Two Worlds Collided & They Co...

By Wysteriaz

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You somehow end up lost in Japan, having little to no memory of your life before, or any understanding of the... More

Story Playlist
The Beginning - 始まり
Demons and Demon Slayers, Oh My! - 悪魔と悪魔のスレイヤー、オーマイ!
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - 一歩進んで二歩下がる
Mount Natagumo: Part 1 - 那田蜘蛛山 前編
Mount Natagumo: Part 2 - 那田蜘蛛山 後編
Hope - 希望
The Weeks of Hell - 地獄の数週間
Practice Makes Perfect - 練習は完璧を作る
Change - 変化
Prove Thyself - 汝自身を証明せよ
Demon Slayer - 鬼滅の刃
Overcoming Trials and Tribulations - 試練や艱難を乗り越える
The Mugen Train: Part 1 - 無限列車
Update | The Mugen Train: Part 2 - 無限列車 (COMING SOON!)

Tales of Translation and Turmoil - 翻訳と混乱の物語 Summary:

530 25 31
By Wysteriaz

Life is about to get much more interesting! You meet some of the Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps and begin to get acquainted with the man—Tengen Uzui—who has offered to speak with you and help translate things, while you try to figure out how you got here, but it doesn't seem like you're going to get very far.

At least for now...

And the boys, well... not much has changed. The shenanigans continue as Zenitsu and Inosuke still bump heads and Tanjiro tries his hardest to keep a semblance of peace between your rag-tag group.

Fun times for everyone!

You follow Tanjiro through the halls, maintaining a comfortable silence by his side. Normally warm and cheerful, his expression is now blank, albeit relaxed with a hint of fatigue. It appears he's not leading you anywhere specific, simply enjoying a leisurely stroll. And you're perfectly content with that; exploring this place with Tanjiro, the most composed of your friends, feels reassuring. His quiet and mindful demeanor promises safety, a welcome contrast to the potential chaos that Inosuke or Zenitsu might incite if they were leading the way.

Though their current immobility is not exactly ideal—resulting from the injuries sustained on the mountain—it does offer a temporary reprieve from their usual antics. Inosuke's near-fatal encounter with the demon, vividly etched in your memory, left you shaken. His back, adorned with yellow and purple bruises from the impact of being thrown against a tree, and the marks along his neck from the demon's grip, serve as haunting reminders of the perilous journey. And while he's showing signs of recovery, it's obvious that the pain still lingers.

And Tanjiro's body bears the scars of battle, slashes criss-crossing his arms and torso, with a particularly prominent one tracing his cheek. These wounds, absent during your time together on the mountain, hint at the trials he faced elsewhere when your group had gotten separated. His movements betray the discomfort caused by deeper cuts, his cautious demeanor a testament to the lingering pain that he also feels.

As for Zenitsu, his limbs bear the brunt of the ordeal, mangled and marked with small punctures. Despite his pale, sickly appearance, signs of healing offer a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom. While his injuries may be less severe than the others, your sympathy for his suffering remains unwavering.

In this world of demons and danger, pain and injury are inevitable companions. The specter of death looms ominously, a constant source of fear and dread. Yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of resilience burns within each of them, a reminder of their unwavering determination to endure, no matter the cost. You're grappling with questions about Demon Slayers and their motives. After narrowly escaping death at the hands of demons yourself, you can't help but wonder: are all demons inherently malevolent, seeking only to harm innocent humans? How pervasive is their existence, and how many are out there? Do many people even know of their existence?

The idea of joining the ranks of the Demon Slayers also begins to flicker in your mind. The desire to contribute, to help combat these otherworldly threats, simmers within you.

But how could you possibly assist in such a dangerous pursuit?

Lost in thought, you walk alongside Tanjiro, your gaze fixed on the ground. He senses your unease, his brow furrowing as he catches your scent. Before he can inquire, your attention is drawn to four figures ahead, including the recognizable Shinobu. Recognizing her, your eyes widen, and anticipation mingles with nervousness at the prospect of meeting new people. Though the initial anxiety lingers, it begins to dissipate as you realize that at least one of them will be able to communicate with you. As they approach, you subtly wipe your clammy palms along your sides, inching closer with Tanjiro faithfully at your side.

Shinobu's greeting breaks the silence. "Good afternoon! I've brought some of the other Hashira, and they have offered to help."

Your voice trembles as you respond, barely audible. "Good afternoon. It's n-nice to meet you all..."

Despite your quietness, they seem unfazed. One woman beams with joy, barely containing her excitement, while the genial expressions of the two men put you at ease, alleviating any fears of imposition.

"Pleasure's all mine," one of the men declares with a charming grin. "Name's Tengen Uzui, and I'll be your main point of contact. You can just call me Tengen, The God of Festivals, or Uzui—whatever floats your boat."

You attempt a small wave before remembering the etiquette, hastily bowing as you mumble a greeting. The man, evidently amused, dismisses the faux pas with a wave of his hand, ready to continue the conversation. However, he's swiftly interrupted by Mitsuri, who steps forward with earnest effort to communicate.

"Hello, it's... um, nice to meet you! What's your name?"

"I'm Y/n... and you?"

"Oh, what a lovely name! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji! You can call me Mitsuri, or whatever you like!"

You nod and smile warmly, touched by her sincerity and willingness to connect. Your heart swells with gratitude for this opportunity to converse and understand each other. Yet, your reverie is interrupted by the next man, his fiery hair and intense gaze commanding attention as he approaches with exuberance.

"Oaidekiteureshīdesu! Rengoku KyōJūrōdesu! Watashi wa eigo ga amari tokuide wa arimasenga, yorokonde otetsudai shimasu!"

His proximity catches you off guard, but you hold your ground, smiling as you glance behind him to Uzui, who wears a deadpan expression.

"He said it's nice to meet you! His name is Kyojuro Rengoku. Although he's not fluent in English, he's eager to assist."

You nod in understanding, but before Uzui can continue, Kyojuro interjects once more, prompting an amused reaction from Uzui. He explains the interruption with a mix of annoyance and humor, translating Kyojuro's comment about your voice being soft but pleasant, reassuring you that there's no need to fear speaking up. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment, and you instinctively duck your head with a shy smile, giggles bubbling in your throat. Tanjiro, standing beside you, is taken aback by the sudden change in your scent. Where it was once somewhat stale, it now carries a faintly sweet, almost citrusy aroma. It triggers a memory for him, reminiscent of the scent he'd noticed around girls in his village when they were with someone they liked.

