Secrets From the Grave (Sinis...

By Kisslove17

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Powerful and forbidden secrets. Secret Empires built on unmarked graves. There is a power pulsing through me... More

A/N Terminology and Characters
Chapter One Birth of an Empire
Chapter Two Change of Command
Chapter Three Helpless
Chapter Four Acceptance
Chapter Five Our Pack
Chapter Six Pandora's Box
Chapter Seven Nighttime Tales
Chapter Eight Bad Timing
Chapter Nine Mama Bear
Chapter Ten Expect the Unexpected
Chapter Eleven Gaia the Mother
Chapter Twelve Homecoming
Chapter Thirteen The Point, Find it
Chapter Fourteen Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Fifteen Family Reunion (Part 1)
Chapter Sixteen Familia (Part 2)
Chapter Seventeen Codes

Chapter Eighteen Defender of the People

49 5 156
By Kisslove17

Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahBabyalex34carmeapple

May 22, 2019, 10:45 am, Ciro's POV

    "No vital signs, no heat signatures. Diana's room is empty." Akon informs me his voice is factual even as it shakes. I nod, my hands trembling, as I send a sea of drones into the air. 'I have to believe Diana is okay. I have to believe that, because there is a force trying the Hail Mary doors in the neighboring room. The room holding our defenseless Lower Pack and toddlers. Amore and Achille will be useless if they get through, due to the Elitist gas the opposition are attempting to deploy through the vents. Basilio's Berserker is stronger, time has given him an unworldly power, so he will be able to fight even blind and deaf. But even he won't win, not with most of the Lower Pack in that room... he will have to make a choice. He will have to choose to shield the Lower Pack or the toddlers. I watch the camera feed as the drone levels with the room's window, and I firm my spine.

    "Commence fire," I order, and Akon's second, Will, begins the artillery attack on the glass. 'I crafted that glass, it took me fifty-two tries to make sure nothing could break it... nothing, but a sonic bomb, but that could kill my Pack. Achille appears at the glass and looks up at the drone seeming to be yelling something. 'Why aren't the rest appearing? What could they be doing?'

    "He seems like he is trying to signal us," Will says, and I look where he indicates to see Amore standing next to Achille motioning something with his hands. I direct a fleet of drones to hunt for Diana's and Jules's biosignature, and they fly off.

    "Try to contact them again!" I order, and Will tries, but we hit a block again. 'When we could not get through. I tried everything to hack it and instantly realized the familiarity. Besides Cheshire, no one has been able to hack me. But this isn't a hack, they are using my virus. The virus we deploy before we attack a Hub. But unlike me, their range is minimal, so only the west side of Isle Two is in a black zone. I sent drones for help, but the main problem is that I cannot get into the locked-down hospital, nor can I communicate with my Pack.

    "It's trash," Akon says, and with an un-shocking amount of anger his arm sweeps and knocks the table's contents on the ground.

    "Pull yourself together!" I snarl even as my trembling hand makes it near impossible to configure my drone controls. 'Pull yourself together, what would the Alphas do?' I take a breath in, and then it hits me. My gaze flies back to Amore and Achille, and finally, see where they are pointing... Basilio is missing, and so are the rest... 'Why would they not come to the glass?'

    "They are not in the room." I say positioning a drone just right to check for Hermes's biosignature and then only counting two heat blooms. Only Amore and Achille remain.' Akon freezes then runs back to his chair and begins running a system check on the vents again. 'We cannot hack the hospital safeties, but we can redirect the vents away from the heat blooms.'

    "Cease drone fire," I order, and drones stop then dip back into formation. Amore nods and gives me a thumbs up, and then he and Achille run out.

    "Follow the heat blooms," I order Will, and he nods, then pulls up a live floor plan of the hospital, and we track Achille's and Amore's movements.

    "Are we even helping? Surely among the three of us, we can figure out a plan to help them. Actually, help them." Akon says quietly, but I ignore him as I punch in code after code in an attempt to crash my own system. If it crashes it locks everyone out and trips the failsafe... one that will send a much stronger virus back where it came from.

    "She is on the move!" Crackles come from our radios. I whip around to grab one and respond to Raskel.

    "Who is?!" I demand, and Raskel's radio crackles again, 'no Alpha we sent has been able to contact back.'

    "Aurora," Raskel says, and my heart falls into my stomach.

    "She is moving too fast to be alone, someone has her," Raskel says, and I nod gritting my teeth.

    "Find her, Raskel. Find my fucking daughter!" I snarl, and Raskel's radio crackles again then a long silence.

    "That is the mission, High Beta," Raskel says at last, and then the radio sounds die as if he re-entered the dead zone. I fist the radio wanting to slam it into the table, but I just grip it. 'Are we helping?' An alarm hits the air as the door opens behind us, and a person comes through. When no one reacts I turn around and see Kiki.

    "I have a plan," Kiki says, and I nod eagerly to hear it, and she walks up to my setup and changes the video feed to the north side of the island. 'What is moving that fast?' I look at Kiki, and she nods pointing, zooming in, and when the camera focuses I nod to her. 'They will take care of it, and unlike the Alphas, the chemicals won't slow them down. For Vico and Diana, they would do anything.


11:00 pm, Diana's POV

    'Pandora wields her spear with such deadly precision I have not had to lift my hand once. And we ran into five attackers, each looking more and more surprised to see us alive. Verifying friendlies from raiders has not been a dilemma we've had yet. But with the rage pumping through me I am unsure if they would not fall victim to friendly fire.' Pandora motions us to follow her through a dark lights-flickering hallway. 'The entire hospital is pitch black, which has led to us running in circles around the fourth floor to find a way down. One not blocked by a Hail Mary door.'

    "Can we have a little light?" I hear a gruff voice snark from a couple of hundred feet ahead. Jules freezes as Phoenix, in his arms, sniffles, seeming like he may cry. My heart fights to leave my chest as Mino and Lemon quietly try the doors looking for a room for us to duck into. Few doors open, but even those have the Hail Mary high-grade metal shield blocking us from entry.

     Peace matches my step and readies his body to fight. Pandora fingers her staff as the voices get closer and the lights flicker again. 'There is nowhere to hide.' Phoenix lets out a soft purring sound, and in response, the men freeze and try to see us in the pitch hallway. 'Not friendlies, most Candyland Alphas can see in the dark. Tony ordered Carnivorous to protect us, and they are all in partial-Berserker form...they would be able to see in the dark.' I nudge Pandora with my hip trying to push her behind me, but she is trying to do the same to me. 'If we cannot hide, then we must go on offense.'

     "We know you're there, you don't have to fear us." The men say, but the way it is said confirms they are not friendly. Pandora creeps forward quieter than a predator, then when she is ten feet from them she looks back at me and nods. I nod back, grip the towel bar, and then slam it full force into a Hail Mary door making a loud clang. Pandora runs toward them and then uses the wall to jump off and attack them from the air. With the flickering lights, I cannot see what she is doing, but though I hear their screams, she is silent as the grave. The only sound coming from her is the sheathing and unsheathing of her weapon as she plunges it into them over, and over. She suddenly flips through the air using both gravity and skill to jerk her hips and snap the third man's neck. His body crumbles and then returns to the ground with a sickening thud. She lands in a panther's pounce watching them for signs of life. They show none, but her spear still whips down across their throats making blood pool around their lifeless bodies.

