Hunted Queen

By WhiteGoldFangs

145K 8K 1.4K

| 18+| Sequel to 'The Prince's Choice'| Newly crowned king and queen, William and Jade stand at the brink of... More

Introduction and Thank you
Chapter One • On the Run
Chapter Two • Who are you?
Chapter 3 • Missing him
Chapter 4 • Bad Advise
Chapter 5 • Famished
Chapter Six • Painful Memories
Chapter Seven • Leaving for War
Chapter Eight • An Heir
Chapter Nine • Her Guard
Chapter Ten • Friends
Chapter Eleven • What the Heart Wants
Chapter Twelve • Undeniable
Chapter Thirteen • Chaos
Chapter Fourteen • Fearing a King's Wrath
Chapter Fifteen • A Threat from Within
Chapter Sixteen • The Usurper's Queen
Chapter Seventeen • A Royal Commotion
Chapter Eighteen • Nightmares and Tears
Chapter Nineteen • Screams in the Night
Chapter Twenty • Gone in the Night
Chapter Twenty One • A Bone To Pick
Chapter Twenty Two • Aftermath
Chapter Twenty Three • Kings of Different Sorts
Chapter Twenty Four • From Dawn to Dusk
Chapter Twenty Five • Missing a Queen
Chapter Twenty Six • Find Her
Chapter Twenty Seven • Beaten and Brusied
Chapter Twenty Eight • To Skall's Bridge
Chapter Twenty Nine • Blood and Vengeance
Chapter Thirty • A Bounty and Gold
Chapter Thirty One • Ride Now
Chapter Thirty Two • Not Safe
Chapter Thirty Three • Blood and Duty
Chapter Thirty Four • Leaving
Chapter Thirty Five • Growing Desperation
Chapter Thirty Six • A Journey So Long
Chapter Thirty Seven • A Debt Owed in Blood
Chapter Thirty Eight • Closer and Closer
Chapter Thirty Nine • For the Queen
Chapter Forty • Push on
Chapter Forty One • Atrocities
Chapter Forty Two • Not the time Nor the place
Chapter Forty Three • Family
Chapter Forty Four • Almost There
Chapter Forty Five • The White Stag
Chapter Forty Six - Run for as long as you can
Chapter Forty Seven • A Tainted Soul
Chapter Forty Eight • A Taste of Freedom
Chapter Forty Nine • Queen's Orders
Chapter Fifty • Kings of Death
Chapter Fifty One • New Hope
Chapter Fifty Two • Roads
Chapter Fifty Three • Power or Respect
Chapter Fifty Four • Chrushed Dreams
Chapter Fifty Five • Within Reach
Chapter Fifty Six • A New Rule
Chapter Fifty Seven • One's Child, One's Heir
Chapter Fifty Eight • Queen Once More
Chapter Fifty Nine • First Meetings
Chapter Sixty One • Dying
Chapter Sixty Two • Bringer of News
Chapter Sixty Three • What Comes Around
Chapter Sixty Four • Shame
Chapter Sixty Five • Home
Chapter Sixty Six • Safe and Alive
Chapter Sixty Seven • A Leader
Chapter Sixty Eight • Queen at War

Chapter Sixty • Bloodshed

1.2K 94 11
By WhiteGoldFangs

Hi everyone! I am sorry for not being able to publish the second chapter last week. I rewrote it into this one and made it extra long as a thank you for your patience. 


As per usual, if you see any errors - let me know. Love you! 


"My queen." Master Bergen call after her as she entered the great hall with Brother Richard in tow. The voice carried a different tone than his usual one; the one dripping with contempt. This one was different

Jade stopped in her step after having noticed that her husband's advisor had something very urgent to tell her. Something which needed her immediate and undivided attention. Her eyes quickly found him, coming from the direction of William's study where his council met. She studied the pace of his steps, how he carried himself and his appearance, in an attempt to evaluate how dire the situation was. 

The usually stern face donned a concerned expression, true concern, something very uncommon in Jade's experience of Master Bergen. It caught her off guard and she forgot the words to whatever snappy comeback she had on the tip of her tongue. Whenever the royal advisor appeared concerned, it was usually feigned in order to manipulate whoever it was aimed at. But not now... and it sent a chill down her back, making her skin cold all over for a second before it was washed over with a hot wave of numbing fear.

Something is wrong. 

 She could easily see that something was wrong and therefore kept her distaste for the man buried deep inside as she opened her mouth to address him and the reason for his presence. Whatever it was, she had gotten a very bad feeling that it was going to be something troubling. Was it it news from the front? 