His realization dawns slowly, realizing the potential source of your newfound nervousness. Observing your flushed face, Tanjiro can't help but marvel at your display of emotions. He's never seen you look so flustered, and for a moment, he worries if you're even breathing properly.

"O-Oh, okay, thank you..." you manage to squeak out, trying to maintain composure under Kyojuro's intense gaze and infectious grin.

Uzui steps in to translate, and Kyojuro straightens himself up, looking pleased with the interaction as he steps back with arms crossed. Your embarrassment mixes with a sense of flattery as you struggle to meet his gaze. His compliment about your voice only adds to your awkwardness, though you appreciate the gesture. Unable to bear the intensity of the moment, you find yourself unable to look directly at Kyojuro, his good looks and confident demeanor proving to be overwhelming. And it's not just him—all of them seem equally impressive, both in appearance and demeanor. You steal a quick glance at Tanjiro, hoping that a familiar face would ease your nerves, but you quickly avert your eyes, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over you again.

Oh dear...

How have you managed to keep it together until now without completely stumbling over your words? When you first met Tanjiro, you were preoccupied with more pressing matters, but you couldn't deny his undeniable attractiveness. His sweet smile and soft, soothing voice seemed to radiate innocence and purity—like a ray of sunshine in human form. It was almost unfair how perfect he seemed. And then there was Inosuke—outrageously pretty in a way that fascinated you to no end. His rough demeanor and deep voice contrasted sharply with his delicate features, creating an enigmatic allure that left you utterly perplexed. Zenitsu, on the other hand, exuded a boyish charm with his cute smile and energetic voice, which, when not screaming, was actually quite pleasant. His voice could shift from high-pitched and animated to a surprisingly deep baritone, adding to his unique charm.

Now, these new arrivals, identifying themselves as 'Hashira' of the Demon Slayer Corps, only intensify the sensory overload, their godly appearances and commanding voices adding to the internal chaos.

Everyone that you've come into contact with, are quite frankly, very attractive in their own ways. And now that you have a moment of peace, and can really observe people up close, you can't seem to notice anything but that. Before you can spiral further into your thoughts, a loud pounding sound from behind signals the arrival of Zenitsu and Inosuke.

Zenitsu skids to a stop, grabbing your hand and holding it to his chest in a dramatic display of concern. "Y/n-chaaaaaaaan! Are you okay?!"

"Hey, what's with yelling at me for touching her, when you're the one constantly throwing yourself at her?!" Inosuke charges forward and smacks Zenitsu's hand away, his tone defiant. "Seems like you just want to be the only one allowed to touch her, well, I got news for you! You're not the only one who can do that, I can and will touch her too!"

Tengen smirks suggestively, while Shinobu rolls her eyes at him, and Kyojuro simply lifts a brow. Mitsuri giggles and blushes, her reaction adding to the tension in the air.

"Guys, please! Behave yourselves, you're in the presence of the Hashira!" Tanjiro swiftly rebukes. "And remember, you can't—"

"N-No! You don't know what you're talking about! I don't throw myself at her! And don't make it sound so weird, you pig!!" Zenitsu's retort is sharp, his frustration evident.

Inosuke lowers his head, seemingly ready to charge at Zenitsu, but he restrains himself, glaring instead. "Yeah, you do! You're all over her and it's really annoying!"

"Nuh-uh! What's it to you, anyways, huh?! Last time I checked, you don't even like her!"

"I already told you that I did! What's that got to do with it?!"

"Not like that, you idiot! I meant like... as in romantic feelings!"

"What the hell is romantic?!" Inosuke's confusion only adds to the chaos of the situation.

Tanjiro, noticing the change in Zenitsu's scent and feeling a sense of concern, pulls you away from the chaotic scene with an irritated scowl on his face. He's worried about his friend's burgeoning feelings for you, not because Zenitsu is a bad guy, but because he can be overwhelming and prone to misunderstandings. Without a shared language between you two, communication could be challenging, potentially leading to hurt feelings and damaged relationships.

Tanjiro is torn—he wants to protect his friends from potential heartache, but he's unsure if it's his place to intervene.

As he leads you away, Tanjiro grapples with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he recognizes that you may only be with them temporarily, on a quest to fulfill your own objectives. The thought of losing you saddens him deeply, as you've quickly become an integral part of his newfound happiness, alongside Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. He cherishes the sense of family and friendship you've all built together, and the idea of losing that is almost unbearable.

However, he's also aware of the selfishness in his desire to keep things as they are.

He knows he must be prepared to let you (or any of the others) go if that's what you ultimately decide. Despite this inner conflict, he can't help but hold on to the hope that things will remain unchanged. You're about to inquire about the situation, anticipating a response now that there's someone to translate, but your translator appears just as entangled in the predicament.

Tengen chuckles in his signature comedic manner as he strolls over to them, draping his arms over their shoulders with a smirk. "Well, well, sounds like you lads are tangled up in some romantic woes. Today's your lucky day. I happen to be an expert on matters of the heart, so pay close attention!"

Inosuke bristles and forcibly shoves Tengen's arm away, dodging under it to distance himself, while Zenitsu gazes up at him with wide-eyed wonder.


"To catch your lady's eye, you've got to be bold! Flaunt your charms with flair, understood?"

"What in the world is 'wooing', and why is it my responsibility?! Can't she do it herself?"

"Shut up, Inosuke, this doesn't concern you!" Zenitsu snaps before turning his attention back to the Hashira. "How do I woo her?! Tell me!!"

Mitsuri bounds over, gushing over the topic at hand. "Oh, whatever you do, it has to be from the heart! Sweep her off her feet and show her that you care," she says wistfully.

"Sweep her off her feet? I-I can do that! And what—"

Inosuke suddenly breaks out into a yell and charges toward you and Tanjiro, causing both of you to shriek, but he doesn't stop until he rams right into Tanjiro, sending him falling back.

Inosuke swiftly picks you up and cackles victoriously as he parades you around. "Look, I swept her off her feet before you, Monichi! See, I can do anything you guys can do—and better!"

"Inosuke, be careful!" Tanjiro quickly stands up, attempting to grab both of you. "You'll hurt yourself and Y/n-san!"

