Partners in M.O.N. (Kagari x...

By JaeZInsane

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Kagari in Monster Musume More

Bio: M.O.N Agent Sanashi
Chapter 1: Agent Sanashi and Ms. Smith
Chapter 2: Just Another Day On The Job
Chapter 3: The Day Off
Chapter 4: Love Partners 🍋
Chapter 5: Back to Work, A New Movement
Kagari's Character Set
Chapter 6: Home on a Full Moon

Chapter 7: Date with Kuroko

1.1K 38 10
By JaeZInsane

The Next Day, Kagari can be seen walking out of the house with his phone to his ear. He was wearing a nice outfit consisting of a black turtle neck, dark blue jeans, dress shoes, and a gray jacket.

Kagari: So how did it go with the girls last night, Kimihito?

Kimihito: Just fine. They calmed down after I told them I would date them to see which one I want to marry.

Kagari: Good. We'll be heading over to your house to check on you tomorrow. Keep yourself out of trouble until then, okay?

Kimihito: Okay, bye.

As Kagari hung up the phone, the door to the house opened and Kuroko stepped outside. She was wearing her normal glasses with a blue jacket and a blue shirt and jeans.

Kuroko: How do I look, dear?

Kagari: You look great, Kuroko.

Kuroko: Thank you.

Kagari: Now then, let us get this date of ours started.

(A/N: I never gave you guys a specific picture of the car Kagari was driving in the story. So here you go.)

Kagari walked towards the passenger side of their car and opened it for Kuroko.

Kagari: Ladies first.

Kuroko: You're such a gentleman, dear.

Kagari: Anything for my lady.

Kuroko kissed him on the cheek and stepped inside of the car. He closed the door for her and proceeded to walk towards the driver side of the car and stepped inside.

Kagari: Now then, let's go.

Kagari and Kuroko were now on the road, driving towards their first stop on their date.


After a long drive away from home, Kagari pulls into the parking lot of their first destination, the city mall.

Kagari: Alright, we're here.

Kuroko: Ooo, the mall.

Kagari: You did tell me once that you wanted to go to the mall and shop for new clothes. So, this is our first stop.

Kuroko: Awww, you did listen.

Kagari and Kuroko opened their doors and stepped out of the car. He stuck his arm out to her.

Kagari: Let's have a good time, Kuroko.

Kuroko wrapped her arm around his arm.

Kuroko: Let's.


Inside of the mall, Kagari and Kuroko were walking arm in arm looking for the clothing department of the mall.

Kagari: So, what kind of clothing are you looking for in particular...?

Kuroko: Oh, nothing much, dresses, shirts, things I can wear on my days off.

Kagari: Oh, I see.

Kuroko: But I'm also looking for some leggings and more pantyhose for my legs along with some sexy lingerie for a specific someone.

Kuroko winked.

Kagari: ...-_-....I was expecting nothing less from you to say that....

Kuroko: Don't be like that. We both know that you like it when I dress sexy.

Kagari: Hey, I haven't complained.

Kuroko: Which means you like it.

Kagari: -_-...I tolerate it, that's all....

Kuroko smiled as she playfully poked at his face.

Kuroko: Sure you do. You know you like my legs...


Lingerie Store

After shopping for Kuroko's new clothing, she and Kagari were now inside of the mall's lingerie store. As Kuroko was in the dressing rooms trying on new underwear, Kagari was sitting outside on a chair.

Kagari sighed.

Kagari: (Why do I have this feeling that she purposefully saved this store for last...?)

The curtains to the dressing room open and Kuroko steps out.

Kuroko: Well dear, what do you think...?

Kagari saw that Kuroko was wearing a new set of purple lingerie and a pair of see through purple leggings that came with the set.

Kuroko: Well, what do you think? This set even comes with it's own tie. Isn't it really sexy?

Kagari: Not bad. I do like it when you wear purple. Are there any other sets you wanted to try?

Kuroko: Give me a minute.

Kuroko stepped back into the dressing room and after a few minutes she came out wearing a dark blue swimsuit.

Kuroko: Well. Pretty sexy, huh?

Kagari: Nice. I like the shade of blue on you as well. Almost as much as the purple set.

Kuroko: Good. Hold on, there's one more set I want to try on.

Kagari: Alright, go ahead. After we're done here, we'll go and get some food.

