Bởi FebeAristilde

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Dave East x Miracle Watts story "One is easily fooled by that which one loves." -unknown March 4th 201... Xem Thêm

chpt 1
chp 2
chp 3.
chp.15 part 1
chp.16 part 2
chpt.25 continued


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Bởi FebeAristilde

Dave's POV

I entered the semi crowded bar looking around for an empty seat, once I found one in a more secluded area I walked over to it and went to take a seat, I didn't know why I was here specifically but a drink could really help clear and numb my head a little, finding out that I suffer from BPD doesn't sit right with me, it doesn't make any sense, I mean I feel perfectly fine, I never had any complicated mental issues growing up, why is it now that this is happening to me, I don't know how to feel about this mental illness.

I sighed and laid my head down against my palms, what Ms.Lee  said really got me thinking though, I used to think that the reason I hit Anura is because she knew exactly how to piss me off, all she had to do was try and leave me but in reality the real reason I hit her is because that's the only way I knew how to prevent her from leaving, telling her that I'd kill her if she ever attempted to leave was absolutely sick and I feel disgusted with myself, at first when I did start hitting her I felt bad but now that I kept on doing it I got so used to it that I stopped feeling guilty.

I kept on pushing her away all while I thought doing this was only keeping her closer to me, I'm such an idiot, now she wants nothing to do with me, thinking back I really did put her through to much. I lifted up my head but quickly swiped my cheek when I felt a tear drop run down my cheek, I looked at my finger, this was the first time I've ever cried over her.

"Excuse me can I have another drink?" I heard a familiar voice say in a booth, I peered my head out of the booth I was seated in and noticed Anura sitting a few seats down in her work clothes, she had at least 3 bottles of beer on her table and looked very disgruntled, I quickly got up from my seat and walked over to her.
"Ma'am you're drunk I can't continue giving-" I cut the waitress off.

"It's okay you don't have to bring her another drink." I told her, she nodded at me and walked away, I took a seat next to her and she glared at me.

"Why is it that every time I turn around you're always there?" She slurred, I slightly smiled.

"Maybe it's destiny." I said shrugging, she scoffed and rolled her eyes, I stared at her and smiled brightly, it felt so refreshing to see her again, I didn't realize how deeply I missed her until I sat in front of her, she looked a bit stressed out, probably why she was drinking this much, she hates alcohol and the only time she ever drinks it is if she's stressed.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm fine absolutely woooonderful." She said drawling while twirling her fingers, I noticed she rubbed her earring stud as she spoke which tells me she's lying, when she lies she always plays with her earrings, I always found that habit of hers to be cute, I smiled again, I placed my elbow on the table and reached out for her hand that was touching her diamond earring.

"I know you're lying Anura." She snatched her hands away and placed it on lap, she frowned at me, I watched her attempt to get up but quickly sat back down.

"Whew I feel dizzy." Anura placed her hands on her temple and began rubbing it, I didn't like seeing her this way, all intoxicated, it reminded me of myself, how Id use alcohol as an escape every time I'd be in one of my moods, I don't understand why I am here right now knowing Alcohol played a great deal in my abusive ways, I frowned deeply as I continued to stare at her.

"Do you want some water? I'll go get you some." I got up from my seat and walked towards the bar to ask for some water, in the corner of my eyes I see Anura getting up and bolting towards the front door, I turned back around and quickly followed behind her, was she using the excuse of feeling "dizzy" to get me to leave?

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her from her car which she already managed to get to so fast."Anura wait! You're drunk you can't drive."

"Let me go!" She yelled while trying to get out my grasp, I let her go after I noticed people began staring, I sighed defeated.

"Okay okay, just let me drive you home, please, that's all I'm asking." I didn't want her driving home all intoxicated, If something happened to her I don't know what I'd do, she looked at me up and down and eventually nodded, she handed me the keys to a car that most likely wasn't here, I unlocked it and we got in, I didn't care that I was leaving my car behind in the Parking lot all I wanted was to get her home safely.