"AAAAAGH!! PUT HER DOWN!!!" Zenitsu flips out.

Inosuke hoists you over his shoulder just like the first time he did in the woods, and then he dashes down the hall at breakneck speed. Zenitsu flings himself after you, while Tanjiro, visibly agitated, follows suit. Shinobu, though smiling outwardly, betrays a hint of irritation in her eyes. This wasn't how she envisioned this meeting with the Hashira. She knows they could easily catch up, but the frivolity of chasing after lower-ranked slayers who were behaving like children didn't sit well with her. With a sigh, she's about to intervene, but Tengen reassures her, urging her to go about her business while he keeps an eye on the situation. Mitsuri adds to this, assuring Shinobu that everything will be fine.

Despite her lingering doubts, Shinobu relents, and Mitsuri accompanies her, sensing her friend's stress and wanting to offer support. Kyojuro takes his leave, his curiosity somewhat satisfied for the moment. He promises to return in the next day or two, after going on a short mission. He intends to come back and lend assistance in this peculiar situation. Plus, he acknowledges that it would be easier for you and Tengen to converse without so many others around, complicating matters.

With that, they all go their separate ways.

Tengen lazily whistles as he follows the echoes of yelling, content to let the chaos unfold a bit longer before he stirs up some mischief of his own. This, he thinks, is going to be quite entertaining!

As Inosuke races through the mansion, you find yourself being jostled around uncomfortably. Though you thought you were accustomed to being carried like this, the erratic movements make this ride bumpier than usual. Inosuke's speed knows no bounds as he practically bounces off walls, determined to outmaneuver the others. You struggle to maintain your balance as your hair whips across your face, obscuring your vision. Eventually, you resign yourself to flopping around, finding a strange amusement in the chaos, though you're sure you'll have a headache later. Amidst Inosuke's maniacal laughter, you can hear Tanjiro and Zenitsu's frantic calls echoing through the halls. You make a mental note to ask Uzui what sparked this madness, and you can't forget the previous incident when they nearly pulled you apart in their rivalry.

Inosuke bursts through an exit door, and Zenitsu finally catches up, cornering him against a wall as Tanjiro arrives moments later.

"I can't believe you did that!"

"What, you can't believe I bested you at something?" Inosuke retorts, puffing heavily as he adopts a haughty stance. "Look! I swept her off her feet!"

"No, you didn't!"

"Of course I did! She's off her feet right now! Are you blind or something?!"

Zenitsu facepalms, dragging his hand down slowly. "No, no, you didn't do it right—it wasn't meant to be taken literally. Now put her down!"

"Huh, what the hell do you mean I didn't do it right?!?"

"Exactly what I said! You didn't do it right, at all! You have to be charming and then fall madly in love, and that is not what you did!"

Inosuke takes a few moments to ponder before scoffing and surprisingly setting you down. "How do you be charming by sweeping someone off their feet? And why would that make you fall in love?"

"It's just an expression! When that lady said to sweep someone off their feet, she didn't mean literally! It means you're supposed to do things that are nice, interesting, and most importantly... romantic, to make someone fall in love with you."

"Eghh, sounds complicated! Why don't you just do what animals do? They just smell each other or do funny dances—"

Zenitsu's face contorts while Tanjiro grimaces, and you stand off to the side, watching them with pursed lips as you fix your hair, trying not to laugh. Again, you have no clue what's happening, but whatever Inosuke said clearly prompted amusing reactions from the other two.

"No way! We aren't animals. And yeah... I guess it can be a little complicated," Zenitsu admits, scratching his cheek. "But there's nothing better than doing things for the one you love and showing them how much they mean to you. And to have them love you back, doing the same, is the best feeling in the whole wide world! Animals don't know love like we do."

"How do you know that? And have you ever been in love?" Zenitsu is about to answer, but Inosuke interjects with one more question, halting him in his tracks. "Has anyone even loved you?"


Tanjiro gasps, his eyes widening in concern as he looks at Zenitsu, whose expression mirrors that of someone who's just been dealt a brutal blow to the heart, his spirit seeming to leave his body. He crumples to the ground, his face etched with mortification as he whimpers. Inosuke, utterly clueless about the gravity of his words, merely stares at him sprawled on the ground, bewildered.

All he did was ask a question... and now Zenitsu was acting as if he were dead?

Tanjiro kneels beside Zenitsu, attempting to rouse him. "Z-Zenitsu, are you okay?! He didn't mean it like that.. I'm sure!"

You join Tanjiro, your worry for your friend growing as you have no idea what's going on. Now, you're even more eager to find out what's happening. Where was your translator when you needed him? Speaking of whom, he appears out of nowhere, startling you so much that you scream, prompting Zenitsu to jump up and cling to you, screaming as well. Everyone turns to find the Hashira standing there, looking utterly smug.

"Well, well, what do we have going on here?"

You blink in confusion, not expecting him to be here or to speak in English instead of his native language with the others. Unconsciously, you pat Zenitsu's head as he clings to you, while Inosuke seethes at the sight. What the hell? Zenitsu was all over you once again, and he has the audacity to tell him not to even go near you? Was this some kind of game to him? Well, Inosuke was determined to win. No one tells him what to do, and no one beats him, because whatever they can do, he can do too—but better!

"Are you... talking to me?"

The Hashira's lips quirk up as he chuckles. "Who else would I be talking to? Remember, I'm here to help you."

"Oh, yeah... I know," you awkwardly respond, stepping away from Zenitsu as he pouts behind you. "Sorry, I just thought you would have talked to them first, for whatever reason, since you all speak the same language..."

"Nah, they're not the ones who are lost and have no memory."

"Yeah.. umm, so about that. I'm a little worried because I don't know what to do. My memory is pretty blank, so where do I even start?" You sigh, feeling the frustration you've tried so hard to push away for the time being resurfacing. "How do I find out what happened, why I'm here, why my memories are gone?"

"No idea, kid! But don't worry, we'll figure it out. Just take it easy and try not to stress out about it too much."

You nod slowly, your frown deepening as you turn your head and feel a hand land on your shoulder. It's Tanjiro, looking concerned for you, but he isn't the only one. Zenitsu watches you from behind him, his expression similarly dim. Inosuke's face is obscured, but he seems to be paying close attention to the conversation.

