Throk x Reader {Temporarily O...

By CricketLuver

2.3K 141 12

You've been a slave living in Galra Central Command for longer than you can remember. Your life is changed wh... More

Given as a gift
Your new home and learning the rules
Pet shopping
Meeting a friend
Aunt Flo returns
Learning to trust him
The attack on central command
Meeting the prince
A short trip


128 9 0
By CricketLuver

With each day that passed ever since Zarkon gave (Y/n) to Throk she felt as though years worth of bottling up her emotions was going to make her have a mental breakdown; Throk treated her with a kindness Zarkon never treated her with and it made her feel too comfortable around him. After her period ended she went back to sleeping on the couch where she was comfortable, not ready to sleep in her master's bed yet. When Throk was out doing his daily duties (Y/n) did her best to remain emotionless; if she started showing emotion then she would be punished for acting out and discarded like garbage. (Y/n) knew that pets who acted out were discarded and never seen again because they were either sent to the arena or simply thrown in the incinerator within the lowest level of the main hub. She also didn't want to be beaten, Throk hadn't been cruel to her but she was still scared about being abused if she wasn't constantly emotionless.

Throk could tell that something was going on with (Y/n) even after her period ended, but he didn't know the first thing about talking to human women about their feelings. He'd been concerned about her from day one because she acted completely emotionless when she wasn't on her period; before he received her he could care less about what some pet was feeling but now that he had (Y/n) he found himself genuinely concerned about her. After dinner one evening Throk definitely noticed a change (Y/n's) behavior, observing how she acted as though she was going to break down crying or something. (Y/n) was near the tipping point that had been building up for years, barely able to keep a straight face and not cry. The lanky commander sat next to his pet on the couch after he finished loading the dishwasher; he knew that he needed to do something to help her, but he didn't know exactly what to do.

"Are you feeling alright?" Throk asked (Y/n) in a neutral tone, looking down at her with a concerned expression.

"I- I'm fine." (Y/n) answered quietly, the sound of her master's concerned voice only made her feel more emotions than she'd felt in a very long time.

Throk didn't believe her about being fine; he could tell that she obviously wasn't just by smelling the pheromones she was letting off. (Y/n) looked down at her lap and felt her bottom lip tremble a little, trying her best not to start crying in fear of being punished. She felt embarrassed for getting emotional when she shouldn't; Throk wasn't exactly known for being a kindhearted person, but he treated her well which was what made (Y/n) feel things she'd never felt before. Throk patiently waited for the young woman to do something; he was definitely having doubts about trying to get her to open up to him. His ears twitched when he heard her sniffle, knowing he broke down her emotional walls once she began sobbing; her body trembled as she finally allowed herself to let go of everything she kept bottled up.

"I'm sorry, please don't send me away!" (Y/n) pleaded as she hid her face behind her hands, slouching so that Throk couldn't see her tear stained face.

"Send you away? You're loyal and well behaved, I would never get rid of you." Throk replied calmly, hesitant to touch his pet because he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do or not.

"No I'm not! I'm a horrible bitch who doesn't know her p-place! I deserve to be punished!" (Y/n) stammered, sobs wracking her body as her past trauma surfaced.

"Your place is to keep me company, you've been doing just that for the entire time you've been with me." Throk spoke with a sympathetic tone; he knew Zarkon was cruel and it made his heart ache from the knowledge of (Y/n) being abused so badly in the past.

"I- I'll be a good girl! Please don't whip me! I'm a good girl! I- I'm a good girl!" (Y/n) wailed loudly while sobbing harder, feeling a little breathless during her mental breakdown.

For the first time in his life Throk began to panic; he was usually good at staying calm unless someone pissed him off, although seeing his pet in such distress made him panic a little seeing as she never showed emotion. It made him sick knowing how Zarkon 'trained' (Y/n) to behave, especially since she had only been a child when the abuse started. On a normal basis Throk wouldn't care how a lesser being was treated, he'd killed innocent people before, but (Y/n) meant a lot to him and he wished that she hadn't of been hurt so much during her life. The galran commander gathered the weeping human into his arms and hugged her against his broad chest, thankful he removed his armor after he came home earlier. (Y/n) couldn't do anything except sob harder because of the gentle physical contact, allowing the emotional walls she'd built up fall; she didn't know how else to react to her master comforting her.

"Hush now, little one. You're alright, I'm not going to harm you. There's no need for you to fear me." Throk spoke quietly as he gently rubbed his left hand up and down her back, nuzzling the top of her head in a comforting way.

"W- why? Why would you want someone as disgusting as me around?" (Y/n) questioned in between sobs, hiding her face in the crook of the large male's neck.

"I don't find you disgusting. Now, stop talking about yourself like that. You're my pet and I'm happy with you." Throk softly assured her, purring quietly as he continued to rub her back and nuzzle her.

(Y/n) couldn't believe what she was hearing, Throk wasn't going to punish her for showing emotion like Zarkon did; her treatment during childhood and early adolescence stunted her emotional growth, and aside from being a loyal 'pet' to the galra she didn't have an identity. She reminded herself that no one knew about her breakdown, so she let herself become overwhelmed by everything she had been holding in for the past ten or so years. Actually feeling something other than numbness felt too foreign for the young woman to handle; not having to worry about punishment felt like a weight was lifted off of her chest. Throk felt (Y/n) stop trembling after a while, letting her rest against him while he whispered comforting things to her; he wasn't good at being vulnerable but he was determined to learn. No matter what he would help (Y/n) heal from her trauma, making a mental note to secretly take her to the one-site therapist.

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