"Can you tell me where you live?" I asked, Ive been dying to know where she lives now, I know it's with the guy who gave her this car and who she's been living with, a part of me feels a little pissed off that she's living with another man, I just pray that this other man is her best friend Jessie and nobody else, she stayed quiet I asked her again but still no response, I looked over and noticed that her eyes were closed shut, she must've passed out, I let out a sigh and continued driving.

After 30 minutes I parked her car into my driveway and got out closing the door behind me, I opened her door and tried waking her up but she wouldn't budge so I decided to pick her up bridal style and carried her to the door, I struggled a bit to unlocked the house door but once I finally did I entered our house and closed the door behind me, she hasn't been home in months and I'm actually glad that I got another chance at being able to take her home, not the way I pictured it with her being drunk and passed out but it's better than nothing, I just wanted to get her in bed and hold her closely to me.

Living here had gotten pretty lonely lately, I don't do nothing but work and go home to an empty house. I carried her upstairs it was pretty tough but I was able to make it up the steps without dropping her, I carried her to our master bedroom and laid her down on the bed softly, I took off her shoes so she'd be more comfortable, I went back downstairs to get her a bottle of water because I knew she'd be thirsty when she woke up, I went back up the stairs and entered the room, I closed the door quietly and walked over to her bed side, I sat the bottle down and stared at her face, her lips immediately caught my attention, they looked so plump and juicy.

I had a strong urge to kiss them, I could honestly say that I missed the touch of her lips, I wanted to feel them again, I leaned my head down and brushed my lips against hers, I leaned my body closer onto hers and deepened the kiss, I felt electric currents seep through me, my stomach felt like there was butterfly's dancing all inside of it, I felt her head move under mine and then I heard a gagging noise, I quickly pulled away and thank god I did because she began spewing vomit all over the bed.

"Shit!" I quickly yanked her off the bed which in the process got vomit all over me too, by now I'm already disgusted and wanted to throw up myself, I pulled her into the bathroom and held her over the toilet while holding her hair.

"Damn it Anura." I said with a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry." She said continuing to vomit and cough, she knew exactly how to ruin a moment, thank god I didn't get any vomit in my mouth because then I would've really killed her, that's what I get for kissing someone who's heavily intoxicated, never again.

After she was done I let her go and turned on the shower head."come on undress." I told her in a demanding tone, she looked at me confused.


"Because you have vomit all over you." I said while taking off my vomit soaked shirt, gotta make sure to burn this later along with her work clothes and the bed sheets, ain't no saving them.

Anura's POV

I stared at Dave as he carefully took off his shirt, I didn't notice it before but it looked like he's been working out, his muscles were more tone and abs looked more rock hard then the last time I seen them, I quickly admired his tattoo filled body but soon snapped out of it once I realized that I was eye raping him." Take off your clothes Anura." He said in a demanding tone, I looked at him like he done lost his damn mind, although he was speaking to me a little reckless I couldn't help but like it.

"Ah! What is happening to
Me?!" Why am I thinking this way, it must be the alcohol talking, I really must be heavily intoxicated because I find myself slowly undressing in front of him, I didn't know why I was doing it, I just felt the urge to do it and it wasn't because of the vomit on me, the whole time he kept his eyes fixated on my every move, I took off my pants and was left in my lace panties and bra, I looked always and tried covering up my shame as best as possible, I hated being naked in front of Dave, I didn't like it when he saw my scars. I felt him approach me, he placed his cool hand against my waist where a scar laid, he stared down at it and began rubbing the scar with his thumb, he looked back up at me with a pained look.

"Did I do that?" He asked softly, looking back at it, I nodded my head at him, he got on his knees in front of me and I felt his lips touch my skin which caught me by surprised, I looked down at him to see him kissing my scar, I remember how I got that scar, I remember how I got all of them, but that one in particular was the first time me and Dave gotten into a fight and the first time he physically hurt me, there was broken glass shards from the wine bottle on the ground at the time and the floor was slippery, Dave yanked me by my hair causing me to slip forward, I had on a thin shirt, when I fell down one of the glass shards cut me through my shirt and left a huge open gash on my waist, I could still feel the excruciating pain I felt that night.