Tanjiro looks up at Uzui and asks, "What's going on? What are you two talking about? She seems sad..."

"It's about her memories and how she ended up here. She's just worried about figuring things out, but I told her it'll be fine. We'll find out everything she needs to know eventually. I hope..."

Tanjiro nods, and Zenitsu steps up beside him. "Not to be rude or anything, but... why are you helping? You're a Hashira. Don't you have other things to be doing?"

"Sure, I could be doing other things, but they're not nearly as interesting as this. Also, demon attacks have been slowing down as of late, so I've got some time to spare. Anyways," he waves his hand and grins mischievously at Zenitsu, "you really like this girl, huh?"

Zenitsu's cheeks flush, the burning in his ears evident. While he hasn't exactly been discreet about his attractions in the past, this feels different. His feelings for you have evolved beyond surface-level admiration. Initially, he found you cute, but now, he thinks you're incredible and possibly the woman of his dreams. Having faced rejection numerous times, he's adept at bouncing back quickly. However, with you, the fear of rejection looms larger because your opinion truly matters to him. As a friend, he's gotten to know you on a deeper level, and his feelings have grown accordingly. He doesn't want to scare you off, so he has refrained from his usual proclamations of love and hasn't repeated his impromptu marriage proposal from the first day he met you.

He's taking it slow this time, or as slow as his anxious heart will allow—ignoring how he had acted just a few minutes prior, wanting advice on how to woo you.

"W-Well, umm..."

Uzui's grin takes on a mischievous edge. "Want me to say something to her for you? I'm a pretty good wingman, if I don't say so myself."

"N-No! That won't be necessary!!" Zenitsu flails his arms around, his voice cracking. "I-I don't even know what to say right now! I'm just going to think about things for a while."

"Alright, just don't take too long, or someone else just might sweep her off her feet, again!" Uzui glances pointedly at Inosuke and shakes his head, snickering to himself as he clicks his tongue.

Zenitsu freezes, his mind suddenly racing with suspicion. Inosuke had mentioned liking you—not exactly in a romantic way—but the true nature of his feelings remained unclear. He shoots a murderous glare at Inosuke, who's been lost in thought for the past minute but senses the intensity of Zenitsu's gaze and turns to meet it.

"What?" Inosuke lazily responds.

"So, what exactly is your angle here?!" Zenitsu demands.


"Don't play dumb! You're up to something, aren't you? Why do you always stick your nose where it doesn't belong regarding Y/n-chan, if you don't like her?"

Tanjiro catches Uzui's subtle attempt to suppress a grin by clearing his throat, masking his amusement as he focuses on the unfolding drama. Inosuke remains silent, which only serves to infuriate Zenitsu further. Sensing the escalating tension, Tanjiro intervenes, seizing the opportunity to lead them away to discuss the matter in a more private setting.

"I actually wanted to talk with you two about this, so follow me..."

You furrow your brows as they all depart, leaving you alone with Uzui. "Where are they going?"

"Don't know. Seems they need to have a chat," he replies casually before turning to you with a grin. "While they do that, how about we get ourselves more acquainted, since you and I will be spending a lot of time together now, yeah?"

"Alright," you smile and nod, "and again, thank you for helping me."

"Don't mention it! What kind of man would I be if I didn't use my amazing skills to help others? Not the flashy kind," he scoffs. "And everyone knows a life without flashiness is a dull one, so I've vowed to live it to the fullest and help others to do the same. Pretty amazing, right?"

You laugh wholeheartedly at Uzui's playful demeanor. "Yeah, that's not bad," you agree. "It's nice to see someone with so much passion. Don't ever lose your spark, Uzui!"

"Don't plan on it!" he winks playfully at you.

As Tanjiro leads the other two away to a more secluded area for a private discussion, he heaves a sigh of relief. He didn't want to discuss your situation right in front of you or Uzui. Not that it was a bad thing, but it involved... feelings. And those could be pretty sensitive, especially concerning Zenitsu, and possibly Inosuke. Plus, Uzui seemed to be quite the prankster, and Tanjiro didn't want to risk things getting out of hand with him around to stir things up.

After they come to a stop, Tanjiro speaks slowly, knowing the gravity of the conversation. "Zenitsu, I know you like Y/n-san... and Inosuke, I know you said she gives you a weird feeling but it's not bad, which is good, but I don't know exactly how you feel... and I'm not sure if you even know yourself, so I think we all should talk about this before there are any major misunderstandings."

Both Zenitsu and Inosuke remain quiet, with Zenitsu stealing a glance at Inosuke, who maintains his usual crossed-arms posture, revealing nothing of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I do..." Zenitsu finally admits after a few moments.

Tanjiro nods, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, it's not hard to see why you like Y/n-san, but... I'm not sure if you should pursue anything with her."

Zenitsu's eyes slowly widen, nearly bulging out of his head. He never expected Tanjiro of all people to say something like that to him. It wasn't entirely out of character, considering Tanjiro had scolded him for his previous advances, but this felt different now. Before, Zenitsu had just been foolish, and he could admit that. But now, he was serious and determined not to do anything reckless!

His eyes narrow the slightest bit, a bitterness in his tone. "Why not?"

"Because she doesn't belong here." Tanjiro sighs again, feeling bad for his friend but knowing that this had to be said. "She probably has a life—a family—where she's from, who miss her greatly... and it wouldn't be fair to ask her to stay."

Zenitsu's expression softens as Tanjiro's words sink in, and he feels his heart twinge at the realization. You weren't from this place; you sought help to figure out why and how you got here and who you were. With no memories beyond your own name, pursuing you would be taking advantage of your vulnerable situation. Once you found the answers you sought, you'd likely return to your previous life, and he couldn't ask you to choose him over your past. Even if you did like him, the practical challenges, such as the language barrier, loomed large.

Tanjiro turns and addresses the more impulsive companion. "And Inosuke, I know it can be difficult... but can you explain exactly how you feel?"

"About what," Inosuke asks gruffly.

"About Y/n-san..."

"What do you mean? Why do you guys keep bothering me about her?"

"I mean... do you like her?"

"Yeah, I've already told Genitchu that. She's stronger than she looks, I want her to become my minion, and spar with her!"

Tanjiro shakes his head, grabbing Inosuke by the shoulders. "That's not exactly what I meant. Inosuke, you said she makes you... feel 'bubbly' on the inside, right?"