    "Okay," Pandora says, turning and motioning for us to follow her. I nod, and we walk fast to her side. Phoenix makes another whimper, and it occurs to me, 'is he hungry?'

    "He is going to cry, Mama." Peace warns me even as his eyes stay ahead piercing through the dark. I nod wiping my bloody hands on my dress to no avail, and then hesitantly reach out for Phoenix.

    "If you hold him you cannot defend yourself." Pandora says redirecting us down a hallway, 'she is in war mode, this is the Pandora I meant over a year ago. We are not her Pack right now, but her mission.' I nod to her rubbing my sore nipples through my dress as my breasts begin to leak anew, seeming to just know what Phoenix wants.

    "But if he cries we cannot blend into the dark," I say and then open the velcro on my chest and once a breast is free I reach for Phoenix milliseconds before he wails. He blinks at me the second Jules trades him for the metal bar, and I blink back. Then position him so he can latch on. He seems to have spirit but is a little confused about how he gets fed. This makes a frustrated cry release from him, and then Jules is there lifting my breast and aligning my nipple into Phoenix's mouth. His cries assuage then he latches hard. I hiss in pain and try to position him better as I nod to Pandora, and we continue down the darkened path.

    "Stairs," Mino says, holding open a door, and we all rush to enter it as if the door will somehow block us from entry. The door is carefully closed by Lemon, and then the only sounds are our collected breathing as Pandora listens intently head tilted to detect danger.

    "Hurry down." Pandora orders motioning Jules to go first then Lemon, Mino, and then me. 'She wants to protect our back.' The sounds of our weight on the stairs echo through the stairwell like a church bell. I try to move as fast as I can while conscious that Phoenix is latched to my chest and that if I take a tumble he will be harmed. Pandora's hands reach to steady me when postpartum vertigo makes my body sway in place.

    "Are you okay?" Mino asks me softly, and I nod, locking my jaw and my knees. The dizziness stops as fast as it started, so I nod again turning toward the door. Peace suddenly growls on my side and yanks the door open before any of us can stop him. His little hand grips his borrowed knife as he moves with purpose. Jules tries to grab him, but he is through, and we scramble to follow him.

    "Peace!" Lemon hisses, but Peace is storming down the hall, and then sound hits my ears. Angered animalistic snarls and growls are not dissimilar to an Alpha, but somehow I just know it is not an Alpha. I speed walk forward, as Pandora seems to be jittering in need to rush me to keep us all together.

    "Down!" Peace Barks and I begin half running half walking to see what he sees and block him from harm. 'There was never a need.' Blooded Blade's left arm is holding Aurora tightly to her left hip as she wields a ruby-handled machete with her right hand. Her attackers were twelve Alphas but nine of them now lie dead. Blooded Blade takes no prisoners; she just keeps fighting, driving them back, or driving her blade through them. The ones she misses are being ripped apart by my Dire wolves Rocco and Roma. But one unfamiliar dark-haired wolf that keeps lunging for Blooded Blade, refusing to take her eyes and pointed bloody maw off my baby. Peace growls at the wolf who glances at him while snarling at Blooded Blade, before looking back at Peace as if to inquire who Blooded Blade is. But at Peace's replying growl, the wolf stops stalking her. She then remains in place until an Alpha comes close to Aurora's side, then the unfamiliar wolf springs at his throat. Her jaws lock onto his jugular, as she shakes him with a furious growl raising her spine. Once a red pool of blood coats the floor and her maw she returns to her spot in Blooded Blade's blind spot to glare at the Blade and protect Aurora. As fast as we arrived is as fast as the battle ends, and the Carnivorous female Alpha does not so much pant as she pats Aurora down making sure she was not harmed.

    "High Omega." Blooded Blade bows her head to me and walks forward toward me making me have to look up due to her tall height. My body strums with the need to stare her down and determine if she is a threat. 'You saw her protect Aurora, she is not a threat. Only Labyrinth betrayed this Empire.'

    "Who were they?" I ask, keeping my voice firm, and Phoenix detaches from me, seeming sleepy despite the excitement of me half running over here. Jules pulls off his shirt one-handed and lays it on my shoulder, so I can burp Phoenix.

    "Labyrinth traitors." Blooded Blade spits the words, and once she is clear of the blood she tilts Aurora toward me so I can see her face.

    "She is drugged, High Omega." Blooded Blade says in silent anger, and I nod even as a hiss releases from me. Pandora grips her weapon watching me for a verdict on Blade. Lemon and Mino quietly berate Peace for running off while Jules begins checking Aurora for bruises. Blade looks offended that we believe there would be any.

    "I see that, what I do not understand is why you have her?" I say holding Phoenix tighter when she breathes in, and then her eyes go black and narrow on Phoenix.

    "Boy Omega? But-" Blooded Blade says her eyes widening in shock, and I hiss at her.

    "Answer my questions or do not speak at all!" I snarl, stepping forward, and Blooded Blade bows her head respectfully and nods.

    "Your Lower Pack got out of the room on the north side before they hit it, due to a diversion the two Newblood Alphas made. However, once they were out it was a deadly fight, and in the process, one of the Labyrinths threw a chemical bomb. We saw it on the cameras but could not reach them in time. Neither Blooded Basilio nor Theseus went to sleep; Blooded Basilio fought for her, but they tried to pull an unconscious Consort Hermes and Baby Alex. Theseus, though strong, was weakened by the chemicals and could not see in the haze anymore to pull them back. When Basilio moved to intervene they shot at Theseus and yanked her free. Though half of them ran off with her the other stayed to keep Basilio fighting to keep the Lower Pack safe. They do not need your Lower Pack alive, had he left they would have killed them." Blooded Blade says and then smiles down at Aurora whose nose twitches.

    "I sent my Upper Pack to help your Alpha and intercepted the traitors here. They did not see me coming, and death will not welcome them. Dishonorable mutts... that death was too merciful." Blooded Blade snarls and nods to her words, and then with her free hand, she pats herself down to take a weapons inventory.

    "They have taken another, one of the newborns. Do you know where?" I ask, and she nods.

    "I have sent Alphas that way, we will return your children to you High Omega." She says pointing to the hall, and I shake my head.

    "Tell me where," I demand, and Blooded Blade frowns at me and nods to Phoenix.

     "You are post-birth not even a day, you do not have the strength to stand up straight, let alone fight." Blooded Blade says blinking at me, and I take another step toward her.

    "The last Alpha that doubted my ability died on Pandora's spear. I felt something was off long before any of you did. I detected that poison, maybe you're right, and I am not fit to fight, but I can catch something you all missed." I say, and then my voice goes cold.

    "Congratulations, you've been hired," I say, and she blinks at me, and I blink back before turning on my heel and walking

    "Hired for what?" Blooded Blade asks Jules behind me, and I keep moving forward.

    "Your job is to keep my children alive. They die, you die. Is that clear?" I snap, and Blooded Blade growls behind me and then makes a sound of agreement.

