NEFARIO (Bnha x Anti-Hero Rea...

By Ma3_AuthoR

414 56 8

The nefarious, who is known to be the most gruesome and horrifying character in all of history, has come to a... More



77 12 1
By Ma3_AuthoR


"I'm looking for a good location—what? You found me one?"

After the business that you did, which you never thought you would do again, it was deja vu on your part. Though it was his fault in the first place for always ticking you off.

You also hate a person who acts like that just because they have the upper level and are disrespectful of the lower level. They should be better off dying. You planned to give him to All For One as a present, but you don't have that much time on your hands.

It was the first broadcast in the morning before you went out and looked for a location to start the business. A convenience store, to be precise. It was entertainment as the government covered another lie.

You may have given them a hint, but why do you care? So far, all you've cared about is finding a good location with a small number of customers who can help you make a living. Yet, why not just rob a bank? Or create your own money if you have the ability to do so.

To answer that simple question, it will not be entertainment on your part, and you want something new. In other words, doing it that way is kind of boring.

Speaking of All For One, you're talking to him right now through the phone. A phone that he created for the government not to track you down or be heard.

"I didn't mean to get in your business, but I found a good location. Just for you."

"Oh, how kind of you." You monotonously said it, continuing it with sarcasm while watching a villain rob a store. "Remind me why the all-time villain as of today is helping the one that tried to destroy Tokyo." Pointing out how he would be dead if you did destroy Tokyo.

All for One chuckled, "I'm just returning a favor; don't worry about the cost. I talk to Kurogiri."

"Oh, Obo-Chan. Maybe I'll visit later. Oh and-"

"Nef-san?" All For One asks as you suddenly stop talking.

"Let's continue later. I think I found someone very familiar."

With a single tap, ending the call. You can't help but smile once you see the person not that far from where you are who just came out of a mini-store. Very bright blonde hair, instead for his well-built frame and iconic smile.

'Huh. You took a big hit; aren't you, Toshinori Yagi?' 

It was just a skinny-looking guy that people would just ignore and not picture as the all-time. All Might himself, except for you, as from afar you already knew who this person is.

All might have been just shopping and doing his daily routine. He then heard people talking about a villain who took advantage of the morning bustle, and usually, even if the bustle is there, a hero will show up in time.

That was All might plan to do while people aren't looking at him. He was about to transform, only to have his current plan stopped by a lady not older than her 30s. Though she doesn't look much older than 30 but more like she's in her 20s,

The woman who was looking at him and the way she looks are very different, and he can't help but feel like something is off about this lady.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to stare at you. I thought you looked familiar."

All Might nervously chuckled, simply lying to this lady that he sometimes gets that a lot, and he then quickly excused himself as the villain was getting away, but before he could turn around and leave and find a hiding spot to transform.

"You just look like the boy I met a long time ago." After her."

"Excuse me?" All might not know what this lady meant by that, and he was about to ask, but before he could, a scream from the distance was heard.

Once he returned his gaze to the villain, it magically grew larger than the previous form.

"Oh, I'm so sorry; I sometimes bluff things out. Well, then have a good day, sir." You bowed, joining the people on the street on the lookout for the villain. You wanted to see some familiar action, and you thought, "Why not boost the villain?

The villain, on the other hand, didn't know what had happened to him. All he knew and cared about was that he had grown larger and felt more powerful, and with this, no obstacle would stand in his way.

'Hehe, I don't know what happened. But I will get away with this!'

"Because I'm here!"


The villain might have picked the wrong side of the street to rob, as the one who was now chasing him was none other than

"All might!" People exclaimed when they saw 'All Might' standing in front of them with his well-built frame and blonde hair. People knew this was all might, but not only because of those two things but also because of his bright, iconic smile.

A symbol of justice and peace.

People thought that because he was there, it would be over, but unknown to them, that is not the case. In a many sea of people watching the fight was a person smiling.

Smiling in happiness because All might be there to save another day? No. an entertainment smile, a knowing smile, and

'This is it; this is him. The person that almost caught me'

"Show me, how did you do it? All might."

The first story was different, and people cheered that All Might had defeated it. But what was happening? did All Might punch? didn't seem to go through the blob's body or have any effect on it?

The blob bodies began to connect to one another again, and instead of having the same exact size, they grew larger into a point that grew to be the same size as a street light.

The villain had no idea what was going on, but all he cared about was getting away from All Might, which he did. Which leave you with a sour taste in your mouth as you expect the villain not to act cowardly.

'What a waste... Oh well, I just hope whomever he consumes will rest in peace'

All Might was aware of what happened and immediately tried to fix it, but before he could, the blob ran off to who knows where. It was very strange that the action he saw was very familiar, but he didn't know where he saw it.

But in regards to it, he will think of it later and tell a friend about it. For now, he needs to catch that villain before it consumes someone, as he noticed that the villain's path melted.

All might hope that this power has a limit; he can't have someone die in such a crucial way.

In the end, he thanked it for having a limit and saving a boy from dying.

"Well then, I better be off!"


All might didn't let him continue and jump to go to a friend wanting to share his strange encounter. About the sudden change in power of the villain.

