Return of the one long gone

By Tj8thewatpad

3.3K 97 47

Scott Major, King of Rivendell, went missing 2 years that very morning. So what is he doing on Joel's doorst... More

An unexpected visitor
A reunion long awaited
The nights
Evil and its darkness
Falling over the edge of alive
When the war ends, everything stills
My medicine is you
You're dead to me (but I still care)
Change the past (it's impossible I know)
Secrets not best kept (because I can't keep them)
The sacrifices we make for forever
Love and its bands
Forever and its sweet beginnings

We want forever. No one will stop us

111 3 0
By Tj8thewatpad

Waking up beside Jimmy was a pleasure Scott had learnt to lose for the two years he was gone. Mornings were lonely and cold, with constant discomfort and the reminder that he may have never gotten to be close to his fiancé again.

Scott knew Jimmy would never intentionally upset him, but waking up alone, without a note or text, caused great discomfort. He wondered if this was how Jimmy reacted when he found the cyanette missing that morning, a simple goodbye written in lazily quick writing by his side.

Luckily for him, Jimmy walked through the door, pausing whatever spiral he was tipping on the edge from. The blonde smiled at him, soft as unique, something only Scott was allowed to see; it made him feel warm, safe. 

He knew the past was irreversible. The sleepless nights, the plaguing nightmares, the realisation that everything he had wanted wasn't within his reach. The fear that Xornoth would catch up to him before unleashing a wildfire that would destroy his entire world. But with Jimmy, sitting in bed as his fiance curled against him, he could let it fade into a hum in his minds background.

- - - -

"Lizzie just send them." Joel's wife was pouting at him, almost pleading for him to say something negative about them, reconsider the wording or the style. He knew she wanted perfection, but he was starting to fear the development of a bridezilla. However, he also knew that she wanted their wedding to be special and memorable - he was fairly sure Jimmy had the memorable part covered. Lizzie was still staring into his eyes, searching for reservations he didn't have. 

With a sigh, Joel carefully pried the ivory envelopes from her hands, careful not to ruin the delicately placed lace as he passed them to a mix of Mezelean and Oceanic staff so they could be delivered. He watched as each of the 10 took flight and dispersed, heading in the many directions the country was set out in.

"Maybe 3 days is too short of a time. Scott probably doesn't even have an outfit or-"

"Liz. You know Scott is more than capable of making his own clothes and has way too many accessories. Plus, Jimmy has one waiting and would make some if required."

Joel couldn't help the relieved deflation as Lizzie smiled at him at the mention of the engagement. 

It was still difficult for Joel to imagine his (soon-to-be) brother-in-law was engaged to Scott. He didn't have reservations about the marriage, Jimmy had been the only one in the entirety of Scott's reign, which was longer than anyone else's during to the unfortunate passing of his parents, to thaw his frozen heart and tear down the unforgiving walls that made the elven king as closed off as everyone knew he was infamous for. He just had never pictured the two as anything other than rivals, constantly attacking each other during meetings. 

However, Jimmy deserved his happy ending, just as his sister did. Joel wasn't above teasing him for it once the wedding had happened, but the way Jimmy seemed to light up at any mention of his fiancé was too innocent not to be slightly adorable to Joel. And for Scott, he knew finally having someone at his side for eternity, someone he didn't have to play pretend with every time he smiled or laughed, would be a welcome change, especially with the past two years weighing on his back as heavy as Joel can only predict.

It seemed the universe was finally easing off, leaving them to thrive in the aftermath of its destruction, no matter how temporary it was or how permanent it had felt.

- - - -

Scott was searching for his ring when an owl delivered an envelope into his waiting hand. He smiled as he recognised the clumsy scrawl of Joel's handwriting. He was glad the wedding was only 3 days away. He wasn't sure the mental strain of waiting wouldn't send him back to his old, workaholic self that would drown himself in papers until he wasn't breathing.

He had more important matters though. Even after finishing his work and finally burrying his latest demons, literally, the universe seemed to be set on making his life difficult. He hadn't misplaced his ring, he knew where it was - at least where he had last placed it. But no matter how hard he looked, he just couldn't find it. 

- - - -

"Sunflower? Have you seen my ring."

"I have it. Just replenishing some of the care on it. The band was looking slightly faded."

Scott's eyes looked at him in a silent thank you; Jimmy knew it wasn't just because he was 'caring' for the ring. He knew it was for being Scott's anchor, helping him down from the highest places of panic and being his wall to fall back onto if he ever did fall over that edge. Scott was the same for Jimmy. As much as he hated lying to his fiancé, he knew the outcome would be worth it and a nice taste of revenge for Scott hiding the letters from Xornoth - he found them just over a year after Scott left after wanting to find anything in his paperwork that may have held a clue as to where he had gone- just so he couldn't be hurt in the process.

- - - -

Relieved his ring was safe and would be returned to him in the next few days - Jimmy was always complaining at how long care took when he had the occasional client or friend looking for their jewellery to look new again - he had another thought that was playing on loop in his head. 

"Jimmy. Could we start planning our wedding? Tell people? I'm sure the bride and groom to be would want to know their brother is following in their footsteps." 

Jimmy just looked at him; for a second Scott wondered if it was too soon. Yes, the past was behind them, but it had still been two years and the gap was still being closed. They still knew each other, but their bond felt tender still. It wasn't doomed to break, but Scott didn't want to rush into marriage when it felt like they were almost starting over.

The cyanette was unaware that Jimmy had moved until two gentle hands found their place on the base of his neck. They were warm and radiated care and softness; Scott was rendered useless but to nuzzle into them slightly, locking eyes with his future husband. 

In Jimmy's eyes were thousands of emotions, swimming in hazel eyes that were hypnotic the longer Scott looked. He didn't find reservation, he just found the love he had been on a quest to find since the day the burden of kingship was placed on his head. Jimmy hadn't had to say a single word, and Scott could tell they both wanted to make their relationship known, wanted to wear the rings that would connect their bonds in a physical way; be put on display so the world would know.

- - - -

Jimmy lay watching Scott mere hours after, watching his fiance finally look peaceful, knowing he was safe, they were safe.

'What was it you said to me the day I proposed? "Yes. A thousand times yes." Of course we can start Scott. How about we wait until after this wedding though?'

Knowing Scott wanted this too. Wanted to scream their love like it was their song on karaoke night at the Rivendell tavern, the one they first confessed to. Had their first kiss to. It made him fall further down the pit of love. He wouldn't try to climb out if he was given the chance. He hadn't when it felt like Scott had left him, forgetting them, reconsidering saying yes. He wouldn't start now.

All he wanted, was their happy ever after.

~ ~ ~ ~

We're getting close to the end. How we all feelin :)

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