I've returned from the past

By TomHDAvengers

14.2K 746 52

Harry Potter has already lived one life- gone to the past to live another and has now returned to live his th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 2

861 42 0
By TomHDAvengers

It was quiet in the muggle world. A bit too quiet. He walks down the side path in silence. 

But maybe it was seeing Dumbledore that had done that. 

Honestly he'd seen the pictures and almost couldn't recognise the man from what he remembers. 

At the same time he's not surprised. He did inspire that change after all- in some form or another. 

He steps into the old house that sat alone on the lane of apartments. Unlocking it with a key he pushes inside to find the interior is well decorated and fresh. A slave is taking care of everything and Hadrian closes the door silently and watches the slave wipe the windows. 

It's not like he'd bought the slave- the guy had just been thrust onto his doorsteps and begged for him to take him in as a slave. He'd checked his memories and found them to be odd but he'd truly only needed a master. 

The vampire looked over his shoulder and blinks before turning and bowing. "My Lord." 

"Edwin." The vampires blonde hair has been cut short and red eyes looked everywhere but at him. He's not sure if the vampire can tell somehow he's not quite human. "Do not mind me." Edwin nods and returns to the window. He continues as if Hadrian isn't there and that's how it's been between the two of them- for years. 

He'd bought this place when he was eleven and had been three years since. Edwin had been placed on these steps half a year into his first year here and had barely left. 

Hadrian supplied him with his own blood when the vampire needed it. He's grateful. Edwin is always grateful. For a place to stay- for food and to be able to do things. He can watch tv and practice his arts when he's finished his chores and some days Edwin is strong enough to make eye contact- but otherwise when Edwin is clicked into his human side he's too scared to. 

He moves towards the kitchen, taking off his suit jacket and placing it on the chair and loosened his tie and undid his cuffs. 

It was routine that he should do that and move away and minutes later Edwin would take them to be washed. 

To get rid of the blood or the sweat and grime. 

Today it was just the latter. He stepped into his room and flicked on the light. Hedwig hooted from her fake tree that took up the whole corner. He gets changed into a clean black tank top and black pants. He didn't bother with shoes. He didn't plan on going out again. 

No. Seeing Reinhard- had hit him hard. 

Not only that but the look hadn't been one of recognition but the promise of cold death. He was a threat to Voldemort in this time too. 

He supposes the slight changes to his face he'd applied had not been spotted by Reinhard- however Albus had seen through the glamour. 

He had to help Albus do that- had to teach him to help defeat Grindelwald. 

So he's not half surprised. But he gets rid of the glamour and looks at his sharp features. 

He looks very different from the first run. How he's started to refer to his first life. 

He was taller, leaner and more muscular. But that also depended on certain factors in this life.  Like he'd been healthy when he'd someone had dropped him off at the train station. He'd left shortly after of course and been kidnapped a bit from there. He had no need to go through Hogwarts for the third time anyway so he didn't really mind. It only added one more to his already red hands. 

Instead he'd been investing in his Houses. The Ancient Noble House of Potter and the Ancient Noble House of Peverell. There was also another house called Sapphirus by right of conquest but he didn't worry too much about that one. 

Though the three rings were beautiful he had more precious things to work on too. Including his network of the Underground. Both muggle and magical so he was essentially a powerful figure in both Undergrounds. 

After all, nobody questions a Dragon Animagus. 

He goes downstairs and finds Edwin looking at him a bit guiltily. 

Edwin always hates asking for his blood. He pulls out a potion in the cupboard and drinks it. It exponentially increases blood cell production. He tilts his neck and Edwin comes over. 

He's only three years older than him currently- and three years since his turning. 

Hadrian doesn't wince as the fangs sink into his neck and he picks up the Daily Prophet from nearby and reads over it. 

The Triwizard Tournament: The Four Champions

Fuck it wasn't happening again was it? He reads down and observes his name. 

That's right wizards and witches! Not three- but four champions! And who else but our elusive Hadrian James Potter? Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour and Cedric Diggory were chosen for the Triwizard Tournament by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Then the Goblet of Fire tossed out another name. None other than the Boy-Who-Lived! 