'Could it be? But that was a long time ago... If she did return... I-'

All Might didn't get to continue his thoughts when he felt a sudden shift on his left side and saw the boy from before.

"Let go! Your enthusiasm is too much."

"I-if I do t-that, I-I'll die!" The boy tried to say it but couldn't master the word because the wind was so powerful.

"You're right!"

The boy tried to say another thing, but All Might simply told him to wait, as he would find a place to land.

"Okay, Okay! Now close your eyes and mouth." The boy did what he asked.

Unknown to the boy, All Might coughed, and at the corner of his lips is a single drop of blood, mentioning to him that the effect will wear off soon and he needs to leave before he gets discovered.


Izuku Midoriya Not only was he a quirckless kid, but he was the first kid, the first person, and the first stranger. All might meet has seen his true form. And Izuku cannot believe what is in front of him.

"It can't be... All might is fearless, always saving people with a smile. He's the greatest."

"A fearless smile, huh?" After hearing the kid, All Might be able to help, but Sigh. "Now that you've seen me, boy, don't write about this online."

Of course, Izuku won't do that. Even if he's a quirckless kid or an ordinary one, he'll be bullied because of it. He never thought that the world was so unfair, and it's not in his character to do that.

All might then show him the biggest bruise that Izuku just saw in all history—more than the bruises he gets from Bakugou. The bruise was located on his left side, and Izuku was left shocked.

"Five years ago, I got this from an enemy attack. Destroyed respiratory organ and a full gastrectomy, and the aftereffects of the surgeries left me haggard." All might say, continuing to share his story, in which he then said that he had the capacity to do hero work.

Is only limited to three hours a day. When all might have said those things, it rang many times in Izuku's ear. 

'T-three hours?'

"It can't be... Five years ago... was when you fought Toxic Chainsaw?"

"You know well, but, that punk can't destroy me. Unlike her..."

"Her? Y-you mean, the most hunted villain and horrifying Nefa—" Izuku didn't continue using that name as it was a taboo, and it scared him that if he did, that SSS rank villain would show up.

"But she's already gone. More than your years of being a hero." Izuku tried to do something, wanting to erase this chilling atmosphere.

All might shake his head, as this boy doesn't know the truth; he only continued to share his story. "This is not known to the public because I asked them not to announce it. I will save people with a smile." With a long pause, All might end it with the same thing he always does.

"The symbol of peace cannot be defeated by evil."


While All Might was busy sharing his story and secret with a complete stranger, let alone a kid. Back at the market place in an alley way. The blob from before that escape, thanks to the kid that he was now being held captive.

"I won't let a sewer man like you swallow me up!" Bakugou tried to break free, struggling to get out, using all his might just to escape from the villain's grasp, but all that effort was not enough.

"You son of a—" He screamed, letting out his power, hoping it would help him. But again, it didn't break him free.

Now that was a show for you. You did plan to go back and talk to All For One, but after exploring the place, you ended up on another street. Hearing the people cheering for the heroes

At first, you brush it off, but when you see the action, Why not watch? And it's the same villain you helped back then; maybe this time. He will show you that he's not that cowardly.

Now, the missing piece from the show was All Might.

'Hmm, where is he? Huh?'

What was that? A notebook? No. A middle schooler kid, the same boy you saw before you killed your boss, was running toward where the danger was, or, to be precise, wanting to save the boy from the villain.

Now, you don't see that often, and even this was a case of deja vu to you. It's like the time All Might tried to save his former teacher. Nana Shumura. But the difference was that he failed to do so.

No, you didn't kill Nana. You just gave her something eventful and memorable. It's not your job to do that.

As the villain was about to kill the green-haired kid, the heroes tried to reach out for him before tragedy struck. A strong gush of wind emerges, and instead of being killed by the villain,

"I am so pathetic...

"All Might..."

"I admonished you, yet I'm not doing my part." As All might have said those words, grabbing a hold of the victim, he began, "Pros are always risking their lives!" with his punch screaming Detroit Smash.

He demolished the villain. With so much force, it not only ended the fire around them but created a big tornado look-alike, and because of it, heroes and civilians need to hold themselves before they are blown away.

Except for one person. She was smiling proudly at what All Might had become, and maybe she should try something new again. But it's not official yet; it's just a silly thought.

'Rain?' You let out an amusing chuckle. As All Might even changed the weather, but that didn't last long.

Rain, unlike other types of weather, was less of an option. You're not very fond of it, and this weather is always there whenever it's your turn, whenever you tried to show them what you wanted to show and why you'd done it.

The cloud that created the rain soon vanished as if it had been washed away by someone. As the once gray sky has quickly been replaced by a red and then a clear blue sky in a mere second, Even if it took a mere second and people didn't notice.

But to them, to All Might, they saw it. And it was enough to signify that.

'She's back'


I saw all your comments and am very happy to say that I will begin this story. Just a heads up, might not be often to get an update as I'm currently busy with my other story.

P.S. The MC in this book is OP, but a chill type of OP. Why? because I want it that way. and she doesn't have any sides. It's a solo player theme.

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