
Von snapple714

1K 56 49

Ghost and Soap recover a random 14 year old girl from some of Makarov's associates' facilities. Pure dad ener... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: RECAP

Chapter 4

27 1 0
Von snapple714

Flora yawned as she allowed Gaz to lead her to the plane that was waiting to depart on the tarmac. It was still dark outside, the sky just beginning to lighten with the light of dawn. She honestly was feeling fatigued the most from the uncertainty of everything. Surely, she couldn't be wasting these soldiers' time forever. But if they ditched her at some orphanage, wouldn't she just be grabbed again by the same grunts as before? They seemed to know that too. So, she really didn't understand what their plans for her were.

Gaz deposited her on a seat and showed her how to strap in as the rest of the team piled in as well. Price looked the same as always. You would never know that it wasn't even the break of dawn outside. Soap and Ghost came next. Flora's eyes picked up on their hands connected by their pinkies as they boarded. She couldn't see Ghost's face, so she had no way of knowing if the early wake up had affected him. Soap was clearly tired, though. Rubbing sleepily at his eyes to clear some of the residual drowsiness of sleep. Gaz hadn't seemed tired when he had woken her up. That wasn't surprising though as the man just screamed 'morning person'.

Price took the seat next to her, Soap on her other side. Ghost sat next to Soap, and Gaz was up in the cockpit with the pilot. They all watched from the corners of their eyes intently at the way Flora's eyes were glued to the window. Eyes flitting over the details as they took off.

"You like planes?" Soap asked.

She turned away from where she had been looking and shrugged, "Dunno really. I've only flown two other times. When we moved from Scotland, but I was too young to really remember that part. And then, uh, three weeks ago. But I wasn't really conscious for that trip."


Price glared at him from over her head and he shrugged. He hadn't thought about it. Probably should have though. Would have if he had thought about her situation for just a second.

"So, this is sort of your first time then." He said trying to remedy his error.

She scrunched up her nose, "I mean, not really."

"Well, if ya can't remember the other times I think this counts as yer first." He smiled at her then and she felt strangely warm.

"Unfortunate that this flight is ten hours then." Ghost commented.

Soap elbowed him in the ribs, "We've talked about this, Simon. Yer always so negative. Give us something positive."

Ghost huffed. Soap made him play the positivity game quite frequently. In this situation he couldn't think of anything in particular, so he stuck with his old standard for when that happened. "I'm here with you."

Soap smiled, satisfied.

They spent the remainder of the flight conversing, trying to keep themselves somewhat entertained. Normally they would just sleep on the plane, but the time difference between Mexico and Scotland was a full six hours. They didn't want to be too jet lagged as they would be getting there around eleven at night.

During the last hour Flora's chin had fallen to her chest, unable to stay awake. Planes could have that effect on a person. Soap carefully attempted to ease her head back so she wouldn't be stiff when she woke up, but he only succeeded in making her flop around onto Price's shoulder. He gave Soap another glare, making the Scot chuckle.

"Sorry sir." He whispered, "I can move her if ya like."

Price's gaze sharpened further, "Don't you dare, MacTavish."

The jostling of the landing made Flora's head snap up, eyes scanning her surroundings. She briefly felt alarm, but quickly calmed when she realized who all was sitting next her.

"Sorry." She said to no one in particular about falling asleep.

"No sorrys." Price's voice replied as she was unbuckled.

She stood up and carefully stretched. The bruises on her torso sore and stiff from sitting for so long. A hand found her shoulder and she looked up to find Ghost.

His eyes flitted over her for a moment before returning her gaze, "Alright?"

She nodded, "Aye."

She didn't get a chance to think before Soap was by her side and grabbing her hand, dragging her off the plane. Outside was dark. Obviously, it was nighttime. But it wasn't cold, that was confusing.

They approached a pair of men standing in the orange glow of a nearby light. Soap released her and quickly ran up giving each of them an eager hug.

"It's so good to see you lads!"

Both men were chuckling at his antics. Flora had thought Soap to be unusually friendly, and that seemed to be accurate.

"Good to see you too, hermano." One of them said before turning to the rest of the group. The man's eyes quickly found Flora. He leaned down just a bit and held out his hand, "I'm Colonel Alejandro Vargas, and this is my second in command, Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra."

They probably already knew her name from whatever Price had told them, but he allowed her the opportunity to introduce herself.

"Flora. Glad to meet you." She replied, accepting his shake with her firm grip. The other man, Rodolfo, also shook her hand. He had very kind eyes and a soft face, a very welcoming energy about him.

"First impressions of Las Almas?" He asked tilting his head around to signal the small area that she had now been in from the plane to them.

They all watched her scrunch of her nose again. She seemed to do it when she was unsure about something.

"Warm." She finally settled on, earning a laugh from Alejandro.

"La florecita no ha visto gran parte del mundo, Rudy."

Rudy smiled at her again, "You'll get used to it, pétalo."

