ARIZONA DRIFTERS (sssniperwol...

By lazrbeck

812 2 6

When Lia departs from her house due to unfortunate events, she finds herself in the company of her best frien... More

Chapter 2- A NIGHT SPENT


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By lazrbeck

With night's dark cloak covering Arizona, the desert sat quiet. The humid wind had calmed down, and the damp air had chilled slightly. A tumbleweed rolled itself across the desert sand, the stark-blue sky giving its shape a silhouette. All of the animals hid in their burrows for whatever shade they could find. The darkness of the desert came to life as Lia, Chris, Ranya, and Mariah drove along the valleys towards Kevin's club.

Lia and Ranya bopped their heads to the songs on the radio, the moonlight pouring into the car window. The sky had gotten darker since they first began driving. It was 9:28 at night; all four of them were earlier than intended. Lia rubbed her finger on the strap of her croptop, Both Ranya and Lia bubbled in excitement, shown with their burst of energy and constant laughing.

"I cannot wait to drift," Ranya acclaimed, gripping the steering wheel tightly. The white glare on her face from the moonlight expressed her appearance as eager. Lia smiled widely.

"I can't either," she agreed, a cramp in her face jaw muscles from smiling so often. "Makes you feel alive, doesn't it?"

Ranya nodded, her nose piercing glistening from the moonshine.

"I'm hoping Chris doesn't get caught by the cops like he said he did last time," Ranya suddenly joked. "Are you sure that's the reason why Vi went apeshit?"

Lia's smile faded. It was something she didn't want to think about. It just made her mind filled with guilt. Plus, it reminded her of whatever Chris wanted to tell Lia and...well--her situation with Evan.

"I think so. Maybe she was just already in a bad mood."

Ranya raised her eyebrows passively, exhaling. She grabbed a small remote, turning the lights in her car to the color blue.

"That's something too beef-headed to get mad at, don't you think?" her sister asked, hitting her vape. The blue lights in Ranya's car strobed inside; causing Lia to squint her eyes.

"I don't know."

The car began to smell like passionfruit once again. Ranya glanced at her sister briefly, soon rolling down the window. Lia truly didn't want to talk about Vi--or anything related to earlier of that matter. All she wanted to think about was drifting with her friends. Nothing would go wrong if they all just forgot about it and tried to have a lively night.

The summer-night air blew a few strands of Lia's hair around. She tapped her foot to the music, trying to avoid confrontation between her and Ranya, because she knew her sister was studying her at the red light. She decided to hum. Hum and avoid contact. She felt the questioning eyes stare into her soul. Holy shit, would the rubberneck ever look away?

"What!" Lia whined with a laugh. She felt herself blush. Being studied always embarrassed her. Luckily, the car was too dark; her rosy cheeks weren't visible to the naked eye.

"What're you all embarrassed for?" Ranya asked her, chuckling dryly. "We're just talking about Vi."

"Who said I'm embarrassed?" Lia defended, feeling her blush grow worse.

"Nobody said anything. But it's clearly obvious."

Lia sank in her seat slightly. How the hell did Ranya notice? It's not like she was stuttering like an anime schoolgirl.

"How can you tell?"

Ranya rolled her eyes, tossing her dead vape towards the backseat.

"Well," she started sternly. "We've got blue lights that fill up the car, and your red-ass cheeks that blend in with it. And for some ghastly, apalling reason...your aura is purple."

"Aura?" Lia questioned, scrunching her nose. She tried to change the subject. "When the fuck did you become spiritual?"

"When I was hammered from Russian wine in a haunted hotel a few years back. You do the math."

Lia giggled, her face color returning to normal. The car swerved as they made their way up the Paradise Valley mountains; the same route Chris and Lia went earlier that day. The night sky was a beautiful deep-blue shade. The open window blew in summer night air that moistened Lia's eyes. She rested them, swallowing satisfaction in her throat.

"This isn't about Chris, is it?" Ranya suddenly asked. Lia froze, but didn't want to open her eyes. She thought the conversation was over.

