Remedy (SCP-049 x Reader)

By Loomingx

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A new scientist joins an observation team responsible for SCP-049, and surprisingly... gains his interest. (C... More

Chapter 1: The First Encounter
Chapter 2: Book Club
Chapter 3: "A Slap in the Face"
Chapter 4: Trial and Error
Chapter 5: A Bear and Breakfast
Chapter 7: Transfixion
Chapter 8: From Fondness to Fortune
Chapter 9: Mutual Captivity
Chapter 10: A Too-Long Awaited Reunion
Chapter 11: A Fear of Love and Death

Chapter 6: Lavender, Drawings, and Mysteries

3.2K 120 72
By Loomingx

"It's a good change, having something to eat again." 049 said, wiping his mouth and pulling back up the fabric over his mouth.

You nodded, putting the now empty plates and such back on the cart.



It was awkwardly quiet after you both spoke over one another.

"After you, Y/N."

"No, please, after you doctor!" You insisted.

"What.. is it like on the surface?" He asked, clearing his throat.

You thought for a second, remembering the days crossed out on your calendar.

"Oh, it's winter. The first day of December is tomorrow. I'd imagine it's snowing already?" You responded, "Why?"

"You don't return home after your visits to the site?" 049 asked, confused.

You shook your head.

"We have the option to stay here in on-site lodging, or commute back and forth. Since I don't really have responsibilities on the surface, I decided to stay here." You admitted.

"You must have family you miss? Do you not miss the surface?" He asked.

You thought for a second before choosing your words.

"No, I don't, unfortunately. I was a foster child growing up, and focused on my school work. To be honest, I was in my own little world with science and studying it," you laughed, "I was always fascinated by it. Obsessed, even."

He nodded, "I am sorry to bring up any... unpleasant memories."

You smiled, waving it off, "Unpleasant is far from it, I was perfectly happy with learning about the world and organisms. My life only got more exciting once I was hired by the foundation."

"Truly?" He asked, wanting to be sure he hasn't bothered you.

"Truly! Do you miss anything, doctor?" You asked him.

He looked up, seeming lost in thought, "...let me see... time passes much differently for me... Ah!"


"Foraging for herbs was a peaceful past time... and helped towards my cure. I can't say walking that trail was boring. Rather pleasant, it was! Of course, having control over my own work space was also delightful, but as are you, doctor." He said, his gaze landing on you.

"Ah? Thank you! I hope I can make your time here more.. homey.. if that's the right word." You smiled, trying to hide the embarrassment, getting up and pushing the cart to the door before returning.

"Could I look at your work space again? I didn't get a good look at it since I was focused on you work on the D-Class last time." You asked nervously.

"Why of course!" He stood up quickly, delightedly showing you to a large cabinet next to his desk.

There were scattered notes stuck in the corners between the wood and glass on the doors, and other places. Most of it was in French, but it seems like he uses other languages in some places.

"What's this?" You ask, grabbing a bottle of a black substance.

"Leeches," he responded quickly, "Dead though, unfortunately."

Quickly you put the bottle back with disgust, shaking off the 'heebie-jeebies'. 

049 snickered, "Dead, meaning they cannot hurt you."

"I'm quite aware doctor! Still grosses me out though." You admitted, glaring at him for laughing at you.

"Yet you have no fear when studying bacteria and the sorts?" He asked questioningly.

"Of course I do! -but not the same kind of fear. Bacteria isn't.. slimy, and doesn't suck my blood.. or stick to me? You know what I mean!" You say, looking around the cabinet once again.

"Oh! You have this too? I read in your papers.. it calms you down." You grab the medium-sized bottle of dried lavender.

"I could tell. You seem to know a lot about me, doctor." He said.

"If I knew a lot about you, I wouldn't be looking through your- huh?" You stopped, looking at him, "You could tell what?"

"You smell of lavender." He said, leaning over you.

Heat quickly rose to your face, pushing him back and setting down the bottle.

"Okay! You seem to be the one who knows a lot about me, doctor!" You laughed nervously, turning away from him and back to the cabinet, distracting yourself with all the different bottles.

Suddenly, a voice came through your pager.

'Dr. Y/N, requested materials and furnishings have arrived for 1048.'

"Oh! That was fast!" You said, pressing in the button on the pager to respond, "Affirmative, I will be there soon."

Letting go of the button, you turn to face 049 to find him looking suddenly... stressed?

"1048?" He asked, his voice sounding odd.

"...oh! Last night, well, I ran into 1048. Uh, more like it ran into me. They put me in charge of the little thing, I read up about it and ordered items for its room in containment." You said, "Do you know.. 1048?"

"You shouldn't be around 1048, it's not safe." He said sternly.

"That's a little bit hypocritical, coming from someone who also performs surgeries," you patted him on the arm, "but no need to worry Doctor, I'm being very careful. I do need to get going now, but I'll see you again soon, I promise!"

Turning around to leave, his grip quickly wraps around your wrist, stopping you.

"" You asked, looking at him.

"Why is 1048 here?" He asked quickly.

"Uh, I- I don't know. I can ask it?" You answered just as quickly.

A moment passed before he let you go.

You left 049's containment with your gut feeling... off.

He never acted like this before, it was concerning to say the least. 

Why was he worried? Does he know 1048? Why did he stop you to ask?

Arriving to 1048's containment, you open the door, the teddy bear very excited to see you.

You're not sure how all the furnishings and toys were already all set up in 1048's room, but it looked wonderful!

"Hey buddy! How are you doing?" You asked, kneeling down.

