A Man that Summon Monsters (P...

By RWBYKnight4142

71.8K 1.1K 927


Welcome to Beacon
First Day at Beacon
Out on the Town
Poke'mon Eggs and Blake's Dilemma
Dance, Dance Infiltration
Welcome to the World, Little Ones!
Poke'mon Training
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
No Brakes Pt. 2 & Breach
Round One
Tidal Wave
It's Brawl in the Family
Doubles Round
Rescue/The Battle Begins
The Turning Point
The Final Battle
In Defense of Kalos
The Crisis of Kalos
Rocking Kalos
Forming A More Perfect Union

The Battle for Beacon

877 20 15
By RWBYKnight4142

(Y/n) POV

Even though Team RWBY and I are holding back the Grimm, just, the Atlas drone forces have suddenly turned against us.

Yang: Did Ironwood forget who's side he's on?!

Weiss: No, something is wrong!

Ruby: Either way, we can't fight both the Grimm and Atlas at the same time.

Jaune: You won't have to!

I turn around and see Team JNPR, SSSN, CFVY, Penny and various other Huntsman and Huntresses.

Coco: Let's show these baddies what real Huntsmen look like.

Everyone: *Warcry*

Everyone rallies and charge into the fight. But there's still another problem.

Blake: What are we gonna do against the dragon Grimm?

(Y/n): *determined* Leave that one to me.

Blake: What? (Y/n), I know you're strong but even you and Charizard are outmatched against that thing.

(Y/n): *grabs Beast Ball* I had someone else in mind. It is time, Lunala, I choose you! *tosses ball into air*

Lunala: *appears from Beast Ball* ..... *opens it's eyes* *Screeches loudly*

Lunala looks down at me and I point to the Wyvern Grimm.

(Y/n): That's our target! Hold nothing back!

Lunala: *Screeches*

Lunala takes off after the Wyvern Grimm, I then beckon Charizard to me.

Blake: What are you doing?

(Y/n): I need to guide Lunala through this fight, I'm going after it.

I could tell Blake didn't like it, but she gave me a quick kiss on the lips and smiles hopefully.

Blake: Go get 'em.

I nod and hop on Charizard's back, and we fly after Lunala, who has already tackled the Wyvern Grimm and slammed it into the cliffside.

(Y/n): Lunala draws it's power from the moon, at least it'll be at it's strongest tonight.

3rd Person POV

Back on the ground, Ruby looks around and sees everyone struggling against the combined might of the Grimm and the Atlas military drones. Penny is seen swinging her Floating Array at various Grimm, Ruby then gets an idea.

Ruby: Penny!

Penny looks down at Ruby and flies to her.

Ruby: Do you know where the commands for the Atlas military robots are?

Penny: They come from General Ironwood's flagship.

Ruby: Which one is that?

Penny looks around in the sky and points out the biggest ship in the Atlas fleet.

Penny: That one.

Ruby: Hmm, can you get me up there?

Weiss: Ruby?

Ruby: Someone has obviously taken control of the Atlas robots and turned them against us, if I can take out the flagship all the robots stop dead in their tracks.

Weiss: Just be careful. *to herself* Don't wanna lose the only BFF I've ever had.

Ruby: I heard that.

Weiss: Shut up and go!

Ruby recalls Fenris to her Poke'ball, Penny then picks Ruby up and carries her up to the Atlas flagship while avoiding Griffon Grimm.

Back on the ground, Blake hears some worrying news over the crowd.

Random Student: The White Fang are releasing more Grimm onto the school grounds!

Blake: The White Fang? *grows scared* Could that mean, he's here?

Blake's hand starts shaking as she thinks about Adam, she refocuses when she hears Yang punch a Grimm away from her.

Yang: Careful, Blake.

Yang sees Blake's terrified expression and becomes concerned herself.

Yang: What is it?

Blake: Adam....

Yang: What about him?

Blake: He's here...

Yang finally understood and placed a hand on Blake's shoulder.

Yang: We can take him, if we work together....

Blake felt a little more at ease with Yang's confidant smile.

Yang: Plus, with our Poke'mon, it's four against one. Adam stands no chance.