"What's about Chris?"

"The reason you've been acting weird all evening."

Lia knew it was coming. She opened her eyes, shifting in her seat. The blue lights glistened in Ranya's inquiring eyes. What could she say?

"What does Chris have to do anything?"

Ranya sneered, gripping the steering wheel firmly. Lia noticed a small grin creep along her face--even in the shadows. She appeared a little culpable.

"The way I kept teasing about you and him," she croaked, biting her lip.

Once again, Lia winced at the thought. It did bug Lia a little bit, considering the fact both her and Chris were already in a relationship. Besides, they didn't feel that way about one another. They were best friends. Nothing more.

"That wasn't what necessarily bothered me," she told Ranya, picking at her fingernail. "It was more of how Mariah reacted--you know, like it was true or something."

"How did Mariah react?" Ranya questioned. "Didn't she just laugh?"

Lia squinted, waving her hand in a "somewhat" way. It was more of just a laugh.

"No. It was the look on her face that got to me. She seemed a tad bit convinced at your little jokes," she explained, her expression blank.

Ranya laughed heartily, shaking her head. Lia didn't understand what was so funny. She stared at her sister, waiting for her to stop giggling.

"Prima Donna," Ranya mumbled, her laugh dying down. "You really think Mariah believed that shit? Nobody did. God, she even told me to knock it off in the theater. She was flapping her jaws about how it wasn't true--bullshit like that."

Lia was slightly relieved. She thought Mariah thought of her as a horrible friend, despite the fact that it was a joke and she would never actually consider liking Chris. It was all in her head. The only one that seemed to not be getting the hint was Ranya.

"Bullshit like that?" Lia annunciated, narrowing her eyes at Ranya. Her sister turned to look at her. Both of their eyes glistened from the lights.

"Uh-huh. What's the deal?" Ranya asked.

"I don't know. It just seems like you don't think she's right."

"Who's right?"


Ranya blew rasberries as the car swerved up a road. The area was vacant; not a car was in sight except Chris's and Mariah's. The sky grew darker as they drove up the desolate mountains.

"I never said that I didn't think she was right," Ranya proclaimed, her tone flinty. "I just said she was bullshiting about how you and Chris didn't think of eachother like that."

Lia began to feel confused about the conversation the two were having, however she knew something was off. She bit the inside of her cheek in agitation.

"Because we don't."

Ranya rolled her eyes, waving her hands around like a head case. Lia grabbed the steering wheel in fear while her sister teased her.

"Relax," Ranya eased her. "I'm not going to drive off the mountain. You need to loosen up a little. Especially about the jokes between you and Chris. Even Chris finds them funny. And you know why?"

Lia shook her head steadily. Ranya leaned in close to her sister's face.

"Because neither of you feel that way about one another."

Lia stared into her sister's eyes for seconds. She couldn't comprehend the emotion on her face; it contained sarcasm, curiosity, and aggression. Lia didn't know what to say. The car was silent as a song from the radio ended. Was Ranya being sarcastic?

"Yeah..." Lia muttered, her eyes still locked with Ranya's as she tried to read her features. "Yeah..."

"Unless there's something you want to get off your chest," Ranya whispered, a sly grin creeping along her face.

Lia was surprised by what Ranya was asking her. Of course there wasn't anything she needed to get off her chest. Shit, how her sister was getting to her head!

"What's your problem?" Lia questioned, her voice squeaky as she giggled. "Are you trying to make me go insane? I've got Evan, and he's all I need." Lia knew that was barely true.

"You've also got a six-foot-five hunk whose got you lusting over him," Ranya teased.

"Ranya!" Lia cried, astounded. She dug her face in her hands like she always did. Her face grew almost purple from how humiliated she was. She shook her head.

Ranya roared, banging the steering wheel with her fist. Lia found it humorous, but more embarrassing than funny. She felt sweat form onto her hairline. How long would her sister drag it on?

"Santa Mierda!" Ranya said through long laughs. "You're purple! Even more purple than before!"

