Tell Me You Hate Me

By olaw12341234

26.6K 1K 277

She broke his heart, but he can't stop loving her even if she is the evilest woman in the world. He destroyed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

2.6K 96 49
By olaw12341234

A/N: You know the warning by now 😈

* * *

The Alps resort, current day...

Eda woke up in the morning in Serkan's arms again. She didn't move, but she knew he wasn't sleeping. He just adjusted a cover on her and kept caressing her hair gently. Eda didn't know how to react to him after they just spent the whole night loving each other, and she remembered how Serkan kept whispering sweet nothing to her ears. It could be blamed on the moment. He couldn't mean those words after she learned how big of a cheat he was. It was just a desire. Even if they hated each other, they still desired their bodies. That's all, Eda decided, knowing that she desired Serkan because she loved him, but he didn't love her back.

But why he kissed her like she was the only woman for him in this world? Eda knew that because she was kissing him like he was the last man on earth, and for her he was. She would never be over him. He ruined her for any men, and last night confirmed it. There was no one like him.

But what now? Eda didn't want to have an affair with him as he was with someone else. He probably wanted that, and it just showed how unfaithful he was. She had to protect from him the scraps of her dignity she had left after what happened last night.

Serkan waited for Eda to wake up to talk to her. He wanted to finally confront her and make her admit why she broke up with him. And he was ready to forgive her if she would explain her actions and be sorry for leaving him for that looser. After what they said to each other last night, she must feel the same as him. She wouldn't be able to deny that that passion and fire between them was purely physical. For him, it wasn't. It never was.

Eda stirred and sat in the bed, not looking at Serkan. 

"It was a mistake. It will never happen again, and I don't want to hear about it ever." 

Her cold words made Serkan chest and throat clench. He fisted his hands and dug his nails deeply into his palms to keep himself from breaking down in fort of her. He tried to breathe, but he couldn't.

"It meant nothing to you." He said in a quiet voice, trying to appear rather angry than desperate.

"Nothing and nor should to you."

"It was a mistake." Serkan echoed Eda's words, his voice as cold as hers.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Get dressed."

Serkan was lying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling and fighting the treas. He had never been so humiliated in his life.

Eda locked herself in the bathroom and opened the water. When she was sure it could muffle the sounds, she broke into tears.

* * *

Istanbul, six weeks ago...

"Serkan, where are you taking me?" Eda couldn't contain her excitement, sitting in his car. Thirty minutes earlier, Serkan showed up under her door with a scarf in his hands and said that he was kidnapping her. And now they were driving to the mysterious destination.

"For a romantic dinner. Don't peek, Eda. Do you want to ruin a surprise?"

"I love surprises, but you know how impatient I am."

"I know, you are still a big baby in adult clothes." Serkan chuckled, and Eda poked him in the rib. "Eda! I'm driving. You really can't see anything through this blindfold? Because your aim is still excellent."

"I just can feel where you are." Eda ran her hand through his body, and her hand rested on his thigh.

"I see you want to feel more." Serkan teased her, and Eda's hand traveled up on his thigh, squeezing it, while she murmured seductively "Mmhmm," making him almost halt the car.

"Eda, stop. I'm driving." He tried to push her hand.

"Serkan, stop fighting." She complained.

Serkan chuckled lightly at the offense in her voice when he didn't let her continue her assault on him. She was completely crazy, and he loved that. Serkan decided to ask her his question now. 

"I will stop if you agree to move with me." Eda giggled. "Eda, I'm not joking. Stay with me tonight, and don't leave."

Eda's stomach somersaulted. She couldn't see his face, but he sounded sincere. "Are you serious, Serkan?"

"I've never been more." He answered her firmly. 

Serkan was one hudred percent sure. It wasn't about him wanting her to move with him. It was a necessity. He couldn't live without her anymore. Every night he had spent apart from her was torture, even if he knew she waited for him every morning to greet him with breakfast at her home before his work.

"But how it's going to be?" Eda asked. She had to admit she loved this idea, but there were some obstacles. "We supposed to keep our relationship lowkey. And what? Are we going leave for the same work separately?"

"No, I will drive you."

"And it won't look suspicious?"

"As I already said, I don't care about what anybody has to say. I never cared. And if someone makes a nasty comment, I will show them the door."

"Serkan, you promised me two weeks. I will use my car."

