Suegiku yōkai au

By Lan_Xichen_Best

2.7K 108 143

IM SO SORRY BUT I DONT KNOW THE ARTIST OF THE COVER An au of where Tecchous sick, little sister gets lost in... More

A strange village
A certain run-away
Guys is it gay to comb another's man's hair and enjoy it?

Fluffy tail of a certain Kitsune

507 18 32
By Lan_Xichen_Best

GUYS...I NEVER THOUGHT THAT THIS FAN FIC WILL GET THIS MUCH LOVE😨 I might fell of the fandom and changed way too much but I'm keeping the grind up😎😘 Damn I really did die..

One thing Tecchou found out about the weird kitsune was that he loved to wave his tail in the rhythm of the birdies chirping, his tail moving naturally and softly.

"Your tail looks tangled." Those words slip out of the brown haired boys mouth.

"Shut up. It's not" The white haired man angrily replied twitching his already closed eyes.

"I'm just observing, no need to be so mean." The human sighed in his breath, slowly moving his hand to fix his hair.

"I don't care, I'm just taking you to my home because of your annoying sister. She reminds me of a jalapeño." Tecchou chuckled at the kitsunes observation.

"She is like a jalapeño, really short tempered and in the dark it does look like she has red hair." Tecchou slightly closed his eyes

"We're here." Jouno suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around in his heels to face the annoying human.

"Uh...there's nothing here..?" He was right, there was nothing here just a few trees starting to bloom and leaves dancing to the winds howls just an ordinary space of a forest.

The kitsune smirked and took a step forward leaving the human behind his back. Taking a bigger step the kitsune soon disappeared in thin air, gone he just disappeared like the candy in a children's birthday party.

"Huh..?" Tecchou started to wonder if he just imagined all of this, maybe he needed to go get that checked. As he was wondering suddenly a hand became visible and took a hold of his collar dragging him in. He closed his eyes hoping the best that's possible and that he's imagining things.

After he opened his eyes slowly did he realise that he wasn't imagining anything. The Kitsune stood firmly his hands still on the brunette's collar.

"You smell bad." Was all the white haired fox said and abruptly released him making Tecchou stumble on the ground.

"I don't. You're just bitchy." The human replied fixing his uniform that got wrinkled by the stupid but beautiful kitsune. "Where is she?" He then asked his heart rate quickening up.

"Follow me." Jouno demanded as he brushed the leaves behind him with his tail.

The thing that made Tecchou fell irritated was the fact that the Kitsune took small steps at a time making him seem elegant as if he was walking in heels but in practice he was slow as fuck like that. The brown haired man sometimes stepped on the Yōkai's tail making him wince or yell.

"CAN'T YOU EVEN WALK??" Finally did the Kitsune decide to argue with the lowlife human. "CAN YOU WALK FASTER??" Tecchou retorted as he both was anxious and angry and didn't know how else to release his feelings.

"Hmph. Calm your heart or something it's annoying me." Jouno replied picking up a faster pace which still made him look elegant but more like a princess running away from her forced marriage.

After a few more insults thrown at each other they walked into the room in which the little girl was sleeping soundly.

"What happened to her?" Tecchou asked after he finally calmed down, making his temperament better and less annoying.

"She had a fractured rib so I took her in." Jouno replied shrugging it felt as if he had no remorse for the situation she was in.

"You bandaged someone up even if you're blind?!" The man exclaimed surprised at his words. He tried the best to stop the anxiety run through his veins after all he couldn't trust the Kitsune just yet. He killed too many.

"Are you looking down on me because of what condition my eyes are?" He grinned turning around to face the human. "You know killing you and your sister would be easier than getting out of bed for me." He answered sternly with a disgusting grin across his face which made him look like he escaped from a mental hospital.

Tecchou gulped but he didn't let himself get lost to fear. He always believed in justice and the fox has gone against it.

"You have already sinned enough." The brown haired man retorted sternly with no hesitation in his voice neither on his face.

The Yōkai laughed madly covering his lips with a fluffy tail. "You're right. But so have you and your sister." He stoped laughing and dropped the smile out off his face.

"..." How did he know? Why did he know? Who told him? What's going on?

Those were all questions the mortal had running in his head. His heartbeat increased again but he showed no fear on his face.

"It's none of your business." He then replied taking one last glance at his sleeping sister.

The Kitsune placed his back on the cold wall a chill ran through his spine making him curl his back a bit.

"What do you want?" Tecchou cocked his head to the other man's direction and asked.

"You. I want you." The white haired man's lips curled up into a smile "work for me and neither you nor her will get ever injured again."

The man's eyebrows tightened together as his eyes got judgemental.

"You know I can't." Was all he said to send the Kitsune's lips curling up more.

"He won't know and if he will I'll take care of him." He smirked and replied with no effort

"Fukuchi will know." He sighed his voice not shaking even a little at the mention of his and his sisters boss.

"Maybe he will but you're other colleague works as a spy so I might send some false information to your boss." His smirk wavered a bit.

"Why? I'm nothing special." Tecchou replied running out of arguments.

"You're strong as a mortal. You will be useful." Jouno replied obviously getting tired and irritated from their stupid conversation.

"...fine. I'll place justice behind just for her this time." The man glanced at his sister and replied sadly.

The kitsune yawned and took out a brush. "Your first task is to groom my fur." He handed the man a Sakura ornamented small brush with flowers dangling from and on the brush.

(Imagine the brush looking something like this🫶🫶)


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