books # seungjin

By ruislover

54 6 0

a boy who likes to read books and a boy who likes to listen short oneshot this is all fiction, the characters... More


54 6 0
By ruislover

every day is the same for seungmin, he goes to school, sits through his classes anticipating his free period.

when it finally rolls around he scurries off around campus in search of the blonde boy who made him so curious.

the blonde always had his nose in a book, always. seungmin never saw him doing anything besides reading.

he often times watched said blonde boy out of admiration. he wanted to be his friend no doubt.

not to mention how pretty he was; he looked so enchanting.

today was the same as every other day, once his free period rolled around he grabbed his things and began his search for the blonde. he was usually found in the library but sometimes he would sit behind the school. and that's where he was today.

seungmin peeked his head around the corner of the wall, seeing the blonde sat up against it with a book in hand.

seungmin watches silently, clenching onto his bookbag straps tightly. 'he looks a little upset today,' the brunette noted.

to get a closer view, he walks past him and sits underneath a nearby tree. he pretends to be using his phone to take subtile glances at the blonde.

he wondered what went on inside the other boys head and how he was able to stay so focused. seungmin could barely focus in class, he'd never read books outside of it.

it feels as though time flies by whenever he's watching the blonde boy, because the free period ends so quickly.

it felt as though he'd just arrived.

when the bell rings seungmin watches the blonde mark his page and close the book. he picks up his bag and silently makes his way back to the front of the school. seungmin then takes his leave as well.

every day after that is the same, seungmin waits for his free period, finds the blonde, and watches him from afar. but everyday the blonde looked so upset as he read, seungmin assumed it was because of the book and brushed it off.

friday rolled around rather quickly and seungmin found himself sitting underneath the same tree, watching the blonde.

today felt different though. it seemed as if he was overly aggravated.

seungmin who was so focused on studying the blondes upset face didn't notice that he was staring back at him. it was only until the blonde stood up and began walking in seungmins direction that the brunette realized he'd been caught.

his mouth makes an "o" shape as the tall blonde hovers over him with an upset expression.

"stop following me," he says. his voice is sharp and aggressive. seungmins face turns a deep shade of red as he tries to mutter out an excuse. "you've been watching me for weeks, it's not very discreet. everyone knows it, stop," the blonde continues. "sorry— i— uh..." seungmin trips over his words, embarrassment eating away at him. "it's creepy okay? you probably don't even know my name." seungmin swallows dryly, nodding his head. he got the message.

he grabbed his things and left without saying another word to the blonde.

on the other hand, the blonde who's name was hyunjin watched the brunette storm off. "he has no right to be upset, he's the one stalking me," hyunjin thought to himself. though he did feel kind of bad that he was so rude about it, he couldn't help but feel annoyed by the boy watching him. it'd been going on for months and it always frustrated hyunjin, he couldn't focus with someone constantly watching him. he was already having a bad week and the boy watching him was the icing on the cake.

he went back to his normal spot by the wall and engrossed himself in his book.

the next week went by dreadfully slow for seungmin, he had nothing to do now that he'd been dismissed by hyunjin. he thought he was doing such a great job at being sneaky while watching the other, when he was clearly not.

his "friend," jeongin, talked to him occasionally but it was only when he needed help with his homework.

during seungmins free period he wandered the halls empty minded.

one day, nearly three weeks after the incident, hyunjin decided to sit somewhere new to read his books.

an empty classroom on the second floor.

halfway through his book, a pacing figure caught the corner of his eye. he looked up from his book and through the window to see the brunette. he seemed to be in his own world as he walked silently up and down the hall.

hyunjin felt a little bad for him, he always saw the boy by himself. he never spoke to anyone and always sat alone.

he tried to push the feeling of guilt away, knowing that deep down he should've just asked the boy why he kept following him rather than telling him off.

the next day hyunjin did something he'd never see himself doing. he scanned every hall in search of the brunette, hoping to get a chance to apologize.