Serkan smiled and looked at Eda. She had a big smile on her face. "So, is that a yes?" He asked, and Eda squeezed his thigh. "It's very strong maybe."

He turned his eyes to the road, grinning like an idiot. He knew Eda wanted it as much as he did. She just teased him. "But if your car breaks, and I'm sure it will. I'll be driving you. And you will never last in Artlife for two weeks keeping your hands away from me. Now you can barely contain yourself."

"Do you want to make a bet?" Eda rested her hand on the bulge in his pants. "And you can't keep your hands from me either."

Serkan rolled his eyes and refrained from chuckling. He knew Eda would hurt him for that. He glanced down at Eda's hand and smirked. "I don't have to make a bet, and you are the one who wants to keep the distance at work. I'm not. So it all will be on you."

"Are you going to seduce me in the workplace? I can sue you for harassment."

"Mmhmm. Sue me." Serkan felt how Eda started massaging him through the fabric of his pants. He absolutely loved her boldness. She always took from him what she wanted. He couldn't wait to have her full consent to do the same with her.

"We will see how quickly you will cave. You won't last more than two days. So I suggest you make a great presentation for the whole Artlife team on the first day, and after you make a big impression, we will be done with this charade." Serkan said, smiling to himself. He didn't believe Eda would keep up with hiding their relationship. After what he had planned for them for next week, she wouldn't even be able to hide it unless she wanted to keep her right hand in her pocket for two weeks. Although she was left-handed, so maybe her stubbornness will prevail, and she will do that. But she wouldn't be able to do anything about his right hand.

"Two weeks, Serkan, or I'm not moving in with you."

Serkan stopped his car and got out to help Eda. "Tomorrow you're packing your things and moving with me. Melo has the day off to help you."

"You've planned this." Eda clung to him firmly for support.

"I did."

Serkan led her with him carefully, not letting her fall. "We are almost there. You can look now." He took the blindfold from Eda's eyes, and she looked around, surprised. "Serkan. But this is your home."

"Now is yours too." Serkan embraced her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Next to the terrace stood a garden gazebo with long, white curtains and faires light. Inside were comfortable floor pillows and a small table prepared for dinner. Eda turned to Serkan, looking at him with shiny eyes. He never failed to surprise her in the best possible way. Every day with him showed her how perfect he was and how amazing it was to be with him.

"You did all of that? It's amazing."

Serkan gave her his confident half smile. "I practiced at your aunt's. And I even cooked."

"Do you cook?"

"Better than you think."

Serkan led Eda to the pillows and went to the outdoor kitchen for their dinner. Sirius came to Eda for his customary hugs and kisses. He was a big scary rottweiler who fell instantly in love with Eda just as his owner. Serkan returned with their plates and played the music.

"I didn't know you can be that romantic." Eda said with a big smile. Her cheeks were hurting from all this smiling.

"You didn't see anything yet." Serkan whispered to her ear, sitting close to her and putting one loose lock of her hair behind her ear. He loved to do that. Eda leaned to him, waiting for him to kiss her, but he cocked his brows, pointing his chin at the table. "Eat your dish."

Eda almost hit him, seeing his smug face. It was his favorite thing to tease her. She took a bite, and her eyes widened in surprise. She nodded with appreciation. "This is very good, Serkan."

"I'm the best at everything." He laughed, taking his fork.

"Aren't you too full of yourself?"

"No. I'm just stating the facts."

"But you shot yourself in the foot with this dish." Eda giggled at Serkan, and he tilled his head at her. "Now you have to cook for us every time we eat at home."

"Home. How beautiful it sounds in your mouth." He smiled so brightly that Eda's heart stopped, and she felt blood rushing to her cheeks. "I intend to cook for you, so you will finally eat better."

"Serkan, there will be chocolate in our home, or you will regret you were born." Eda put her hands on her hips, kneeling to tower over him, making Serkan burst out laughing. He pulled her down on him. "I will never regret anything about you."

They eat their dinner, laughing and bantering with each other. When Eda finished her meal, Serkan stood up and gave her his hand. "Dance with me, Eda."

She hugged him by his neck. His intense gaze was burning her. She felt overwhelmed with what she felt for him. She knew she was in love with Serkan. She loved him from the day they met, and with every day, she only loved him more. Now she loved him so much she couldn't hold it anymore. She had to tell him.