It quickly showed you the magnetic drawing pad you asked to be given to him.

"Oh wow! I'm so glad you got that! Do you like it?" You asked, sitting down.

The new carpet in here was nice too. You didn't ask for the colorful wallpaper that was put in, but it was a great touch.

The teddy bear nodded, drawing a large smiley-face on the board, then wiping it away with the built-in slider.

"That's great! I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner, I was just having breakfast with the doctor, 049." You apologized.

The bear looked up quickly, writing on the board.


"You're friends with him?"

1048 nodded.

'smell like'

"Oh! You mean we smell alike? I wear lavender perfume, that'd probably be it!" You laughed, "I heard he sticks it in his mask, is that true?"

1048 nodded once again, pulling out a paper from behind him and handing it to you.

It was a drawing of you and 1048.

"This is lovely! I'll have to put this up in my room. I didn't know you were such an artist! I'd love to see more of your drawings when I get the chance! Would you like to draw together?" You asked, 1048 nodding back with excitement, pulling out all sorts of markers and papers.

After a couple hours of drawing with 1048, you checked the time.

It was quickly coming up on lunch.

Looking at 1048 and its drawings, you noticed it acted different than it was described as in the paperwork you were given on it.

"Hey buddy, is there any reason why you are so nice to me? The papers they gave me about you are very different from how you are right now." You asked, finishing your drawing of 1048.

It looked up at you before grabbing the board and writing.

'friend same as'

"..Same as..?" You asked.


You were confused. What did it mean? Does it mean containment-wise? You chose to stay here though...

"I choose to stay here though.. is that what you mean?" You asked.

It shook its head no, noticing your drawing of it and taking it into its small paws.

"You can keep that if you like it, I made it for you after all!" You smiled.

It nodded excitedly, putting the drawing under its bed.

You're glad they got it that. It makes you more comfortable leaving 1048 here on its own, since you can't be here all the time.

If it even sleeps, that is.

After ensuring that 1048 would be alright alone in its new lovely room, you said your farewells and headed off to lunch, drawing in hand.

To your luck, today they were serving a cranberry tuna salad and crackers as an option, one of their better meals.

Sitting down, you lock eyes with Dr. Itkin who quickly makes his way over to you, with another doctor along side him, who you don't recognize. 

"Itkin! It's lovely to see you! It's been a while. I've seen your reports but haven't been able to see you in person." You said happily, "Who is this?"

"Y/N, meet Dr. Carver, the previous individual in charge of 1048 at their original site. They've been relocated here to help with the investigation about 1048 appearing here." He said, his hand pointing towards the new doctor.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Doctor Y/N!" He said, adjusting his glasses and shaking your hand excitedly, "Your work with 1048 has opened new doors for us, regarding our work with 1048! Your treatment is revolutionary!" 

Sudden pride filled you at this compliment.

"Really? I just treated it like a lost child, since it sort of acted like one. My main goal with such a dangerous SCP is comfort, as it seems to be the strongest deterrent for its violence." You admitted, taking another bite of your lunch.

"Without a doubt! I was even allowed to review the recordings from your sessions with 1048 and 049, you have a way with creating safe environments for us to work in!" He said, sighing before taking a drink of water, "It's too bad the camera feed has had interference."

"Camera feed? Oh... I forgot they record our interactions with the SCP's," worry knotting in your stomach.

It'd be dangerous if it got out how 049 can make physical contact with you.

"Indeed. It seems someone tampered with the video logs, and there's good chunks of your interactions with the SCP's missing. All the documents you submitted are untouched though..." Itkin said thoughtfully.

"We have reason to believe this is involved in 1048's appearance too! Not only are chunks of your interactions missing with 049, recordings with 1048 have also been tampered with!" Carver said, obviously annoyed at this.

Your mind quickly ran through all the ways this could happen.

"I don't think it could be a certain redacted SCP, I would have been gone if that sort of information was leaked... could it be.. the computer?" you asked, looking at Dr. Itkin.

His eyes suddenly lit up, "Why do you think so? It's a good observation. Do you have any specific reason to believe so?"

"Well... it was only a moment before I met 1048 that my computer seemed opened by someone else. The think is, I've never given my log in credentials to anyone." You admitted, finishing your lunch.

"What kind of activity was open on your computer?" Carver asked quickly.

"My logs I recently uploaded, and... minesweeper. It closed when I hovered over it." You said, worriedly.

What would something want with my research? Regarding minesweeper, you had no clue as to why that was open.

Maybe the computer also likes to pass time? If it was the computer that was involved, that is.

"We will look into 079's possible involvement in this. Y/N, I would take extra precautions regarding your safety. If you are being targeted in any way, your safety is our priority." Itkin said, seemingly worried about you.

"I'll do my best, but the same goes for you and Dr. Carver here." You said, standing up to clean off your tray, grabbing the drawing from 1048.

"Huh? What's that?" Dr. Carver said, pointing to the drawing.

"Oh! This is a drawing 1048 gave me! I was going to put it up in my room after lunch." You said excitedly, "We were just drawing together."

You showed him the drawing, as he made a confused face.

"Is there something wrong with the drawing?" You asked.

"No I just- we- It's been a long time since 1048 has exhibited this kind of behavior." Carver said, shaking his head and walking away with his tray.

"Did I do something to upset Dr. Carver?" you asked Itkin quietly.

"No, just- bad experience with 1048, as you've read from the logs for 1048." He said, waving bye and following after Carver.

Seems like there's more for you to learn after all.

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