Joyous Johto Journeys

By Hambo_Again

3K 95 145

(Y/n), a boy living with his mom in Johto finally gets the chance to go out on a journey of his very own. Not... More

My First Gym Plus An Egg Within An Egg

Another New Start

1.7K 56 102
By Hambo_Again

The scene opens up with a young man laying in his bed sound asleep. But soon enough he began to stir awake. He crawled out of bed and got dressed. He walked downstairs and saw his mom sitting at the dining table drinking a cup of coffee.

She heard his footsteps and turned to greet him.

Mom:"Good morning, (Y/n)!"

(Y/n):"Morning Mom."

Mom:"Your friend Lyra was here. She was just playing hide-and-seek with her Marill. Oh! I almost forgot! Our acquaintance, Prof. Elm, was looking for you. He said he had a favor to ask of you. You know where the lab is, right?"

(Y/n):"Yeah. It's next door, right?"

Mom:"Yep! And don't forget about your bag."

She walked over and gave him his stuff before he walked out the house and embraced the warmth of the sun. As he did this a Marill bumped into him. It spun around in dizziness before a voice spoke up.

?:"There you are Marill!"

They both looked over to their right and saw Lyra.

Marill cried happily before bouncing happily over to her. Lyra giggled and waved at (Y/n) who waved back with a smile on his face. She then walked back to her house. He then made his way to the lab and stepped right in and spoke with the professor.

Elm:"Hi, (Y/n)! I've been waiting for you! Do you know anything about my research? As you know, Pokemon are carried in Poke Balls these days. But before Poke Balls were invented, people used to walk with Pokemon. Just like your friend Lyra does! Poke Balls are great because you can carry many Pokemon. In fact did you know the first recording of Poke Ball being used was in an ancient region called Hisui?"

(Y/n):"Hisui? Never heard of it."

Elm:"That's because last year on January 28, records were found with the ancient history?"

(Y/n):"That's pretty cool honestly."

Elm:"Agreed. Anyway, back to my research. Walking with Pokemon must have some advantages. It could have to do with something with how Pokemon grow or evolve... So I'm going to give you a Pokemon!"

(Y/n):"Whoa! Just right off the bat?!"

Elm:"Of course. You're an 18 year old boy so you should be more than responsible enough for one. Plus Lyra had her Marill for a few years now and she's the same age as you. What I want you to do is walk beside your Pokemon and make observations of how it behaves and acts within a battle potentially."

His computer made a noise and he went over to it and mumbled to himself.

Elm:"Hey (Y/n), I have another favor to ask you. An acquaintance of mine lives on Route 30. He makes ravings about different Pokemon findings he encounters but this seems to be the real deal. He's got an egg and I'd like you to bring it here if that's alright?"

(Y/n):"Sure thing."

Elm:"Great. Just go to the machine on my side and pick a Pokemon."

He walked over to the machine and looked at the Poke Balls. One contained Chikorita. Another held Cyndaquil and the last held Totodile. After a minute of thinking, (Y/n) reached out to grab Cyndaquil.

A/n: Sorry guys but Cyndaquil is my favorite plus he's a beast. Totodile is definitely another good candidate for a Johto playthrough (in the remakes at least). As for little old Chikorita, sorry. It's just not good at all.

He tossed the ball up and Cyndaquil was sent out. The small critter let out a yawn before looking up at (Y/n).

(Y/n):"Hey there little buddy, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you."


Elm:"Would you like to give it a nickname?"

(Y/n):"Yeah. I'll go with...Zuko."

Elm:"Excellent. And remember, Route 30 is just past Cherrygrove."

He nodded and left the lab after an aide stopped to give him a few potions. Once outside, he saw Lyra and her Marill.


She walked happily over to him and saw the Cyndaquil by his leg.

Lyra:"Oh you chose a Cyndaquil! That's a cute Pokemon you have!"

Cyndaquil cried happily and that made (Y/n) laugh.

(Y/n):"Thanks. I'm going to do my best to raise him right."

Lyra:"He's got a nice guy as his trainer so he's got nothing to worry about."

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head as Cyndaquil and Marill were playing with each other.

Lyra:"And remember that when you walk with your Pokemon, they'll become more friendly. And be sure to talk to it too! You should go show your mom."

(Y/n):"Alright. Thanks Lyra."

She smiled happily at him before waving bye to him. Marill said bye to Zuko and they went to her house. (Y/n) went to his to go show Zuko to his mom. She squealed at the sight of him and picked Zuko up off the floor and spun around with him. Cyndaquil was crying out in joy before she set him back on the floor.

Mom:"Your Pokemon is too cute! Elm gave it to you then?"

(Y/n):"Yeah. He wants me to run an errand for him."

Mom:"I see. Well it sounds important. Also your PokeGear came back from the shop."

She handed him a phone that had a blue case on it and he pocketed it.

Mom:"Your aunt called earlier."


Mom:"She says that your cousin might be thinking of moving over to Unova."

(Y/n):"Isn't he still too young for that?"

Mom:"Well once he hits 18 he'll head on over there."

(Y/n):"Oh gotcha."

Mom:"Well run along now dear. You don't want to keep the professor waiting."

He nodded and walked out the house with Zuko at his side. He passed by the lab and Elm came out running to register his number in (Y/n)'s PokeGear. With that done, (Y/n) began to venture forth to Mr. Pokemon's house. He and Zuko fought the wild Pokemon on Route 29 and he reached level 6.

