BLOODYSONG , Joel Miller

By Stormivied

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ACT I, The All Darkness
I. Just a bad past
II. Fucking QZ
IV. Don't let the pain win
V. Bill and Frank
VI. Killa City

III. The museum

284 8 1
By Stormivied

When they had found a place to rest Ellie was installed in the center on small green moss that had grown over the years. Lara was sitting against a piece of furniture in the corner of the room positioned well enough for the woman to keep an eye on the teenager. After that, the Smith woman took more than three or four to fall asleep for fear that Joel or Tess would kill the kid in her sleep, but in the end she couldn't resist any longer; let her pass overwhelm her in a place where she should normally be peaceful.

When the brunette had woken up she had seen the two smugglers sitting on the steps of the building, their weapons drawn and their eyes riveted on the still sleeping Ellie; so the woman quickly turned her gaze on the little brunette out of fear but she relaxed when she saw her breathe. The woman stood up, stretching her arms to relax her aching back. A few minutes later it was Ellie's turn to wake up with a frown when she saw the two smugglers. "Morning. The little one then wanted to get up but Joel moved his gun ready to aim at her.

Lara observed the situation by taking two steps forward ready to intervene but she preferred to leave the young girl first if she was to take it alone.

So Ellie is sitting on the greenery and watching the two adults and then watching Lara a little further.

"Do I look like I'm infected !"

The Miller man deepened the line between his eyebrows : « Show us your arm ! »

Lara desperately shook her head complaining about the girl he was forcing to do this, so she rolled up her sleeve to reveal her long-healed bite.

"Yeah, it's not getting any worse, is it ?"

The two smugglers looked at each other and Ellie resumed "If we're out in the open city, why aren't we getting swarmed ?"

The man answered without taking his eyes off his friend. « Dont worry about that. »

Lara shook her head and took a few more steps to speak for the first time.

« It's not really like this !»

Tess staring at the young woman then the young girl on the ground. "What was Marlène doing with an infected kid ?"

This question compelled the Smith woman to intervene: "Don't answer !

« She found me after I was bitten. » the brunette to slap her hand on her head.

"And she didn't shoot you ?" Ask Joel.

"Clearly not." The insistent looks of the two adults forced the young girl to resume : "She locked me up and had her guys test me every days to see if I was getting sick."

"Test you how ?" Ask Tess.

Lara answered for the girl "We make her count to 10 and hold out her hand and keep it steady-"

Ellie cut the woman : "But you know I think what really impressed them was the fact that I didn't turn into a fucking monster ! Now can I please ?" The teenager got up and Joel did it in turn.

« Really ? » Lara asked, the man didn't bother to answer and keep his eyes on the girl.

« Fine. Back there. You can find a spot !" Nodded Tess, throwing a magazine at the brunette : "Tear out a few pages."

Ellie pursed her lips and turned on her heels. "There's not gonna be anything bad in here ?"

Joel couldn't resist answering "Just you."

"Oh, funny !"

From the moment the teenager had left the room Joel sat down and stared at her hand resulting in an outpouring of pity from the Smith woman. "Broken."

"Maybe a hairline. It'll heal fast."

Lara and go back to her bag and pull out a bandaid which she throws at Joel's foot. The man looked up in surprise and she just as quickly replied,

"I need your hands to be functional when you're protecting the little one !"

The man didn't answer and just bandaged his hand as Tess said: "She made it though the fuckin' night Joel !"

"I doesn't matter. It's gonna happen sooner or later. All right? We're still close to the wall."

Lara takes a deep breath so as not to get upset: "No, that won't happen, it's been three fucking weeks !"

"We sneak her back into the QZ. We find a different way to get the battery ! »

The brunette turned her back and ran a hand over her face, biting her lower lip as Tess defended the child's cause. « This is our best shot. We take her back the QZ, someone's gonna notice her arm, they're gonna scan her, then they'll kill here."

Joel shaking his head in turn: "We'll. Better them then us. You need to stop talkin' about this kid like she's got some kinda life in front of her."

Lara cringed. "She's have the life in the front of her !"