    "You don't know me so I will forgive that misunderstanding." Blooded Blade says, and I glance back at her as I continue to walk.

    "I do not lose, I am the strongest Chieftain Alpha on Carnivorous. And unlike our modern capital that was not due to electronics and simulations. We wield fists before we are given weapons. I can kill any Alpha as simply as breathing, because I am the weapon. Not your trinkets and toys, see what they've done to you? We are locked in a building, being hunted by fucking Labyrinth." Blooded Blade says and mumbles how 'Labyrinth Alphas were inept for not submitting immediately. That they knew better to raise weapons against her.'

    "That door." Blooded Blade says after a long silence. Jules tries the door but as it opens outward I see a Hail Mary door blocking it. Pandora goes to look for another way in when Blooded Blade steps forward and stares at the door for a moment. Then she pulls up a knife to pry open what appeared to be a scratch at the very top of the door. A network of wires appears and she counts them until she reaches the fourth red one and then cuts it.

    "Now it is like any door." She comments before the Alpha kicks the metal door in, denting it until it resembles a crumpled piece of paper. Then she exerts almost no strength as she folds the top down to the bottom, yanks the metal sheet out of the way, and tosses it into a corner. Once the push door is unveiled she calmly opens it and smiles when a sleeping Aurora burps.

    "Excuse you, Little One." She says softly, and we all blink at each other, 'what do they eat on Carnivorous? The woman is a human battering ram.' She motions for us to go first, but pauses as Pandora blinks at her refusing to move until she does.

    "You are safe, Little one." Blooded Blade tells her in an equally soft voice as the one she used on my toddler. Pandora nods to Aurora.

    "She is the only reason you still breathe. You are worth more next to us, but if you prove to be a traitor you won't see me before my spear goes through your throat." Pandora says coldly, and I expect Blooded Blade to react, but she just looks blank. Peace grips his weapon, and that is when Blade speaks.

     "That's fair, but since I broke the door, and you did not. You go first." Blade says, and Pandora bristles and steps through the door. I watch as Blade smiles behind Pandora's back as she allows the three wolves into the stairwell. Then the smile widens as the female wolf that clearly dislikes her goes through. The only one Blade seems to see as equal is Peace and I. As she does not taunt us with a thousand-unspoken-words smile.

    "Hit that panel." Blade points to it as we reach the third floor of the NICU. Jules nods to her and hits it, and the door sounds an alarm. A voice comes through in an unknown language, and Blooded Blade orders something back, her voice coming out harsh and authoritative. The door buzzes, and then it is swung open. The Carnivorous Alphas on the other side of it bow to me, but I pay them no mind as I rush past them toward the glass room.

     "Where are they? Where are they?" I whisper to myself not seeing the babies in their incubators. 'I swear... I am too late, I am too late.' My hand fists the glass, and a Whine rips from me as my hand swings back and punches the glass. The glass-like surface releases my pain in a muted thud but otherwise mocks me. 'So solid, but so fucking useless!' Phoenix's eyes pop open, and his nose scrunches, and then he lets out a baby purr. I catch my breath and close my eyes then allow them to fly open as I hear the Carnivorous Alphas shuffle forward from the faraway spots they moved to at the Whine. My nose inhales, and the scent of my incoming Alpha covers me.

    "High Omega, the babies were moved as the room is no longer secure." Blooded Blade gets out tightly, her eyes black like her fellow Alphas in response to my Whine. I walk toward the incoming footsteps, my body feeling tight like a pain-filled bowstring even as the Omega post-birth adrenaline makes me feel like I can take on an army. Dante clears the corner and when he sees me he eats up the remaining distance to hug my back to his front. Then pulls back to gently grab Phoenix and his things from me and hug me front to front despite the postpartum bump. I protest not seeing where Phoenix went, but he shushes me with a soft purr that contrasts the anger I can actually smell coming off him.

    "Dante, take me to them," I order him, and he nods, walking us far down the hall. To what would be a four-way ginormous foyer, but a square room sits in the middle. Currently surrounded by thirty Carnivorous partial-Berserker Alphas all wielding deadly weapons as they stand at attention facing out in a square on every side... protecting this room. We step over an unfamiliar black line on the ground, and the Carnivorous guards glance over at us and then move out of the way. But none of them break razor focus for even a second. Dante opens the door for us, and I walk into a safe room. One with five incubators in the middle of the room, my remaining Lower Pack is still unconscious on a large nest on one side of the room, and Basilio, Amore, Achille, Rio, and Cello standing around seeming on edge.

    "Got her," Dante says, and their eyes all shoot up and hurry over to me. I am not inside my body when I push them away smelling something off about the room. I walk over to the nests and only then notice Dr. Kasia sitting in the corner. At my proximity to the incubators, she shoots up. My ears ring, canceling out their words as I count only three squirming babies. Lemon gently places Phoenix down making the number four. Lemon steps back from me, and I feel air move at my back as my conscious Pack follows his lead and moves away from me.

    "Diana," Jules says quietly on my side, and my ears stop ringing allowing me to hear the growl bubbling from my chest as I check the nametags on the babies.

    "They are going to get her back," Rio tells me, and I lay my quivering hand on Hawk's leg.

    "How, we cannot get out?" I speak quietly, but demand answers.

    "Ciro's system works for any lockdown. It was designed to keep things out, and if it had to keep things in... even Alphas. But it was built many years ago against Vico, who was and is still the strongest Alpha. But Vico is bonded now, so he is much stronger than any wall of this building. This room is off the hospital's grid, it was built in the instance that we were under siege and needed medical attention, there is one in every wing. No one can get into this room. The guards are not here, because of the safety of this room, but because Vico, Massimo, and Tony launched themselves against a window wall until it caved in. The rest followed them. If we can get out through that opening, they can get in too." Basilio says his voice is more grave than I have ever heard it. I hear his words and force myself to accept them.

    "They are getting Reign back, I swear to you," Cello says, and I shake my head. Amore and Achille try to Purr, but I rebuff them.

    "Don't." I say, not wanting to hear it, 'I am not upset with them, no one saw this coming.' I fiddle with the medical bracelet on Royalty's leg and then pick her up and rub her back. I expect the scent of Zeus to cover me, but it does not come. I breathe in and smell Tony.

    "They are alright, the incubation is a precaution because they are early." Dr. Kasia tries to say, but my eyes pop open, and I feel my vision sharpen.

    "You said Reign," I say, putting my baby down and then turning to look at my men.

    "Yes, Reign. She is the one missing, they came for the Omegas." Dante says, and I play Blooded Blade's words in my head, 'had he left they would have killed them.' 'They have no use for Alex because he is an Alpha, Alphas they have plenty of, snuffing out my baby's life would be easy... it would mean nothing to them.' I feel a wave of calm cover me as I look at the opening on Basilio's laptop, 'tracking.'

    "Pandora," I say and she nods coming to me, and I hold my hand out.

    "Give me your spear," I order, and she reluctantly hands it to me.

    "Diana." Rio tries, and I flash my small canines at him.

