The Mystery's of Clan McDuck...

By Georgiawritez

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__________________ ♡︎~A Ducktales Season 1 Rewrite~♡︎ Selene Duck lives a very normal life. She has a good fr... More

The Plan!
Escape To/From Atlantis!
The Birthday from Hell!
The Impossible Summit Of Mt. Neverrest!
The Great Dime Chase!
The Beagle Birthday Massacre!
The House of the Lucky Gander!
Terror of the Terra-Firmians!
McMystery at McDuck McManor!
The Missing Links of Moorshire!
The Spear of Selene!
Day of the Only Child!
The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!


417 11 1
By Georgiawritez

Selene woke up a few hours later. Stretching, she climbed out of bed and walked over to her dressing table. She started brushing her long hair. It was always a mess in the morning. The reason Selene woke up in the first place was from the sound of squawking, which she could immediately recognise as her Uncle Donald..

'Oh crap, the plan!' Selene thought, she dropped her hair brush in shock and ran towards the door before realising that she was still in her pyjamas. Her babysitter, Millicent, hated it when she went to the dinner table before changing out of her pyjamas and into her everyday clothes. She was very old-fashioned, and if the sound of crashing plates was anything to go by, she was already here.

She always dropped something and blamed it on one of her brothers. After getting dressed into her usual mint t-shirt with a light purple collar and sleeves, jeans included, she overheard Louie talking to Donald, probably to hype him up before his interview, which he always did.

"You gotta dress for the job you want, not the job you have, which is no job."

Selene brushed back her bangs and grabbed her usual two hair clips, and clipped them into her bangs to keep them in place. She quickly sprayed some perfume.

She walked out of her room to see no Millicent, only Huey pulling down the ironing board right onto Donald's head. She went to go stand next to Louie, Huey ran next to her, well, more like behind her since he was the cause of Donald's temper tantrum. He was holding Donald's interview suit.

"Stop helping me! And put those life vests on. What if the boat goes down while the babysitter's here?" Donald spoke, still under the ironing board.

"Yes, Uncle Donald." Huey, Louie, and Selene droned in unison.

Selene went to grab the life vests. Once Selene passed her brothers their life vests, She put hers on and realised she looked a bit like a pufferfish. But that's the price you pay for safety, I guess.

"Where is that babysitter?" Donald asked himself as he stood up. He grabbed his phone to call the babysitter. "Where are you?!" Donald asked desperately. "What?! I didn't give you a new address!" Donald squawked.

Huey and Louie smirked to each other. All a part of the plan, Selene reminded herself.

"Well, what time can you get here? Crazy, old bird, " Donald said, exasperated. He ended the call and looked at the time. "Where can I find another babysitter at 10:00 o' clock?" Donald asked himself.

"10:00 o' clock?" They all shouted in unison.

"You gotta go!!" Louie shouted as he pulled the ironing board back up.

Selene helped Huey put Donalds shirt back on, then Louie pushed Donald outside, Selene and Huey quickly followed them.

"I can't just leave you!" Donald exclaimed.

"We can survive by ourselves for a couple of hours! Plus, Selene and Huey are here. Out of all four of us their the most responsible. " Louie argued.

Selene made a fistpump gesture. "Heck yeah! We won't let anything happen under our watch! Right Huey?" Selene turned to Huey, but she could tell that he was about to crack.

Then the engine started up, 10 minutes early..

"Where's Dewey?" Donald asked knowingly.

"Sleeping." Louie lied.

"Yep, he's safe and sound asleep!" Selene clarified nervously.

"Who's Dewey?" Huey asked.

Selene watched Donald speed walk back into the boat in shock.

"Seriously?" Selene exclaimed..

"Who's Dewey??" Louie parroted.

"I'm sorry! I'm not good under pressure. You should know this by now!" Huey replied anxiously.

Selene watched as Donald came back with Dewey under his arm, and then he snatched her, Huey and Louie up and threw them in the back, and her in the front seat.

'Oldest sibling privileges.' Selene thought smugly.