it was already halfway through the free period and he'd looked everywhere except for one place, the rooftop.

he lazily pulled himself up the stairs towards the roof and pushed the heavy door open. his eyes scanned the area, finally seeing the familiar brown locks. seungmin sat on the edge of the roof, staring up at the sky.

hyunjin wasn't so sure of what to say, or how to even approach the conversation.

seungmin didn't seem to have heard the door opening so hyunjin decided not to speak.

he joined the brunette on the edge, earning a weird look from the other boy.

he opened the book he'd just bought last night.

the song of achilles.

it was a book he'd wanted for a long time and he finally got his hands on it.

he read the book name aloud before he continued on with the first paragraph.

seungmin, as confused as he was, didn't say a word and just listened. he listened to hyunjins soothing voice read the words off the pages like he'd already memorized it all. he looked so pretty while doing so.

this went on for weeks, hyunjin would find seungmin on the rooftop and read more of the book to him. seungmin saw this as a form of an apology which made him happy to say the least. he had something to look forward to everyday when he went to school. his days were a little better whenever hyunjin read to him. not to mention, the book was really good.

however, it was nearing its end.

friday came and the two sat on the edge of the roof again.

hyunjin began reading, slightly slower than when he usually does, wanting to drag it out for as long as possible. he soon found himself reading the last page,

and then the last paragraph,

and then the last sentence,

and finally the last word.

he closed the book with a deep exhale. only twenty minutes into their free period.

seungmin clapped quietly, "it was really good," he grins. hyunjin meets his gaze which results in his face being bloodshot red and his heart fluttering. seungmin looked so pretty up close.

"i wanted to apologize, i just wasn't sure how to. i was sort of upset that day and it felt like you were pestering me so i took my anger out on you," he says. seungmin nods, "don't worry, i guess it was my fault for following you around anyways." hyunjin smiles a little, turning to look out at the world below them.

"my name is hyunjin, hwang hyunjin."

"kim seungmin."

the two sit in silence for awhile before seungmin begins talking about the book and how much he liked the plot, the connection between the characters, anything really. hyunjin listened to him, his heart beating fast. seungmin talked endlessly about the book and hyunjin listened to every word of it.

the next day seungmin sat in his usual spot, waiting for hyunjin. ten minutes went by and he began to get upset, telling himself that maybe he had forgotten something in class.

twenty minutes pass and seungmin begins to wonder what the blonde could possibly be doing. was he not going to show? did he just do that out of pity? seungmin thought he'd finally made a friend.

he pulled his knees to his chest, fighting back the urge to cry. why would he be upset? he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up, shouldn't have gotten attached to something that was merely out of mercy.

seungmin felt so overly sensitive and stupid as the hot tears ran down his cheeks. he barely even knew hyunjin to begin with.

"i'm sorry i took so long."

seungmin raised his head quickly, startling himself. he catches the gaze of hyunjin who looks exhausted. in his hands he holds a different book.

seungmin wipes his tears, "i thought you weren't coming," he says through sniffles. now he really felt stupid, stupid because he was crying over someone who probably could care less about him, and stupid because he'd been caught by that person.

hyunjin sits close to seungmin as he reads the book name aloud. he read the description on the back and then begins reading the first page.

though they didn't have much time, seungmin didn't care. he laid his head on hyunjins shoulder, listening as the blonde read to him. when the bell rings the two stand up and gather their things.