    "You are an idiot." I say and turn to who I am actually addressing, 'Dr, Kasia. She does not smell wrong, and she did not do it on purpose that I know, but the cost is the same to me. The only malicious thing I can see her doing was purposely switching them in case of this exact scenario... to throw them off the trail when tested. Then in the haze of the attack forgetting she had switched them.'

    "They are idiots too, so you are lucky," I say, and then walk out of the room and around the corner to where the hole is. And if it is not massive. A whole section of the wall is just gone like an unworldly giant punched in the wall. There is plaster in the trees nearby, and even the thick metal structural bars are bent out. Then I register two things, the sound of the wolves' toenails padding toward me and my Pack calling my name. I look back down at the ground... 'three stories below.'

     "Diana. They will get her back." Jules says, and I turn to him seeing Basilio and Rio skidding to a stop beside me. They open their mouths to interject.

    "Wrong, I will get her back. It was my mistake, I handled it wrong, so I will fix it." I tell them, and Basilio's lips scrunch up as he battles his nature to tell me no.

    "Diana, Reign will be returned." Blooded Blade says from down the hall.

    "THEY DID NOT TAKE REIGN! They failed... just as I've failed." I scream at them then lower my tone to a whisper just for me. Everyone flinches at the pain drenched in my voice.

    "You remember? They die, you die." I snarl and turn toward the opening. Jules grabs my arm as I calculate the drop.

    "Diana, it is okay. The bands have their names." Jules says, and I shake my head.

    "Did you smell them? Reign is smaller than them, she is my runt of the litter. She is Antonio's baby. Why did you not smell them!?" I hiss at Rio, who takes a step back.

    "They have not been fed real milk, they are weak, had too much excitement, so we did not want to hurt them," Rio says, and I shake my head.

    "Okay Kitsune then," Basilio says then nods about to repeat the promise he is unsure my Sei can keep.

    "No, Royalty. They grabbed the wrong Dynamic Baby, and they will not be given a chance to learn that. I am not losing another baby. Too much they have taken from me. No more! No more." I hiss, and then wrench my wrist out of Jules's pulsing grip and then jump out of the opening knowing my Alphas cannot follow. They have to remain to protect the Pack. I land on the ground and then straighten my legs from their slightly bent position. Then I feel a rush of unrestrained power flow through me. My nose twitches, and I am seeking when three thuds come from behind me. Then a fourth. And a fifth. I turn and Pandora brandishes Theseus's weapon, and Blooded Blade blinks at me. The unknown Dire wolf prowls close to me nudging me with her large body. Then the She-wolf throws back her hand and howls, shakes her coat, and I note she stands at the size and height of a small pony. Almost immediately she circles me until she has a scent then nudges me again. I hiss at her trying to detect the lingering smell I am associating with the Labyrinth Alphas. She growls at me and bumps me again with her hindquarters, and it occurs to me.

    I don't think I just climb on, and she barks twice and Rocco and Roma form a formation, and then she shoots off faster than I could ever hope to run. I don't look for Blade or Pandora, I just hold on to her fur and silently urge the wolf faster as the scent thickens. We are almost on it when more wolves join the race, and the thump of their sprinting feet drives alarm into my chest. 'Faster come on Faster.' Whipping blades shake the air, and I yank at the coat of fur in my fist, and then when she slows I roll off her back and hit the ground with a thud. The pain is left unfairly unfelt as I watch a helicopter bob and dip along the cliffside.

     I hear fighting bodies and see my Alphas fighting through a scourge of Labyrinth Alphas taking on heavy fire from the rapidly firing second chopper. The sounds are deafening, and a hollow sound from the second chopper is distorting my senses, making it hard to stand, 'I cannot imagine what it is doing to my Alphas.' Zeus' body is faltering, but he fights it. I see a flash of teeth before he lunges off the ground and toward the tail of the chopper claws ripping into the metal.

     "Choose." Blade's voice comes above me, and I will my instincts to choose for me. 'A wrong choice will cause the death of my baby.' I don't verbally express it, but I ignore the chopper Vico is trying to get to and whip around to the one that is slowly undetectably coming up the cliff. The one I can hear, but cannot yet see. I grip the cylinder weapon tighter and race through the trees and thick thicket-like greenery, 'the location for a surprise assault could not be better, it is as if the island is helping shield me from view.'

    My bare feet beat the soft earth making tufts of dirt fly in my wake. The barking and snarling from my Alphas downhill, and the wolves joining the fight, remind me of Saffronia's death. So much so, I trip five feet from what would be the perfect lunge into the helicopter. They spot me, and Pandora yells something behind me as I hear Blooded Blade engage with whatever opposition is countering them. The helicopter opens fire at me and I roll dodging it. And then a perfect arc shoots through the air, as Pandora's borrowed spear pierces through the helicopter window instantly killing the pilot. The helicopter begins going down as the co-pilot battles to control the aircraft. I use the shaking bird's failure, to evade the attack, to lunge and grab the landing skid. I yell out as I use sheer will to pull my body up one-handed and into the helicopter once it steadies.

     "Don't shoot!" One of the men yells at the other when they recognize me.

    "Thought you would deliver yourself." A third says yelling over the sound of the helicopter.

     "I came to trade myself," I say, and the men get a greedy gleam in their eyes.

     "You are just a little Omega, you think we would honor any deal made? Trust us that much?" A man in the back seat says an incubator-tented chest sitting next to him on the seat secured with some form of a harness. From it, furious cries hit the air, and I feel love spread in my chest. 'But love is an evil thing. Morals are forgotten, wars are fought over it, people are killed by it.'

    "No," I say, seeming to surprise the man as I squeeze the spear and thrust it backward and into where I guesstimate the co-pilot's belly would be. The helicopter dips to the right, and the baby's cries get louder as the helicopter begins crashing. I use the embedded spear to hold myself in the tilted helicopter. My Co-pilot human-hook wails as the spear digs into his guts.

     "RIGHT THIS AIRCRAFT, AND YOU MAY JUST LIVE!" I yell, and with agonizing cries, the Co-pilot sets us straight. Then flies us further away from the cliff's edge and closer to open water. 'Work faster!'

     "Give me my baby, then you can go, and live your disgusting lives far away from my Empire. This is your only choice." I snarl, and the Alphas rise coming toward me doubting my ability to kill, so I twist the blade making the Co-pilot jerk the plane again, and the Alphas freeze.

    "I assume none of you can fly. I do know none of you can outswim my Alphas, so your choice is clear: give me my baby!" I snap, and when they do not move I detach the free part of the spear and level it at where I now know the Co-pilots' head is.

    "Get the Omega brat!" The leader Alpha barks at the backseater Alpha and they retrieve my baby from the case and hold her out toward me. I reattach the spear and take her in my arms feeling her tears soak through my chest as she cries louder still.

    "Why bark at me! Bark at her!" The backseater Alpha says motioning to me in a certain sort of hate. Then realizes he can and proceeds to Bark at me.

    "Give us the weapon, Omega Bitch!" He tries, and fright locks my spine until I realize nothing is happening. Then I laugh in their faces much to their shock and horror.

    "My Prime Alpha is more powerful than you could ever be... even if you lived five thousand years. You actually thought I would kneel for you? You? A worthless excuse of an Alpha!" The rumble in my voice seems to shock them, but my canines have them taking steps back.