Donald got in next to her, in the driver's seat.

"I can't leave you kids alone for one minute!" Donald stated.

"You and Selene were supposed to have him out by 10:00 o'clock Hubert!" Dewey started.

"You were supposed to signal before you started the boat, Dewford!" Huey shouted.

"At least I knew the script! I shouldn't be blamed for this." Selene angrily muttered, crossing her arms and slouching down in her seat.

"We never get to do anything!" Louie shouted in defeat.

"Kids, if we want to keep our home afloat..." Donald started. "...We've all got to do things we don't want to do. " He then reached for the gps.

"Destination McDuck Manor."

Selene jumped from her seat and poked Donald in the arm with a quizzical look. "How do you know Scrooge McDuck?"

"McDuck Manor? As in Scrooge McDuck?" Huey asked.

"Did you work for him, as a janitor, or something?"

"The bajillionaire?" Dewey said in disbelief.

"You're finally gonna sell us.." Louie added smugly.

Selene rolled her eyes. Mainly, at all her questions being ignored but also at the stupidity of that accusation.

"I never worked for him, Selene." Donald focused on her before turning back to Louie, "I would never sell you. He owes me. Big time."

"We're gonna meet Scrooge McDuck?" Dewey asked excitedly.

"That guy's amazing," Louie spoke with an awestruck expression.

"I heard he's so epic. He defeated a rock giant and carved a statue of himself out of its leg!" Dewey began.

"I heard he's so smart. He solved the mystery of the Chupacabra. Turns out it was just a shaved bear!" Huey added.

"I heard that he's so rich. He only hunts for treasure to swim in it!" Louie said in awe.

"I heard he made his way square! He built his empire on a single dime!" Selene gushed.

Just because she's sceptical doesn't mean she can't fangirl.

"All right, take it down a notch. It's only for a couple of hours." Donald remarked.

"A couple of hours with the most exciting duck in the world!" Dewey exclaimed.

The car ride was only 10 minutes, she passes his house on the way to school. Her brothers are always trying to see if they can climb the gate before they get shooed off by the housekeeper.

"Mrs. B! Open up. I need to get out of here before..." Donald sighed.

Selene almost lept out of her seat from the sudden honking noise.

"Ha!" Dewey laughed.

"Shut up, Dewford!" Selene exclaimed, her face heating up.

"Oi, jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, ya deadbeat!" Scrooge shouted at Donald.

Donald sighed before climbing out of the car.

"Donald Duck." Scrooge says in a blank tone.

"Uncle Scrooge." Donald mimicked.

"Uncle Scrooge?" Selene and Huey said in unison.

Selene actually did jump out of her seat this time.

"No way! How are we related to him?" Selene asked out loud.

She was oblivious to the fact that her brothers were rolling all over the car's hood.

Once they got back into the car, Donald and Scrooge continued their 'conversation' if you could even call it that.

"So, you're looking good." Donald began.

"Still living on that boat?" Scrooge asked.

"Yup. Still a trillionaire?" Donald questioned.

Selene saw Scrooge point to a peacock, but she quickly got bored with watching them talk, so she turned to her brothers.

"Why has Uncle Donald been keeping this a secret?" Selene asked them.

"Maybe he's been keeping all the birthday and christmas money to himself, and he doesn't want to share it?" Dewey pondered.

"Very unlikely." Huey added.

"Do you think that we're going to get added to his will?" Louie asked.

"Do you think he built his empire on handouts? You're going to have to pry that money from his dead, cold hands." Selene chuckled.

"That sounds like a challenge!" Dewey said confidently.

Selene turned her attention to her Uncles to see if they were still making small talk, but she saw Donald motion to them to go over to him.

"Oh, Uncle Donald wants us to go over to them. " Selene told her brothers, Selene, and the boys got out of the car and ran over to Donald.

"Selene, Huey, Dewey, Louie, meet Scrooge McDuck. Remember: No tricks, no lies, no trouble." Donald droaned.

"Yes, Uncle Donald." The four of them said in unison.