The Miller man squinted at his former friend. "No, not in-" he stopped when he saw Ellie coming back towards them.

Luckily the kid had arrived because Lara felt her fist itch strangely at that moment. The teenager swung the magazine at Tess's feet and it was sitting on the stretched moss that the older woman asked : « You hungry ? You can share some of ours. »

"Tanks. Marlene sent me with my own."
Then the teenager reached into her bag and threw Lara a white package which she caught on the fly.

« What is it ? »

Ellie didn't answer and just ate her sandwich so the woman sat next to Tess opening the package which revealed a sandwich. The woman's face was filled with surprise and she took a bite of the food, the amazing taste of the chicken came to caress her gustatory grandpas and she smiled remembering the taste she had almost forgotten.

« Is that chicken ?" Ask the older woman.

"Yeah. Marlene said they get it from smugglers. Guess not your guys !"

Tess lifted the stairs and walked up to the girl. « Why are you so important to Marlene ? And don't lie to me or we'll take you back .»

Lara rose in turn in a long and deep sigh, she was tired of having to fight for them to stop their interrogation. "Don't you just want to leave her ?"

They just ignored her and she huffed. « You take me back. You don't get your battery. And Lara is here so... »

The older woman mock laughed. "You heard that ? Then you must've heard that we wants to shoot you."

She looked at Joel and the fear read in her eyes and seeing no response from him the Smith woman interjected, "That either you can't..."

Ellie smiled slightly but when Tess was downcast at his level the latter has disappeared. « I gonna talk to you like you're an adult. Okay ? Joel and I aren't good people. We're doin this for us, because apparently. You're worth something. But we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have. So answer my question."

The teenager pinched the bridge of her nose and looked up at the woman further away who nodded at her to prompt her to speak. "She told me not to tell anybody, and now I'm telling the fist people that I see. They're a Firefly base camp somewhere out west, with doctors. They're working on a cure "

Joel intervened : « I've heard this before- « And whatever happened to me is the key to finding the vaccine. »

"That's what this is ? We've heard this a million times. Vaccine, miracle cures. None of it's works. Ever !"

Ellie stood up angrily and looked Joel straight in the eye. "Fuck you man ! I didn't ask for this. »

"You and le both ! This isn't gonna end well. Tess. We need to go back. "

The Smith woman crossing her arms over her chest. " That could work ! But if you don't want to, fine go back to QZ ! I would go alone."

Tess is up. « I'm agree Let's just finish it. It doesn't matter if she is or she isn't what the Fireflies say. If they believe that she is then, we get what we want.»

The two smugglers looked at Ellie as Lara slung her bag over her shoulder. "If she so much as twitches."

Ellie imitated infected and the woman who accompanied her smiled in a twinge of lips.

« Don't !" Blown Tess towards the girl who cleared her throat and ran a hand to the back of her neck : "Okay." They finally all took their bags and Joel took his gun.

« Can I have a gun ? » the two women exclaimed at the same time : « No ! »

« Okay, Jesus fine. I'll have to throw a fucking sandwich at them !"

The Smith woman and Ellie stand by as they leave the building in silence. The teenager stared at the city amazed by what she saw. They moved forward and Ellie leaned over a crater with her eyes wide open.

« It's like a fucked-up moon. Is this where they bombed ? »

"Yeah, is here !" Lara asserted turning on her heels forcing the others to resume their journey with her.


Later the group walked over a bridge, Tess and Ellie were in the front Joel was behind them and Lara brought up the rear, her hand on her gun in her belt ready to take down any infected. The woman watched the duo in front of a smile on her lips, happy to see that the two girls were finally getting along well, then she took her bottle of water out of her bag and brought it to her mouth, drinking the last drops that remained there. .

"Shit ! Really ?" She was whispering as she swung her car into a car with the window open and when she turned her head her gaze caught Joel's, a shiver ran through her body and he handed her his bottle. The brunette narrowed her eyes and an angry smile tugged her lips before she passed the man, shaking her head. "Fucking asshole !"

