By 3txr_girl

16.1K 170 823

Robin Arellano fell for his best friends sister, I wonder what he'll think. Set in 1979-1980 More

First day
Shitty first day
Things never change
A/N again :/
Blood and Tears
"its not as simple as that"
Bathroom of my nightmares
"What about Robins?"
Pillow Fight

The paper that ruind it all

703 8 45
By 3txr_girl


I wake up to the birds chirping outside

But also to the door being pounded on my someone

I sit up rubbing my eyes as I walk downstairs

I was wearing an oversized T-Shirt and some shorts

I walk downstairs and rub my eyes before opening the door

I am them met with 3 people, 2 men and 1 woman standing at my door

"Hello.. how can I help you?" I ask

"We're with cps, we were wondering if we could ask you some questions?"

My eyes widened upon hearing those words

"Uhm sure.." I say opening the door wider so they could come inside

I knew I was screwed considering the state of my house right now

There were beer bottles everywhere, and the house was just a mess

Gwen and Finn were still in the hospital

The cps workers were looking around and taking notes

"So.. how old are you?" The girl worker asks

"Oh I'm 15, but I'm 16 in 2 weeks" I say

"Oh.. your 15?" She says

"Uhh yeah.. why?" I ask

"Well come back for further inspection, but in the meantime, it says here you have two sibling, Finney Blake, and Gwendolin Blake?" She asks

"Oh yeah! They're not home right now" u respond

"Where are they?" One of the other workers asks

There was a long pause before I spoke again

"The hospital.. there was an incedent" I say looking down and playing with my hands

"Alright. Well we'll be back for further inspection" the lady says before signing for her men to leave

"See you soon" she says closing the door behind her

I watch as they get in cars and leave.

I sit on the couch and place my hands on my head knowing I'm screwed

*I knew they would probably take away Finn and Gwen

Im not responsible enough to take care of them alone

It's not like my dad ever helped but I still can't do any of this alone*

I thought of all of this until I hear the phone ring

I walk over to it, pick it up, and put it up to my ear

"Hello?" I say

"Hi! Is this Y/N Blake?" The caller asks

"This is she" I say

"This is Denver care, your sister Gwendoline Blake has woken up" the caller says

"Really!? I'll be there as fast as I can!" I say before quickly hanging up the phone

I run up to the door and put my shoes on as fast as I can before quickly running out the door.

The hospital wasn't that far so I just started sprinting there

On my way I saw 3 missing people posters but didn't stop to look at them

I just kept running.

I finally made it to the hospital and went right up to the front desk

With little to no breath I started speaking

"What room are- Finn and- Gwen Blake in?" I say taking large breaths between most words

"Room 217, relation?" They ask

"I'm their sister" I say still pacing for air

"Alright you can make your way up" she says with a smile

"Ok! Thank you!" I say running to the elevator.

I make it upstairs and find their room

I run right up to Gwen

"Gwen oh my god!" I say hugging her

"Hey" she says in a somewhat sad tone

I let go and look at her

"What's wrong?" I ask

"We got some bad news..." She says looking at Finn

"What? What is it?" I ask worried

"Uhm.. just.. look at this" Finn says giving me a piece of paper

I take it in my hands and turn it



    Reward: $2000."

As I looked at it I felt tears fill my eyes

"What.." I say in defeat

"We're so sorry Y/N.." Finn says

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach

I drop the paper as I make a run for the bathroom, and just barely make it before vomiting.

I felt so sick after seeing that

My best friend

I just saw him! Last night!

He must have been kidnapped walking home

It's all my fault.






Sorry y'all

Don't hate me

I love u all

ANYWAYS ima go


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