"Yes, Master Bergen?" She answered,  stopping calmly as the words left her. Trying to look the exact opposite of what her body was putting her through. With nothing more than a look, she granted him permission to approach her. Brother Richard remained to her right, standing one step behind her, keeping himself out of her duties as queen. 

"It concerns the guards, you grace..." Master Bergen began as he made his way over to her with hastened steps "... they have informed me that the crowd outside the gate is growing bigger." He informed her and gave the direction of the gate's a simple wave with this right hand. "I think we can ignore them no longer." He added, referring to the people. "I fear what will happen if we do."

Alright... not news from the front. Jade thought and blinked slowly in relief. She inhaled deeply and clasped her hands in front of herself. Letting them embrace her belly softly. 

"I trust they were informed that they have not been ignored?" Jade asked him. Her heart started pounding from the sudden fear of being hated like her precursor. She might not know how to be queen... but she knew what made a bad one. At least the type she did not want or intended to be. 

They cannot be allowed to think that I will rule like Eleonora did. I will not let them. I will different. Not unbothered and uninterested. I will take care of my people and meet them face to face. I just need to learn how...

"Without a fail." Master Bergen assured her. She let out the breath she had been holding without letting it show. "The guards have done exactly as they were instructed and has informed me that the ones at the gates were told that you needed your rest and would call on them once you are ready." 

"Good." She answered him and nodded, pleased over what she heard. "Can you arrange an audience? Now?" She asked and met his gaze. 

Master Bergen blinked thrice in surprise. His face now blank instead of concerned. "Now? Today?" He gasped in disbelief. Jade gave him a determined nod in response. "My grace... Your governess has strongly advised against-" 

"I know what my governess have said." She interrupted. "If Elizabeth could have her way, she would have me on bed rest until I have had this child." She went on and gave her belly a short glance before meeting Master Bergen's gaze again. "But, if the people are in need of help, or are gathering at the gates in such numbers to meet me or as for my help, then please call for them and organize an audience so we can address their concerns." She told him and ended the conversation right then and there.

A moment long enough for her to consider asking nicely went by. It gave her more than enough time to become nervous and anxious over meeting the people on her own for the first time. Despite having sat by her husband's side during more than a few audiences, she had rarely participated actively. At least not enough to be comfortable to do it on her own without him. Her husband had been trained for this and had his father's word and advice to help him. She had neither of these. 

Fortunately, the moment passed. Saving her from having to ask or beg when the advisor finally seemed to accept her request.

"As you wish, your grace." Master Bergen answered, bowed and stepped back. "I will send for you when we are ready for you in the throne room." 

"No." Jade objected quietly. The advisor's brows rose and then furrowed in confusion. "Call on me before. I want to be there when everyone arrives." Master Bergen's perplexed expression unraveled and left in its wake a pleased one instead. He bowed his head before her and left. 

What on earth was that? She wondered while rolling her shoulders back to rid herself from the tension that had gotten them incredibly stiff and uncomfortable. For some reason it feels like he is genuinely helping me... Is he helping me? Can I trust him despite that he tried to convince William to end our marriage? Despite that he might be here fighting Eleonora's war against me? No. Not yet. Not until William gets here. 

"Your jaws will crack, your grace. You have to relax." Brother Richard's muffled voice told her. Jade blinked and turned towards the sound of his voice. Understanding that she had disappeared into her thoughts, she blinked twice to wake up. Coming back to it, she felt an immense pressure on her teeth and jaws, only to realize that she was doing it to herself. "What in the heaven's are you thinking of that can make your face go so unyielding and hard?" The monk asked the second he noticed that she was back and that her jaws had loosened a bit. 

"Master Bergen and his intentions." Jade sighed quietly. Unable to make sense of  the turmoil that was her thoughts fighting with her gut feeling. "It feels like he is trying to help me but I do not know if I should or can trust him." She admitted to him. Letting him know exactly what she was thinking. 

"Forgive my... candor... your grace." The monk cleared his throat to speak. "Did you not tell him to not bow before you or address you... as is proper? That he was not allowed to do these things?" The monk queried as they started walking again. "And do you not hate him, your grace?" He wondered.

"I have... and I do." Jade replied automatically without giving her answer much thought. It was instant and honest. "Why do you ask?" She wondered when she could not think of anything else to say. Turning to see his reaction. 