They were led into a nearby building where they were instructed to sit down at a round table. Rodolfo had made them some kind of soup that Flora wasn't exactly sure what it was, but she didn't really care. She had to force herself not to eat at earth shattering speeds. This was the first actual meal she had enjoyed in a while. She had only eaten a few protein bars since being rescued. Not having much of an appetite, but it seemed to be returning to her as she began to feel more safe.

She caught Rudy's eye from where she was sitting, "Thank you for the food. Can I wash this?"

Rudy blinked a few times at the bowl she held up. They made their vaqueros clean up after themselves, but Flora was a guest. He hadn't expected her to offer. He understood the need to feel useful, however, so he nodded and stood up to lead her to a sink. The rest of the team watched them go, trying not to seem like they were staring.

Alejandro turned to Price, "What going on exactly, Captain? You didn't really explain all that much in your message."

Price sat back and ran hand over his face, "The boys found her chained to wall in a basement. We're still not sure what business Makarov's men would have with a homeless fourteen-year-old."

He explained the story that Flora had told them about her parents. Alejandro's face screwing up into a displeased expression as he listened.

"What will you do with her? I mean, is there anywhere she can go that will be safe for her?"

Price shook his head, "I'm honestly to sure. She'll stick with us for now, that's as much protection as we can offer her."

Alejandro leaned back himself, "She was homeless all that time. On her own. Did she go to school?"

All of the men paused, they hadn't considered that. She seemed very smart, but this event with her parents happened when she was eight. If she had gone to school, surely one of the teachers would have noticed something was awry and stepped in, right?

"That's a good question." Soap muttered, eyes lighting up as Rudy and Flora returned, "Oi Flora! Didja go to school, lass?"

She paused where she was standing and scratched the back of her neck nervously, "Oh, um, I'm self-taught."

"What's that mean?" Soap asked, bewildered.

"Y'know." She said. "Math, science, history, reading and writing. Taught myself."

Rudy shook himself out of his daze, now fully processing what they were talking about, "Wait you didn't go to school, little one?"

She shrugged, "I wasn't really interested in putting my name out on any documents. And even if I was, how would I have gotten enrolled? I don't have any adults to my name."

None of them had anything to say on that front. She was right. Not really any way for her to have gotten access to an actual school during those six years. Not unless she wanted be found.

"How?" Ghost asked.


"How'd you teach yourself?"

She blinked at him, "I just went to the library."

They waited for her to explain, so she eventually continued.

"They've got all kinds of curriculum books in there. I just taught myself. Not like I had anything better to do during the day. Besides, the library was warm, and they had free food sometimes, so it worked out."

She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She watched the slightly horrified and dismayed looks she was receiving.

"Guys, it's alright. It's not a big deal. I could have had it much worse."

"Not by much." Gaz muttered, too quiet for her to hear.

Price shook his head and made a show of checking his watch which was probably still set in the wrong zone. He blew out a puff of air, "It's late. Past your bedtime and all that."

She opened her mouth to argue but he interrupted her before she could, pointing a finger at her, "When you're with us you have a bedtime. Sorry, I don't make the rules."

He approached her and spun her around so that Rudy and Alejandro could lead them to their rooms, "You actually do make the rules, though." She told him.

Price couldn't help the smile that crept up onto his face, "Ah, you do learn fast."

They were brought to a little hallway with a series of rooms. They brought Flora into one. Her eyes instantly landed on the item on one of the beds.

"My pack!" She hurried towards it, eagerly unzipping it, and looking through all of her things.

Price chuckled from the doorway, "Our friend Laswell found it. Sent it ahead for you."

"Thank you!" She said, continuing her rifling, all of her stuff still there.

"I put some fresh clothes in the wardrobe over there. They should fit you better. There's stuff in the bathroom for you too." Rudy explained.

"You alright in here by yourself, lass?" Soap asked, suddenly beside her.

She nodded, "Aye. I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

She looked over at Ghost who was studying her.

"I'm sure."

Alejandro stepped forward. "Rudy and I are just across the hall there. Soap and Ghost to the left of you. Price and Gaz to the right of you." He pointed in all of the directions as he spoke. "You need anything, anything, you come get one of us."

"Even if it's stupid." Gaz said earnestly, earning a punch to the arm from Price. "What? I was serious."

That earned a giggle from Flora. The whole team stared at her.

"What is it?" She said still amused.

'Nothin, lass. Nothing at all." Soap said with a soft smile before giving her a quick side hug. It was her turn to be surprised that time. As soon as he was there, he was gone again, the men all filing out of the room.

Ghost was the last one out. Leaving his hand on the handle before muttering a quiet, "Sleep well." And closing it behind him.

Flora would soon go shower and change for bed, but for a moment she simply stood there, in the center of the room. Slightly dazed.

The feeling of Soap's brief hug still lingering on her skin.

Leaving her wondering when the last time she had been hugged was.


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