Slimer love

By finnining

10 0 0

Slimer from the ghostbusters may fall in love with the quirky queen, Ciley Myrus possible smut (this is entir... More

slimer x ciley myrus

9 0 0
By finnining

It was a quiet life on the farm. Ciley Myrus was an average looking farm girl who was 18 years of age. She was quiet and reserved but still had a heart of gold. She lived with her grandfather, John and her Grandmother Coretta. She was 5'2 and is a serious
romantic.  She had soft ginger hair with the face of Selena Gomez. Her farm life was, well, normal up until she was abducted by the ghostbusters cast. It was a new environment for her and she didn't really know anyone but, somebody caught her eye. Slimer. Little did she know she caught his eye too. Those luscious yellow eyes attracted to her beautiful baby blue eyes. Slimer then was eating lunch one day, when Ciley sat down with him. "Hey.. uhm.. What's your name? I-Im Ciley," she said. Slimer just said, "Slimer" then gulped down the rest of the food before floating away. "Whoa..." Ciley thought to herself, 'He's so cute!!'.
She walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. "Hello again.. Uhm.. Are you doing anything tonight?". Slimer turned around and looked at the short girl, "nope".  She stuttered and then finally said her words quietly, "W-Wanna go out with me?". Slimer's eyes widened and he smiled with his crusty teeth, " I would love to". Ciley breathed a sigh of relief, "How about the new cafe on Pluto at 8:30?" Slimer thought about marshmallow for a second but then he finally thought to express it out loud,"I might have to ask marshmallow but, I likey will be able to though" that's when he remembered how self cautious Ciley was.. But there was no way he could take those words back. Ciley did know that Slimer meant that as in how he and Marshmallow might be hanging out or something but she can't help feeling the forming of a deep hole in her heart.

Time skip to 7:45.

Ciley was getting around and doing her makeup when she picked up her phone to call Slimer to ask if he had gotten permission to go out with her. Slimer on the other hand had already talked to Marshmallow which ended up with Marshmallow running out of the room but that didn't matter as long as he could go on this date.  When Ciley was done getting reading, she was sitting in her room, on the spaceship, doubting herself. I mean, she was just an average girl, who used to have an average life. There was nothing cool or special about her. Why would Slimer ever actually want to go out with her? It's not like she's Miley Cyrus or something. Slimer must think this whole dating thing was a joke. Ciley didn't like that thought. Slimer is still thinking about Ciley and her beautiful, beautiful reddened locks but also about the date in 15 minutes. What would happen? I mean what could go wrong?

*fast forward to the date because i'm lazy

They arrived at Cafe Pluto and sat down. Slimer pulled out the seat for Ciley, when she sat down, He pushed her in. Ciley giggled quietly and smiled. Slimer smiled back at her as he sat down. "So.. What are your hobbies, Slimer?" Ciley asked. Slimer thought about this for a minute then responded, "Not sure.. But I do a lot of eating," he laughed. She says,"Oh. Well that's an interesting hobby".She giggled.¨I know¨, Slimer replied almost shyly

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