Partners in M.O.N. (Kagari x...

By JaeZInsane

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Kagari in Monster Musume More

Bio: M.O.N Agent Sanashi
Chapter 1: Agent Sanashi and Ms. Smith
Chapter 2: Just Another Day On The Job
Chapter 3: The Day Off
Chapter 4: Love Partners πŸ‹
Kagari's Character Set
Chapter 6: Home on a Full Moon
Chapter 7: Date with Kuroko

Chapter 5: Back to Work, A New Movement

1.2K 37 2
By JaeZInsane


The Next Morning, Kagari's alarm on his phone began to go off making him wake up. After shutting off the alarm he tried to get up but Kuroko was still asleep laying on top of him.

Kagari: Kuroko, come on. It's time to get up for work.

Seeing as how that didn't work, he began shaking her.

Kagari: Kuroko?

Kuroko: Five more minutes. Okay hun?

Kagari: -_-....Fine. But after that, you're getting up. I don't need the boss yelling at us for being late again.

Kuroko: Thanks hun.

Kagari: -_-....You are so lucky that I love you.

Kuroko: I know. Lucky me.....



After leaving the house and clocking in at headquarters thankfully on time, Kagari and Kuroko were now in there car driving to Kimihito's house.

Kuroko: Ah, I love this song.

Kagari: It appears that Centorea has decided to have Kimihito as her host. We'll be heading over there for confirmation.

Kagari: Honestly, whenever we're not around, he's either getting himself into dumb situations or he's tangled up with another demi-human.

Kuroko: Jealous much?

Kagari: No, just pointing out the obvious...

Kagari: Besides, I have you. So what is there to be jealous about?

Kuroko: Awwww.

Kuroko: That's so sweet of you to say, you tough guy.

Kagari: It's nothing. Hey, what's going on over there?

Kagari stopped the car at the park to see Kimihito was in a three way struggle between Miia, Papi, and Centorea.

Kuroko: Surprise. Surprise.

Kagari: -_-.....This guy cannot catch a break, can he?

Miia/Papi/Centorea: If you two won't leave him alone, then we'll just have to solve this the hard way!!!

Kimihito: AHHHHH!!!!!!

Miia got into a martial arts stance, Papi flew with her talons out and ready, and Centorea drew her sword as they were about to fight each other.

Kagari: Shit!

Since she was closer, Kuroko stepped out of the car and drew her pistol.

Kimihito: Hey, stop it!

Kimihito ran infront of them as Kuroko fired and got shot with three tranquilizer darts in his back.

Kuroko: Oh.....

Kagari bashed her on the head with his fist.

Kagari: You shot the wrong target, you idiot!

Kimihito fell to the ground unconscious.

Centorea: Master!

Miia: Darling!

Papi: Master!


Kimihito's House

After the incident at the park, Kimihito was brought back to his house where he was still unconscious from the tranquilizers.

Kagari: How is he?

Kuroko: He should come around in a few minutes.

Kagari: We need to work on your aim. But before I worry about you. I need to talk to the demi-humans.


All three demi-humans sprung up after hearing their names.

Kagari: Hallway! Right now!

Miia: But darling is--

Kagari: I said NOW!!!

Upon hearing this all three of them went into the hallway.

Kagari: Watch him. I'll be right back.

Kuroko: Try not to yell at them too much.

Kagari shut the door as he stood infront of the three demi humans infront of him.

Kagari: Would any of you three like to tell me what exactly happened at the park?!

Miia began to explain how they were fighting over Kimihito and how it lead to Centorea taking him out to the park and how it lead to the three of them about to start a fight.

Miia: And well....that's the story....

Kagari: From what I'm hearing, this all happened because none of you decided to act rationally and acted like immature brats. So, let me explain this to you.

Kagari slammed his hand on the wall.

Kagari: All three of you were wrong!!! Miia, you were wrong for leaving the house without your host! Papi, you were wrong for assisting Miia in leaving the house! Centorea, you were wrong for taking Kimihito out of the house for his permission!

Miia: But we--

Kagari: I don't want to hear any excuses!

Kagari: If you three acted like that under any host other than Kimihito, then all three of you would have been reported to headquarters and be deported back to your homelands. Not to mention, you would have possibly thrown the interspecies exchange bill out of proportions.

Kagari: Maybe if the three of you acted like true representatives of your assigned species instead of selfish children, then the situation wouldn't have escalated the way it did!! You could have really set us back with incorporating demi-humans into society with that stunt today!

Kagari: I am beyond disappointed with the three of you. If it was under normal circumstances, you would have all been detained and kicked out of the country by the end of the week.

Centorea: If you believe that is the best option, then we will pack our belongings and prepare for deportation.