Kuroko went back into the dressing room and tried on her last lingerie outfit. As she was busy, Kagari's phone began to vibrate. He checked it and saw he had a message.

"Mr. Kagari Sanashi, your order is ready for pick up. Please come when you have time."

Kagari: (Good, it's ready. I'll bring Kuroko to the car and head back to pick it up.)

Kuroko: Oh sweetie, I think you're gonna really love this one.

Kagari: Okay, then let's see it.

Kuroko stepped out wearing a black lingerie set with grey swirl details and a see through fish net pantyhose.

Kuroko: You like...? I know how much you love black clothes, dear.

Kagari blushed.

Kagari: Oh, uh wow....that set looks very beautiful on you....yeah.....

Kuroko: Awww, you're blushing. Maybe I should stop wearing training bras and start walking in this on our days off to get a good rise out of you.

Kuroko: Since you just love a woman in black lingerie, hmmm?

Kagari: Are you buying the sets or not?

Kuruko: Of course, I am. I love all of them. Not to mention....

Kuroko: It's not everyday I get to see my boyfriend's handsome face turn red.

Kagari: Alright, let's buy them. Put your clothes back on...


Outside of the mall, Kagari and Kuroko can be seen in the parking lot holding shopping bags which they put in the car.

Kagari: Hey Kuroko, could you turn the car on for me? I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back.

Kuroko: Alright, give me the keys.

After giving Kuroko the keys to the car, Kagari went back inside of the mall, but not to use the restroom. While he had time, Kagari went to the Jewelry store of the mall where he talked with an employee at the counter.

Kagari: Hello, I'm here to pick up an order under the name of Kagari Sanashi.

Employee: Kagari Sanashi. Oh yes, here is your order, sir.

Kagari: Thank you.

Employee: This is very expensive, special occasion perhaps?

Kagari: You have no idea.

As he left the jewelry store, Kagari looked into the bag to see a small black box, to which he disposed of the bag and but the box in his pocket. After leaving the mall again, Kagari returned to his car and drove to their next destination.


Kagari and Kuroko were back on the road, driving to their next destination.

Kuroko: That was nice. Haven't been to the mall in a while thanks to work. But all that shopping made me hungry. Where will we be going to eat, dear?

Kagari: You'll see.

Kuroko: You just love leaving me in the dark, don't you?

Kagari: Yep, as much as you love teasing me in black lingerie.

Kuroko/Kagari: Touché.

After a few minutes of driving, they pulled into the parking lot of a nice bar restaurant not far from where they lived, much to Kuroko's shock.

Kuroko: I've wanted to go here for a long time!

Kagari: I know and I thought this would be a great time to come.

Kuroko: Sweetie!

Kuroko was hugging Kagari as he was trying to park.

Kagari: Okay! Okay! I know your excited but let me park first.


Kagari and Kuroko entered the restaurant and placed their orders after taking their seats.

Kagari: So, what was it that made you want to come here?

Kuroko: I'm glad you asked.

Kuroko: They have this very expensive beer that I have been dying to try. I've been trying to get it but everytime I come here it's always gone.

Kagari: And you intend to try this drink while we're here.

Kuroko: Uh huh. But also....

Kuroko places her hand on his hand.

Kuroko: I've been having a great time today. Thanks for taking me out, dear.

Kagari: No problem, hun. I know we don't get to have as much time as we'd like to ourselves so I thought this would be a nice change of pace.

Kuroko: Always thinking about me...

Kagari: Well, someone has too.

???: Ahem.

Kagari and Kuroko turn to see their waiter as arrived with their food.

Waiter: A Teppanyaki Lobster for the beautiful lady.

Kuroko: Thank you.

Waiter: and a pork cutlet bowl for you.

Kagari: Thanks.

Waiter: I hope you enjoy your meals.

The waiter looked back at Kuroko and winked at her before leaving. Kagari noticed out of the corner of his eye and grew a slight annoyed, but decided to let it go.


Kagari and Kuroko were finished with their meals.

Kuroko: Ah, that was delicious.

Kagari: Glad you enjoyed it. Now then, how about we get you a drink of that beer and head home.

Kuroko: Right, almost forgot about that.

Kagari: -_-....It was literally the reason you said you wanted to come here.