    "What are you? Omegas do not behave like this." The Labyrinth Alpha tells me, and I laugh.

    "You know nothing about Omega's behaviors... you have never met me. Never tasted my fury." I rage back and he shakes his head, mumbling his question again as if he cannot wrap his head around it, then takes a much-needed step back. 'Four more, and I have an opening to get out the door.'

   "The Elitist Empire is coming for you, Bitch. You cannot offend something greater and more powerful than you are and not expect repercussions. You invited war to your borders, now you have it." The Alpha says, and I feel the fogginess of exhaustion creep back as my adrenaline works harder to maintain my strength. 'A little more, just give me a little more time.'

    "You wanted to be the defender of the people." The second Alpha says and then looks at me, his eyes blacking, and the Backseater laughs.

    "That is what they call you, the Lower Dynamics praise your name. Who knew you were this mutate Omega? Not worth their praise." Backseater says, and the first Alpha nods.

    "As a defender of the people, you pay the piper." He says and then goes to lunge for me making me pull back, and an unconscious sound rips through me. An Omega Whine. Recorded as a pathetic sound for an Omega. One that needs her Alphas to defend her. But in this space, at this time, it is more powerful than any punch thrown. Their biology betrays them, and as their jaws slack in confusion then move away from me fast. Taking the chance I squeeze the spear and then jam it higher to pierce the co-pilot's lungs. And then the lighthouse of Isle three leaves my vision as the whole craft tilts sideways again. I squeeze the spear again and allow my body to drop out of the chopper. The Whine wears off just as I reach ten feet below the chopper, but I am free. My heart thuds in a new fear, Royalty wails in my arms so I try my hardest to purr her quiet. I have seconds as I hold her to me tighter then we hit the rushing waves and go under.

    Under the water, I fight to reach the surface when a loud boom rocks the waves, and a faraway orange light shines through the water with pieces falling like rain. It takes me a second to snap out of my daze and swim side to side and not up as the helicopter pieces sink into the water with me. 'She needs to breathe, she needs to breathe.' I swim up dodging falling shrapnel, but no matter where I swim it keeps falling. I am running out of air, meaning Royalty is without air. Then movement in the water comes at my side. I shield Royalty with my body having dropped my weapon, but then I recognize Sheba. She grabs us in one arm and begins swimming up with mighty strokes cutting through the water as if she was made for it. I feel fog cover me, and then I go unconscious.


May 25, 2019, 4:12 pm, Antonio's POV

    'She is in mourning, and the whole Pack feels it. She is not herself, and every one of us feels responsible for it... in one way or the other. She took her first gasping breath out of the water and once she saw me she began to sob. Sobbed for so long, and so hard, only to look up at me with trembling lips to tell me she feels like she is breaking apart. We took her home, a place strategically picked so we could properly defend it. And this we have to do until all the traitorous Labyrinth scum is identified and punished. All our groundskeeping Betas and the builder Betas have been suspended as background checks, and life histories are being run on them. So far we had one single traitor close the house, but Ciro's choices were good. They were not one of our Betas, but a Beta staying here from Labyrinth.

    He supposedly heard there was work, and one of the Builder Betas offered him a position working exclusively at their warehouse. He was never approved for the Lupi Packhouse, but stole an access ID and did recon under the cover of being a Builder. The man who sponsored him took the news hard and begged on his hands and knees to apologize to High Omega for endangering her, but we told him she wasn't taking visitors... truthfully she is not taking anyone. Anyone but the children and Cheshire.

    I look up at the poles as I enter the amphitheater and see a new traitor has been added. One with flesh gauged from his body and all his skin peeled off his arm. This exposes it to the air and the elements... if that was not enough both of his hands are nailed into his thighs. A Carnivorous mark, when the arm becomes infected they will just cut it off, then start again until there is nothing left of the man. Labyrinth did not just endanger our Pack and Omega, but it also taunted the one thing Carnivorous stands for. They are our Warrior Hub, and the fact Labyrinth was able to stand as long as they did against our combined might is intolerable to them. They requested to deal with the traitors to alleviate Vico and us to tend to our Lower Pack. He allowed them, but we chose the ones we wanted for ourselves. Those currently hang upside down mutilated to hell with a long and thick nail through their penis and balls. The only nail holding them up.

    Higher up there is a nail through each big toe so that when the big nail inevitably rips through the Traitor's penis and balls they will fall a foot as their knees unbend and swing by their toes. Every whimper, cry, and drop of blood pleases me. They are not going to die for a long time yet. I will hold Vico back if I have to, but these men and women will suffer. And after they suffer, they will suffer some more. I pick up a piece of stale bread below the Alpha's head. It is food his head nearly touches, but he will never taste. His face is cracked and mushed so much so that as he cries out blood runs into his hair like upside-down tears. I look him in the eye as I bite into the bread and swallow it without chewing. Then with a dark smile, I toss it on the ground allowing the eager scavenging crows to have it and then let them rip into him too. I turn and walk toward the amphitheater. Too much has happened for us to not address the Elite Race Empire in person. In this address, we will discuss the ramification that Labyrinths leaders brought down on themselves and their people as a result.

    The hanging and swinging live bodies call out to me. Some for mercy, some to speak about their renewed loyalty to this Empire, but others just plead and beg for death. 'So soon? They don't die until Diana is normal. They don't get to die until she gets to see their punishment. Until she approves it. Until she can look us in the eye and not look so... haunted.'


6:09 pm,

     Jules, Aver, and Hermes ascend the stage as the last Traitor plead their case to the Empire. 'It is a savage brutal way to see who opposes the punishment and who sympathizes. There were tears, oh how there were tears. Most from family members who had to now publicly deny their loved one mercy. Who saw the full ramification of their actions and their part in trying to raise the dying Elitist Empire. To that tune, even if the other crimes were even for yah or nay, crimes of betrayal are unforgivable here. Most of the Empire is betrayed people, betrayal being the sole reason they are even a Dynamic.' Vico settles next to me with a smile I have not seen since the raiders turned what should have been an amazing Pack moment to dust. I nudge him trying to get his attention, but he shakes his head watching the three boys. 'They are giving the Address in Diana's place, as she did not move when we asked her if she would like to.'

     Hermes was the one that volunteered himself and the Gammas. He said he would do his job as a Consort, but he was unsure he would be able to without the Gammas' help and support. The shy boy surprised us enough we agreed, as long as they allowed Achille and Cello to guard them. 'No one, Upper or Lower Pack, has left the house without at least one Alpha. We cannot risk the ramifications on Diana's psyche if someone else gets hurt.'

     "Ahem, Hello," Hermes says looking helplessly at Jules for a moment before straightening his back at something Jules mutters then Hermes nods.

     "We speak on behalf of our Omega, High Omega. Tertia Omega. Melpomene Diana Woods-Lupi. The Madhatter Queen of the Italian Mafia. Empress heir of the Elite Omega Empire. And our Empress of the Elite Race Empire." Hermes says getting out everything about Diana clearly and proudly, but speaking quietly when it pertains to himself and the rest of the Lower Pack. Jules nods to him and then steps up to switch places on the Dais stage.