"I mean no offense." He began hesitantly while grimacing shyly as if to display just how little he wanted to meddle... or just how much he wanted to but thought he ought not. Jade smirked the second those words left him. She knew that whatever he was going to say next was going to question her. "From what I have heard, and experienced since we came here, this was a rare and very..." he smacked his tongue twice in search of a word that perfectly described what he had just witnessed "courteous talk between the two of you."

Jade let out a spontaneous snorting chuckle when she heard him, covering her mouth as soon as she managed. "It was, was it not?" She giggled to herself.  The amusement was a most welcomed feeling but it was soon tainted with distrust and shame.  

"Do you fear him?" Brother Richard suddenly asked, seeming to have read her feelings and concerns from before.

 "I do not fear him." Jade replied solemnly. "I fear failing my people as their queen... losing my husband... and having to raise our child alone." She whispered with tears in her eyes as it all overwhelmed her when she allowed it to get to her. The monk's mouth opened as if to say something but closed. He had not followed her. "I... uhm..." She exhaled heavily. "Fine. I fear what he can or will do." She admitted in a whisper. "But I do not fear him. If that makes any sense."

"I think I understand." The monk mumbled. 


Elizabeth followed Jade like a shadow from her chamber all the way up to the door which led into the throne room. Chasing her and throwing half sentences after her to try and make her "come to her senses". Jade listened with guilt as her governess hurried after her, how she grew winded as Jade picked up the pace to be rid of her. 

 "I cannot-" 

"I know you are worried, Liz." Jade prevented Elizabeth from speaking the rest of the sentence. "Please take a breath and give this up." She begged her and pressed the woman's hands between her own. "It is just one audience and you have gotten your way for a very long time." She said and laughed shortly. "I have to see them." 

"But you do not have to see them all at once." Elizabeth objected. 

"I have to see as many as possible." Jade countered. "I cannot let them wait any longer. Master Ber-" 

"Oh what does that stick of a man know?!" Elizabeth cut her off and huffed. "Are you trusting him now?" 

"No." Jade said quietly and hushed her governess gently. "I do not, but you cannot keep me from seeing the people any longer, Liz. You know as well as I do that they have been at the gates far longer than they should have. I know you mean well but... It is time."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, not admitting her defeat but taking a step back from Jade. "You will be the death of me, child." She muttered. 

"You cannot call me a child any-" 

"I can call you whatever I want." The woman interrupted her sternly. "I was there when you arrived covered in mud and blood after the journey from Thornstead." She reminded Jade of the day she had first seen her governess in the room where she had been brought to bathe. Fighting her off so she would not help her undress. Jade smiled at the memory of how offended she had been when Jade had insisted on helping herself with her clothes. "I was there when you wanted nothing to do with any of us..." She pouted.

You were the first one I trusted. Jade blinked and smiled warmly at her closest friend. 

"Fine." She said. "But I am still going in there... do you want to come with?" She asked and turned to face the door. "I would very much like to have you by my side for this, Liz." She spoke to the door.

Hart stood below the dais which the thrones rested upon. Clad in almost the exact same armor she was used to seeing Loren in. At first, seeing him from behind, she had briefly thought it to be her guard, but had come to realize that she was only imagining it the second he made the tiniest shift in his posture. How well she had grown to know her guard's smallest movements. 

Jade buried the sorrow deep inside after having allowed herself to wish a futile and ignorant wish from the bottom of her being that it had been Loren that stood there right now. Afterwards, her eyes wandered off to the representatives of the court for this audience; the rest of Jade's small group of armed men were placed throughout the room. Two at the doors, two behind her and the rest were stationed at the gates. Something Hart had been very stubborn about. 

To Jade's right, about three steps away and a pleasant distant from her, stood Master Bergen and to her left stood Elizabeth and Brother Richard. The only face she could not see was that of Ove's, but she figured he would not want to be part of a thing such as this. It was too formal for him. 

"Your grace?" Master Bergen asked when he deemed everyone to be in place. 

"Let them in." She answered, placing her palms against the armrests of her husband's throne. 

"Wait." Elizabeth spoke out of the blue. "Just one thing." Jade watched as her governess suddenly appeared in front of her with something golden in her hands. "You will wear this and I will hear none of it - do you hear me?" She whispered as her hands placed Jade's crown on top of her head. 

"Really?" Jade hissed quietly. "This?" She hissed and pointed at the crown. 

"Yes." Elizabeth replied dryly and stepped away once she had made sure her queen looked perfect. Dressed in a deep green dress with long flowing sleeves. Her hair braided into one thick braid which rested on her right shoulder and fell down her chest. "Now, she is ready." She told Master Bergen who immediately gave the order to open the doors. 