"Mhm," Inosuke grunts in response.

"So... then, you like her...?"

"Yeah, I just told you that! Are you deaf too?!"

"No, not just like her, but... LIKE her," Tanjiro tries desperately to get through to him. Inosuke just stares blankly, so Tanjiro attempts to simplify it further. "Do you like her, as in... romantically?"

"Hahh? Why are you asking about that now?" Inosuke snorts.

Zenitsu, who's been quietly and anxiously listening, finally pipes up. "Because it's about Y/n-chan! Do you like her romantically or not?! Do you plan on romancing her?"

"Hah? What even is romance, anyways?" Inosuke scoffs, dismissing the question. "I mean, I've heard of it, but it doesn't make any sense if you ask me! Seems like a bunch of dumb, gross stuff and who needs that?"

"It's not dumb or gross! Romance is all about love, and everyone needs love! Have you ever been in love or been loved before, Inosuke?" Zenitsu asks in bewilderment.

He wasn't poking fun or trying to get back at him for his earlier question. Zenitsu was genuinely curious.

Inosuke trails off awkwardly. "Of course I have! There was this one time, wait— I think, uhh..."

So, apparently... no. Neither of them knew what real love was.

Tanjiro tries not to look at them with pity, but it's hard given how the conversation is unfolding. He couldn't say he was that much different from them, though. While he might have a bit more knowledge about the concept of love, he lacks much experience himself with the romantic kind. He mostly understands romantic love through the examples his parents showed him—tender touches, gleaming eyes, soft-spoken words, and smiles. They cared for and helped each other, working together to raise their family. Love came in all forms, and their love extended to him and his siblings as well. So, he knew some things about love, thanks to his family. But familial love wasn't exactly the kind of love they were discussing right now...

Zenitsu laughs humorlessly. "So, you're just like me... I guess we do have something in common."


"I've never really been loved either," Zenitsu continues, cutting Inosuke off. "I didn't grow up with my parents, you know... and when I was younger, I fell in love with some girl and gave her money, hoping she would love me back. But she ran off with some other guy. Looking back now, I didn't really love her but just the idea of it. Anyways, I ended up drowning in debt, and that's where Gramps came in. He paid it off, so in turn I trained under him as a swordsman." He pauses, the corner of his mouth quirking up slightly, and shrugs. "Even though I went through hell and thought I was going to die from all that training, he never gave up on me... so, I guess the old guy did care a little."

But it isn't the same thing, is what he almost said. He never really put too much thought into it, as he was too busy thinking about training; how much he hated it, how weak he was, and yadda, yadda, yah! But now that he's become a Demon Slayer, he's had the chance to stop and think about what the old man meant to him, especially after his words of wisdom saved him, and now that's being forced to rest until further notice.

Which he was doing a horrible job at... but that wasn't important right now!

Of course, Gramps was important to him... he was family, and of course, he also cared for Zenitsu. He wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of training him, encouraging him to never give up, had he not. So, yeah, maybe Zenitsu did know love in some kind of way—tough love, that is. It may not have been the love he has always craved, the softer, more intimate kind, but it was the one he got and unknowingly needed back then. He could recognize that now, though. He owed Gramps a lot, and he wanted to make him proud, but it was clear he still had so much to learn... especially in the matters of love—more specifically, romantic love.

Tanjiro wasn't wrong, and it certainly was selfish, but he wasn't going to give up on his feelings for you. It's been practically beaten into his head to not give up! Even if nothing came of this in his pursuit of you, at the least, he'd learn new things and gain more experience, which is what life was all about. He'd always held himself back because of his fears and insecurities, but not anymore. How would he ever hope to gain anything if he didn't even try to reach for it in the first place? He had to be brave. He was going to become stronger, a better Demon Slayer, and help others without hesitation. He was going to make something of himself—make Gramps and his friends proud.

And he wants to really get to know you, and in time, tell you exactly how he feels, hoping you would give him a chance.

He was determined to achieve his goals, but if he should fail, then he wasn't going to let it get him down! He can do this! Don't give up! He snaps out of his thoughts to find Inosuke staring at the ground, unusually calm, but something feels off. This is weird. Is his breathing different? Maybe his throat is still bothering him, and he's having trouble? Or is it something else? Zenitsu is about to ask him what's wrong, but Tanjiro beats him to it.

"Inosuke, are you okay?" Tanjiro asks, having smelled the slight change in his scent.

Inosuke stays silent for a while longer, but when he speaks, it's quiet. "I don't know..."

His mind is blank.

He's trying to remember something, but no matter how hard he tries, he just can't make it appear. He doesn't have a 'Gramps' like Zenitsu or a sister like Tanjiro. So, who does he have? He feels something in his chest, dull but sharp, and he doesn't fully understand why, but he thinks those realizations have something to do with it. Although he may not understand some things like other people do—especially feelings—he knows that what he feels right now is... bad. In fact, it hurts. He knows pain, but this is a different kind of pain, one he can't see physically, like the scars he's earned over the years.

He hates this feeling and wonders why he feels it, but then it hits him...

Zenitsu had mentioned he wasn't raised by his parents. Inosuke wasn't raised by parents either. But Zenitsu had his 'Gramps'. And Tanjiro had his family. That's what was bothering him! He had to have had someone, right? He was raised by boars, but he knows he's human and he came from other humans.

So, where were they?

He couldn't picture his own mother's or father's face. He knew nothing about them. He didn't have a family... he never has. The closest thing he had were the boars that had taken him in. The head he wore now was actually one of them and when it had died he kept it because it was the closest thing to family he had. And here Zenitsu was, spouting out nonsense about how he was just like him, when they weren't anything alike! He didn't miss the way that Zenitsu had spoken fondly about his 'Gramps', and he certainly didn't miss the way Tanjiro had spoken so passionately about his family and little sister-turned-demon just days before. He didn't have that... someone close to him, people to love.

All he had was the mountain and the memories of fighting alone every day to survive.

It wasn't all bad and he technically wasn't alone when he was surrounded by wild animals, but it wasn't the same and he can't help but feel like he's missed out... and it pisses him off. He takes a deep breath, sniffling a little as he straightens back up. He doesn't want to feel these feelings. He doesn't want to feel weak, especially in front of others. He was the strong and powerful Lord Inosuke! Nothing beats him down! So, he pushes his shoulders back and marches away, ignoring the worried calls of Tanjiro and Zenitsu. They look at each other, eyes round and mouths agape as he quickly disappears.