Eda opened her mouth when Serkan suddenly stopped their movements. He pulled her into a tight embrace and looked her deeply in her eyes. His heart was pounding like crazy, and he felt her going faster too. His eyes sparkled and changed color.

"Eda, I'm madly in love with you. I fell in love with you instantly the moment I looked into your eyes on that dirty pavement, and with every day, I love you more. I can't live without you. I can't even breathe when you aren't next to me. I want you to be mine forever."

He pulled her for a kiss, and when he broke from her lips, he looked hopefully into her eyes, which were smiling at him.

"I love you, Serkan." She whispered, not being able to say more from the intense feeling of love that filled her whole body. She just kissed him back. When they pulled back, she snuggled to his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

"Serkan," Eda whispered.

"Yes, my love."

"You just achieved the impossible."

"And what is it?"

"You made me speechless." They both laughed lightly. Serkan pulled Eda's chin up and looked at her, mesmerized. "How can you be even real?" And she just smiled.

"Make me yours today. I want to make love with you under the stars."

* * *

Earlier that day...

"Are you sure it will work? We will have access to their phone accounts?"

"Yes, don't worry, Selin. All you need is a couple of minutes with Serkan's phone. I've already haked Eda's. It was child's play." Selin heard the evil laugh on the other side of the line. "There. I sent you a link. Open it on his phone and delete the message, and it will be ready."

"Just that simple?" Selin smiled devilishly.

"Just that simple." Deniz pulled his lips up in the same grimace.

"Ok, Deniz. I have to hang up. If everything goes well, tomorrow morning we are making our move. Are you sure you heard right that Eda is going to stay with Serkan tonight?"

"One hundred percent positive. Melo was squeaking so loud that I almost went deaf when I eavesdropped on them. I hate sitting in that bushes, but Ceren and Melo shouldn't know I'm in town."

"What an annoying girl. I have to endure her every day. Ok, I see Serkan in his office. I'm going."

Selin hung up her phone, took some documents, and turned to Serkan's office with an evil smile. She looked around the room. His coffee cup was still full, standing at the end of the table, and Serkan was working on his laptop.

Perfect. It will be so easy. She smirked.

"Serkan, I have some documents for you to sign."

"Ok, Selin. Give me them. I will look at them later." Serkan didn't even tear his gaze from the computer screen. Selin quickly approached him, and in a hasty move, she extended the papers to him, knocking his coffee in the process, and spilling it all on his pants and shirt.

"What are you doing!!!" Serkan yelled surpized.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Serkan. Did I burn you? Here I will help you."

"No, it was cold. Be more careful next time!" Serkan gave her an annoyed look and marched out of the office to clean himself, muttering something under his nose. Selin smiled widely, seeing that he had left his phone on the desk and it was unlocked. She winced when she saw he had Eda's picture as the wallpaper. One more day and all these pictures will be gone.

She quickly sent the message she had received from Deniz to Serkan's phone, opened the link, waited for it to load, and removed all the traces of her activity. Deniz was right, it was child's play, and soon Eda will be just an unpleasant memory in Serkan's life.

* * *

The Alpes resort, current day...

When Eda left the bathroom after one hour, she saw Serkan still in the bed, looking up at the ceiling. He didn't show any signs of wanting to move or even get dressed. She couldn't bear the sight of his naked chest and his muscular thighs, which were barely covered by the sheet.

"Get dressed." She ordered him, and he closed his eyes at her cold voice.

"Don't look if you have a problem."

"I said get dressed!!!" Eda yelled, throwing him his pants and shirt. Serkan bolted up on the bed, looking at her with so much hate that she almost screamed. She saw how he fisted his hands and clenched his jaw, but he said nothing. He took his clothes and went to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

* * *

"We checked almost all the cabins. They weren't there. There are still two left but in a very remote area. It is highly unlikely they could get there from where they left you on the path." Officer turned to Ferit and Engin, who came up to him, asking for an update.

"But what do you mean?" Engin asked. "The solar system is working, that's mean they are in one of the cabins."

"It could be a coincidence. We don't know when it was switched on. Maybe days earlier." Officer shook his head, knowing that this information would deeply affect the people, standing in front of him, but he didn't want to keep them in false hope. His duty was to be truthful and realistic.