The brunette skillfully climbed over a car to join Tess and Ellie, casting a discreet glance behind in a slight surge of guilt because of her wickedness. Once they were friends, even more so before she decided to leave when Joel's words had managed to overcome the violence of his father's blows. She had come to appreciate the man over the years they had been together; until for God knows what reason he had preferred to put a barrier between them in the worst way possible.

When the words of Joel Miller came again suddenly hit Lara a tingling sensation in her heart that she knew only too well and appeared, so she shook her head and put on her mask which had fallen off for a second. . The woman let her hard gaze roam the bridge filled with greenery.

"Everyone said the open city was crazy. Like swarms of infected running everywhere "

Joel curled the corner of his lips into a discreet smile and replied "Not exactly like that !"

Tess smiled back "You know, people like to tell stories."

Ellie frowned in confusion: "So, there aren't super-infected that explode fungus spores on you ?"

Lara quickened her pace to let the group do the talking as she isolated herself a little more.

« Shit. I hope not."

The group kept moving forward when the scream of a clicker forced them to stop. « What was that ? »

« Let's keep movin' !» To declare Joel understanding that they were not safe. So they continued to move at a faster pace with Lara still in the lead and Joel now bringing up the rear.

The small group of four walked to a hotel, water completely filled the ground and because of the broken roof the rainwater continued to enter the basin. The Smith woman advanced to the green water in which a few ducks were swimming, then she pulled out her gun and went down the steps followed by Tess.

"What are you waiting for Ellie?" asked the brunette, not saw her enter

"Oh... Well, I don't know how swim !"

The woman pursed her lips and was about to respond when the man Miller cut her off « Seriously ? » Did he ask before jumping into the water, demonstrating that she didn't need to swim.

« I don't no how I was supposed to know that !" The teenager carefully descended into the water and Lara turned in her direction. "Be careful !"

Ellie smile "Promis, mom."

The woman shook her head and continued to move forward while the young girl was having fun near the reception desk; suddenly she screamed forcing the three adults to point their guns in her direction.

"Are you okay ?" Ask the Smith women. "I think ?"

They quickly crossed the basin and arrived in an adjacent room they bridged the stairs to reach a second completely dilapidated room. The paint was peeling and mold had formed on the walls. "Holy shit !" Blown Tess catching her breath as Elle scoffed

"Come on. It wasn't that bad !"

"You try crimping ten fuckin' floors with our knees. See how ya feel ! "

Lara moved Ellie past her to keep an eye on her before following the others through the dark hallway and then they tried to open two doors but to no avail they were both blocked. Tess turned to you completely collapsed on the floor and she said: "All right. Well, I mean maybe I could climb up there? Work my way around, and open it from the inside ? »

"No, I'm the smallest, so it'd be easier for me to get through."

Lara It is turned in the direction of the young girl. "No, you stay here!"

Tess agreeing with that, she turned in Joel's direction. "Can you give me a hand ?"

The man put his hands together so that his friend could put her foot in them and then helped him up. "You good up there?"

"Yeah it's a bite of mess, so I'm gonna need a few minutes!"

Ellie is sitting on the ground while Joel settles on a bench. A long silence reigned before Lara broke it into a curse when water stagnated him and fell on his face. "Fuck you !"

"What happens ?"Ask the teenager.

"Nothing, just a water."

Silence resumed in the room as she fiddled with her gun's magazine, her back against the damp, dirty wall. Ellie playing with her knife attracting Joel's intention: "Where did you learn to do that ?"

"Circus !" A sneer to leave the lips of the brunette further. "Where are you from ?" Ask the young girl.

« Texas."

"And Tess?"

"Detroit it's in Michigan."

The brunette almost felt offended by the man's last word. "I go to school. I know where Detroit is... And you Lara ?"

Concerned her raised her head from her gun and raised her eyebrows not having paid attention to the conversation. "Where are you from !"

The woman clenched her gun in her hands until her knuckles turned white, she hated to reminisce about her life before all of this. "It's not important !"

"Come on please !" Is just a question, Joel answers why not you ? »

"Me and Joel, we're two different people..." Hissed the brunette "But I'm the Chicago."

"That's cool ! So Joel, you two like-"


The Smith woman shook her head at the man's obvious unwillingness but she couldn't blame either, she had just as well refused to answer Ellie.