    "We are aggrieved. More than that we are reeling that one of our Hubs would sink so low as to try and take our children. To drag them into the skeletal arms of a dying Empire." Jules says, and Massimo shakes his head on Vico's other side as we exchange looks, 'none of that was in their draft. Aver's face shows that, but unlike Hermes's confused one, Aver looks vengeful.'

     "We have dealt and will continue to deal with these traitors as they deserve to be punished. As of the faithless day two days ago, Labyrinth Tower Compound is on an ironic full lockdown with Marshall Law instituted in every province and quarter. Due to the actions of their leaders, Labyrinth Tower is now under the harsh judgment of our Pack and the Council of Hubs. Many decisions must be made, but the biggest is deciding if the Compound should be swallowed by our Empire and then remade. Or if it should remain under Marshall Law until the festering sickness is curbed." Jules continues going off script, and those that have probably innocent family members on Labyrinth take the news hard. 'Like how Diana has become withdrawn, the Consorts are taking her lead, and allowing the Lower Pack to spiral. I do not wish to stop them, but the main debate in the Council of Hubs is how to avoid punishing the many due to the few.'

     "In the meantime Labyrinth is hereby stripped of its processing job and will henceforth no longer funnel in Dynamics from the rescued Compounds. This honor has been noticeably abused and in hindsight this privilege was undeserved. This honor will be temporarily given to Carnivorous, due to their quickness in coming to our aid at a time Labyrinth sought to reverse the world order. This is temporary due to the inconclusive decisions concerning Labyrinth by the Council of Hubs. However, until further notice Labyrinth is also herby stripped of its Council of Hubs seats. This includes their Alpha, Beta, Half-breed Omega, Gamma, Êta, and Rho seats. In this their right to vote on the laws and conditions of Labyrinth are also revoked." Aver says staying on script, but the words he chooses to emphasize were not included in their practice run either.

    "Um, by the end of the day, all Labyrinth and secondary-Hub dual citizens will be approved on their stay or leave order. If you are not approved, you will be expected to leave your current Hub and return to Labyrinth in the next three days. There your housing, food, and work will be provided under government assistance." Hermes says, and to his immediate horror that gets an explanation and panic as many rise up in the Amphitheater worrying about Pod bonds, their children, and all else. Hermes looks at Jules who winces, 'pretty sure that was not Hermes's line for this exact reasoning.' Aver whispers something to Hermes, who nods over and over before softly clearing his throat into his mic. Their reaction is to get louder until Nilo barks... literally the guttural sound tears from his throat like a jagged growl. A wordless Bark, but powerful enough that everyone goes quiet... but quiet is equally as terrifying to Hermes.

     "Unless there are extenuating circumstances, if you are in a Pod with a majority of secondary-Hub Alphas you are permitted to stay. Same for children's maternity and paternity. In the instance where you were not approved, you may appeal to the Court of Law in Labyrinth. In which your case will be reviewed again. If a denial is made three times by the Council of Hubs your verdict is decided and will not change." Hermes amends and most calm, but others look jittery. 'If you have something to hide, then jittery is well deserved.'

     "We-" Jules goes to say again when the amphitheater again gets loud as people clamor to look at the Southeast Warrior's tunnel. One that is filling with live fire. I shoot to my feet alarmed until Dante and Basilio walk through the fire unharmed. 'They are supposed to be home with Diana with Zeus, Amore, and Rio. The reason becomes crystal clear when she clears it with Ciro at her side all in black. Mourning black.

     Diana walks forward, but the cape of the dress keeps coming and coming from behind her. On her head sits a huge floppy black hat. But that is not the part of her outfit that is creating gasps of alarm. Around her waist covering her mermaid-cut black dress is a chain netting of human skulls. Ones dripping in a wash of blood-red liquid, so with every step, the viscous liquid drips on the ground. She is dressed for a funeral, and when her gaze comes out seeking out the camera she smiles. The exclamations of the crowd rise as her teeth show up red as if her mouth is bleeding. Her mouth forms one single word and as she says it her mouth pitches into a smile.

    "Burn." She says, and the fire from the tunnel burns out so fast and hungerly it moves her forward. With a mind of its own it climbs from the tunnel and into the stands igniting screams of terror. That is until they realize it is only coating the ring of fire on the lower unaccompanied levels that usually house the Blooded. Diana keeps walking forward, and when she is halfway to the middle of the sand her dress catches fire, and it burns toward her like a living rage. I look at Vico who looks unconcerned about the very real fire at our Omega's back but instead grins ferally. When the inferno is five feet from her back Diana calmly detaches the cape, and seconds after she releases it, it becomes black ash.

     Behind her movement is coming out of the tunnel. Movement in the form of Carnivorous Alphas dragging prisoners with hoods on their heads. Diana glances back at them and continues walking to the dais holding our three Consorts. They look surprised to see her but easily move aside as Dante helps her onto the stage while Basilio eyes our citizens looking for threats. Diana walks past Jules wordlessly and stands in front of the microphone stand, but says nothing. Not until the struggling Nine prisoners are dropped in front of the dais in a semicircle. The Carnivorous Alphas look up at Diana, and at her nod, they grip the bound leg cuff and hammer it into the ground using a stake. This they do to eight of the prisoners leaving the middle prisoner's legs free even as their hands are handcuffed behind them, then the Alphas back up. Basilio spots us and nods, turning his focus to the prisoners.

    "Ciro, would you patch me through?" Diana's voice comes out so very cold, her temperament is as if she is going through the motions, but refusing to truly feel it. I look over at Nilo, and he barely blinks as he stares down at our Diana on the dais. Ciro nods and presses a bunch of buttons on the mini setup in his hands. Then a hidden long beam stretches from the furthest north point of the amphitheater to the south point. When it stops moving the amphitheater is chillingly quiet as they worry about what will emerge. Ciro nods to the booth, and a cube jumbotron lowers out of the beam, one allowing all to see the Dais and ground from any spot in the theater. Once the camera pans to Diana and focuses, Ciro presses more buttons until a peculiar symbol appears at the lower right side of the screen. A loading symbol.

    "Going live on Elitist Television in five." Akon's voice crackles from the booth, and the room explodes with noise. Vico chuckles, shaking his head, and grins sinisterly at Diana, thus on the TV screen sending chills through the theater.

     "Four," Akon says, and the jumbotron splits to show the ground and the dais at the same time. I miss seconds as I watch Diana raise her chin ready to unleash the Madhatter.

    "One." Akon says, and a 'Live' symbol appears in the lower corner, and with it, the theater goes silent as the occupants gape Diana's way confused at what is happening.

    "Uncover the prisoners." Diana orders, not bothering to introduce herself to the Elitist Empire. The Carnivorous Alphas move forward and whip the hoods off and the reaction of the Theater reaches mayhem. Diana blinks slowly then her mouth twists into an unadulterated rage.

    "QUIET!" Her harsh voice booms through the mic and then echoes across the chamber. Various Dynamics have different reactions, but all seem to not know how to react.