"Sir!" One member of the rescue team ran to them quickly.

"What is it, Friedrick?"

"We tracked their phones!"

"Show me coordination and the maps!" Ferit and Engin looked at the maps with them. Engin looked at his friend with worry. "This is not the location of any of the cabins. It is in the area two hours from us and where the first snowslide fell."

"Summon all the people to meet there with digging equipment." Officer made the orders and turned to Ferit and Engin. "I'm sorry, but you should prepare for the worst."

* * *

Serkan sat on the couch, crossing his arms on his chest. He was so angry. All the pain and humiliation Eda caused him six weeks ago was multiplicated by this final blow. If he thought that the way she broke up with him was bad, it was nothing in comparison to what she did to him now. 

Yet again, she discarded him like trash just after she slept with him. Like he was nothing. He should know better this time and remember that he was nothing to her. He never was anything to her. It all was just a game. And now she probably got bored in this cabin and played with him again. He hated her so much now that he wanted finally get even with her. If she had no problem hurting him, why should he?

"Are you pleased with yourself now?" He asked her, and his voice was full of hate.

Eda looked at him. Her eyes mirrored the same hate and hurt as his. But none of them noticed the amount of pain in each other eyes. They were too wounded to see past the hatred. 

"What is your problem now?"

"You've got what you wanted, and now you're back to your old ways." He said through his gritted teeth, fisting his hands and standing up. Eda's eyes widened as she took her position in front of him, ready for a fight, she was breathing heavily, and her eyes were spitting fire. 

Serkan looked at her with disgust. "Or rather, I should say yesterday was your old way. How many clueless idiots felt to you trap before me or.." He didn't finish his sentence as Eda slapped him with all the force she had and screamed. 

"I hate you Serkan Bolat! How dare you treat me like that, I never did anything to you, and you treated me like the biggest trash and still don't want to leave alone! You have no heart!"

"You never did anything to me? You?!" Serkan laughed angrily. "You did everything to me! No one ever hurt me as much as you did! But there is one thing you are right about! I have no heart! I have no heart anymore because you rip it off my chest. And ripping it off wasn't enough for you! No! You had to cut it into pieces and throw it in the trash. Leaving me wasn't enough for you. You had to play the spectacle for me to belittle me, to humiliate me, to show me how I didn't mean anything to you! And I hate you for it! I hate you because my heart, you threw away, still dies from loving you on some piles of garbage you left it on!"

"What are you talking about, Serkan?!" Eda screamed.

"What am I talking about?" Serkan shouted furiously. "What? Now you're going to play innocent?! I saw you!!! You called me to witness it with my own eyes!! It wasn't enough to just break up with me via message! You had to parade in front of me with your boyfriend!!! I saw everything, and even then, I was so stupid that I called you million times! And when you blocked me, I went to you, to force you to break up with me in person, but when I saw you entering your home in the embrace of another guy, I finally understood how big an idiot I was and that I meant nothing to you, that you wouldn't even bother to talk with me!!!"

Eda was looking at him in shock. The tears were flowing from her eyes as she fisted her hands so hard that she dug her nails into her flesh. She was shaking in fury.

"I don't believe you!! It is your another cruel game to destroy me again! Once wasn't enough for you!!! You came back to your crime place to have some more fun?!!! You had your girlfriend throw me from your bed after our first night together like a was some cheap whore! You didn't even bother to do it by yourself!! And later, when I came to you to throw in your face what a piece of shit you were, you didn't even bother to answer the door!!! You set her on me to send me away again while you were taking a shower! You were the one who humiliated me the most in my life just after I gave myself to you! How could you dare to be with another woman just hours after you were with me!!"

The veins popped on Serkan's neck and temple, he was panting heavily, and his eyes went black from the mix of rage and pain that showed on his face.

"I don't have a girlfriend! What are you talking about?! I thought you were my girlfriend, but I was so wrong!! It is a nice story to put a blame on me! This is what you told your friends about me? Destroying me wasn't enough?! Now you also came for my reputation?! I have proof. I have all the messages you send me! I should have deleted them, but still, I'm too stupid and couldn't bring myself to do that!"

"You will not deceive me again with your false word!" Eda screamed at him even louder, hitting him again and again in his chest. "I gave myself to you! You knew you were my first!! Why would I do that?! If I wanted to break up with you, why would I give my virginity to you!! And now, even when you treat me like a piece of trash every time you turn your head to me, I still can not stop loving you! I hate you for that!! Why I had to fall for the cruelest man in the world?!"