"Maybe... we should try to talk to him," Zenitsu suggests.

Tanjiro shakes his head dolefully. "I think we should leave him be for now... he seems pretty upset, and I don't want to make it worse. Let's give him some time and we'll figure it out later."

"Yeah... okay," Zenitsu agrees, then sighs and glances at Tanjiro. "And you're right about what you said earlier... about Y/n-chan. But that doesn't mean I won't try. I know I'm not the smartest and I tend to rush into things—or out of them—but I'm serious about this and I'm going to give it my best shot and try to do things right. I want to become stronger. A better man for myself and others. I want to finally make Gramps proud, and I want... to make you guys proud," he admits sheepishly. "I'm sorry I complain so much, but you should know since meeting you guys... I'm actually happier than I've ever been."

Tanjiro is taken aback but smiles brightly at the confession. "Wow, I didn't know you felt that way. That's great, Zenitsu... thank you." He then rubs the back of his neck. "And although I admire your determination, I'm still not sure if it's a good idea to pursue Y/n-san, but I won't stop you. I suppose things will work out however they're meant to..."

"Yeah, well hopefully it works out in my favor..."

Tanjiro laughs, shaking his head. "Alright, how about we head back and see what she and Uzui-san have been up to since we left?"


Tanjiro runs after him, shouting, "Zenitsu, slow down! Uzui-san wouldn't do anything like that. You're being a little dramatic again!"

Meanwhile, as they rush back to your location, you groan in annoyance, feeling slightly frustrated, and let out a giant sigh. You were currently trying to practice a little bit of Japanese with Uzui, wanting to be able to say some things. But this was driving you crazy!

"Come on, kid, one more time!"

"I can't do it!"

Ignoring your protests, he lets out a 'pshh' as he waves you off. "Try again! Remember what I said? You gotta be flashy! Don't overthink it, just let it out!"

You huff, rolling your eyes. "Okay, okay!" Taking a long breath, you try not to overthink. "Kon... Kon'nichiwa, Y/n-desu. S-Soshite anata wa?"

He claps once, grinning from ear to ear. "Nicely done!"

"Thank you, but I don't know what I'm saying! I mean, I do, but I don't really understand the words I'm saying... you know?"

"Yeah, I get it. But you don't need to dwell too much on the complex technicalities. You at least know how to introduce yourself and ask others for their name now."

"But what good does that do when I can't even carry on further than that?!"

"We'll get there! Like I said, don't worry about it. We've got plenty of time for you to practice, alright?"

You bite the inside of your cheek, your voice quiet. "How long... am I going to be here?"

He pauses, his grin turning into a more pensive expression. "Well... I guess that's up to you, kid. I can't tell you how long it'll take to figure things out, but I can tell you that you're welcome to stay for as long as you need. We're here to help you."

"Can you say that? Isn't this... umm, Miss Kocho's place?" You question him amusingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"... Yes?" he says slowly after a few moments. "But despite that fact, I can say with utmost certainty that it is true! I'm never wrong; never have been and never will be!"

"Alright, then I'll hold you to that," you finally laugh. "If you're wrong, then you owe me! If I get kicked out of here, you have to take me in!"

"HAH! You got yourself a deal, because it'll never happen!"

"Guess we'll see about that! So... you're really going to teach me some Japanese?"

"You'll be fluent in no time," he says with a big grin.

You continue bantering with Uzui, relishing the time spent with him and the lively conversation. You wish you could communicate with everyone else as well, and perhaps someday you will, but for now, you rely on Uzui as your translator. He seems to enjoy it, so you try not to feel guilty about burdening him with the task. As you chat, Zenitsu comes barreling over with Tanjiro close behind, both of them panting heavily. Tanjiro stays hunched over, catching his breath, while Zenitsu marches right up to you both. He tries to appear calm, but Uzui sees right through him and bursts into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Zenitsu demands, his eyes narrowed.

"Hey, pipsqueak, you might wanna cool it. You're gonna burn a hole through my head with all that staring. I know I'm great looking, but it's making me a bit uncomfortable," Uzui replies, his tone teasing.

Zenitsu's eyes turn to slits. "I know what you're up to," he hisses. "Men like you are nothing but trouble."

"Oh, is that so?" Uzui simmers with amusement.

"Yeah, and I'm here to tell you, you better not try anything! Y/n-chan won't be 'wooed' by you," Zenitsu warns, emphasizing the word 'wooed.'

"Ah, really? Well, that's fine, seeing as I already have three wives."

"Yeah, really, and—" Zenitsu stops mid-sentence, his mouth hanging open. "Did you say... wives? And three? As in plural...?"

Uzui nods once, his expression blank.


You gasp as Uzui lands a single blow to Zenitsu's abdomen, effectively shutting him up and sending him tumbling to the ground.

"You got a problem with that, Shrimpy?"

"Um, excuse me," Tanjiro shuffles over. "Please, don't mind him! He's just a little dramatic... and really likes Y/n-san, so he gets a little... you know..."

Uzui scoffs, looking at the downed Zenitsu, lightly prodding him with his foot to make sure he wasn't dead. "Oh, I know. Anyone can see it, but he isn't gonna get very far with that attitude! Who does this punk think he is? Of course, I have three wives!"

"Right..." Tanjiro drawls. "Anyways, we were wondering, have you found anything out yet or has she gained any memories?"

"Nothing yet. We haven't even really talked about the who, what, how, or why she's here. To be honest, I don't think we'll find much out. She's been here for a couple of days, right?" Tanjiro nods slowly, and Tengen sighs. "And she still has no memories... that doesn't exactly give us much hope. There's nothing to go off if she doesn't have a single clue about anything either."

"So, then, what can we do?"

"Well, I figured I'd stick around and help her at least learn some Japanese, that way, she can talk with people. Maybe over time she'll start to remember some stuff, and then we can really start figuring things out. But for now, we honestly can't do much with the very little information we have. If she doesn't remember anything, then it might be best for her to just stay here, at least she'd know some people and how to talk. Or she could go off on her own if she really wanted to. It's all up to her, really."

"I see..." Tanjiro says thoughtfully.