    "These men and women kneel in before you because they have committed an unforgivable crime. They committed a treasonous act against our Empire, my Empire. And they did this with no guilt or remorse because they believed they would face no punishment. They believed that there would be no repercussions." Diana says in a monotone, and the theater remains silent.

    "They believed this because, under Elitist and Elite Race societal norms, Half-breed Omegas are not to be harmed. They are to be seen as without sin, without malice, and without the cunning intelligence they DO possess. In fact, crimes against HB-os are meant with the highest severe punishment eighty-nine percent of the time, even if the altercation is proven to be their fault. The statutes and laws are similar to a judgment against a minor. This is because they are seen as defenseless and weak! Only because their genome is useful to these Empires. And only because they're very being is a miracle." Diana spits the words not taking her eyes off the middle Half-breed Omega.

    "Half-breed Mercedes. Is a Labyrinth Hub citizen that supposedly came to Candyland in search of a worthy Pod. I met Mercedes when I was in the Lower Dynamic Processing Building. She was there helping another HB-o Rebecca determine the legality of her Temporary Stay Approval. This HB-o Omega had also come from Labyrinth shortly after the first Siege. I did not know it then, but Rebecca's, who now kneels beside Mercedes, Temporary Stay Approval was set to expire in the middle of May. This could not happen, they kept saying. The wording bothered me and got my attention at the same time, I did not know why I felt off... so I helped both of them ensure Rebecca and Mercedes could stay. I have lived to regret that decision." Diana speaks her voice still unfeeling and cold.

    "You see Mercedes had gotten a job at the Lower Dynamic Processing Building to keep an eye on promising and disgruntled HB-os to insight a rebellion. To in their words, 'return power to the Elitist Empire'. Rebecca could not leave... that could not happen, because Rebecca had just gotten a job in the Prenatal hospital. A small job that only allowed Rebecca so much access, if any at all. But it did provide her with a cover for being there. You see, Rebecca's job was to determine when I was going to give birth, and to learn the security of the Prenatal building and the faults in it. The first part she had not figured out, and nor had she completely figured out the security failsafes, so no Rebecca could leave, not yet." Diana goes to continue when Rebecca cuts her off

    "It was not like-" Rebecca tries to lie, and My Omega's eyes turn black.

    "SHUT UP!" Diana hisses, gnashing her small canines, and Rebecca's eyes tear up at the power in those words. Mercedes kneels prim and proper as if she truthfully has no fault, and that causes murmurs to spread through the amphitheater.

    "Rebecca could not achieve her goal alone, so without Mercedes's say, she tried to enlist the help of a Gamma approved to be on the floor. This Gamma, Gamma Yuel found her bothersome and nosy, believing she asked too many questions, but nothing he found suspicious. But in his brush-off, she met our third assailant Gamma Nathanial. He took the words of a spoiled Half-breed Omega and decided that treason of a nation was an acceptable price to pay to get the praise of one person." Diana grits out with a feral smile, and the Gamma even now looks at Rebecca for some acknowledgment. This seems to boil my Omega's blood.

    "He unlike the two HB-os had been in the hospital for a year, and bore witness to a lockdown due to an HB-o going into heat in a public space of the Hospital. He did not know how to hack them or turn them off. But he is the one that figured out how to use the safeties made to protect everyone in that hospital to endanger more than just MY pack. He did all this because Rebecca asked him to. Who did all she did because Mercedes told her to. There was no blackmail, greymail, or persuasion. All of these three people made a choice, they CHOSE to betray their Empire. The others filtered themselves into other important buildings, but in the time constraint of my unexpected birth they were not needed. But that does not absolve them, or Mercedes, who gave them the order." Diana says I notice that she is trembling as her voice gets tight, and she levels her gaze at Mercedes.

    "Do me the honor of telling this Empire why?" Diana says her voice shaking in rage.

    "I am an HB-o it is my duty to my real Empire. The Alphas could not get close to you, but I could. But ultimately unlike the Alphas, you cannot punish me. I am valuable. I am an HB-o with regular heat. I can breed many Alphas and more HB-os." Mercedes says so sure of herself, and Diana hisses along with five thousand other Lower Dynamics in disgust. Uproar is coming from the Pods in the stands, but not a single Beta looks surprised at her gall.

    "If you hurt me, your people will turn on you," Mercedes says, and Diana laughs at her, seeming to be the first thing to get through to Mercedes.

    "Listen up. Every last one of you needs to know something about me, I was raised on the tip of Power. I am what I was made to be. I am the very essence... the breathing soul of POWER. I can and will do whatever the fuck I want to do. And I will do that because I, unlike you, am the only true Omega alive. I am not you, I do not cower after Alphas. I do not bend for an Empire to use and abuse me. Unlike you, I know that most Elitist HB-os do not and will not reach age thirty. I, unlike you, know that inside that gilded cage, they are breeding mares. I unlike you am not a stupid fucking bitch!" Diana snarls and Mercedes seems angry and hisses something back.

    "Repeat yourself," Basilio growls curling his hands with his claws at the ready as Mercedes firms her spine.

    "I said! How is your baby EMPRESS?!" Dante tries to grab her, but Diana's spear shoots out of its sleeve, and she lunges off the dais. The speed that it takes her to reach is nothing short of the simmering Omega adrenaline. The rage blinds Diana as her blade plunges into Mercedes's' lower body over and over. The screams coming from the chained prisoners and pain-filled howls coming from Mercedes drive Diana into a frenzy. But after five successful stabs, Diana pulls herself back and levels the spear at Mercedes's belly.

    "She is fine, thank you ever so much for asking. Blooded Sheba had to give my day-old baby the Heimlich maneuver because your actions made me chance a watery grave over a life of horrendous torture. You almost killed another one of my babies." Diana says loudly over Mercedes's cries of panic and pain. She cries for help, but no one is coming down there. Basilio's eyes and flashing canines have a little something to do with that... if Diana was not scary enough.

    "You will never win this war because this is my third time living this life. And we are tired, so very tired of you. I wanted to be safe, I wanted to make a world where no one was living in fear for their lives. Where no one worried about being killed for breathing. I wished to live up to my grandmother's promise. I wanted to be a symbol of hope, but I made a mistake. I allowed you to believe you had the barest hope of winning, I allowed you too much freedom." Diana says down at Mercedes, but we all know whom she is addressing. Royce, her grandfather. Diana backs away from Mercedes and walks back toward the Dais when Mercedes dares to speak again.

    "Mutate Omega. You're broken, just like Clio, just as crazy, just as wild, you're no good. You are not a defender of anyone. We don't want you to save us." Mercedes says and tries to pull herself to her feet, but the damage Diana inflicted on her legs only allows her to raise an inch.

     "They called me that too, right before they died. The Defender of the people. To think you are so conceited you believed I am risking it all for you spoiled brats. I AM the defender of the people, but you are not people... every last one of you, are monsters. But it will be okay because I found some of my own." Diana says and then laughs as Rebecca releases another hiccupped cry.

     "What even are you? The books don't mention anything like you." Rebecca says as if that is all she wants to know before she dies. Diana seems to ignore the question as she pops out the spear and pulls off the right side. It twirls in her hand as she looks at Rebecca hungerly.