Blake took a deep breath and nodded at Yang, her hand stopped shaking and tightened around Gambol Shroud.

Yang: *to Weiss* Think you can handle these guys?

Weiss: *smirks* It would be my genuine pleasure.

Snowflake: *confidant* Vulpix!

Yang nods to Weiss and beckons Scorchimp to her side, Blake then felt a tug on her pant leg, she looked down and saw Spooky with a determined look in his eyes.

Blake: *smiles* Yeah, *extends arm* Let's go get him.

Spooky climbs onto Blake's shoulder and she catches up to Yang and Scorchimp in their search for Adam.

Meanwhile, back in the sky, (Y/n) is on Charizard's back maintaining a safe distance from the battle between the Wyvern Grimm and Lunala, but still close enough to call out moves and strategies.

(Y/n): Shadow Sneak!

Lunala disappears into the shadows, this confuses the Grimm and it starts to look around. Suddenly, Lunala appears behind it and tackles it into the cliffside, before grabbing it and dragging the Grimm's body across the rock face. The Wyvern Grimm recovers and roars before flapping it's wings and getting back into the air.

(Y/n): Signal Beam!

Lunala unleashes a beam of energy from it's mouth, the Wyvern barely manages to avoid with only it's tail getting grazed by the energy beam. The Wyvern flew higher above Lunala and readied a fire breath attack.

(Y/n): Lunala! Dodge it!

Lunala doesn't turn to dodge it in time and gets hit by the fire breath and crashes into the cliffside, but instead of keeping up it's attack, the Wyvern turns around and keeps flying to the school. Charizard and (Y/n) approach Lunala, who is just starting to recover.

(Y/n): Lunala, are you okay?!

Lunala: *refocuses, low shrill*

(Y/n): *sigh of relief* Good. Can you keep fighting?

Lunala gets up and screeches loudly in defiance of defeat.

(Y/n): Then let's give that thing a proper ass-whupping.

On the other side of the Vale, Penny has finally gotten Ruby to the Atlas flagship and drops her on it's flight deck.

Ruby: Go help the others!

Penny: Are you sure?!

Ruby pulls Penny down to avoid an attack from a Griffon, she then pulls out Crescent Rose's rifle form and shoots the Grimm in the head.

Penny: Okay. Be careful.

Ruby: *nods, grabs Poke'ball* Come on out, Fenris!

Fenris: *appears* Houndoom!

Penny flies back into the battle below, Ruby then hears a click sound and looks to sees Neo taking a picture of her and Fenris, before charging at the pair.

Ruby: Fire Spin!

Fenris: *aggressive* Houndoom!

A spiral of flames charges at Neo and envelops her, Ruby used her Semblance to rush at Neo in the middle of the flames and swings Crescent Rose at her. However, when she does make contact Neo breaks in glass shards. Fenris stops her Fire Spin and Ruby looks around confused.

Fenris: *notices* Hound!

Ruby looks up and sees Neo dive bombing her with her a blade sticking out of the top of her parasol. Ruby manages to dodge and swings Crescent Rose to try and sweep Neo's parasol, but Neo pushes back up into the air and kicks Ruby in the back sending her crashing to the ground. Fenris rushed in with Fire Fang, Neo jumped back to dodge, Fenris landed in between Ruby and Neo and growled menacingly at the ice cream lady.

Ruby: *recovers* Thanks girl. Flamethrower!

Fenris: *aggressive* Houndoom! *use Flamethrower*

The stream of flames once again charges at Neo, but she manages to jump over them and leaps towards Ruby. Ruby though was waiting for her and shot at Neo, Neo just barely managed to use her Semblance to avoid the shot and somehow sneak behind Ruby and stabs her in the shoulder.

Ruby: *pained scream*

Fenris turned around and readied her Crunch attack but was shot by Roman Torchwick.

Roman: This attack will not stop.

Back near the outskirts (Y/n) and Charizard are following Lunala and the Wyvern Grimm as they dogfight high in the sky trying to hit the other while avoiding each other's attacks.

Back in the courtyard, Weiss uses her glyphs to attack 3 Grimm that Snowflake had frozen with Ice Beam. Snowflake then executed a backflip to avoid a pawswipe from a Beowolf.