"seungmin?" hyunjin calls out. the brunette turns to him with a pretty puppy smile. "hm?"

hyunjin doesn't say anything but instead presses a short kiss on seungmins cheek.

the other boys face instantly goes red. his ears along with it.

hyunjin leaves the rooftop, his heart feeling full and mind hazy.

seungmin cups his cheeks, letting out a squeal.

and the all the other days were exactly the same. hyunjin reads to seungmin and before he leaves he gives the brunette a kiss on the cheek.

seungmin tries to fight the back the strong feelings that he had developing towards the other boy out of fear of being hurt.

hyunjin was like the polar opposite of him. though he was always reading, hyunjin had friends. he was popular and everyone fawned over him. seungmin on the other hand was just another shadow that roamed the halls. hyunjin had the brains and beauty whilst seungmin had nothing.

for months they continued their free period readings. even when it got colder out. they'd never speak outside of their free period though. seungmin wanted so badly to ask hyunjin if they could hangout or maybe even just exchange numbers, but he was so afraid of rejection.

it was already mid december, right after finals and they had a day left until their break.

once hyunjin finished reading to seungmin and the bell rang the two got up to leave. seungmin stood in front of hyunjin, waiting for his kiss. "can i get your number?" hyunjin asks softly, pulling his phone from his back pocket. seungmin smiles widely with a nod. he thought hyunjin would never ask.

hyunjin unlocks his phone and hands it to seungmin who adds himself as a contact under the name of, "puppy," and texts himself.

he returns hyunjins phone and the blonde pockets it.

seungmin stares up at hyunjin with big eyes, still waiting for his kiss.

hyunjin returns the gaze, his cheeks as red as a tomato.

the brunette grows impatient, pressing his lips against the blondes. hyunjins eyes fall shut as he returns the kiss, pulling seungmin closer. the kiss felt like heaven, like the world had stopped just for this moment.

seungmins stomach sprouted into a fury of butterflies once he pulls away.

hyunjin smiles, leaving without speaking another word.

that afternoon when seungmin got home, after he had finished showering, he texted hyunjin, ignoring the previous text he'd sent himself from the elders phone.

prince 👑

hi hyunjin (:

he waits patiently for a response but after an hour passes he gives up. maybe hyunjin had fallen asleep already.


or maybe not.

finally we can talk
outside of school 🙃

yeah. i thought
you'd ask for my
number but you
never did.


i kiss you

my point still
stands 🙄

not really.

yeah yeah
what're you
doing rn? :3

texting you?

well obviously,
besides texting me 🙄🙄

laying down.

you're sooo bland
over text hyunjin 😧

bland how?

nevermind that

tomorrow do you
want to hangout
after school? 🙃


we could at my
house? it's not
far from the school
and my mom wants
to meet you 🙆🏻

your mom knows
who i am?

mhm! i told her
about you

is that a bad

no, i don't

we can hangout.

YAY 😋 i'm
excited already

me too.

you don't seem
very excited

i am.

if you say
so 🙄



i really enjoy,
being around you.

you're a really
sweet person.

i like you a lot.

hyunjin is
this you confessing
to me?

yeah, i thought
it was obvious i
liked you.

it was it was

i just i guess
i wasn't expecting
you to tell me it 😞

oh, well,
you like
me too right?

duh idiot 🙄

if i didn't i
wouldn't kiss you


wanna see
something cool?

why not.


when was

the day you decided
to be a dick and
try to force me
to read >:(

ohhh, right.
that was funny.

funny to you
i wanted to die 😒

overdramatic much.
do you want to see
something cool?

hmmm what
if i say no?

you're going to
see it anyways.

oh 🙄 well
then yes

the day i first
caught you watching
me i took this and
told all of my friends
you followed me to
the library and ever
since they watched
you follow me around.




they thought it
was cute, and kept
urging me to talk to you.


don't be embarrassed,
no one was judging you.
well maybe i was a little.



because i thought
you were weird.

wow 🙄 thanks
that's so kind

right? i'm so

shut up 😒

i caught you
again here. i
liked your hair
color so i took
a picture.

friend jisung
told me that
one day he
watched you
stare at me through a
window for an entire
free period.

oh my god
hyunjin 😭

why would
you tell me

they probably
think i'm some creep

well i mean..


don't you think
it's funny how
you went from
stalking me to
kissing me?

it's fate my dear
hyunjin we're
just meant to be


i'm sleepy sooo
goodnight jinnie


goodnight puppy.

the next day flies by and hyunjin finds himself seated on the edge of seungmins bed, analyzing the other boys room. it was fairly clean, not too many decorations.

seungmin plops down beside him, humming a song.

hyunjin feels his heart flutter when the two make the slightest bit of skin contact.