"I wasn't talking to you..' Donald said, glaring at Scrooge, who glared back at him.

"Bye, Uncle Donald, good luck!" Selene smiled as Donald walked away.

Donald turned to her to smile and wave. Selene turned around to see Scrooge start walking towards the car.

'Rude,' Selene thought to herself, Selene turned to talk to her brothers as they were walking.

"So, how many rooms do you think the mansion has?" Selene asked.

"Like 100!" Dewey replied.

"No way, that's not reasonable. It's probably around 75, plus what would he do with 100 rooms?" Huey added.

"What would he do with 75.." Dewey mumbled.

"Duh, he would obviously fill all the rooms up with money so he can swim in it. That's like his thing!" Louie said back.

Selene was about to add her own theories, but she bumped into the car door by accident.

"Ha!" Dewey laughed at her again

"Stop laughing at me, Dewey! It wasn't even that funny..." Selene said, feeling embarrassed yet again.

"If I had bumped into it, you would have burst out laughing," Dewey shot back.

Selene was about to reply, but Scrooge got out of his seat and opened the door for them. He looked fed up.

She laughed uncomfortably before climbing into one of the limos seats.

After a short car ride, they made it to the mansion, Scrooge opened the door and walked in, leaving the kids to stand in front of the door awkwardly.

Mrs. B opened the door and let them in.

Selene awed at the place as she followed the housekeeper into the dining room and sat down next to her brothers across from Scrooge.

As soon as he started reading his newspaper and put it down slightly, Selene and the boys were in his face.

"Ep! So, do children still like... marbles or uh..." Scrooge stuttered.

"Do you actually need the cane? Or is it just for show?"

"Are you really our uncle?"

"How old are you?"

"What's your net worth?"

"How many rooms does this mansion have?"

"What's the deal with you and Uncle Donald?"

"Ooo, is this fork real silver? Can I have it?"

"How come you never visit?"

"Oh, cause you're so old and moving is so hard?"

"So you do need the cane after all.."

"You owe us a LOT of birthday presents!"

"You used to be a big deal. Whatever happened to you?"

Before Selene and the boys' questions get to be answered, Scrooge slammed down his newspaper.

"BEAKLEY!" Scrooge shouted.

Selene and the boys are escorted out of the dining room, and they are pushed into some room that looked like it hadn't been lived in for years.

"You agreed to watch 'em. Watch 'em! Selene..Huey, Louie... the fourth one." Scrooge said calmly, and he quickly exited the room.

"Please do not leave the designated play area." Mrs. Beakley asked calmly, She handed Selene a bag of marbles.

"A gift from your great uncle. You will return them upon your departure. He's counted them." Mrs. Beakley stated. Mrs. Beakley locked them in.

"Great, now we have two boring uncles.." Huey sulked.

"What are we meant to do now?" Selene asked no one in particular.

"We're definitely ditching this room." Louie said.

"Yup, and I know just how to do it!" Dewey replied.

"What's the plan, genius?" Selene inquired.

"See this bag of marbles sister? There our ticket out of here!" Dewey said confidently.

"Hmph! Stupid! Doorknob! Come! Off! Nailed it!" Dewey cheered.

"Wow. I can't believe you actually managed to do it." Selene said dumbfounded.

"I can't believe THAT was your best plan." Louie quipped.

"Come on, guys! Let's go touch some expensive stuff." Dewey added.

"Woo!" Selene replied.

She watched in shock as Dewey got snatched by some rope.

"Wah!" Dewey exclaimed

"Dewey!" The 3 of them said in unison, then all of a sudden Selene, Huey, and Louie got snatched as well.

Selene wakes up to find that herself and her brothers are dangling by some rope that's secured by a hook on the ceiling.

"I'll put the marbles back! I swear!" Dewey shook.

A mysterious voice came out from the darkness.

"Who sent you? Ma Beagle? Glomgold? Answer me!" ???

"Uncle Scrooge!" Louie cried.