Eda's body was shaken by the violent cries when Serkan grabbed her arms and shook her.

"Is that true? Eda! Tell me! Is that true?!" He looked at her desperately.

"What?" She tried to hit him again, but he held her tighter.

"Do you love me?!"

"What do you care!!"

"Because I'm madly in love with you! And I can't stop, even if I wanted to!" Serkan shouted frantically.

"If you love me, why you left me!? Why you weren't there when I woke up!" Eda yelled back, crying. He held her when she slumped and picked up to make her look at him.

"I went to the main gate to pick up the breakfast I had ordered for us! I was back in ten minutes, but you weren't there. I called you million times. All my messages went straight to voicemail. You texted me to meet you at the marina, and I went there only to see you in the embrace of another guy. You sent me a message to stop calling you, and when I tried again, you blocked me!"

"I never did that!" Eda cried. "When I woke up, Selin came and told me she has to once again throw your trash from the apartment you both share!"

"She is not my girlfriend! She never lived with me. She was lying! She did that on purpose!"

"So what was she doing there when I came back later!"

"I don't know!! I didn't come back home for the whole day and night. I slept drunk on Engin's couch, feeling sorry for myself!" Serkan's voice mirrored all the agony he had lived through those past weeks. 

Eda looked at him, not knowing what to believe. 

"I never texted you to meet me at the marina! I called you, but you blocked me! I met Deniz there, he called me there, and he acted weird, but he tried to console me after what you did to me! He wanted to go and kick your ass, but I asked him to let go! He drove me home and walked to the door!"

"Oh, how considerate of him!" Serkan laughed from the fury that filled his veins. He finally knew what had happened. "He wanted to kick my ass?! I am the one who will go to kick his!"


"Eda!" Serkan cupped her cheeks. "Don't you see! They broke us up!"

"But why?" She asked in a small, broken voice, closing her eyes.

"Eda, look at me! Look at me! Do you love me?!"

"I love you, Serkan! I love you since the moment I saw you, and you smiled at me." Eda cried in Serkan's arm. He gently took her chin and tilted her head to make her look at him.

"I love you more than life, Eda. Do you believe me?"

"I want to believe you."

Serkan crushed her lips. Eda opened her lips to welcome his tongue inside his mouth. Their kiss was full of madness they felt in their bodies as they tried to make up for all the kisses they were robbed of for six long, excruciating weeks when they were forced apart. When they finally broke the kiss, Eda looked at Serkan with a newfound determination.

"How could they do that to us? I will kill them."

Serkan rested his forehead on her, his hands roaming on her whole body, trying to satisfy his need for her and claim her again. "We will have our revenge, but now I need you, Eda."

"I need you too, Serkan. Make me yours again."

"Will you be mine forever?"

"I will."

Serkan picked up Eda and carried her to the bed while Eda opened his zipper and tried to push his pants and boxer down, making Serkan stumble. They broke their kiss and laughed. 

"So eager." Serkan whispered into her ear, putting her on the bed. 

Eda kneeled before him while Serkan pulled her top over her head. He opened her bra and leaned to kiss her hard nipple, but Eda pushed him.

"Take off your clothes." She ordered him, and Serkan stripped before her while Eda took off her leggings and panties. 

When they discarded their clothes, they looked at each other naked bodies, admiring the view in front of them. Serkan pulled Eda to kiss her, entering her mouth with a tongue.

"I missed you. You don't even have an idea." 

He attacked her breast, sucking the soft skin and biting lightly. Eda's hand slid down on Serkan chest and abs, and she grabbed his hard dick and started stroking him. She pulled back, making him stand in front of her, and she bent down on the bed.

"Every day I saw you, sitting behind your desk, I wanted to do that." Eda took him in her mouth ad started sucking. He groaned and threw his head back from the pleasure she gave him. He grabbed her head and looked down, and the sight of Eda's full lips closed on his dick almost triggered him to come into her mouth.

"I want to come inside you." 

Serkan pushed Eda onto the bed. He grabbed her thighs and pulled her onto the edge of the bed, opening her to him and kneeling in front of her. 

