."Everyone looked at me. I think everyone is as surprised as I am.

"B-But why?"He asked me, but I didn't know what to answer, because I don't know the answer to why either, but my heart simply tells me to stay.

"I don't know, but something just tells me that I should stay with you. It might be hard for me and you, but I'll do my best to get used to it. You deserve it after all."I said and now I felt another pair of hands on me. It was Mr. Lee.

"Thank you. Thank you. You have no idea how happy you made us and how long we've waited for this day."I hugged them both. I don't remember what happened after that, but the only thing I know is that I fell asleep because of excessive crying.

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