"Uncle Scrooge? OH MY GOSH, THE NIECE AND NEPHEWS!" ??? Then the mysterious stranger turns on the lights, and it just turns out to be some kid Selenes  age.

They cut the rope, and Selene fell ungraciously on her head.

"Ouch.." Selene mumbled.

She stood up and helped her brothers up as well.

"Wait, you know us?" Louie asked the stranger.

"Of course! Researching Mr. McDuck and his family is kind of my hobby." ???

"What?" Louie and Selene asked at the same time.

All of a sudden, Selene and the boys were bombarded with questions.

"What are your blood types? What's Donald really like? Who's the evil sibling?" ??? asked while plucking a feather from Hueys head.

"Louie." Selene, Huey, and Dewey said in unison.

Louie didn't seem that bothered, though.

"Meh." Louie replied nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Tell me EVERYTHING!" ??? then took a photo of Selene and the boys with the flash on.

Selene winces and rubs her eyes.

"We live with our uncle...on a boat," Selene answered shakily.

The stranger encouraged Selene to go on.

"That's it, we're just a normal boring family." Huey added.

"Normal? Boring? HAH!" ???

A ball came straight for their heads, so Selene quickly moved her brothers out of the way. She looked behind her to see a massive family tree made up of her family members.

"Woah.." Selene said in shock.

"Selene, Huey, Dewey, and Louie Duck. Scrooge McDuck's great niece and nephews from his sister Hortense's side with Quackmore Duck, twice removed!" ???

"And you are?" Dewey inquired.

"Oh, right. Webby Vanderquack. My granny's the housekeeper. WAIT! Are we friends now?" Webby asked hopefully.

"If we say yes, will you let us live?" Huey asked.

"HAH! Good one, new best friend." Webby laughed.

"Soo, Webby, what do you do for fun around here?" Louie asked.

"Oh, I'm the best at fun." Webby answered.

She kicked a grate open, then proceeded to crawl into the vents.

"At least it's not the marble room.." Dewey grinned.

"To adventure!" Selene exclaimed.

Selene followed Webby into the vent, and then the boys followed soon after.

"Whoa, vent crawl!" Webby exclaimed.

She rolled into the room and posed before getting up. The rest followed shortly after.

"You don't get out much, do you?" Huey asked.

"Meh, we don't get out much either." Selene replied.

"Nah, I don't... Granny's a bit over-protective. She trains me to be ready for anything, but then she says I've got everything I need in here. But one day I'm going to see the world. I'm going to be an explorer! I'm going to go eat a hamburger." Webby declared.

"Don't worry, Webs, we will definitely get you a hamburger." Selene assured Webby.

"Giving my nicknames? And making promises? You guys really are my best friends.." Webby said in awe.

Selene heard a thud and turned around to see Dewey come out of the vents. They exited the room, and Webby led them to a door.

"Welcome to the wing of secrets!" Webby announced.

She opened the door to show them all the artefacts from Scrooge's adventures.

"Wow, this is so cool! I'm surprised that Scrooge didn't lock this door. He's been very secretive." Selene stated.

She followed behind Webby as the boys took their own path.

"Scrooge McDuck is known to be a very secretive person..well to me anyway," Webby replied. "Ooh, look at this Selene, The Gong of Pixiu. Hit it three times to unleash unspeakable evil!" She spoke ominously.

"Ooh, Spooky." Selene grinned.

Selene looked over to see Louie claiming a random gauntlet.

"Whoa, careful. Medusa's gauntlet. One touch could turn organic matter to stone." Webby warned him.

"Ok, I'll call this one a maybe." Louie grinned before placing the green sticky note back on.

"This place is incredible!" Huey said in awe.

"It's fake." Dewey added in a blank tone while pointing at a tore up painting.

They all walked over to see what he was talking about. He pointed to a painting of Scrooge and Donald on a pirate ship. The corner was torn.

"Is that Uncle Donald?" Huey asked the room.

"Oh yeah! He was Mr McDuck's sidekick." Webby replied.

"Dewey's right," Huey replied.