Who is keeping the Boy-Who-Lived a secret from the wizarding world? The Ministry has employed Aurors on the case as the Goblet of Fire does not choose names of dead Wizards which means ladies and gents- Hadrian is still alive! It seems the Potter line has not ended just yet! 

He doesn't bother reading the rest. He has Aurors on his tail again. They'd been on his tail by his Alias- Hades. 

He doubted they'd put two and two together. After all Hadrian James Potter was supposedly just a fourteen year old boy. How on earth would he be one of the Ministry's most wanted? 

Edwin let's go and he looks at the bite mark. 

Edwin used to be very sloppy but now he'd learnt how to stop drawing the blood up and extract only the left overs- leaving only two small wounds that would heal. 

"Thank you My Lord," Edwin murmurs. Edwin wasn't thin by any means and was certainly not ill looking- but that's what half dragon blood did he supposes. "My Lord if I may..." He trials off, waiting and he murmurs, fixing his shirt.  


"I have a friend that's in desperate need of refuge here." 

"A friend?" He asks, glancing over his shoulder with narrowed eyes. Edwin hardly went out if he didn't have to. Edwin looked away- blood still on his lips and teeth. 

"Yes- his name is Dray." 

"When did you meet?" 

"Before I was turned. He was a good friend of mine back then and tried to protect me from getting turned." 

"Very well. Drink some water first." Edwin dips his head and pours himself a glass- and sets one aside for him with just a bit of juice in it. 

He sculls it quickly before putting it in the sink and grabs his folder he kept in the safe and a pen. He sets it down on the table and looks through his private notes and analysis's. 

While he's working- roughly an hour later there's a knock on the door and Edwin looks at him and gets a sharp nod before he opens it. 

His suspicions were confirmed as the black haired vampire entered. The hazel eyes didn't fool him for a second- or the worn clothes. 


He could tell simply by the size of his fangs. 

"Thank you for allowing me to stay," Dracula says with a warm smile. 

"As long as I find no blood on the floor I don't mind, I'm sure Edwin will tell you the rules. Please take him to the guest suite. Oh- and expect the ministry during the week." Edwin worried his lip before nodding and Dracula sent him a suspicious look when he thought he wasn't paying attention and he looked the vampire dead in the eyes- and flashed his dragon eyes, telling the man to make sure he followed the fucking rules. 

The vampire frowned- just a little bit, before following Edwin up the stairs. His slitted eyes watched him go before he returned to normal and finished his work. Then he walked up to the third floor where all of his artworks were. 

The easels and the carvings, the sculptures. Hedwig flew up to sit on her perch in this room as he picked up an easel and a paintbrush- and he painted Hedwig. If he ever got an art block- he drew Hedwig or any other animals that passed by the place. A few snakes visited sometimes- to speak to him or chilled during the winter months. 

He painted her sitting on a branch of the whomping willow, Hogwarts in the background and a black dog by her feet. 

From what he'd discovered- Peter Pettigrew had never been a marauder which meant that he wasn't the cause of his parents death and Sirius Black had never gone to Azkaban. 

But there was a wall of newspapers and articles on the wall behind him. 

A few hours later, Edwin knocks on the door. "My Lord dinner's prepared." 

"I'll be out in a moment." Edwin disappears and he places down the paintbrush and stands, offering a hand and Hedwig flew over. 

Walking down to the kitchen Edwin and Dracula had sat down already but hadn't touched the food. He sat at the head of the table and Hedwig brought him the mail, dropping it in front of him. 

He picks it up and gazes at it for a moment, eating the simple mash, peas, gravy and sausages. 

"Sir..." Edwin asks, eyeing the title. "Is that what the Ministry will be coming here for?" 


"You don't seem surprised," Dracula says, watching him while eating the significantly smaller portion. Edwin cuts him a warning look- less shy with him around. 

He passes it off and ignores Dracula altogether. 