The waiter returned to collect the plates. As Kagari asked him to bring him the restaurant's expensive beer, he blatantly ignored him and turned his attention to Kuroko.

Waiter: You know, hot stuff. We have a special dessert just for today. It's my phone number along with a trip to my place after work. I get off in half an hour. What do you say, babe?

Kagari: Excuse me, I'm ordering.

Kuroko: Just a minute, dear. So, are you serious?

Waiter: Dead serious, babe. I get off in 30 and can get you off when we're alone.

Kuroko gets up and stands up to the waiter, getting the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

Kuroko: Okay Mr. Whatever Your Name Is, here's wait I have to say. First, I'd rather seal my vagina with concrete than have you get me off. Second, that half-assed attempt at flirting tells me that you're still a virgin who couldn't even come close to handling me in bed. Third, my boyfriend was talking to you so if you value your poor excuse of a carrer, then you're going to go into the back, cut the bullshit...

Kuroko: And get us our goddamn beer.

Kagari: That's my girl.

Waiter: Shit--Okay, fine. Could've just said no. God, don't need to be a monster BITCH about it....

Kagari: Excuse you...?

Kagari stood up, getting the waiters attention.

Kagari: I'm giving you the next 5 seconds to apologize for what you just said.

Waiter: Or what punk? What are you gonna do abo-

In a swift motion, Kagari punched the wall inches away from the waiter's face, causing a dent to form.

Kagari: else....

Waiter: Ah- I- I'm so sorry! I- I- I'm so so sorry! P-Please don't hurt me!

Kagari was about to walk passed him, but before he did, he handed him a band full of cash.

Kagari: Here, for the food.

Kuroko: Don't expect a tip, asshole.

Kagari and Kuroko leave the restaurant.

As they were outside, Kagari took a heavy sigh.

Kagari: I'm so sorry that you had to see that, Kuroko.

Kuroko: Don't apologize for him, or at all. That was amazing.

Kagari: But now, you won't get to try that beer.

Kuroko: Eh, it's okay. Come on, let's head home.

Just as they were about to go to the car, the restaurant doors open and someone yells at them to wait. It was the restaurant manager.

Manager: Excuse me, I deeply apologize for my employee's rudeness today. This isn't the first time he's done something like this to our female customers. I hope you can forgive him.

Kagari: It is nothing. I apologize for the damage to your wall.

Manager: Please don't worry about that. I'll cover the damages. As a token of our gratitude, please take this.

The manager was holding the expensive beer in his hands and handed it to Kuroko.

Kuroko: Thank you, I promise to not sue.

Kagari: -_-....Normally, I would be annoyed. But I'll let this slide....



After returning home, Kuroko was in the living room drinking the beer she got from the manager as Kagari was in their room with the black box in his hands.

Kagari: Alright, it's time to do it.

Kagari walks into the living room.

Kagari: Hey Kuroko.

Kuroko: Yes, dear?

Kagari sits down on the couch next to her.

Kagari: We've been together for a long time now and well....I wanted to give you something to show I'm grateful for you being my girlfriend.

Kagari shows her the black box.

Kuroko: What's in the box, dear?

Kagari: It's my way of saying thank you for being my partner and the person I love the most. I hope you like it.

Kagari opens the box to reveal....

A golden heart shaped locket necklace.

Kuroko: It's beautiful.

Kagari: There's more.

Kagari pressed the button on the heart and it open to reveal a small picture. It was off the picture they took together when they first became partners. Kuroko was speechless.

Kagari: They are times where you may annoy me, tease me, and sometimes anger me, but that changes nothing to the face that I care about you. I love you, Kuroko.

Kagari wrapped the locket around her neck and held her close.

Kagari: I'll never regret loving you....

Kuroko: ..........

Kagari: Hmmm?

Kuroko: ......................

Kagari: Kuro--

Before Kagari could finish, Kuroko turned around, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. In a few seconds, she pulled him over the couch and kept on kissing him. She only stopped for a few seconds to say this.

Kuroko: Kagari....

Kuroko: I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have a man like you.

Kagari: Thanks Kuro--Mmmph!!!

Kagari couldn't finish his sentence again as Kuroko went back to kissing him again until they eventually fell off the couch.

Eventually, a black shirt along with a black bra can be seen flying into the air and landing on the floor as the lights to the house went off.

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