"Totally fake," Louie added.

"This has to be edited," Selene quipped.

"Uncle Donald has never done anything cool." Dewey said.

"What? Donald Duck is one of the most daring adventurers of all time!" Webby explained.

Selene held back her laugh.

"This has got to be a fake, and I bet everything else is too." Dewey stated.

Webby ran over to the picture of the Chupacabra.

"That's not true. what about this picture with Chupacabra?" Webby asked.

"Photoshopped." Huey said bluntly.

Webby then went over to a treasure chest.

"Well, this treasure chest?" Webby ran to the chest, her tone becoming desperate.

"Probably bought it at an auction." Louie added.

A floating blanket came out of the treasure chest, and Selene almost had a heart attack.

"This g-g-ghost?" Webby stuttered

"You mean this halloween decoration?" Dewey said while pulling the sheet off to reveal a pirate ghost

"Curse ye you scurvy life lubbers!" The ghost shouted.

Selene and the others ran away screaming as Webby spoke,

"It's Captain Peg-hook, the scourge of the river Styx!"

"Why is there a ghost in Scrooges' garage?" Selene screamed.

Dewey ran to grab a sword to try and defeat it while shouting, "It's real, It's really, really real."

The sword started shaking, and the ghost started to control the sword by putting it through his body to prove that he couldn't be killed. Webby, Selene and Huey ran behind a statue of Scrooge to hide.

"The Deus Excalibur. It won't rest until its target's slain." Webby stated.

"But he's already dead!" Huey cried.

The sword went straight for them, so they ducked, and it ended up hitting the gong. Webby and Selene gasped.

"Do not let anything else hit that gong!" Webby shouted.

"Yep, I'm gonna sit this one out." Louie said as he went to sit on a saddle, then all of a sudden it came to life and created a headless man horse!..which ended up hitting the gong.

"The headless man horse! That one feels pretty self-explanatory.."

"That's twice!! One more thing and something terrible could happen!" Huey shouted.

"What could be worse than this?" Louie asked as he ducked another attack from the ghost.

"What in Dismal Downs is going on in here?!" Scrooge shouted.

"That's it.." Selene and the boys groaned.

"Why aren't you in your rooms?" Scrooge exclaimed.

The ghost pirate tried attacking Scrooge, so while Selene, Huey, Dewey, and Webby ran to find somewhere to hide, Louie ran with Scrooge until he saw where they hid and led him there.

"We've got this. There are five of us and three of them. If we, wait, never mind, they teamed up..." Huey sighed.

Selene peeked from her hiding spot to see the ghost riding the headless horse.

"Oh great, what else could go wrong today?" Selene wondered out loud.

"Don't worry lass, if they have teamed up, that means there's only one target," Scrooge said confidently as he walked out of their hiding spot.

"No, get back!! You're old!" Dewey shouted dramatically.

Selene giggled before getting flicked on the head by Huey.

Scrooge confidently walked over to the ghost and horse duo and spoke,

"Oi Beastie, what's it gonna take to shuffle you off to the afterlife?"

"The head of Scrooge McDuck!" The ghost bellowed.

Scrooge cracked his neck. "Would you settle for his hat?"

Peg-hook screamed, Scrooge threw his hat and ducked under him. Peg-hook threw the sword, and it ended up decapitating the statue behind Scrooge. The kids gasped before realising it's from the statue that Scrooge catches.

"There's your head." Scrooge threw it at the ghost casually.

The ghost faded while shouting, "I should have been more specific!!"

The head fell onto the headless horse man. He said something in Morse code, which Selene knows nothing about..the no longer headless horse runs away.

Honestly, it was one of the coolest things Selene had ever seen. Selene, Webby, and the boys all run over to Scrooge whilst cheering.

Scrooge wasn't having it, and he showed that by slamming his cane down aggressively while looking at them disapprovingly, then Louie tried to explain the situation,

"We can explain. We came down to your secret museum to look for you because we love you?" Louie said while trying to awkwardly side hug him. He explained, not very well, but it's the thought that counts.

