Promises, Promises {Simon "Gh...

By FriendlySerial

116K 1.7K 1.8K

Fem!Reader/Simon "Ghost" Riley Reader Pronouns: She/Her THIS FANFIC IS MARKED AS COMPLETED BUT HAS BEEN ABAND... More

Author's Note


2K 70 56
By FriendlySerial

ALR, reader is starting to lose her marbles and Ghost is being a smug asshole again. Word count is ab 1.2K, so again a little short, but it's here, viola.

Content warning for language, suggestions of nudity, mentions/suggestions of sexual acts, teasing (?)


You wake up rather early, at least for you. The clock on your bedside table blares the numbers 6:35. You sit up, rubbing your eyes. It's still incredibly dark out.

You throw on some jeans and a cotton t-shirt, brush your hair and grab your toothbrush to head to the bathroom. When you step out of your room, you notice Ghost's door is open.

With a frown, you glance in and his bed is made and empty. You duck your head back out and call  to the living room.


Nothing in response. Where is he? You walk hesitantly out of the hallway, looking around. The man was nowhere to be seen. A piece of paper on the island catches your eye.

With a sigh, you make your way over and pick it up, squinting in the dark.

At the base. Call if needed. -Ghost

A phone number was scrawled under the message. You almost roll your eyes at how short the message is. You could practically hear the way he'd grumble it out too.

You hold the paper for a long moment before deciding to fold it up and put it in your pocket. You don't know why you would need to call him and you were surprised he gave you his number in the first place. Though, it was more than likely a work phone.

It didn't stop you from feeling a little warm and fuzzy inside despite your best intentions.

It also didn't stop your realization that you were alone. For the first time that week, you were completely alone to do whatever your heart desired.

And right now, you really needed a hot bath. Release tension, whatever you call it. You needed it bad.

Being cooped up with a monster of a man like Ghost was both a worst and best case scenario. He was crass, rude, and straight up terrifying sometimes, but heavens above, was he attractive.

You found it akin to when you were at the airport and saw a man your age. You might not particularly care for him, but did you want to join the Mile High Club? Absolutely.

You had no problem keeping your relationships professional with patients, why was it such a challenge now? Was it the mystery of not knowing what Ghost truly looked like or who he was? Knowing he was one of the most talented trained killers out there? or was it just his muscular build, husky voice and coarse hands?

He was physically a dream, but emotionally, a therapist's worst nightmare. Worse, you think the emotional issues would make him a perfect candidate for a one night stand.

God, you bet he fucks.

But no matter how desperate you were starting to feel, you forbid yourself from finding out.

However, you didn't forbid yourself from fantasizing. Which is what you were doing now as you slid into the steaming water you'd prepared for yourself, shivering as the burn covered your skin. You couldn't help that your mind started to wander towards the broad shouldered asshole. Specifically his shoulders. His body. just him.

When he'd grabbed you in that hallway when you first met, his hand had wrapped all the way around your arm. You flushed now at the thought of the same hands manhandling you. Maneuvering you in whatever way he saw fit, holding you down. Maybe holding your wrists to the mattress above your head.

You needed to be spayed.

You shook your head slightly as you began to wash your body with your bath rag. The material had grown a bit frayed in the time you'd had it, as you bought it in college. It was rough, leaving your skin feeling raw.

It was nice though, to relax, to pamper yourself a little. You hadn't done so in a while, so you make a mental note to do so more often.

Once you're washed your body and hair, you settle in the water. It envelopes you and it's comforting. You could probably fall asleep here.

However, your relaxation is interrupted by the sound of a door slamming. The front door to be exact. Your heart races but you try to calm yourself. It's just Ghost. You know that. You don't know why it makes you so nervous.

You faintly hear him call your name and when you don't answer, you hear his boots down the hallway. "You alright?" He asks and knocks on the door, almost shaking it off its hinges

"Yeah." You garble out, painfully aware that there is only a flimsy wooden door between your naked form and the man outside who only minutes before, you had been daydreaming about fucking you into his bed.

After a moments silence, he speaks up again. "Forget something?" His voice is a rumble, the amusement making you even more nervous than you already were.

"What makes you say that?" You almost squeak. You glance at the counter where... nothing sat. You'd left your clothes and towel on your bed. "Shit!" You sit up quick, making ripples of water splash against the sides of the tub.

"Hold on." His footsteps recede down the hallway and you could just die from embarrassment. You were considering drowning yourself as you remember your clothes laid out on your bed, your bra and panties fully on display.

You'd wonder if there's an afterlife, but you're about to let yourself find out.

"The clothes on your bed'll do, yeah?" His voice calls through the door, making you jump. "Uh, yeah, that's what I set them out for."

Then the doorknob started to turn and you yelped in panic. "No! Stay out!" It stops at your voice. "Was just gonna set 'em on the floor." He huffs, followed by a grumbled Jesus.

"Don't! Don't- Just set them outside the door." You pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them, trying to stop yourself from combusting on the spot. "What're you thinking, trying to barge in here?"

"Not exactly shy in the army." You close your eyes, listening to him set the clothes and towel down before walking away. Of course, he wasn't trying to just see you naked. He was just doing what he'd do for anyone of his colleagues and friends.

Your hearts pitter patters slow to a nice low thump as you let out a sigh. The line between professional and personal was starting to blur for you and you knew it needed to stop. You needed to stop.

You repeated that last sentence like a prayer as you climbed out of the tub and dried yourself off.


When you finally step out of the bathroom, you glance quickly back up and down the hallway. You don't want to run into Ghost just yet, you don't think you're ready.

However, your wishes are blatantly ignored as Ghost opens his bedroom door and you're face to face. Well, face to masked face. However he's still wearing that medical mask rather than his balaclava, which is only slightly less intimidating in this moment.

"Uhm, thanks for... getting my clothes." You mumble, unable to make eye contact with the big man. He shrugs, hardly passing you a glance as he moves past you towards the living room. However, he does call over his shoulder at you and it makes you burn.

"If you just wanted me to see your underwear, you aughta say so next time."

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