Jade watched as the people came pouring in through the doors. Enjoying their somewhat surprised faces when they noticed that she had arrived before them. That she was waiting for them. Some instantly bowed before her in a panicked manner, still in the middle of the doorway when their eyes found her. Their eyes bulging out of their sockets the very second she came into their line of sight. Others waited until they were a little bit closer until they bowed.

A low murmur was carried into the throne room with the people and Jade felt her nervousness turn her palms clammy and the back of her neck even clammier. 


Her old companions were no where to be seen as he walked up to the gates... The monk he had not seen for days, almost expecting him to have vanished... and the old man with the cows he had seen from time to time in the city but he was no where in sight at this time. 

Good enough... Then there is no one to recognize me but her... If she even does. He kept his mouth in a tight line at the pleasing thought. It will be easiest if they are not there... getting passed the guards will be the hardest part and I do not need more throwing themselves in front of her. He thought and clenched his hand around his knife as he moved with the crowd towards the castle. 

It took them sometime to get there as the false queen had welcomed each and every one who needed to speak with her. Forcing him to walk among a crowd ten times bigger than the one he had tried to rally. This invitation of hers had caused many more than he had anticipated to take the walk up to the gates.

There will either be too many for me to wade through to even get close to her... or I will never get the chance to 'speak' before the day is over. He thought with big eyes taking in the amount of people that were ahead of him. If that is what it comes to... then there is a day tomorrow as well. 


There were so many of them. They filled every little space in the throne room. Master Bergen had given the guards instructions to let the doors stand open so the one's who could not enter would be able to hear. 

"This is not safe, Jade." Elizabeth whispered. "William would never allow so many of them in here. What if something happens?" 

"William is not here and I do not mean to be harsh but some of this," Jade waved at the people, "is your doing. I can only learn from this and not repeat the mistake in the future." 

"Did you make sure they left their weapons and tools outside?" She heard Elizabeth snap at Master Bergen. 

"No, we do not have the men for it." He replied. 

"When he comes back I will let him know you let her sit up her alone in a room full of angry - possibly armed - men and women." Elizabeth growled at him. 

Jade let the advisor's and Elizabeth's argument turn into a buzzing background noise as the people entered. She agreed with Elizabeth, but now it was too late. It would have been wise to make sure no one was carrying a weapon, but it was much too late to ask them to leave that outside the doors. On top of this, she could see things from Master Bergen's side as well... they did not have enough men to oversee everyone's weapons and frisk those who did not give something up... 

When they were finally all there, Jade looked at the faces in front of her. Took them all in. They all reminded her of the life she had lived before and she was jealous of them. She wanted to be one of them, not the one expected to hold all the answers. 

"Welcome." She greeted them. Forcing her voice not to crack or tremble under the pressure.

"Bow before your queen!" Hart called out, causing Jade to flinch in fright. From the tone in his voice she could tell that he was nervous, but also frustrated that he had to tell them in the first place. Seeming to had anticipated they would do this in perfect unison and without thinking. 

Shuffling of feet and groans momentarily filled the room while they all got down on one knee and bowed their heads before Jade. 

"Rise." She told them after she had counted to three, not being able to stand it for a second longer. William usually allowed them to stand after five but she did not have the patience. 

"You." She called out to a woman with two children at her sides. "Why are you here?"


Two hours passed of begging, crying, asking and some more begging. He was standing almost by the door in the throne room. Having almost accepted that he would not get close enough, today

Then there was silence and he noticed how the queen was waiting for someone to voice their concerns or wishes. She had tirelessly listened to whomever had opened their mouth but now there seemed to be none left. 

Mikhael cleared his throat when no one else took the chance. He made sure it was loud enough for everyone to hear him. The throne room fell completely silent to the sound of his request for attention. Every face within the four walls turned towards him. The sea of people parted enough for him to make it up to where a guard stood, just below the dais. 

When Mikhael tried to take one step further, he noticed how the guard started to reach for his sword. He stepped back, making sure that he visibly understood where he could and could not go. 

He looked up at her. She looked so different now from when he had seen her in the back of that cart. All dressed up. Clean and bathed, with her hair in a braid and a crown of gold on resting on her head. She still looked a bit weak though. As if the traces of her struggles had yet to fade from her physically and mentally. 

"What is it that you wish to-" The false queen began to speak but was suddenly interrupted.