"what do you do besides read jinnie?" seungmin questions. "i paint, and i do photography." "so cool! you're like perfect." seungmin pouts. "i don't have any talents," he groans, falling back onto his bed. "i'm sure you do." hyunjin joins seungmin in laying down, turning his head to stare at the brunette who stared back. their faces only inches apart.

both boys extremely flustered and waiting for the other to make a move.



"do you still think that i'm weird?"

hyunjin giggles a little, nodding his head. "in a good way," he adds. the younger hums contently, raising one of his hands to gently caress hyunjins cheek.

"i always thought you were so interesting, the way you always read books was so intriguing to me," the younger speaks softly, his eyes taking in all of the other boys features.

"you should've actually grown a pair and spoke to me," hyunjin laughs, poking seungmins stomach. "i was nervous okay!" seungmin defends himself with a sarcastic eye roll.

the elder sticks out his tongue allowing his eyes to fall shut.

the two lay in a peaceful silence, seungmin simply admiring the boy before him. how lucky he'd gotten to be able to touch his face and lie next to him. how lucky he was to have his feelings reciprocated.

"hyunjin?" the smaller boy speaks, his thumb slowly brushing agains the corner of hyunjins lips.

the latter reopens his eyes, gazing into seungmins with a heavy blush decorating his cheeks. "yes?" he whispers.

seungmin scoots impossibly closer to the boy, his eyes wavering between the tallers eyes and lips. his heart began practically beating out of his chest and the loud ringing in his ears made it hard for him. yet nothing could stop him from admiring hyunjin. the elder was beauty in itself. he held thousands of galaxies in his eyes and his voice sent rivers of emotions throughout the younger boys body.

"can i kiss you?"

"yes, please."

seungmins breath hovers against hyunjins lips as he gently lets his eyes fall shut. his hands cup the elders cheek and he brings them together alast.

electric waves bounce off of the boys lips as they move against one another in harmony.

hyunjins fingers tangle into the brunettes locks, pushing his head closer.

the kiss is sweet and loving, long lasting and gentle.

seungmin presses shorter pecks against the elders lips, "you're so perfect," he says between pecks. hyunjins face turns a crimson red color upon hearing the words, dragging his hands down to cup the younger boys face the way he held his.

seungmin pulls back, his mouth agape as he took in quick breaths of air.

the blonde stares at seungmin, a small smile occurring, "call me by your name and i'll call you by mine," he quotes quietly.

the younger grins, "i love that movie more than anything."

unresponsive, hyunjin mimics elio's actions from the movie, his tongue licking against seungmins parted lips, "hyunjin," he mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper.

"seungmin," the younger mutters, his stomach doing backflips.

hyunjin leans in again, this time sliding his tongue past seungmins lips. the brunette gasps into the kiss, his eyes squeezing shut.

the inexperienced males tussle at eachother, invading one another's mouth. though the kiss wasn't aggressive they couldn't resist the heat following towards their lower abdomen.

seungmin moved his frail body to straddle hyunjin, not once breaking the kiss whilst the older grabs ahold of his waist, his grip tight and secure.

they dance against each other like fire and ice, both passionate and lustful yet so delicate.

when the kiss is finally broken seungmin sits up with hooded eyes, "i'm exhausted," he whines softly.

the elder nods in agreement, snaking his arms up seungmins back and pushing him forward to lie down. the both of them lacked the stamina to continue things having had zero experience. it was something they'd have to work up to, together.

"i love you seungmin."
"i love you, too hyunjin."

the end
i hope you enjoyed that lol, this has been sitting in my incomplete stories for awhile though i'm not sure why?
i love seungjin sm so i thought i'd revise this a little and publish it (: i am quite proud of this to be completely honest.

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