"I'm sorry." Dave said breaking me out my thoughts, I looked down at him, he had tears streaming down his face, I looked at him surprisingly, I rarely would get to see this sensitive side of him." I'm sorry for everything I put you through." He sniffled, he laid his head against my stomach and sobbed, I said nothing and just rested my hands on his shoulder and head in a comforting way, I've heard that same apology before all to many, but right now it seems more sincere then the others, God this alcohol really has me thinking foolishly.

I tapped his shoulder indicating that he needed to get up, I helped him off the floor and our face met, I reached up and wiped his cheeks ridding them of his tears, he leaned in and tried kissing me but I quickly weaved my head. I turned away from him and took off my bra and panties and stepped into the tub closing the curtains, I hope that he could give me some privacy and leave me to shower.

I heard the door of the bathroom close and I let out a sigh of relief, after a few minutes into scrubbing myself with him body wash I heard the bathroom door open again and in entered a fully nude Dave." What're you doing?" I asked him.

"Shhh." He said, he enter the tub with me and grabbed me by my waist pushing his already hard partner up against my ass cheeks, he let go of my waist and began rubbing his hands up against my soaked body, I tried pulling away from him, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs for him to stop but I couldn't, I stayed quiet and allowed his rough hands touch me ever so nicely, I was to intoxicated to stop him, I was enjoying the way his soak hand was touching my body, he rubbed his way up to my breast and gripped them I let out a soft moan.

"What're you doing to me?" I said softly almost inaudibly, I felt his lips come in contact with my neck, he began sucking on the tender flesh causing me to let out a more louder moan, this feeling felt so good and intense, I never realized how badly I craved his touch until now, he slid his finger down to my love box and began rubbing his fingers against my clit, by now I can just feel how wet I was just by him touching me down there.




"ANURA!" I snapped out of my sudden daydream, I looked down and noticed I was touching myself, I let go of my breast and removed my hand from my love box, I felt my cheeks began to heat up, I couldn't believe I was sexually fantasizing about Dave touching me, it felt so real, i heard the curtains slid open, I let out a screech and quickly covered myself.

"Are you done yet? you've been in here to long." He said to me, I stared at him still in awe that even after everything I still had a sexual attraction towards him, I wanted him to touch me like he did in my day dream, he ran his eyes up against my body causing a shiver to run down my spine, I wanted to pounce on him I was sexually frustrated and the alcohol was making it worse.

Dave looked away from me." Hurry up please." He said then walked out the bathroom, I closed the curtain back and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I finished up my shower and got out the tub, I brushed my teeth and and gurgled some mouth wash, after I was done I wrapped a towel around my waist, I walked out the bathroom to see my old clothes laying on the bed that had new sheets with my pink panties, I softly smiled and put them on and lotion up.

I slipped on my jeans and white tube top, after a few minutes I heard a knock at the door."Come in." I said, in entered Dave with clean clothes as well, he climbed onto the bed and laid besides me.

"Thank god you don't smell like through anymore." He teased, causing me to roll my eyes at him, after taking that shower my mind is somewhat clear from before, I closed my eyes and tried resting for a bit before going home, after a few minutes of silence Dave began speaking again." Why were you at that bar today, was something wrong?" He asked,
I stayed quiet not answering because it really wasn't his business after all.

"You know you I'll always be here for you, you can talk to me." I opened my eyes and let out a sarcastic snort.

"You'll always be here for me? That's funny" I said laughing.

"How is that funny?" He asked.

"When Dave? When have you ever been there for me?" I asked." Name one time that you've been there for me."

"I... don't act like I've never been there for you Anura because I have, I just can't think of any at the moment." He said sheepishly, I turned my head to look at him, I got up and squinted at him.

"Well let me remind you of a time 'you've been' there for me." I air quoted.

"Remember your birthday three years ago?"

To be continued ....

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