"The queen is weary." A very stern-looking man spoke before the actual person of interest got the chance to finish her sentence. Having stepped in and now stood before her after being silent for the entire audience. Up until now. "As you can surely see... her  grace is not only weary from being persecuted, she is also with child and have listened to many of her subjects-"

"I can see one more, Master Bergen." The queen reeled the man in with her words. "Let him come forward and speak his mind. No one else but him said anything so I assume it is safe to safe that he is the last one that wants to speak his mind. Hart. Step aside."

"Your grace-" The man called Master Bergen objected quietly while turning to look at her.

"Step. Aside. Master Bergen." She ordered him with a simmering warning in her voice, letting whatever threat it carried was left unsaid. 

The men stepped out of the way. Giving Mikhael room to step forward. As Mikhael walked up towards the dais, he noticed how her eyes took him in and narrowed slightly.

She recognizes me. Fuck...

"You look familiar." The queen spoke as soon as the thought had appeared in his head.

"I have one of those faces." He replied with a crooked smile, trying to come off as innocent. "My mother was always very bothered by this." He added. "Thought my face very special, as is a mother's love for her child I guess." 

"No." She said dismissively, her tone disclosing that her mind was busy searching for where exactly she had seen him. "No, we have met before or I have seen you..." She corrected herself. "Our paths have crossed." 

More than once. 

At those words he noticed how the guard closest to him became a little stiffer than before. Hearing his queen's apprehension made him more alert. 

"With all due respect, my queen..." The words tasted vile in his mouth as he formed them. "This is the firs time we meet, and I am thankful that you are granting me your precious time." He said and stopped when there was but two steps left until he was on the same plane as her.

What you have left of it. 

"That is quite enough. She can hear you just fine from where you stand." The advisor told him darkly. Mikhael nodded gravely and bent the knee before the woman that had caused his king so much trouble. 

From his position, if fast enough, he would be able to throw himself at her. Knife first. Fatally wounding her before anyone could catch him or step in. 

"Speak your mind." She told him and leaned forward to focus on whatever he had to say. 

"I bring you a message." Mikhael began and reached after his knife, hidden beneath his jacket. Making it appear as if he held his hand over his heart. "A message from the king." 

"From William?" The queen gasped and leaned forward even more. "Where-"

"From the true king." Mikhael said, grabbed his knife and leaped towards her. Ripping his knife high into the air, making sure it would come down upon her first and hard. The man called Master Bergen threw himself towards him as soon as he could see what was happening. Trying to deflect the blade in his hand. However, it was easy to duck the man.

Mikhael avoided the advisor's desperate hands and continued forward. Screams filled the room. A never-dying fearful aria which was constantly renewed as more and more of the onlookers realized what was happening. The one closest came from the woman standing next to the false queen. Her face locked in a terrified grimace and eyes howling for help.

"THE QUEEN! HELP HER!" Someone bellowed. 

The usurper's queen dove down from the throne but was not fast enough. He managed to stab her. He felt it. Could not yet decipher where since everything was a storm of limbs, clothing and screams. But he knew his aim and been true. The feeling of steel meeting flesh was not something one mistook for something it was not. He had succeeded! Felt how the blade had pierced flesh, muscle and even bone. He had done it! She was going to die by his hand and his king would thank him for this.

"The queen has been hurt! She is hurt! HELP HER!" Someone screamed with a rough voice. "She is bleeding!"

Mikhael raised the knife and stabbed her twice more, needed to be sure that she would not live to see the next day. He listened to her pain filled screams before being grabbed by his shoulders, expecting to be pulled away. 

But he remained where he was, being kept in place by some strange force. Lying on top of the queen with his hand around the handle of his knife still stuck in her. As he looked down, he could see her left hand crinkling his jacket and shirt by the hole in his neck. 

Her icy blue eyes bore into him and sent the coldest chills through him. "You are with him." She croaked through the pain he had inflicted, staring straight into her attacker's eyes. "Rowan sent you, did he not?" 

Out of nowhere he felt a burning sensation from the pit of his left arm. The burning sensation then intensified to such an excruciating level that he let out a trembling yelp. Mikhael looked down at himself to see where the pain was coming from and why. 

All he saw was blood. Deep red blood that stained not only his clothes but also the woman beneath him. Which was who's? Was some of it his? He blinked, becoming suddenly dizzy.

The excruciating pain came back in a merciless shock wave, at the exact same time he noticed that she moved. Why? The pain emanated from his armpit again. He looked down once more and finally noticed that the queen's right hand was located where his pain was coming from. 

She had stabbed him. With what? He had not seen any blade! Could not see it now either... 

"When?" He gasped and looked down at himself and then back at her cold eyes. "How?"


Thank you so much for reading! 

I hope you enjoyed it! 

Love Jenny 

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