They arrived to Cherrygrove City where and old man walked around with them to show off the Pokemon Center, the Pokemon Mart, and the sea.

Old man:"You know young man you should start running more. Taking a walk is good and all but you have all that vigor so go out and enjoy life!"

(Y/n) shrugged to himself before deciding to start running around instead of just merely walking. Before he could leave the city, the old man came back and installed the map app to his PokeGear. So (Y/n) kept going and made it to Route 30.

Zuko was getting more and more experience before he reached level 7 and then level 8 by the time they reached Mr. Pokemon's house. He healed up Zuko and gave (Y/n) the mystery egg. He also got to meet Prof. Oak who gave him a Pokedex. Oak then went on to leave for Goldenrod City for his radio show.

(Y/n) stepped out the house and his PokeGear was ringing.

(Y/n):"(Y/n) speaking."

Elm:"(Y/n)!!! It's a nightmare! That boy! He- he! Just get to the lab quick!"

(Y/n) had to pull the phone away from his ear and looked confused before Elm decided to hang up. (Y/n) looked at Zuko who tilted his head before they ran back to the lab.

They were exiting Cherrygrove City when some red head blocked (Y/n)'s path.

?:"You got a Pokemon at the lab? What a waste. That's a Pokemon that's too good for a wimp like you."

(Y/n):"Huh? Bro what are you waffling about?"

?:"Don't you get what I'm saying? Well, I too have a good Pokemon. I'll show you what I mean!"

The passerby boy sent out a Totodile as (Y/n) sent Zuko out.

(Y/n):"Zuko, use Tackle!"

Zuko cried out before charging into Totodile.

?:"Use Scratch!"

Totodile retaliated with a scratch attack and the boy held a smug smirk.

(Y/n):"Tackle again!"

Zuko attacked once again and brought Totodile to just about half his health.

?:"Hmph! You're doing okay... For someone weak! Leer!"

Totodile tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow at Zuko and lowered his defense somehow.

(Y/n):"Another Tackle!"

Zuko attacked once more and nearly brought down Totodile. Who in turn used another Leer. Zuko used one last Tackle and won the match.

?:"Hmph! Are you happy you won?"

(Y/n):"I guess? Still don't know who you are, exactly."

?:"You want to know who I am?"

(Y/n):"That would be helpful, yes."

?:"I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer. Move it, bub!"

He shoved (Y/n) out the way and began storming off when (Y/n) noticed his trainer card. He picked it up and saw a whole list of names that have been crossed out.

(Y/n):"What the? What's with all the names? Let's see... We got Shadow, Darkon, Dragozaur, Killthunder, Rush Steel, Max Rush, Sex Haver, Bloodborne the XV. Holy Arceus, all these names are just generic "cool" guy names. But the first name on here is... Silver."

Silver:"Hey! That's my trainer card! Shit! You saw my name!"

He swiped the card out his hands and ran away. (Y/n) just looked at him with a weird face before running back to the lab. He got there and saw a police officer with Elm.

Cop:"Who are you? Can't you see I'm investigating the missing Pokemon case? Wait. Rule number one: "Whoever did it will come back to the site." Oh my... So you must be...the one who did it?"

?:"Hold it!"

Lyra burst into the lab and ran right up to the cop.

Lyra:"Hold it! He has nothing to do with it! I saw it. There was a red-haired boy looking into the building!"

(Y/n):"Yeah! And I battled that guy just now!"

He looked at me then at Lyra then back to me.

Cop:"So you battled him then? What was his name?"

(Y/n):"His name? His name was Pokemon Soul Silver for the Nintendo DS."

Take 2:

(Y/n):"His name? His name is Silver."

Cop:"I see. Thank you for this information. I shall continue my investigation."

With that done, he left and was never able to catch Silver at all. Because in the Pokemon world, a kid with a rat can do much better than any adult with a fire dog.

(Y/n):"Thanks for looking out for me Lyra."

Lyra:"Of course. I'll always be on your side no matter what!"

She gave him a hug which caught him by surprise as she pressed her large breasts against his chest. She giggled at his blushing face before heading home.

(Y/n) showed off the egg to Elm who was surprised before telling (Y/n) he should challenge the gyms. (Y/n) went to tell his mom and she was surprised but hugged him and told him she'd be rooting for him all the way.

This was merely the first step in (Y/n)'s grand adventure. What will happen to him? Only time will tell.

Don't turn off the power.

A/n: Howdy trainers, so I decided to make another Pokemon story this time based off the Gen 2 remakes Heart Gold and Soul Silver. These games were my introduction to Pokemon and I fell in love then and there. A lot of people will agree in that these are some of the best that Pokemon has to offer.

And a little disclaimer, I'm making this using updated moves and type matchups and things like that. So imagine if they made another Johto game like Let's Go Pichu and Let's Go Marill or something like that lmao.

Comment here for your team suggestions. I want to use Heracross and Togekiss but I'll leave it up to you guys to decide. While Togekiss isn't in the Dex they should do what ORAS did with Gallade and Froslass and make them part of the regional dex. Which is what I'm going to do. Same with Gliscor and Weavile and Mamoswine. So leave me a team list you'd like to see and I'll follow through with one or use Pokemon I see multiple suggestions for

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