Weiss: Ice Beam!

Snowflake executes Ice Beam perfectly and freezes the Beowolf.

Ursa Grimm: *snarls loudly*

Weiss: Snowflake!

Snowflake knows she can't dodge in time and closes her eyes, but the attack doesn't come. Snowflake opens her eyes and sees Weiss has put up a defensive white glyph to hold the Grimm back.

Weiss: Snowflake, are you okay?

Snowflake: *curious* Vul?

Weiss: Don't worry, I'm always going to be here to protect you just as much as you're there for me. I love you, Snowflake.

Snowflake eyes widen and start tearing up, when suddenly the Ursa Grimm breaks through Weiss' white glyph and readies to attack. Weiss reels back and falls to the ground, losing her weapon, Weiss looks up and grows scared of the Grimm's incoming attack.

Snowflake: *loudly* Vulpix!

Snowflake uses Aurora Veil and leaps in front of Weiss, she sees Snowflake has the Ice Stone in her mouth and suddenly a bright glowing blue light surrounds Snowflake.

Weiss: *shocked and amazed* Snowflake.

Snowflake is, in fact, evolving, the bright light grows larger as Snowflake grows three additional tails, her legs grow longer, her fur grows longer and more flowing. The light disappears and shows Snowflake's new evolution.

Snowflake: Ninetales!

Weiss: *teary eyed* Snowflake, you evolved. That's wonderful! *pulls out Poke'dex*

Poke'Dex: Ninetales. The Fox Poke'mon. Alola form. An Ice and Fairy type. It creates drops of ice in it's coat and showers them onto their enemies. Anyone who angers it will be frozen stiff in an instant.

Weiss: Incredible, Snowflake! I knew you were the best. Let's see how much stronger you are. Use Blizzard!

Snowflake: *aggressive* Ninetales!

Snowflake releases a massive and strong gust of freezing wind onto the horde of Grimm and Atlas androids freezing all instantly like popsicles.

Weiss: *amazed* Wow! That's incredible, Snowflake! *notices movement and gasps* Snowflake, dodge!

Snowflake reacts just in time to avoid a hit from a Deathstalker's stinger, Weiss then stands up and readies her Myrtenastor to continue the fight.

Weiss: Let's do this, together.

Suddenly, a screech is heard as Lunala tackles the Wyvern Grimm and slams it into the ground, the two slide across the ground, crushing Weiss' Deathstalker and flying back into the air, with (Y/n) and Charizard still following the battle towards Beacon Tower.

Elsewhere, Blake and Yang are wandering the campus with their Poke'mon, defeating members of the White Fang and helping civilians and other students get to safety. Blake and Spooky are jogging past the library when she hears-

Student: *scream-*

She then heard the slice of a blade and looked inside the library, and she saw the one person she was desperately scared of. She starts shaking and backing away until-

Adam: Running away again? Is that what you've become, my love. A coward?

Blake: Why are you doing this?

Adam: You and I were going to change the world, remember. We were destined to light the fires of revolution.

Adam steps on a student's stomach and readies his sword.

Adam: Consider this, the spark.

Blake: No!

Blake rushes in with her sword drawn and kicks Adam away from the student, the two lock blades and stare each other down.

Blake: I'm not running anymore.

Adam: Oh, you will.

Adam pushes Blake off and the two stand and face each other, Blake's hand shakes a little, but manages to brush it off and grip her katana tightly. Adam smirks and rushes forward slashing in a overhead arc, Blake is quick to use her Semblance to avoid Adam's attack and reappears behind him ready to slash her katana at him. Adam though expected this and wheeled around and blocks her strike and deflects her away from him. Suddenly, Adam is attacked by Spooky jumping on his face and using Bite and Scratch on his face. Adam growled and yelled as he tried to get Spooky off his face, before he does though, Spooky manages to knock his mask off. Adam then grabs Spooky and throws him towards a wall, but Blake was quick to catch him.

Blake: Spooky, are you okay?

Spooky: *determined* Purr!