The conversation seems to have died down, so you tap his shoulder, earning a 'hmm?' from him. You smile nervously as he tilts his head, watching you intently. This was dumb... but you really wanted to try it out now that you could do it properly—or so you hope.

"K-Kon'nichiwa, Y/n-desu. So... soshite anata wa?"

He blinks owlishly at you, stunned for a few moments as he tries to process the slightly awkwardly pronounced words. Once he understands what you've said, he breaks out into one of the biggest grins you've seen so far. Your slight accent and the way you stumbled over the words are quite endearing, and he can't help but laugh, making you quickly avert your gaze as your ears burn hot in embarrassment.

You internally chastise yourself.

You totally said it wrong, didn't you?! You should've known better! You probably said something really stupid or inappropriate, and that's why he was laughing at you.

How humiliating...

"Oaidekiteureshīdesu!" He says cheerily, his eyes squinting up. "Watashinonamaeha Kamado Tanjirōdesu."

Now it was your turn to stare at him in confusion.

You whirl around, your voice desperate. "Uzui, what did he say?! Did I say it wrong? Is he correcting me or making fun of me?! I messed it up, didn't I?!"

He's laughing now too, slapping his knee as you panic, and you glare at him, throwing your hands up in frustration. Ha-ha.. so funny, absolutely hilarious! You know what would be really funny? Kicking him where the sun doesn't shine if he doesn't get his act together! He seems to pick up on your murderous intent as he wipes a tear from the corner of his eye, letting out a big breath of air as he straightens back up.

"No, no, he just said it was nice to meet you and introduced himself back." His lips quiver the tiniest bit, but he remains composed. "Hey, that was great, I haven't laughed like that in a while. I think you and I are gonna have a lot of fun."

You roll your eyes. "Yeah, sure, if that's what you call fun."

"It sure is!"

"You are nothing but trouble, aren't you?"

It was a rhetorical question. He smirks and winks, but you'd already figured out the answer. After the little panic attack you had about whether you introduced yourself correctly to Tanjiro, and Uzui reassuring you that it was, you had asked him to start teaching you Japanese right away. He hesitated but agreed after you looked at him with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. He was going to teach you anyways, but he had somewhere to go before he could truly dedicate himself to you, which you understood.

You find out he has three wives, and he wanted to go back to his residence to spend some time with them, as he had just gotten back from a mission before he and the other Hashira were summoned to the meeting. While he's gone, you would just have to make do and go about daily life. You wonder what exactly you'll do during that time... guess you'll find out once Uzui leaves later. And he would actually be leaving right now, but Tanjiro had requested he stay for some reason, before disappearing with Zenitsu hanging on his arm as he took him back to their room.

"How long will you be gone for?" you ask, a little anxious.

Hopefully, it won't be too long...

"Hmm," he rubs his chin, "I'd say about two weeks. I haven't checked, but I don't think this place has anything besides medical textbooks laying around. I have some material at home that will help, so I would've had to leave to grab them anyways, but I'm taking some extra time off."

Two weeks? Okay, that wasn't too bad, you could handle that.

"Okay, that's fine."

He grins and claps his hands together. "Alright! Well, let's go see what Kamado wanted before I leave, shall we?"

You nod, and you both head inside, looking for Tanjiro, and find him in his shared room with Zenitsu and Inosuke. He smiles as he sees you guys and asks you to follow him to another room, where you find it's dark inside and notice his box sitting by the door. Why is there no light? Tanjiro steps inside, speaking softly, and you strain your eyes in the darkness to try and see why you're in here. There's a slight creaking sound followed by shuffling of bedsheets, and you watch as a figure pops out from underneath. Your eyes adjust to the darkness, and you realize it's a girl, perhaps a little younger than you, with long, dark hair and big eyes.

She blinks once then hums. "Hmmn?"

Tanjiro approaches her with a wide smile, sitting down next to her and pats her head before he looks back at you and Uzui. "Kochira wa imōto no Nezukodesu."

"That's his sister, Nezuko," Uzui informs you.


You had no clue he had a sister. Has she been here the whole time? Was she just sleeping? Or did she just like being in the darkness? And why did she have... a piece of bamboo in her mouth?

"Kanojo wa akuma-ka sa rete imasuga," Tanjiro's expression shifts, looking saddened, "hoka no darenimo gai o ataete inainode, shinpaishinaide kudasai."

"He said that she's a demon, but there's no need to worry as she is harmless."

Your heart skips a beat, blood running cold as ice, and you stop breathing for a second. She... was a demon? If you're being honest, you are a little scared, but you know Tanjiro wasn't someone who would lie or do anything to jeopardize the safety of others, so you have to tell yourself it's okay.

Every demon you've seen so far were truly like monsters—destructive, ruthless, and bloodthirsty beings.

But she doesn't look anything like the ones you've seen; she's small and actually pretty cute looking. She was also calm and didn't act strange. The only thing that was off about her was the fact she appeared to be wearing a muzzle. Your lips twitch nervously as you make eye contact with her, your gaze shifting back to Tanjiro, who then beckons you over. You timidly step closer, sitting right next to him as he pats the spot beside him happily. He settles some of your nerves as he smiles warmly at you, giving a small nod when you make yourself comfortable in your spot.

"Nezuko," he says, getting her attention. "Watashinotomodachi ni aisatsu shite moraemasu ka?"

She blinks at him, then looks at you before her eyes light up with a sparkle, cheeks turning up as she smiles. "Mm-mhmm!"

Tanjiro grins and looks at Uzui, who then shrugs as he looks at you. "She's saying hello, I guess?"

"Ohh, h-hello! Nice to meet you, Nezuko."

She cutely tilts her head to the side, blinking at you, and you nearly smack yourself. You fool! She doesn't understand you. This was a good chance to say something you've learned!

"Ah, I mean... Kon'nichiwa!"

That's it...that's pretty much all you know.

You could ask for her name; you still remember the phrase... but you already know her name, so it was pointless. You wish you could add a little pizazz, say something more interesting and engaging like, 'it's so nice to meet you!' But you'll just have to wait until Uzui teaches you more Japanese. She hums cheerily and then leans over to pat at your arm gently, so you smile back at her and giggle softly. She really was cute and nice, how could anyone be scared of her? Which brings you back to one question, if she was as harmless as she seems, then why the muzzle?

You turn to Uzui. "Why is that in her mouth?"