"Every time I saw you sitting on my desk, I wanted to spread you on the table." His dirty talk made Eda moan from arousal, and she arched her back the moment Serkan entered her with his tongue. 

"Serkan!" She cried. 

His movement was making her crazy as she tossed on the bed when he was swirling his tongue inside her. She was grinding herself on his face when he halted her, putting his hand on her stomach, pushing her to bed, and entering her with his fingers, moving his tongue on her clit. The sensation was so powerful that her whole body contracted. 

Serkan entered her the moment she reached her orgasm. He pulled her hips up, holding her thighs with his strong hands, and slammed hard inside her. Eda's eyes rolled back as Serkan's thrusts doubled her orgasm. She has never felt something like this in her life. She knew only Serkan would ever be able to give her such immense pleasure. She lanced her legs around him and reached for him. 

He put her on the bed, crushing her body with his, and laced their hands on the sides of her head and started pounding inside her with mad speed. Serkan wasn't with her many times, but he already knew she loved when he was taking her hard and fast. His actions were immediately awarded by her cries of pleasure. Her moaning his name was the most beautiful and erotic sound he had ever heard, and he could come apart just hearing her. He leaned to kiss her, releasing the hold on her hands, and she grabbed his head to pull him closer to her, ruffling his hair.

"I love you so much, Eda." He whispered to her lips, and she moaned in response not able to form the proper words anymore, as he increased his speed. 

He looked at her face. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen from his hungry kisses, and her eyes burned for him. She cried his name again, arching his back, making Serkan let go as he felt his whole body shudder, and he jerked his hips and came deep inside her calling her name again and again.

Serkan fell on her, and she kept her legs laced around his waist, kissing him as they rode their aftershock.

"I'm sorry." He said in a broken voice. "I'm sorry for everything I said to you. For every cruel, hurtful, and unfair word." He looked at her, his whole body was shaking. Eda saw torment in his wet eyes. 

She cupped his cheeks gently. "It wasn't your fault. I love you, Serkan, and I'm sorry too." 

He put his head in the crock of her neck, breathing heavily, as she whispered loving words to his ear, caressing his hair, arms, and back. "I never let you go again."

* * *

"We have thirty minutes before we have to abandon the mission for today!" Officer informed his people and the Artlife team, who were digging in the snow, where earlier they managed to locate the signal of Serkan and Eda's phones.

"Thirty minutes? It's half past tree!!" Deniz protested.

"I said one disobey, and I'm sending everybody off."

"Of course, Sir. We will do as you say." Ferit said and gave Deniz a warning look.

"Sir! Our radar shows that we are close!" 

Everybody started to move faster. Officer took Ferit and Engin aside. "If we will find them it is better if you take your team from there, especially women."

Ferit and Enging exchanged terrified glances. 

"Ok.." Ferit answered in a shaking voice and turned to his friends. "Guys, you need a brake for hot tea before our departure. Melo, Ceren, Leyla, Selin, you need to come with us."

"But Ferit, we are so close!" Melo protested.

"Melo." Engin grabbed her arms to look at her. "We need to move aside." Her eyes widen in realization as she put her hand to her mouth to muffle the cry. "Noo!"

"Melo, please, go. It will be better that way." Engin led crying Melo to the secluded area where the rescue team set up a camp, they were followed by the other girls, but no one said anything.

"I'm going back to help." Engin left them. They waited for half an hour, expecting the arrival of the fatal sentence when all men returned in one group. They looked slightly in a better mood.

"We found their phones. But they weren't there." Ferit called as soon as he saw them. The girls let out their breath. 

"Thanks God." Piryl whispered, and Melo cried in relief.

"That means only one thing." Engin added. "They are in the cabin. There is one nearby."

"I still don't understand why we have to return now. We know they are so close, and we're leaving Eda with Serkan again. I rather stay here and dig the tunnel. You can go." Deniz said in raised, agitated voice, drawing annoyed gazes of mountain rescuers. They had spent a couple of hours, digging in the snow with him and already had enough.

"Deniz!" Engin turned to him. "Serkan and Eda are perfectly fine in that cabin. With all the food and water supply I've put in the cabin, they can live for months there."

"And you want to leave her with Serkan for months? Are you crazy, Engin?!" Deniz shouted at him, and Engin was taken aback by his reaction. "What is your problem, Deniz? Eda can take care of herself and she has Serkan to take care of her."