Lia shook her head, smiling. Her sister was such a dunce.

"Listen," Ranya started through little giggles. "I'm messing with you, no? Your reaction just makes it hilarious."

Lia rolled her eyes, the color of her face returning to normal. She peered outside of the car window, her arms crossed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

The car was silent as they made their way to Kevin's club--which was right around the corner. The sky was finally fading into pure darkness. The mother of night hugged her star children above the quiet city of Paradise Valley. the Mummy Mountains sat broadly as the moonlight lustered onto the valleys. Lia and Ranya exhaled, the summer night wind blowing their hair around. Inch by inch, Lia and her friends were getting closer to drifting. So close she could smell it.

9:54 PM

Veering towards the empty street down the moutain's hill, all three cars grumbled and purred. Lia and Ranya cheered, Ranya sticking her head out the window to whoop. Chris honked, Mariah soon joining. Chris even went as far as flashing his lights continuously. It was all of their ways of showing their excitement. Lia was practically sick from how eager she felt. She felt like screaming her fucking lungs out.

The car pulled into the gravel driveway. The steady purring immediately shut off as the car did. Ranya held her hands out to high-five her sister, who intertwined her hands with Ranya. They cheered, stepping out of the car. The hot air made Lia's hands clammy. All of her worries were gone; Evan, Vi, and the deal with Chris...

"You fuckin' ready, Shelesh?" Chris shouted with cupped hands, his tall frame's shadow casting behind him from the moonlight.

"Ready for what? You to lose?" Lia shouted back, running her fingers through her messy hair. Chris chuckled sarcastically.

"Stop going back and forth like little pussies and get your asses in this club!" Ranya called out, holding the door open for Lia, Chris, and Mariah. They all laughed, making their way inside.

The club was chilled--and DARK. All four of their feet shuffled onto the dirty floor. Lia held onto the wall, feeling her way around the club.

"It's dark!" Chris complained, his voice echoing throughout the club.

"Here's a thought," Ranya started. "Why don't you find a god-damned lightswitch?"

"In what? Pure darkness?"

"There's something called a phone flashlight." Lia could read Ranya's expression even in the pitch-black club. She grinned.

There was silence before a square light flashed from Chris's phone. His face lit up from the glare. Lia looked down at her feet, eager as ever. Chris shone his phone onto the walls, scanning the club for a lightswitch. He made his way over to the lightswitch he turned on when him and Lia were in there earlier that day. Mariah cheered with her high-pitched voice, clapping. Ranya sarcastically cheered.

The teal-colored light flickered on and off. Lia made her way to the dusty chair she sat in before. The rest of them found a chair to sit in. Not entirely though, due to how dirty--and oddly questionable--they were. Chris tossed a coin, hunched over the arm of a chair.

"This place is horrendous," Ranya blurted, examining the club in disgust. "Kevin really paid for this piece of junk?"

Lia and Chris laughed, shrugging. Mariah pointed towards a poster next to the liquor cabinet, her face scrunched.

"What kind of band is that on the poster?" She asked, her delicate voice raspy.

"Forget about the fucking poster," Ranya muttered in absorption, her face lit up. She slowly stood up, making her way towards the bar. "Is there alcohol in those cabinets?"

Both Lia and Chris exchanged glances, rolling their eyes. Mariah stood up, following Ranya. Lia watched as they investigated the bar area. She exhaled.

"Ranya," Lia whined. "Why do we have to involve alcohol in anything that we do?"

Ranya shot her sister a cold glance, shaking her head as she gently caressed a bottle of Grey Goose.

"Because it makes things more interesting. Including you," she explained, her eyes examining the bottle.

Lia glanced at Chris before making her way towards the bar. The club smelled of dusty books. It'd make sense, though.

She leaned on the bar with Mariah, watching her sister go haywire over a couple of bottles. She didn't understand why Ranya was so intrigued with alcohol and drugs. She wasn't one to judge her own blood, however. She sneered.