Miia: Centorea!!!

Kagari: Sit down, both of you. I said if it was under normal circumstances.

Papi: Does that mean...?

Kagari: Yes. Kuroko is most likely not going to report this to headquarters. So, this incident is going to be swept under the rug. I'm giving you a second chance to be actual representatives.

Kagari: Also, it's pretty obvious that Kimihito is not going to blame you for what happened. He's a very kind person. So here's what you're going to do. When Kimihito wakes up, you're going to apologize for your actions, even if he doesn't blame you. Do that and I I'll see if you can stay. Am I clear?

Miia/Papi/Centorea: Yes!

Kagari: Good. Now, if you'll excuse me. Oh, and before I forget. I know you three are in love with him, so I'll be a bit lenient with you. Just don't do this again.

Kagari leaves and enters the living room.

Kagari: Good. He's coming around.

Kuroko: Well, that's funny. Who knew I would accidently hit you instead? And three times at that. No harm done, they're only tranquilizer darts.

Kimihito: That's easy for you to say....

Kuroko: I don't want to lose my job, our secret?

Kimihito: Ugh.

Kuroko: You'll keep this a secret too, right? You don't want me to lose my job either.

Kagari: Yeah, Yeah. I won't report what happened. I'll just say we bumped into them at the park, that's all.

Kuroko: Thank you.

Kimihito: Wait, it's way too quiet. Where did they all go?

Kagari: I brought them to headquarters and they're being deported as we speak.

Kimihito: WHAT?!!!

Kagari: No, I'm just kidding. They're over there.

Kimihito: Oh, are you guys okay?

Miia: It's just. Well, if we hadn't been acting so selfish, then none of this would have ever happened to you.

Papi: Uh huh! What she said!

Centorea: I'm a failure as your servant, please forgive me.

Kagari: (Not that bad of an apology, girls.)

Miia: That's why we made a decision, darling. From now on, we'll do whatever we can to hold back so don't cause you trouble.

Kimihito: Hold back?

Papi: Oh right! I won't ask you to play with me ever again, okay?!

Centorea: I won't lose sight of my position as your loyal steed!

Kimihito: Don't say that! I know you tend to get carried away sometimes, and you shouldn't start fights.

Kimihito: But the one who's really to blame for all this is Ms. Smith.

Kuroko spat out some of her coffee.

Kagari: -_-.....Don't act surprised, you were the one who shot him.

Kimihito: Stuff happens, but the point of this homestay thing is to learn to get along with each other, right? Since we're all in this thing together, I'd say that kind of makes us a family.

Miia/Papi/Centorea: Family...?

Kimihito: So no matter what complicated junk gets in our way. Just keep being yourselves.

All three demi-humans smiled at Kimihito.

Miia: Darling.

Kuroko: I couldn't agree more.

Kagari: -_-....Oh no, that's her scheming face.

Kuroko: Family, of course. This is too perfect, I knew I was right to ask darling to look after those three....

Kuroko: Speaking of which, there's been a movement recently to amend the interspecies exchange bill. Well, most of the proposed changes are just boring legal jargon. But there is an article that would allow marriages between humans and demi-humans. Unfortunately, it's difficult to predict whether it'll actually work in practice, so I've been looking for a test case.

Kimihito: -_-....Really

Kuroko: And that's why you're going to marry either Miia, Papi, or Centorea. Have fun, choose carefully.

Kimihito: M-Marry?! Ms. Smith, why did you bring up marriage?!

Kuroko: Well, marriages between species really are the next logical step in our progression, even if it causes a few hiccups early on, and that's why we're doing a test.

Kimihito: No! What I mean is you can't just tell somebody to get married! This isn't the way it's supposed to work! What do I do?

Kuroko: Hmmm, just go with your gut...

Kimihito: Is that's supposed to help!! Hey hold it, so that's it?! You're just gonna leave!

Kuroko: That's all we got. My business is done. Bye, have a goodnight!

Kuroko leaves.

Kagari: Honestly, my partner can be such a pain at times.

Kagari: Listen, just take some time and get to know them all a bit better to see which one you would like to marry. In a lane man's terms, follow your heart. Don't worry, if you have any problems or questions. I'm only one phone call away.

Kagari opens the door.

Kagari: Oh I almost forgot, there's going to be a full moon out tonight, so you may want to be careful. Alright, have a goodnight.

Kagari closed the door and walked out of the house. Outside, he went inside of his car and began driving back home.

Kagari: Did you really have to bring up the marriage part, Kuroko?

Kuroko: Why? What is the problem? Now that you mention it, I feel like I forget to tell darling something important. Oh well....

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