"Only if they do not kill each other." Deniz spat, taking his shovel. Ok. I'm done with you people. I'm going to get to her!"

Iritatted officer turned to him. "I will blame this disobey on the stress we experience lately, but this is the last warring. If I ever hear even one example of questioning my decision. You all are out." He threatened in a firm voice and turned to leave the camp.

"It will not happen again." Ferit reassured and followed him. 

Officer was visibly angry at Deniz's comments. He had to listen to him complaining all afternoon, and Ferit could see he didn't like the guy.

"One personal question Mr. Simsek. Your team looks like a well-working machine. Why do you have this specimen in your ranks? He is a rotten apple. I can sense this type from a mile."

"Good question, Sir. He is not really a part of Artlife, he just tugged along uninvited, and now we have to bear with his presence."

"Is he Miss Eda's boyfriend that he can't bear her spending time with another man?" Officer was really annoyed by Deniz. Otherwise, he would never ask this kind of private question.

"On the contrary." Ferit smiled slightly, knowing exactly how he felt. "He wishes, but there is a big obstacle on his way, Serkan Bolat."

"I heard him and Miss Eda don't like each other too much."

"The problem is they like each other too much but are too stubborn to talk and not fight. Fighting probably got them here."

"Oh I see. A little lovers' spat." Officer nodded knowingly. "Tomorrow morning, we are starting our mission to get your two lovebirds. Tell your team to be ready at six."

* * *

Serkan and Eda lay in each other arms and couldn't stop with kisses and caresses. They could finally openly express all the love and longing they had felt for these past six weeks when they were apart.

Eda pulled herself on her elbows to lean over Serkan and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Serkan."

"For what?" He asked, surprised, stroking her naked back.

"For coming up with the idea of building these cabins. It saved our life in more than one way."

Serkan threw his head back and laughed. "I'm the genius, after all." He answered with a smug smile, and Eda pinched his arm. "But we should thank Engin too. If I would design these cabins, I would never put a kingsize bed here with a bouncy mattress. And did you see what he put in the bathroom? The jacuzzi! In the shelter cabin!"

"He probably went with the resort theme." Eda giggled. "I saw even the bubble bath in the cabinet."

Serkan untangled himself from Eda's arms and legs and got off the bed. She looked at his naked body, admiring the sight in front of her, her eyes going up and down, and she bit her lower lips, making Serkan smirk at her. "Come, Eda. We can make use of Engin's crazy ideas."

He leaned and picked her up, throwing her on his back, and she giggled, waving her legs. Serkan opened the bathroom and sat her on the bathtub counter, opening the hot water. Eda took the bubble bath from the cabin and put almost all the content into the water. 

"What? It will get wasted if we don't use it." She said, seeing Serkan's gaze. "I like bubbles." She giggled when she entered the tub, followed by Serkan. 

It was so big they both had plenty of space, but Serkan pulled Eda onto his lap to kiss her chin.

"I figured you might use the hot bath after what we just did and especially after yesterday. I hope I wasn't too rough on you."

"I love when you are rough. It turns me on, Serkan." Eda whispered to his ear and bit his earlobe, feeling his erection growing. "And this angry sex. The best one in my life."

"Better than our first? We only had sex a couple of times. Wait for the rest." Serkan smirked, very pleased with himself. Eda could feel how pleased he was.

"Our first one was so long ago, I don't even remember it anymore. You have to help this memory not to fade." Eda started grinding her hips on Serkan's lap. He held her firmly by her waist.

"There are no stars there." He teased, nibbling on her jawline.

"Just details, Serkan, details. The important thing is in the right place."

Serkan suddenly stopped her movements. "Eda?"

"What?" She asked, irritated.

"There is one thing I had to ask you before we continue."

Eda looked at him with big question marks in her eyes.

"We never used protection, not then and not now. It was a spur of the moment, but if you don't want to have babies with me in nine months, we better think of something." Serkan said, and to his surprise, Eda just shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't worry, Serkan. I got a contraceptive shot two months ago it's still valid."

"Two months ago?" He cocked his brows and gave Eda a mischievous smile. "And made me wait for another two weeks?"

"Serkan!" Eda smacked his chest, and he chuckled. "I'm kidding Eda, and you always fell for it."

"Once an asshole, always an asshole." She said, and Serkan rolled his eyes at her. "You know that you are not the nicest either."