He lets Hedwig finish his sausage and then hears a knock on the door. 

"Go to the guest rooms," he orders them and stands. Edwin nods and Dracula surveys him before following. He walks to the front door and shakes his hand before reaching to open the door. 

Dressed in fine robes- Cornelius Fudge looks down at him with a shocked expression he masks quickly. To his right stood John Dawlish- effectively Fudge's bodyguard. To his left was Kingsley Shacklebolt. 

He rose a brow and asks, "You are?" 

"Ah, I'm Cornelius Fudge. We're apart of the... Ministry. We've come to find someone called Hadrian James Potter." Ah, so they've tracked him down. It has been a few days since the official statement was released. 

"That would be me," he says. Stepping aside he jerks his head inside, "Come inside, your drawing attention." The wizards looked behind them to see the muggles watching uncertainly. They stepped inside quickly and while Cornelius focused on him the other twos eyes scoured the room. 

Then they noticed the three dishes in the sink. 

"If I may, who lives here?" John asks calmly, his blue eyes suspicious. 

"Some of my older friends. They're up in the guest room sleeping so if you don't mind don't be too loud." He sits at the head of the table and the other men sit down though Dawlish remained standing. 

"Hadrian are you aware of magic?" Cornelius asks softly and he blinks. That was how he was going to put it? 

"I've been prone to inexplainable accidents, but aside from that no." Suspiciously he surveys them. "You're not kidnappers are you?" Cornelius chokes and Dawlish smiles a bit- even Shacklebolt looks slightly amused. 

"No- no none of the sort. See we're wizards-" 

"Mentally ill then?" Hadrian tries again, enjoying toying with him and Cornelius gapes. "If a- what, fifty year old man, believes he's got magic then he must be mentally ill. Wouldn't you say so Edwin?" 

From the top of the stairs, the vampire muses, "Yes, they must be." 

He cocks his head at Cornelius, whose shocked expression had been wiped as he stared at the vampire at the top of the stairs. His smile turns a bit cold, 

"Yes I'm aware of magic minister, you would have noticed had you seen the Daily Prophet on the table." Surprised, Cornelius scanned the table to see the Daily Prophet- open on no doubt what they were here to talk about. 

Cornelius inhales sharply and returns to look at him and then Dawlish. 

"You didn't tell me I was making a fool of myself?" Before Dawlish could say anything Hadrian interrupts, 

"A real man does not blame another. Certainly it would have been kinder for him to tell you but if you come into a strangers house unprepared- you must at least be observant. Isn't that right? Minister?" Cornelius straightened his tie a bit and then clears his throat, 

"Well then I'm sure you're aware of what we're here for then?"

"I'd like it to be explained how my signature was placed in the Goblet," he says rather sharply instead. Cornelius blinks. 

"You know how it works already." 

"I've read accounts of it and how it works yes." Slowly Shacklebolt says, 

"This is a muggle home." 

"Easier not to get kidnapped this way." They all stared at him and he passively stared at them all. 

"So it was true then?" Dawlish asks. 

And for what it was worth- yeah it was true. He'd been kidnapped, but not at the train station. Hell he'd never boarded the train. Someone had dropped him off and he'd fucked off. 

Then he'd been kidnapped and the woman who'd done so had found herself drowning and dying from hypothermia in a nearby lake. 

"Yes," he replies simply, crossing his arms and leaning back, crossing a leg over his knee and contemplating them all. "Explanation?" 

"There's an investigation into it but we're really uncertain how it occurred?" 

"I'd check the faculty. After all only they know where I was previously right? Or which school I went to." 

"You assume they stole the signature on your previous assignments or documents?" Fudge asks surprised and he scowls at the man. 

"Apologies sir but I find your mind is very bleak and unthoughtful." Cornelius growls a warning, 

"Careful boy, I am the minister." Hadrians frown deepens, but the rest is blank- his eyes show nothing. He's a master of the most simplest masks. 

"Careful sir- your in my house. Under muggle authorities. I find the police rather like their guns and batons." Cornelius twitches. 