     "I suppose I don't know. But I know who I am becoming." Diana says, turning to Basilio and nodding. The fire that coated the edge begins to climb toward the sand, and it eats at a fire incinerator above the sand. It forms the shape of a burning Omega symbol before the wind takes it left, and it eats its way to the bound HB-os and Gammas, who try with all their might to escape. Mercedes tries over and over to scramble to her feet. And sadly imminent death gives her enough adrenaline to get on her feet despite the blood gushing from her wounds.

    "How did you not expect retribution?" Diana takes a step toward her.

    "How did you not expect vengeance?" Another step.

    "This is how I defend myself. This is how I keep my children alive. This is how I survive. In games of survival, you came too close. You touched too deep, you have broken my will to take pain without being given anything. You have broken me, but not in a way you would think. I will rule! I will rule! I WILL RULE! And I do not care if it is on bones! I do not care! I do not care about your Dynamic... because when this idea was born. Was the day you CHOSE death! And bitch I found you!" Diana screams into Mercedes's face.

    "So for who I am?" Diana says as the fire comes closer. The weapon drops from her hand, and Diana snatches the collar of Mercedes' shirt to freeze their eyes to meet. Mercedes's nails try to grip Diana, but they somehow cannot dig into Diana's skin.

    "I am nothing, I am everything-" Diana says as the others begin screaming as the fire licks at their backs and then gorges itself on their bodies, but Diana does not move. Not until the fire swallows where Mercedes was and begins reaching where she is now.

    "I am an Illusion," Diana says and steps forward forcing Mercedes back then when Mercedes begins screaming as the fire eats away at her back.

    "I am death!" Diana says and forcibly shoves Mercedes into the inferno and then steps back as the wall of fire consumes Mercedes. Basilio and Dante hurry over to retrieve her as she stands there so close to the halted flame.

    "I was mistaken, I moved too slow. Responded in a way of a competitor and not a conqueror. In an attempt for gradual beginnings, I sought to take from the Elitist Empire. To take my birthright back, and rebuild a new Empire slowly. For each Hub, I sought to snuff out the evil and replace leaders with strong, worthy, and powerful new ones. This is no longer the plan. That changed when you disregarded the terms of our silent agreement. You taught me many things Samuel, but one of the most important ones was that family is everyone's center. Take that away, and you get to know the raw person inside. You get to see what someone will do when pushed. When they are backed into a corner. You got me there, now it is only fair for it to finally be your turn." Diana says, and then the jumbotron changes splitting to Diana surrounded by the burned bodies and to a screen. One with eight black screens.

    "You also taught me to know your opponent before you tried to defeat them. I remember you now, I remember all your lessons. They touch my mind with a touch of evil, so I never obeyed them... but instead picked the ones that protected me from you. When Labyrinth came here, they sought to protect themselves from my Alphas, but they paid no mind to the Huntress in the reeds. This goes to show you do not know all the players in this game... ultimately you do not know what game we are playing." Diana says and then shakes her head. 

    "I just gave birth, I should be laying in my nest, being cared for. Not digging through the present given to me. Not thinking of ways to bleed you... but I found the perfect way, and timing was everything. You touched my children, tried to harm them, tried to take them. You love nothing, but these Hubs." Diana says eight Hubs appear on the screen, but unlike the ones we have conquered before Diana, and the three we have now. These are lush, beautiful landscapes... These have been spoken about by mouth. This is the center of the Elitist Empire, the heart. And the top right shows one with an elaborate castle with spiraling gates. The fabled Elitist Capital.

    "So I will take them away, take all of it from you... I want you to have nothing. Be nothing. In the name of Calliope, Melpomene, Aurora, Saffronia, Kitsune, Phoenix, and Reign." Diana says, and the anticipation in the room can be physically felt.

    "We would like you to meet the Swarm," Diana says, and at her words, the screens pan up, and the sky above the Hubs darkens as multitudes of Elite Race hovercrafts block the sun... darkening the capital with an eerie red glow. Most of the Amphitheater is on its feet staring up at the jumbotron. Most of the Elitist Empire's citizens on the screens stare at the sky too, but their faces show stark terror, while the theater is in awe.

    "The rules of survival are simple. If you want to live, do not engage them in combat. You won't win. You will instead bring all your Lower Dynamics to your center square, you have thirty minutes to complete this. If we receive no offering the swarm is ordered to kill all opposition, no matter affiliation, no matter status, no matter Dynamic. Death is rated E for everyone. Like Labyrinth, your leaders have failed you, and now all will pay the price. If you disagree with the verdict of your Hub you may kneel where you are and will be treated as a surrendering entity. The rest of you are prey, and my Empire is famished." Diana says and then turns to look right at us even as she speaks.

    "Today marks the day the Elitist Empire crumples. So choose well... because we have. Today we bet on Black... Today we scorch the sky!" Diana says and then walks forward to the cooling blackened nearly cremated skeletons, she pauses for two heartbeats, and then her leather-gloved right-hand picks up what were Rebecca's and Mercedes's skulls. A short purr comes from her as she hooks them to the chain on her dress. Then she calmly walks over their bodies and over on the hot sand back to the tunnel, leaving the sky to fall without her there. A dark smile pulls at my lips, 'we live to please her, if bloodshed is what she wants, bloodshed she will receive.'

A/N (11,770 words, 19 Pages)

    Thanks for reading "Defender of the People". Hi guys sorry for the long wait I had midterms and I needed to perfect the chapter over and over lol. Recap: The amount of female warriors in this chapter, that was not even on purpose, but I sat back like she kilt that! But seriously the Empress is enraged and now has the manpower and intelligence to make the Elitist Empire feel it! In the next book we learn more about the Hubs and Compounds of the Elite Race Empire and see how Melpomene makes the Elitist Crumble... and I cannot wait. We will also get to see how the Pack (Upper and Lower) become more unified and more of a solid Pack. This I know because your girl actually finished her outline from cover to cover! There will be sadness... but also drama, secrets, history, inter-pack relationships *wink wink*, adventure, violence, and well... you will just have to see! This book is the second to the last book in the series... I don't know how I feel about that, but it will be part one of well the end lol. 

P.S. Thank you all so very much for reading, commenting, voting, and just generally enjoying my books. Every time I see a comment no matter how small I get excited, lol probably as much as you guys do to see a chapter, so I cannot thank you guys enough! 

Now on to the main show. (Vote on one of the two covers-To properly see cover one turn up brightness)

Raised by Wolves (Sinister Series 1.70)

    I allowed myself a fragile hope. Inside Vico's arms, I told him he would avenge my monsters, that though I would order the deaths, I would never commit them. But they broke me, reached deep inside my heart, and made it black. Made the rage build inside me until it equaled the pain... but all that rage has to go somewhere. It demanded to consume something... I staved off this evil for years. Being raised by wolves and living to adulthood means I beat the odds. But it is no longer enough.

    I know I do this for my Pack. To protect them, I must remove the evil at our door. But they speak in my head, and it is different now. The wolves are the quiet, and now I am the storm. They swear nothing I could do could make them hate me, but I was raised in hatred... what if that is inside me. What if it lay in wait, and now that is all I can ever be? A monster.

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