"You're not going to try and force us a couple of drinks, are you?" Lia asked in annoyance. Mariah giggled, agreeing. Ranya clicked her tongue, grabbing a different bottle to study.

"No..." Ranya mumbled, hyperfocused on the bottle of Smirnoff. She ran her fingers along the label. "Maybe if you quit being a pussy then I will."

Lia pushed herself off the bar, turning towards Chris. He leaned against a table in the back, staring at her directly in the eyes. His tall frame towered over hers; even from far away. She tried to look away, however there was a certain glint in his dark brown eyes that decided for her to keep looking. She barely blinked, delving into the pool of honey that filled his eyes. Her gaze slowly studied his damp, shaggy hair, that complimented his black tanktop. She breathed out shakily.

"Hey, Lia," Mariah's squeaky voice filtered somewhere in the back of her mind. Lia flinched, quickly turning her attention towards her friend. She noticed her holding up a small bottle of gin, waving it around with a sly grin on her face. Lia was stunned; not only because of whatever the hell had just happened between her and Chris, but because she never expected such an innocent woman to get completely wasted. She heard Ranya cheer.

"Finally!" Ranya wooed, slamming a bottle of vodka onto the bar. "Someone who knows how to have a little fun. Chris, get your beefy ass on over here!"

Chris breathed out. He stood up, making his way towards the bar area. There was a certain expression on his face she couldn't read, but she also didn't want it to seem like she was staring. Lia sat herself onto a stool, her arms resting onto the bar as Chris stood beside her.

"Hey, hey, what're you doing?" Chris asked Ranya, who was already pouring a shot of gin messily. She looked up, a stupefied look on her face as she held the bottle in her hand.

"Hunting down elephants and selling it's dung for money," Ranya responded coldly. "The fuck does it look like I'm doing? Sit down."

"It looks like you're pouring me a shot of whiskey."

Ranya narrowed her eyes at the man, a look of abhorrence painted on her face. When Chris didn't sit down, she looked over at Lia before being interupted.

"It's gin, actually," Mariah chimed in, trying her best to sound sweet. "Not...well--it's not whiskey."

"Thank you, Mariah," Ranya sarcastically replied, her hands in a "praying" motion. Mariah giggled. "Thank you for teaching us the difference about alcohol."

While Ranya and Mariah went back and forth, Chris looked down at Lia. His dark eyes stared into hers as she clutched the bar attached to the table. She watched his chest slowly make its way up and down...up and down...

"So are you going to take the shot or not?" Ranya suddenly blurted, holding the small cup filled with a brown liquid. Chris returned his attention to Ranya, shaking his head. He waved his hands to decline, slightly backing away.

"No, no. I'm alright. I don't drink."

Lia was stunned by his response, but also not. She remembered Ranya telling her how Chris was a 'good ol' boozehound,' which she partly believed. However, she also knew Chris wasn't a big drinker--or smoker for that matter. Her face lit up in curiosity as she listened to the conversation.

"Liar," Ranya said under her breath as if it was a joke. "Come on, stop playing around. Drink up, chunker!"

Chris stared at the small plastic cup being shoved in front of his face. He pushed it away, scratching the stubble of his beard. Lia felt relief that she wasn't the only one who'd be sober.

"I'm not drinking," Chris stated firmly, ruffling his coarse hair. "And you shouldn't be either." he took the drink out of her hands, setting it far away from her on the table. Her arm remained in the air as she gazed at the cup. There was silence.

"What'd you go and do that for, pansy?" Ranya joked, exchaning glances with Mariah, who shrugged. "I just thought you'd like to spice our drifting up a bit."

Chris narrowed his eyebrows, his eyes sharp as he tried to comprehend what to say. He shook his head.

"First of all," he started, also gently taking away Mariah's drink. "I don't want to sound like a suck-up here, but you didn't even ask if you could drink any of this. Second of all, you can't be drinking and driving--especially when racing. Are you out of your mind?"

Ranya belched as she rolled her eyes. Lia listened intently, unsure of what to say. Chris had a good point. She never really saw that side of him.