"Your house?" Dawlish asks and Hadrian jerks his head. 

"Here I was emancipated... maybe a little bit of illegal bribery but emancipated none the less." They all stared at him and he gave Cornelius a small smirk. "I'm sure you know all about manipulations." 

"What. Do. You. Want," Cornelius bites out and his face is wiped blank- as an intimidation factor more than anything else. He leans forward, elbows on the table and looks at Cornelius sharply. 

"Someone who can actually communicate. I don't think I'll make any deals with you Minister. So I think I'll listen to your bodyguards. But the foolish are to better remain silent." Cornelius fumed and he looks at Cornelius under his lashes. "Unless I should start screaming bloody murder? I live very close to the station after all. The patrol routes all go this way every fifteen minutes like clockwork." 

Cornelius just jerked his head in irritation to Shacklebolt and Hadrian listened. 

"We have a proposition for you. It will change a bit now that we know you know about magic. But you'd temporarily reside within Hogwarts to participate in the competition. You wouldn't need to try and win as trying is enough for the Goblet. You could also decide to stay- if you so wished." 

He thinks about it. 

He's more interested in seeing the changes that he'd caused. Would there still be Blacks at the school? Was Regulus still alive? Was Orion? What about Arcturus? Walburga was hopefully wallowing in the grave and the portrait burnt. Was Sirius teaching like he always wanted to or was he an auror? What about Remus? Was he teaching DADA like he always yearned for? 

What about Ron, Hermione and Draco. What had happened to those three? Or Neville, Luna and Headmaster Dumbledore. What about Severus- Minerva- all of them. 

He was very interested to see how the portraits reacted to him too and more than all of that- he missed Hogwarts. 

But it hurt him so much to go back now. Everything was different. She'd been destroyed in the first run and in the second- well... she'd been full of life. From Tom Riddle, Fleamont Potter and Orion Black. His brother in written law. 

What had happened to the Lestrange? The Malfoy's? The Notts and the Avery's? 

"I can see that you are uncertain," Shacklebolt says slowly. 

"Not quite uncertain," he responds quietly. "Just thinking." They allow him to think for a few more moments before he pulls himself out of the past and said at last, "My past. You'd want to know the bare details." 

Cornelius nodded and opened his mouth to speak but he held up a hand, silencing him and turned to Shacklebolt. Who slowly nodded and said, "Yes. For legal reasons. Though your emancipation would not occur in the wizarding world." 

"I think that will have to be negotiated." He internally smirks at their expression and held up the paper. "I heard there was an age limit this year." It was a bluff but he hoped it was true- and from their faces it was. 

"Emancipation can be negotiated," Shacklebolt says quickly instead and he nods curtly. 

"When would my presence be required?" 

"As soon as possible." 

"Tomorrow afternoon," he murmurs, "I can leave." They watch him and he watches them. "You may now speak sir." Cornelius twitched at the irony of Hadrian calling him sir. 

"We will be here to collect you tomorrow. Please have your things ready- all necessary tools will be provided by Hogwarts." He stands up in a flurry and leaves, the other two follow but Dawlish pauses in the doorway as the other step out. 

"The vampires?" Hadrian smirks at him. 

"Employed bodyguards." Dawlish nods and steps out and Edwin appears with Dracula. 

"My Lord," Edwin says with a grin in his voice. He doesn't turn around but looks away. The grin fades- he can tell, by the time Edwin repeats, "My Lord." He waves a hand. 

"I'm fine Edwin. Take Dracula out if you must." The pair stiffen and Edwin stutters, 

"You- you knew?" He looks up at his poor naive vampire. But Dracula answers, 

"We've met." Dracula gives him a long knowing look and he looks darkly at Dracula- daring him. But the vampires lip twitches and then curves into a smile as he notices the flick of his eyes. "Mr Black." Dracula bows and Edwin stares stunned. 

"Mr De Ville." The man merely smirks and the two disappear into the street. 

He's left in an empty house that feels more alien than it ever did. 

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