"I know." Eda closed her eyes and leaned to kiss Serkan when he started talking again.

"There is one more thing."

"What now, Serkan!" She was really irritated now.

"If we want our revenge, no one can know about us for a while." Serkan said in a serious voice.

Eda sighed heavily. "I was expecting you to come up with something like that. Is this a payback for when I made you hide we were together?"

"No, but goes along with it. I have a suspicion they sabotaged our work. They might have hacked our net. We need them not to suspect anything to catch them red-handed. I want them out of Artilife and our life forever without the possibility of coming back. We need to be well prepared before we strike."

"Tamam, Serkan, you're right. But if you are going to keep away from me, you have to make up to me for it now. No more talking."

"I couldn't talk to you normally for six weeks." Serkan replied innocently, pretending not to notice her another attempt to kiss him, but his hands squeezed her ass. Eda grabbed his cheeks and squeezed them. "So, now you decided it is the right time?"

"Are you with me only because of my dick?" Serkan pretended to be offended, but his eyes smiled. 

Eda giggled. She sat straighter on him, hugging him by his neck. "Of course not. There is also your tongue. Your handsome face, your sexy body..."

The giggles that resonated in the cabin changed to moans as they fell into their consuming passion again.

* * *

"They can not split us again. We had to get to Eda and Serkan as soon as possible and play a show for them if we want to have any win in this situation." Selin paced through her hotel room, getting more and more agitated with each passing hour Serkan and Eda were left together alone.

"Do you think Ferit can be onto something? He is always talking about Eda and Serkan."

"Don't be stupid" Selin looked at Deniz condescendingly. "He is doing that just to provoke me. He keeps getting on my nerves with the allusion about Serkan since we broke up." Selin's face distorted in an angry grimace at the reminder of her ex-fiance, who now made his life mission to irritate her.

"Ok, but even if we manage to get to Eda and Serkan. What we can do?" Deniz asked, sitting on the Selin's bed. They decided not to talk in the resort halls again after Ferit almost caught them the other day.

"It's simple." Selin snorted and gave him an evil grin. "Play on their nerves. You go to hug Eda, kiss her, and touch her. If you take her by surprise, she will not have time to react, and I'll do the same with Serkan. They both are so jealous that this is all we have to do."

"But if they talked..."

"Then I suggest you find another job and change the address because Serkan will kill you." Selin interrupted him, turning to Deniz.

"I don't think so, Selin." He answered calmly and laughed at her. "I still can play my involvement as a coincidence, but I can't say the same about you. You personally told Eda lies. Serkan will strangle you."

"If I go down. I take you with me." Selin eyes flashed dangerously.

Deniz glared at her. "Are you threatening me?" He said through his gritted teeth.

"I'm keeping your motivation high!"

* * *

"Do you want to stay in your bubbles for longer?" Serkan asked, getting out of the tub and reaching for a towel to dry himself.

"Mmhmm." Eda murmured, resting her head comfortably on a tub pillow and watching Serkan closely. He smiled at her. "Do you want chocolate?"

"You're spoiling me."

"I have six weeks catching up. But don't go to sleep in the water." Serkan wrapped the towel around his hips and moved away just at the moment when Eda tried to smack him on his buttock. "Edaa." He shook his head.

"You don't have to treat me as a baby." She pouted.

"I'm afraid I do. I'm the more responsible one of us two. I'm leaving the door open." 

Serkan left the bathroom and collected their discarded clothes from the cabin floor.

"Do you know Engin put even the washing machine and a dryer here?! We really can spend here one month!" He yelled from the pantry, where he put their clothes on the short program.

"Maybe he planned to spend his honeymoon here when he'd finally asked Piryl to marry him." Eda giggled, blowing the bubbles to Serkan, who just stuck his head to the bathroom. 

"Probably he did. There is even a nice alcohol selection here and ice creams and cake in the freezer." Serkan shook his head in disbelief.. "I really need to have a serious conversation with him about the definition of necessary alimentation."

"Don't complain, Serkan. Thanks to him we can enjoy our stay here. You would probably make us sleep on hard military single beds and survive on water and canned beans. I'm going to say to Piryl something nice about Engin to make her finally give him a chance."

"Are you going to stay longer in your bath? I'm opening the champagne, Eda."

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