"You're square too, huh?" Ranya questioned, clicking her tongue. "I'll have you know that Kevin would be more than happy to lend us a drink or two. Besides, who said anything about getting drunk? We get a little tipsy around here. It's a harmless way to make things more fun."

Both Chris and Lia exchanged glances, but before they could say anything, the doorknob that began jerking interupted them. All four of them turned their gazes towards the door, which quickly jolted open. A familiar figure made its way inside. After moments, the figure dropped its bags, staring right at all four of them. The figure was Kevin.

"You son-of-a-bitches," Kevin joked, his hands on his hips as he tapped his foot. "You beat me to the liquor cabinet!"

"Kevin!" All four of them simultaneously cheered, getting up to greet him. Hugs were exchanged, along with some pats on the back and a few cheek-kisses. Lia was extremely excited to see Kevin. It wasn't often they got to see one another; Kevin was always busy bothering celebrities. She was just glad she could drift with him that night.

"How've you been, Kev?" Chris asked, sitting himself onto a stool. Kevin grabbed his bags, setting them onto the bar. The girls also sat themselves down.

"Dandy," he replied, rustling through the bags. "You know, the usual. How about you guys? Anything exciting?"

Ranya leaned over the bar, a sly grin on her face. She eyed both Chris and Lia, her hand holding up her face. Lia knew that expression, and she didn't like it.

"Ask these two over here," her sister joked, pointing with her thumb towards Chris and Lia. Kevin quit rustling through the bag. Lia's face went crimson--of course, in front of everybody. Kevin and Mariah joined in on staring at Lia. God. Of course Ranya couldn't keep her damn trap shut. The joke wasn't funny anymore.

"Chris and Lia," Kevin annunciated. ""

Chris chimed in, his tone stern.

"Nothing is new," he stated. "Ranya likes to joke around. The jester that she is!"

Lia shot her sister a cold glance, trying to signal that she'd be wormfood if she didn't zip her trap.

"The very, very silly jester that is about to get her ass kicked if she doesn't quit being a fucking beetlebrain," Lia grumbled, her face returning to its normal color. Ranya seemed to get the memo. Mariah chuckled behind Kevin.

Kevin slowly nodded, his expression confused. He continued rustling through the bags, pulling out a few bottles of some type of alcohol that didn't reassure Lia about the whole drinking situation. She held her face in her hands, listening to the bottles clink. Ranya clapped her hands.

"I've needed to restock the ol' cabinets," Kevin told them, motioning to the wooden cabinets behind the bar. Hopefully they wouldn't be using them for that night. How stupid did Ranya, Kevin, and Mariah have to be to drink before racing an exotic car in the dark? She was glad Chris had the same mindset.

"Just to clarify," Chris began, eyeing the bottles. "We're not going to be getting wasted before drifting, right?"

Kevin stared at him, unresponsive. He looked over at Ranya, who rolled her eyes before making her way over to Chris.

"Listen, tarini," she started, patting Chris on the back. "We're all fine with you and Lia being milksops and staying sober for tonight. But we aren't."

Chris narrowed his eyes, biting his lip. Kevin crumpled the plastic bag, tossing it into the trashcan as he let out a dry chuckle.

"And what if a sheriff pulls you over and asks you to follow the flashlight? What're you going to do then?" Chris questioned with sincerity.

Ranya shrugged, sitting herself onto the top of the bar.

"Well, shit," she uttered. "I've been to that hellhole once, I can spare a night or two at the cells again, no?"

Kevin eyed his watched, ignoring their bickering. He whooped, grabbing a bottle of liquor from the cabinet and a few plastic cups. He counted the ones who were drinking--which were only three--and poured the clear liquid into all three cups. Ranya rubbed her hands together, thanking him. Mariah reached for the cup on the far right.

"Thank you so much, Kevin!" Mariah gently squeaked, grasping the small cup with both hands. Ranya also thanked him, chugging the small amount of liquor. Lia watched both girls guzzle it down in seconds, her mouth agape in shock.