Blake and Spooky look at Adam as he turns to them, and it is revealed that Adam's face is branded with the letter's S.D.C., which also covers his left eye. Spooky wasn't the least bit intimidated, although Blake was now really scared.

Adam: Still too afraid to face me alone?

Spooky: *angry hiss*

Blake: Spooky, run.

Blake drops Spooky on the ground and he looks up at Blake and sees her terrified expression.

Blake: He's too strong. Save yourself.

Spooky looks back at Adam as he readies to attack, Blake's hands start shaking as she holds her katana. Adam starts chuckling as he walks forward slowly. Suddenly-

Yang: *off-screen* Flamethrower!

Adam turns around just barely able to avoid the massive Flamethrower from Scorchimp, Yang then lunged at Adam and dive punched at him, Adam was able to avoid that too. Yang and Scorchimp stand ready for the fight.

Blake: *surprised* Yang?

Yang: We've got your back, Blake. Friends protect each other.

Scorchimp: *determined* Monferno!

Spooky: *steps forward, determined* Purr.

Blake feels a little better and grips her weapons in either hand, but she's still pretty scared.

Yang: Let's go!

Scorchimp: *warcry*

Yang and Scorchimp rush forward towards Adam, Scorchimp readies a Fire Punch, while Yang does something similar with her gauntlets. Adam draws his sword with an overconfidant expression on his face.

Adam: You're all going to die.

Adam too charges at two brawlers, Yang and Adam clash weaponscausing a shockwave between them. Adam pushes her off and defends against Scorchimp's Fire Punch with his sword, their kinetic energy absorbed into the blade. Yang and Scorchimp land next to each other a little bit in front of Blake and Spooky.

Blake: His Semblance is like yours, he absorbs attacks into his sword and then releases that energy when he's ready.

Yang: So he get's the boost without feeling the attack, cheater.

Back in the sky, Lunala launches a Meteor Beam while the Wyvern Grimm launches a fire breath attack. Both beams collide and struggle to overpower the other's attack. In the background, (Y/n) watches on Charizard's back.

(Y/n): *to himself* Almost in position.

Back on the Atlesian Battle Cruiser, Ruby and Fenris have been cornered by Roman and Neo.

Roman: *cocky* End of the line, Red!

Ruby: Why?! All these people want is to destroy the world!

Roman: I may be a betting man, but even I know when to never challenge these people. I do what I have to, to survive.

Ruby: You won't win. We won't let you, because we have something worth fighting for!

Roman disregards Ruby's exclamation, raises his cane and launches a fiery projectile at Ruby, but Fenris gets in the way, takes the hit and seems to absrobs the flames with her Flash Fire Ability. Flames appear in Fenris's mouth as she recovers, Ruby sees this and gets an idea.

Ruby: Heat wave!

Fenris complies, and this Heat Wave has a lot more power than normal and actually manages to blast Roman and Neo away from them. Ruby readies her scythe and uses her Semblance to rush Roman while he's still flying backwards, she slices at his body three times faster than the eye can see, then aims her rifle at Roman and fires blasting him off the Airship and falling towards the ground. Seeing this, Neo gets angry and charges at Ruby, but Fenris simply uses a more powerful Flamethrower to blast Neo off the ship as well, only for them to he snatched up by Grimm Gryphon's and torn to pieces.

Ruby: I wish it didn't have to be like this.

Fenris walks up to Ruby and gently nudges her hand with her head, Ruby looks down and see Fenris' supportive expression in her eyes. Ruby smiles, then kneels down and hugs Fenris, then says.

Ruby: Thanks for your help, girl. You're the best.

Fenris: *playful barks*

Ruby pulls away from the embrace, she stands up and looks at the command bridge of the battleship.

Ruby: Come on, let's shut this down.

The two run off towards the command bridge as the camera pans to the battle below before the screen goes black.

(A/N): And CUT! Great work everyone! Get some lunch from the mess hall! Then I want the actors to report back to makeup before we shoot the next scene.

Sorry this is taking so long everyone, I just want this to be a good final battle. So, I'm gonna take my time with this and make sure this does justice for both RWBY and Poke'mon fans. Wish me luck, and I'll see y'all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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