Secrets of Sulphur Springs on...

By Sossfan

27.5K 202 839

This book is builds for any theory for season 3 or just for random ideas lol. Not my first language the engli... More

I thought i lost you!
I don't think this is normal
I hate you! I love you!
Fight and confess
Just try talk to him
Break up?
Kiss me
I hate you! I love you! part 2
They like Romeo and Juliet
We took a bet
My father told me
She lied to me
Are you good enough?
If you want just do it
The concert
The advice
Serial Killer Lovers
My girlfriend is famous
Savannah helped them
See you later
Why you ignoring me?
My theory ( this probably the worst theory ever )
The coma
BIG NEWS (not a chapter)
My theory Part 2
Sorry 😭😭( not a chapter )
What are you guys doing in here?!
The possesed
The cruise
We are done!
New Plots
As a couple?
We should go visit
Your son
We are done! Part 2
Twins and Topher
Sickness days
The betrayal
The bathroom
Nobody can you trust
He died
Brother and Sister
The injure
Landon or Mason
Not a chapter
5 years later
Why you don't eat?
Griffin's friend
Confess in the car
Patch him up
If Only She Knew
Prince and Princess
A Big Fight Turn Into Love
I'd Rather Be His Than Yours
The New Neighbour
i need everything to stop


313 2 6
By Sossfan

Sorry i'm not updating nowadays, but my mental health is bad now and i'm so busy with school and stuffs.

After 3 years Griffin and Harper broke up, but they needed to each other. After they broke up, they didn't meet each other or talk each other.

Griffin is in his room and watching some picture. When he found a picture of him and Harper.

Zoey took this picture when she and Wyatt followed them, because they knew in here Griffin admit his feelings to her. He smiled on this picture, when the twins walked into the room.

"You missed her, huh?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah, but I know I will find someone else." He told her. The twins just looked at each other then back at Griffin.

"Oh, come on Griff you can't say that! You were made for each other." Wyatt explained. He just shake his head for this.

"No, she was just my first crush, first girlfriend and my first everything." In here Griffin realized he was wrong. "No, you guys are right! She wasn't my first crush or girlfriend, she's my everything, the love of my life." He said to them.

"I know we are right. Now, go to your love!" Zoey said excitedly. Her brother ran out from his room to his girlfriend's house.

"We follow him, right?" Wyatt asked while he held his camera.

"Of course we do! Now, let's go!" She said while she pushed her twin out of her brother room.

Griffin arrived to Harper's house. He knocked and Jess opened the door.

"Griffin? Hi, i'm so glad you're here. Harper's in the garden." Jess said with a smile.

"Thank you." He told her then walked away.

"Hey." Griffin said softy.

"Griffin? What are you doing here?" Harper asked.

"Look, I know we broke up, but I can't live without you Locker Ninja. I need you and I know you need me too." For this she couldn't say anything. The only thing she could just kiss him.

"I love you too. I don't get it why we were so stupid to break up with each other." Harper explained him. They almost kissed again when they here a camera click.

"What the?" Griffin asked.

"Perfect!" Zoey and Wyatt jumped out of a bush.

"Guys!" Griffin started. "What?" Wyatt asked sarcasticaly.

"Leave us alone!" He finished. "Okay.." The twins walked away.

The couple just cuddled and kissed for the rest of the day.

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