"How'd you end up in Boston?"


Lara couldn't help but intervene. "Again really?"

The man deepened the line between his eyebrows, growling. "When you don't talk it's better !"

The brunette is taking off from the wall and pushing the magazine into her weapon "Fuck you man ! It's not up to you to hate me I remind you, I'm not the bad guy in the story !»

Joel stood up ready to speak but Tess opened the door with a creak and everyone turned in her direction. Lara and walk past as usual, her points and jaw clenched as she hung her gun on her belt. "Ellie walks past !"

« I'm coming ! » The teenager trotted over to the woman as Tess came up to them and pushed a plastic sheet that concealed the balcony access.

The girl walked up to the balcony railing and leaned over seeing the group of death that was on the ground trying desperately to move.

"I haven't asked you yet what happened to your face ?" Tess asked in the direction of her friend.

"Just a little bump on the head, nothing serious !"

the older woman shook her head from side to side as she understood a little better. "Did you stand up to them again ?"

A smile stretched the lips of the Smith woman. "Maybe. »

Ellie ended up speaking in a small voice as she was surprised at the number of clickers. « There's so many. »

"The last time we were here, they were still deep inside the building. Then I guess enough people came through looking for the QZ they went inside seeking shelter, and that's how they get more and more of the city bit by bit, year after year."

Ellie staring a little longer at the surprised and frightened ports: "They're connected ?"

« Yes he is." answered Lara.

"More than you know. The fungus also grows underground, longue fibers like wires, some of them stretching over a mile. Now you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place, and you can wake a dozen infected from somewhere else. Now they know where are, now they come. You're not immune from being ripped apart. You understand ?"

Ellie staring at Tes slightly scared but she too put her mask back on. "You scare her !" Smile Lara.

"So we're not goin' that way."

Tess and stay staring as you answer."No."

"What do we do then ? Short way ?"

The three adults looked at each other and the Smith woman's blood froze in her veins. "Museum."

Lara clicked her tongue against her puck, closing her eyes, very happy with this news.


When the small group arrived in front of the museum Lara felt her hair stand on end as shivers ran down her spine, she had been in the museum only once and it had been by far the most nerve-wracking place she had been in. to go. But the lump that had formed in his stomach at the entrance of the building was intensified when they entered it. The woman had not removed her hand for a single second from her weapon, too reassured to be in this excruciatingly agonizing place; but she was able to relax a little knowing that no clicker was present at least... according to Joel.

The woman held her flashlight in her hand and was careful never to let go since she was her only source of light, but she also had to watch over Ellie, who was under no circumstances to leave her and the rest of the group.

"Oh shit!» The girl swore when she saw a body on the ground.

The brunette at her side pulled her behind her to get her away from the corpse. "I told you not to walk away and when I say that Ellie I mean it !"

The teenager rolled her eyes and threw her hands up. "Sorry, mom Lara !"

"And don't call me like that !"

Ellie laughed but it was soon quiet when Tess' shaky voice rang out. "Maybe, maybe he was attacked outside, and crawled though the doors. The doors was open. Could've been him. I don't hear anything."

Ellie staring at the three adults. "Who would you hear ? Are you saying infected did that? Because I've been attacked by one and it wasn't like that."

Joel tightened his grip around his gun and spoke, "Okay, from this point forward, we are silent. Not quiet. Silent ."


"No question. Just do it !"

Joel and Tess turned away and Lara looked at the teenager beside her. "All the more reason not to walk away, okay ?"

Ellie nodded before they followed the rest of the group upstairs. Lara took out her butterfly knife so as not to be too noisy in case several infected were present. When Ellie walked on a step that was a little too fragile, a ton of dust fell on them with an excruciating squeaking noise. The Killer man staring at the girl with wide eyes before they resumed. Joel to point his light at the ground so as not to step on one of the roots. Ellie walked on a vine that creaked under her weight and this time she got the glares of Joel and Lara.