"My pleasure. You guys ready to hit the streets in a few?" Kevin asked, taking a shot as well.

Lia ignored the three drinking the liquor like it was their last sip of a liquid. She cheered, along with the rest of the crew.

Once the cheering died down--though there was still a few whoops from Chris and Ranya--Lia tapped her fingernails onto the bar as she watched Kevin take another shot.

"Say, Kevin," Lia started, twirling her messy hair. "We only brought three cars. You wouldn't happen to have a couple stored in nearby here, would you?"

Kevin's face softened as he slowly set the empty plastic cup onto the table. Ranya, Chris, and Mariah stared at him intently waiting for a response.

"Gosh, uh..." he muttered in thought. "I don't think so."

Lia's heart dropped. If Kevin didn't have a spare car except his own, that meant there'd only be four cars in total for them to drive. Which meant someone was prone to being a passenger prince or princess. And it wouldn't be Lia.

"You--you don't?" Chris chimed in, studying his face. "Where are we supposed to find another car to race with?"

Kevin held his head, trying to come up with something.

"No, I don't. There's a car rental somewhere, but I think it's three hours away."

Ranya scoffed.

"Just break into someone else's car for tonight," she suggested. "They won't notice if you bring it back a little before six in the morning. That's when the firecrackers set off for work. Oh, and here's a little tip: don't leave a bag of weed in the armrest."

Kevin and Mariah laughed, however Ranya's face remained emotionless. She looked over at Lia again, raising her eyebrows as if it was actually a good idea.

"I won't be driving with Ranya," Lia announced, a look of revulsion on her face. "Come on, guys. We've got to think of something. I've been looking forward to this all day. Nothing that involves fifth-degree felonies."

Kevin scratched his brown stubble.

"Are fourth-degree felonies okay?" He asked with integrity.


"Nevermind, then."

Lia groaned, unsure of what to do. She supposed driving with somebody wouldn't hurt; they could take turns being the driver. However, Lia did not want to drive with a drunk person...even if they were just "a little tipsy." She ran her finger along the bar, looking up at Chris.



"Come on!"


Lia crossed her arms as Chris laughed, shaking his head. Why couldn't he share his stupid car with his best friend? What a loser he was.

"There's no other options," Mariah informed Chris, her voice graceful. "Just let Lia drive with you until we can come up with another option." Both Kevin and Ranya nodded their heads in agreement.

Chris stood quietly in thought. He ran his fingers through his damp, raven-colored hair. Gazing at Lia keenly, he shrugged, shaking his head.

"Yeah, whatever," he accepted, cracking a smile. Lia thanked him with a pat on his back, high-fiving the rest of them. Ranya, Kevin and Mariah cheered as they took another shot. Chris and Lia stood back and watched.

"Thank you, Chris," Lia quietly whispered in his ear while the others were too busy celebrating with alcohol. "I know you like to drift by yourself."

Chris waved his hands as if it were no big deal.

"Don't worry about it. You've helped me in the past, the least I could do is let you sit in my car for a few hours. Besides, I don't think you'd want to sit in a car with a drunk driver."

"A tipsy driver!" Ranya added, somehow hearing their conversation. Lia's sister was already slurring. She needed to try to motivate them to hit the streets before the drinking went from "tipsy" to full-on buzzed.

"Alright!" Lia stood up, clapping her hands together once. Her face lit up with passion. "Who's ready to drift down the streets of Paradise Valley?"

Chris, Kevin, Ranya, and Mariah cheered, high-fiving one another. Kevin grabbed his car keys from his pocket, unlocking it from inside. There was a muffled honk from his car outside.

"Ferrari convertible," Kevin boasted, pointing his keys to the door. Ranya scoffed, mocking him.

As everybody made their way outside the door, the teal light flickered on and off. Lia felt sick from the excitement. She messed her hair up more than it already was, her sandals shuffling on the gravel. Ranya and Mariah wrapped their arms around one another, soon walking adjacent to Lia. Kevin, entering his car, shot Lia a wink. She shook her head, flipping the man off.