"It's just a precaution. Seeing as she's a demon, some of the others didn't exactly welcome her with open arms. We tested to see if she was dangerous, and she refused to attack, but we still can't take any risks. She didn't refuse the mouthpiece though, so she must understand why it's needed."

You purse your lips, feeling bad for her but also understanding where they were coming from. Well, as long as it didn't bother her and it kept everyone's peace of mind, then you guess it was fine.

Tanjiro stands up and looks at everyone. "Sugu ni modotte kuru," he says, quickly walking out of the room.

"He said he'll be back." Uzui stretches his arms out and groans, then turns to you. "Well, kid, I'm gonna head out now. Don't get into too much trouble, got it? Not without me, anyways," he adds with a playful grin.

"Got it!" You laugh and nod, watching as he leaves and sit there waiting for Tanjiro to return.

It's a little awkward being left alone with someone, but this was Tanjiro's sister, and she was adorable and seemed just as sweet as him. You've already decided you like this girl and would protect her at all costs, even though you didn't have a single fighting bone in your body. But if anyone messes with her, there will be hell to pay—you swear it!

Just as you get done thinking about obliterating anyone who touches even a single hair on Tanjiro's cute, little sister, he returns with Zenitsu. He beams when he spots you, but his eyes shift to Nezuko then slightly widen. He follows Tanjiro further into the room, coming closer to where you both sit, and you're a little surprised he hasn't said anything yet.

He's usually a very loud and energetic kind of guy... but he's acting a little odd.

Tanjiro points to Zenitsu, saying something to his sister. "Kore wa watashinotomodachi no hitoridesu. Kare no na wa Zenitsu."

He then turns to Zenitsu and does the same. Oh, he must be introducing them. It wasn't hard to figure things out by using context clues and body language, as Nezuko greets Zenitsu with an enthusiastic hum and he returns the greeting with a small wave, although a little quieter than expected.

He looks between the siblings, like he's in thought, then speaks. "So, this is your sister that was turned into a demon..."

"Yes..." Tanjiro answers after a moment, looking a little perplexed. "Is something wrong?"

Zenitsu looks at him, then Nezuko, and back at him. "No. She kind of looks like you..."

They all just stare at each other in silence and you just sit there looking between them, left to wonder why it's so quiet and awkward. Tanjiro was honestly a little worried with how Zenitsu would react to seeing his sister, but he wasn't expecting... this.

He finally breaks the silence. "Well, we are related..."

"I know, I just thought she would look a little different. You guys have the same face shape, very similar eyes, and nose..."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, it kind of freaks me out."


"She looks like you, if you were a girl. It's kind of weird."

Tanjiro's gaze slowly slides to Nezuko, his face scrunching up as his brows furrow. "Weird? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean... it's a little creepy..."

He whirls on Zenitsu, his voice raising with a biting tone. Your eyes widen, and you lean back a little, watching the usually sweet, calm man start to tear into Zenitsu.

"Huh?! Are you saying Nezuko looks weird and creepy?!"

"N-No! Not exactly—"

"What do you mean, 'not exactly'?" Tanjiro questions with a furious glare, not letting him finish his sentence. "I'll have you know Nezuko was the prettiest girl in our whole town. She doesn't look weird or creepy at all, okay!?" He throws his hands out, gesturing at Nezuko before he points a finger at the frozen blonde. "It's fine if you personally don't find her attractive, but I will not allow you to insult her!"

You gather they were talking about Nezuko, so you look at her, and she just blinks at the scene, looking almost as confused as you do.

"No! I'm not saying she looks weird, but... you do look like each other," Zenitsu says with a grimace. "So... it's... just creepy how similar you look. Like... she's the female version of you. I just thought it'd be weird to date someone's sister—"

"As if I would let you court her!" Tanjiro huffs, crossing his arms and turning his head away indignantly. "You have some nerve!"

"No, you didn't let me finish! Do you really not understand what I'm trying to say?!" Zenitsu smacks his own face, slowly dragging it down in exasperation. "If I had a sister who looked like me, wouldn't you also be a little weirded out? Would you be interested in her?"

"What? I don't know... You're not making any sense!"

"Think about it! If I had a sister, and we looked similar, would you really want to go out with her? Every time you hold hands, look into each other's eyes, or even kiss... you might be reminded of her brother—who she looks like! I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be too thrilled to be with a girl and be thinking about her brother just because they look alike!"

Tanjiro pauses, processing Zenitsu's logic, and his expression slowly changes, but still has a slight frown. "Hm..."

"Do you get it now?"

"Yeah, I think so... the way you said it was just confusing, but I guess you have a point..."

"Of course, I do! Besides, I already like," he peeks at you with a light blush, "you know who."

"Well, you could've just said we looked alike and left it at that..."

Nezuko yawns then, so you look over at her as she shuffles down into the covers more. Seems like she was getting tired and needed some sleep. Tanjiro smiles over at her, leaving the confusing conversation with Zenitsu. He pats her head before he leads you and Zenitsu back out of the room to let her sleep in peace. Now that you think about it, an afternoon nap sounded really nice.

"Tanjiro, Zenitsu," you wave to them, yawning as well, "I'll see you guys later."

You start walking to your room, leaving them in the hall to watch after you.

"Wait, where is she going?" Zenitsu asks with a slight pout.

"I'm not sure. She did sound a little tired though, so maybe she's going to go rest?"

"Yeah, maybe..." Zenitsu sighs, pout more prominent. "I was kind of hoping to spend some time with her, but that's fine. That reminds me, we should probably be in bed too."

"You're right, Aoi-san hasn't given us clearance to be up and moving yet. I feel better already, but I know we should still be taking it easy, and you should also take your medicine..."

Zenitsu sighs again, with more of a deep groan. "Ughhh, let's go..." 

Taisho Secrets

* Tengen, a notorious prankster, revels in playing tricks on people, and now, you've become his latest target. His fondness for you has taken the form of a mischievous older brother, ready to annoy you at every opportunity. However, he's taken a particular interest in Zenitsu, sensing his feelings for you. Amused by Zenitsu's comical reactions, Tengen can't resist poking fun at him. Additionally, he's noticed the tension between Zenitsu and the boar-masked boy, Inosuke, and has made it his mission to further fuel their clashes. Tengen is poised to have a great time stirring up mischief and reveling in the chaos he creates among the group.

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