Newtmas Oneshots

By iheartdylanobrien_

833 26 111

Just a bunch of Newtmas stories because we love them, I'm not sure how often this will be updated but I'll try More

Authors Note
Maybe we'll be fine after all
Sleepless nights and cold roofs
Running for your love
You made me stay
'Love can't kill' what a shitty quote

You saved me with my two favorite things

95 3 4
By iheartdylanobrien_

I have been deaf nearly my whole life, or maybe that's a bit dramatic. Six years ago, I got beaten up so badly that I slowly started to lose my ability to hear. Of course, it took time, and the nurses and doctors didn't notice it before it was too late, and I was already nearly deaf. Me and my family have tried every trick in the book, from surgery to thousands of different medicines, nothing worked.

I'm still looking for something today, but I've lost all hope. I'm only 18 and I won't be able to do things that I've dreamed of doing since I was young, like karaoke, school parties and concerts, especially concerts. I love music, and I would give everything to be able to just play a song and listen.

My whole room is filled with different types of bands and music posters in all colors, though I've tried to match the colors to the room a bit. I used to play the drums before, and I was really good at it, sometimes I joined the school band for special events, and we'd play until it was dark outside, and after that we'd go out and eat at Mcdonalds. Sometimes some guy from the band would bring a board game and we would sit and eat out chicken nuggets while playing monopoly at 1 Am in Mcdonalds.

That's probably one of the best memories I have, not to mention that I met Newt at the school band. Newt, my boyfriend of two years. He has silk blonde hair and big brown eyes; people would think he was three years younger because of his baby face and button up nose, I found it adorable.

I honestly have no idea how he could put up with me, I mean, a deaf guy? He could have anyone he wants in the world, and he chose me, sometimes I lay in bed thinking that I didn't deserve him, but he'd somehow remind me a day later that I did.

If I'm going to be honest Newt saved me, yes, I am fully aware how sappy that sounds but it's true. I was at my lowest when I met him, all I wanted was to hear. I had learned to read lips and sign language which made living a little easier, but everything still sucked.

I had liked him for a long time before he walked up to me on that Tuesday, three months later and we were dating.

It was summer and we were sitting outside, Newt suggested that we should have a picnic and of course I agreed.

We were sitting beside a little lake; the green leaf trees were surrounding us and there were flowers everywhere. It was perfectly warm and the perfect number of clouds in the sky, we had brought all types of fruits, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. I had also packed a package of pop tarts as well as some sandwiches, Newt insisted that we needed to have grapes too, so now we're sitting and eating grapes.

My head was resting on his lap as he gently combed through my brown hair with his fingers, and I bet the birds were singing.

"Are the birds singing?" I then asked, looking up at the beautiful boy over me.

"Yeah, they are" He replies with a sad smile, so I just lay there with my eyes closed, imagining bird songs and the sounds of the leaves when the wind lets them fly. Oh, how I wished I could hear right now.

Suddenly I can feel Newt shift under me, and I sit up, looking at him with a questioning look. He reaches out to his to-big-bag-to-be-normal that he insisted on taking with us, and with wide eyes I see him pull out a guitar.

At first, I was so happy that I didn't know what to do with myself, then the sadness hit, I would not be able to hear the music. He must've seen the sadness on his face as I watched the guitar, Newt was really good at playing guitar, and I would pay millions to hear it again.

"I read somewhere that some deaf people can hear music" he says with a smile, I feel how my sadness immediately replaces with butterflies, a faint blush tainted his cheeks as he placed the guitar in his lap and looked up at me "You ready? Please don't be too disappointed if it won't work.." His soft hair was hanging in his eyes as he looked up at me through his eyelashes and I couldn't help but smile, not bothering to try to hide my pink cheeks.


I could see his slim fingers takins some chords, using the other hand to play. I looked at his fingers playing for a bit before I closed my eyes, but then, slowly, slowly I started to hear some faint guitars.

By some time, it got louder, and I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I recognized the song, it was my favorite, it always has, 'boys will be bugs'.

I gulped, letting some tears fall down my cheeks, "Newt, I-I can hear ih-it" I choked out between my tears, he didn't stop playing, he just looked up at me. I could see some tears in his eyes too as they shined with pride and love.

He continued playing and I continued to cry and listen, he played my favorite song over and over, and after a while I could hear a faint humming, I'm guessing it was Newt and that just made me cry harder.

I wiped away my tears with my wrist and smiled.

After about an hour of playing he put away the guitar, of course I felt a little bit of disappointment, but I was also so grateful.

As soon as the guitar was out of the way I threw myself at Newt, wrapping him in a big hug. "I love you" I said and pulled away just to place my hands on his cheeks and pull him in, his lips meeting mine, I bet he could taste the saltness of my tears, but I don't think it mattered to him. I smiled into the kiss before we pulled away.

"I love you too Tommy" he said, and I could hear it. For the first time in two years, I could hear him, it was quiet and muffled but I could still hear him, of course I haven't got my hearing back, but I can at least hear a muffled voice that belongs to Newt and music.

Everything was so overwhelming that I just pulled him into another hug, this time more carefully.

Newt had saved me with the two things I love most in the world, him and music. 


I read somewhere that some deaf people actually can hear music or like sense it so I got this idea and wrote it!

I'm so sorry this was so short, I really wanted to make it longer but i didn't really know how to write this and how to make it longer : (

Please tell me if this somehow came out disrespectful for deaf people and i'll came sure to re-write it : )

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Words: 1,221

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