"See you guys there!" Lia shouted to Ranya and Mariah with cupped hands, soon waving with one. There was a hint of hunger in her tone. She grinned, following Chris to his matte Chevrolet Corvette.

"You ready, Shelesh?" Chris asked, his voice hoarse as he stepped inside the car.

"As cliche as it sounds," Lia replied, examing herself in the car mirror. "I've been ready."

Chris snickered, ruffling his hair. The moonlight made his dark eyes glisten. He started the car, a low purr from the engine. Revving the vehicle, the flame from the exhaust lit the ground up from behind, which Lia saw in the rear mirror. She bit her lip, flipping the mirror back and adjusting herself in the seat.

"Let me make it pretty for you," Chris cooed, his mountain-gazing eyes staring into hers. "What's your favorite color?"

Lia grinned slyly, breathing out as soon as she saw the small remote in his hands.

"Blue, probably."

Chris nodded his head, soon turning the lights in his car to blue. The interior of the car below stobed neon navy-blue lights. Chris put the car in reverse, the shift-stick clicking. Lia hummed, admiring the lights.

"Spoiling me with these Hobby Lobby lights, huh?" Lia teased.

Chris laughed, his eyes glued to Kevin's gray car in front of them. His white teeth glistened from the lights.

"Only if you're good luck for me tonight."

"Who needs me as good luck?" Lia asked, adjusting her croptop. "It's the driver that decides who wins."

Chris shrugged, checking his rear mirror.

"Just don't crash," she added. Chris scoffed, turning his head towards her.

"No promises."

As the two drove, Lia caressed her pale skin. It was hot to the touch; the Arizona weather was a killer. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she rolled the window down, sticking her head out of it to peer at Mariah and Ranya from behind. Ranya drove behind Mariah--which she could barely see--and revved her engine once she saw Lia. Lia blew them both a kiss, soon admiring the scenery they were driving past; the city of Paradise Valley alive at night. Distant sirens could be heard from down by the city. The summer night air made her feel alive with the city. She clenched her jaw, sticking her head back inside.

"Should we record this for YouTube?" Chris asked, eyeing the vlog camera in the backseat. Lia turned around to look at it in thought. Usually, she uploaded everyday. She supposed she could go a day without uploading. She'd say she was sick. It wasn't a huge deal.

"No. Let's just enjoy the moment."

Chris nodded, jerking the wheel. They entered an even more vacant area between the large mountains. The streets were empty except for all five of them.

"So..." Chris started, focused on the road ahead. "I haven't really decided on where I'm sleeping tonight."

Lia stared outside the window for moments, but felt a state of confusion from his words. She turned to look at him, uncertain about what he meant. Wouldn't he just go back to his house? It wasn't like he was too drunk to drive back.

"I'd suggest your house," Lia replied, still staring. Chris chuckled dryly as he turned his turn signal on once they came to red light.

"I would," Chris started, his tone hesitant. "But it's a little occupied at the moment."

Now, Lia was bewildered. What the hell was he talking about? She shifted in her seat, studying his eyes. The blue lights flickered.

"What're you talking about?" Lia questioned.

"Nothing, forget it."

"No, tell me!"

"It's nothing, really. Forget it."

Lia sat back in her seat, dumbfounded. There was silence. What did he mean his house was occupied? Was there some party? Was Vi there?

That must've been it. Vi must've came back to the house. She agreed with Chris not going back for the night. It would've been unbearable. Hopefully in the morning once both have cooled off, they could make up.

"I'm not sure why you can't tell me," Lia dragged the conversation on, trying to get something out of him. "You're the one that brought it up."

Chris let out a sigh, the car beginning to drive again at the green light. Lia waited patiently.

"Vi is back at the house," he stated, though it was no surprise to Lia. She bit her lip, trying to think of something to say.

"Do you think you're cooled off enough to have a conversation with her to apologize?"

