Lucky Duck

بواسطة CathyJensen

976 35 63

Thank you E L James for your Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy and it's characters. In this story Anastasia Steele... المزيد

Graduation Party
Serial Rape Train Team Caught
In Search Of Blonde Goddess
Ahh Elliott
Double Trouble
Smooth Running? (Sex)
Family Dinner
Engagement Ring Found
A Honeymoon From Hell
I Didn't Do Anything
Wedding Bells (sex)
Barney's Babies
An Unwelcomed Visitor
Death Wish
Total Destruction
Russell Everett
Eden Resort
A Little Mia
Eden Resort 2, 3, and 4
Prenuptial Agreements
The Reality Unmasked
Free At Last
The Setups
The Funerals
Baby Boom
College Graduates

Love Has Many Faces

34 3 2
بواسطة CathyJensen

I just can't help it, I want Kate as my wife. So I pop the question when I went over to her apartment to fix her cabinets. Two of her cabinets came off the hinges. I bought the engagement ring and the wedding bands. I fix the cabinets easily and we have supper delivered. I am sitting with my arms around her when she gets a call. I see her tears and I don't know what is going on.

I get a call from my mothers housekeeper. They found my mother dead sitting by her favorite window. She had been working too hard on a few wedding dresses. Luckily it wasn't Josie and Barney's wedding. She finished everything a month ago. So it had to be the one where the bride was annoying the crap out of her with constant changes. She finally got it all completed and delivered. I need to get to mom's house and start getting things in order. Ethan should be called soon to let him know. The attorney has mom's will and I will be moving into her home now. Ethan has been told he has right of first refusal to buy the house and surrounding property from the estate. He didn't want it. But that might not be the same now.

I drive Kate to her mom house after our food is delivered. I grab a box of Kleenex and we leave with the food to her mom's house. Security is following us all the way there. We each have our own security.

I am there before Kate arrives and we hug each other and head to the office and open the safe. I see Elliott at the kitchen counter eating take out. He nods his head at me as I go with Kate to look at the will. I know that I have the first refusal right to either buy the house and property or let Kate buy my half of it. We discuss it and I need to think it through. We need to get the attorney involved in this and an appraisal of the home and surrounding property. We are looking over everything and I ask her how the company is doing and she tells me it is growing with all the help from Josie, Anastasia, Elliott, Christian and Barney. She has been sending us reports for each quarter. With Kate and her two friends running the company all I need to do is concentrating on getting my license to become a psychiatrist. I will still get my part of the profits. Moms share will be put back into the running of the company. Expanding, upgrading and keeping going. That was written in the will otherwise we would split the money. But as it is Kate is doing all the work to keep the family business going. She gets her salary along with her share of profits. She called for an audit and an independent appraisal of the worth of the company. She had one done after dad died as well.

We finally get through everything and go back to see Elliott has found a sports program on the tv in the family room. The staff have made him very comfortable. I think that staff needs to stop flirting with my man. Goodness Gretchen was really bad, but this one. This one had not seen me bring Elliott home. Plus I think mom just hired her, well she is going to be fired. I look at the employee files and there is a contract for a year for her. I check it and I see Elena Lincoln and think that is a very familiar name. She is the one who mom hired Emma Sutton through. Elliott hears us talking about it and he recalls his mother hired through mrs Lincoln too and she is having the same issues with the maid as well. Plus her son was recently found guilty of rape and being one of a three guy team. They were caught by under covers.

I had no idea that Kate was part of the undercover group that caught the rape train team that night. I just thought she was a beautiful girl who I wanted to meet. It's good to know that she didn't need to testify against them. Josie was the witness along with video footage of the whole team. So Kate is going to do some research into this woman and who has been hiring her company to staff their homes. Anastasia I think has already asked mom who recommended Gretchen to work for them. She thinks we need to be careful about what we say in front of Gretchen. She feels that there is something wrong in the situation and that she wondered why her mom hired Emma Sutton. She looks at the contract date and it was dated after her mothers time of death. She gets up and calls the police and they arrive immediately. The time of death on her mother's death certificate proves fraud on the behalf of Emma Sutton and Elena Lincoln.

I get a call from Kate looking for Josie and she then asks me if I can run a background check on Emma Sutton and Elena Lincoln. Plus Gretchen Fowler, I am able to run them through and it is not good at all. She explains that Emma Sutton was taken into custody from her mothers home. Gretchen Fowler has been working for the Grey parents for six months. Both were sent by mrs Elena Lincoln and she wants a check ran on if the woman is related to the Lincoln of the trio who were doing rape trains. She was right about the son. I look and Josie was a witness against him. I need to send this information to more than Kate. Jason needs to see this first, Ray second and Christian. His parents need to fire Gretchen now. Kate had Emma removed from her mothers home. They started murder investigations after they arrested Miss Sutton. It turns out she had poisoned Enid and put the forged documents in her desk drawer. She forgot to use and earlier date on the contract. I would say that was a very dumb move, but maybe it was subconsciously done.

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