"Secret museum? This is the garage." Scrooge said.

He looked confused as he got out a device that opened the garage doors.

"The what?" Selene, Huey, and Dewey said in unison.

"You mean the Gar-age?" Louie inquired.

"No, that's ridiculous! If this is a garage, then how do you explain all this amazing stuff, like the garden hose of destiny, or Montezuma's stack of old magazines, or, oh yeah, no, it's a garage.." Webby said awkwardly.

"Unbelievable. I invite you into my home-" Scrooge argued.

"You locked us in a room!" Louie argued back.

"I gave you marbles!" Scrooge shouted.

"All we wanted was to hang out with you.." Huey sulked.

Selene then rubbed his shoulder and gave Scrooge a glare.

"Well, now you have and look at the mess it's gotten me. Don't give me that look lass, all I have been is caring, giving you lot a place to stay, and all I get in return is death glares and moody teenage comebacks." Scrooge bit back.

"I guess family is nothing but trouble, right Scrooge?" Dewey asked bitterly.

Selene was really confused by that, but she had no time to question him as Scrooge's face twisted angrily, and he started shaking.

"Everybody out." Scrooge said coldly.

"But we're..." Huey tried to retaliate.

"OUT!" Scrooge shouted. He accidentally hit the gong with his cane, which caused everyone to gasp.

"Oh, what are you gaping at? The curse is only activated if you ring the gong three times, and, and, and you already hit it two times, didn't ye?" Scrooge said as he turned around in time to see the dragon start to crack. Then, everybody witnessed as the dragon cracked fully and escaped by breaking a hole in the roof.

"Pixiu, the gold hunting dragon..." Webby says in awe.

"Gold hunting? Sounds great!" Louie says obliviously.

Selene smacked her forehead.

"Not when you're Duckburg's single largest owner of gold!" Huey replied.

The dragon sniffs out the gold from the money bin much to Scrooge's chagrin.

"Ah, me money bin!" Scrooge shouts as he grabs onto the dragon's tail as it starts to fly away. "To your rooms!" Scrooge shouted as he flew away.

It would have been a funny scene if not for the severity of the situation, Selene thought. Webby started to walk out of the garage.

"Where are you going?" Selene asked.

"I'm going to go eat a hamburger." Webby said seriously.

"We're in," Dewey replied.

"Cool. To be clear, I'm going to go catch the dragon. The hamburger was a metaphor from before I ..." Webby rambled.

"Yeah, yeah, we get it, we get it. But how are we going to get up there?" Dewey asked.

Selene noticed a random man pop his head through the crack of the door.

"Uh, I'm a pilot." ???

One fight later..

Selene, Webby, and the boys are sitting on a random piece of rubble looking sad, waiting for the inevitable lecture from Scrooge to happen. Then they notice him walk over to them, looking disappointed, then the pacing starts... a lot of pacing.

"In the short time I've known you, you wrecked my home and my money bin, unleashed several ancient evils, and almost got me killed twice." Scrooge stated.

He then finally stopped pacing.

"Four times if you count each monster as an individual time." Huey said nervously.

Scrooge loomed over them.

Selene was half expecting steam to come out of his beak then.. he starts laughing..? He sat in the middle of them and started  rambling.

"That was incredible! When you pulled me into the aeroplane and said "no time," ah, and who would have thought of the Medusas gauntlet? Brilliant! Oh, and then you swung me out of the building just in time. Ha ha, you kids are nothing but trouble! Curse me kilts, have I missed trouble. I suppose I'll have to keep an eye on you to teach you how to get in trouble properly." Scrooge chuckled.

"You mean?" Huey asked excitedly.

Scrooge gets out his gold flip-phone and rang someone.

"Beakley, clear my schedule. I'm taking the wee ones on a field trip," Scrooge stated."Now let's go find the lost city of Atlantis!" Scrooge beamed.

Everyone cheered.

And no one tells your Uncle Donald!" Scrooge added.

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted.

"Who is that?" Launchpad asked.

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