Chris breathed out in aggression, shaking his head.

"Apologize for what, Lia? For having fun with my friends a week ago?"

Lia sat in silence. She didn't want her friend to get upset with her. However, there was nothing else to say. She couldn't tell him to stay away from Vi. Vi was her best friend, she couldn't go against her like that.

"No. I'm sorry," she apologized, intertwining her fingers.

Chris sighed, his expression softening. He looked over at Lia briefly.

"Don't apologize," he told her, his tone more sincere. "I'm sorry. I'm just upset that anything that I ever do upsets Vi. I shouldn't have to apologize, right?"

Lia nodded hesitantly, staring at the floor. She had no idea what to say.

"It's too late to apologize, anyway," Chris acclaimed, his cold gaze focused on the road. "We aren't together anymore."

Lia's eyes widened. She turned to face Chris, speechless. What the hell did he mean they weren't together anymore?

"What?" was the only word that escaped Lia's throat. She stared at him studiously.

Wiping his forehead, he sneered. He refused to make eye contact.

"She broke up with me."

Lia's mouth remained agape. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was Chris messing with her? It was what she prayed was the answer.

"When did--when did she--"

"At the movie theater...over the phone."

Lia's heart was caught. Her stomach twisted from the flashback to earlier that day. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could Vi break up with him over something so minor? Couples argued, it was normal. She sat in total paralysis.

"Chris...I'm so sorry. She didn't kick you out, did she?"

Chris laughed, though Lia knew it definitely was a laugh of shame. She remained solemn, waiting on a reply.

"Funny you mention," he started, turning off the AC. "I have until Friday to gather my shit. She's kicking me out just like that. Out of our own house."

Normally, tears would fill in Lia's eyes, but she just stared. She was stunned by how Chris was handling it. He didn't seem troubled or anything--besides the fact he lost his own house--but other than that normal. She couldn't let it ruin their night. She rested her hand on his elbow, trying to reassure her friend.

"I'd let you stay with Evan and I, but you already know we're having relationship issues. Even I don't want to go back. Maybe Ranya will let us crash at her place."

Chris pinched the bridge of his nose in thought.

"I wouldn't want to bother her like that. I'll have to crash at my grandmother's house or something..."

With his voice trailing off, he blinked a handful of times. Lia watched him carefully as he turned to look at her before scatching the back of his neck.

"Where are you going to sleep?"

Lia hadn't really thought about it. She truly didn't want to go back to her house because of Evan, however she couldn't stay away forever. Plus, her dogs were probably worried sick about their mother not being present. She bit her lip in thought, looking away.

"Damn," Lia mumbled. "I don't know. I still might have to stay with Ranya. If it's not a good night, you and I can book a hotel room until we find somewhere else."

"A hotel?" he asks, to which Lia nodded fulsomely. "I'm surprised I didn't think of that. That could work."

As they drove, the engine rumbling was the only thing filling the silence. The two were experiencing such a rollercoaster of emotions in a short period of time. Despite everything they talked about, Lia still wanted them to have an amazing time drifting. She inhaled, cracking a smile and adjusted herself in her seat.

"Don't worry about Vi," Lia told Chris. "Everything will be fine. The only thing on our minds should be about whose winning tonight." The girl winked.

That seemed to lift Chris's mood, because he grinned from ear-to-ear as his eyes glistened. He turned to face Lia, holding his hand up for a high-five. His giant hands felt smooth and gaunt. Watching their hands collide together, there was a certain feeling in the air Lia couldn't recognize. It was extra hot in the car for the AC being on. For the amount of money Chris paid for his car, you'd think the air conditioner would work correctly. She breathed out.

About a mile or two away from their desired destination, all four cars swerved through the mountains. The stellar night sky filled the void in front of their windshields. Lia rubbed her finger against the textured dash, the appealing scent of Chris's faint cologne and the summer night air filling her senses. Chris revved the car, a low hum escaping the engine. Lia glanced over at him, sharing a cunning grin with her friend. Everything would be fine. No more surprises.

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