The Smith woman clutched her knife tightly as they entered a second room where several glass cases were arranged. Joel to make sure to light the room well before they sink into it. Only, hardly had they entered that the wall collapsed on the other side of the room, preventing them from leaving. "Shit !" Swore Lara before going down to help Tess get up. The woman dusted her off but to stop all movement when a scream rang out, Joel and Tess pointed their guns in front of them while Lara held Ellie's hand.

The group retreated without turning their backs and hid behind a window in the hope of not being spotted; the man pressing his finger to his lips asking for silence from the group as the clicker was right behind them. Ellie closed her eyes and tightened her grip on the brunette's hand. Suddenly the clicker turned in their direction and a scream before Joel shot him with his automatic weapon. A second clicker and come running as Tess tried to shoot her but to no avail, so Lara pushed Ellie and her friend to get away before the monster chased them.

The woman ran to help Ellie when she saw her sneaking under the table she started screaming to distract the monster as Tess ran away.

"Hey ! Here ! I'm here fucking asshole !"

The monster turned and screamed as Lara ran in the opposite direction, her heart pounding against her ribcage ready to burst out. The brunette turned at an intersection when her arm was firmly gripped and she was pulled behind a window she struggled ready to stick her knife in the beast's head when a hand came over her mouth. and that she realized who it was.

The beast screamed again as Joel let Lara back a few inches, but they were close enough for their breaths to mingle. The clicker and go to the other side of the display case and Lara raised her knife ready to attack. Joel motioned to the brunette to follow him and they crouched behind a small piece of furniture without taking their eyes off the monster.

The couple continued to advance discreetly and joined Ellie behind a piece of furniture beckoning her to join them, they continued to walk all three squatting when Joel stepped on a piece of glass. The trio is stopped but before they can make the slightest movement the clicker is thrown on Ellie then on Joel. Lara stuck her knife in the monster's skull but he got up, the weapon still in his skull before throwing it at the woman. The brunette's body hit the ground hard as she moaned and held the beast away from her, she put an arm under the clicker's throat to keep him at bay then she tried to grab his pistol at her belt but every time; the monster approached a little closer to her.

Lara eventually redirected her hand to the clicker's head to drive the knife deeper into it, but the fungus around her head prevented the woman from killing him. The monster was ready to bite the woman when a shot rang out, blood splattering the brunette's pale face and the clicker falling on her. She quickly pushed the beast's body out of her and caught her breath when a hand rose above her watching her and the man.

« Shit ! » What was she thinking before accepting the man's help « Tanks. » she had finally thanked.

The brunette retrieved her gun from the clicker's head and wiped the blood off her clothes when a scream echoed from the other end of the hallway. Lara pulled Ellie behind her and pulled her pistol from her belt almost emptying its magazine on the monster at the same time as Joel. But Tess came running and brutally drove an ax into the monster's head, which fell to the ground.

« You alright ? » ask Joel of Tess.

« Twisted ankle, but yeah. » the woman turned towards Lara « Thanks, for the clicker you know... »

"That's what friends do, I guess ?"

Ellie has rolled up her sleeve revealing a new fresh bite still full of blood so she's full : "You fucking kidding me !? I mean, if it was gonna happened to one of us."

Tess intervened"Hey, lest get the fuck outta here !"

Quickly the small group went up on the roof through a window, Tess sat down and Joel bandaged his foot with tape while Lara and Ellie observed the piece of wood that served as a bridge.

« Over there ? » Ask the teenager.

"Yeah. I know. It's look scary." Answer Joel.

"That was scary. This is wood."

Lara is to move forward a few steps and observe the void but it is also quickly removed when images that she wanted to forget paraded before her eyes. Joel had finally joined Ellie and Tess had imitated him a few minutes later as Lara was unable to shake the bad memories from her head.

"Lara are you coming ?" Ellie asked.

The woman lifted her head and dug her nails into his skin reopening his barely healed wounds. She took a long, deep breath to not let her fear show, then she slowly climbed onto the board, her limbs shaking slightly under the gaze of the two other adults. Lara's breathing stopped the time she crossed the bridge and when she had jumped on the other side she immediately put back her mask of confidence and cold girl.

« C'mon, let's get there before it's dark!" Tess ordered taking the lead quickly followed by Lara, Ellie and Joel.

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