Possession [ JK version ]

By GalaxyEmir

167K 9.9K 1.7K

" Leave me. " She whimpered in pain feeling his hard grip on her wrist and in result he tighten his hold more... More

= 01 = PARIS
= 02 = AIDS
= 06 = STRONG?
= 07= MURDER
=08= SENSE
=09= BURY
= 10 = MARK
= 11= DESIRE
= 12 = VISIT
= 14 = WHO?
= 15 = SON?
= 16 = PLAN
= 17 = Jeon Jungkook
= 18 = Volcano
= 19 = RAPE?
= 20 = Seoul
= 21 = 5 minutes!
= 22 = Suicide
= 23 = PAIN
= 24 = NAKED
= 25 = NIGHT
= 26 = BIBLE
= 27 = FULL
= 28 = LONDON
= 29 = FUCK ME
= 30 = DEMON
= 31 = HURT
= 33 = ARMS
= 34 = THREAT
= 35 = MIGHT
= 36 = HOME
=38= SORRY?
= 39 = LAP
Possession: the 7 stages of love
= 40 = You forgot to kiss me, wife!
= 41 = Daughter of a witch
=42= Hope your jesus forgive you
= 43 = This is my promise!
= 44 = Virus within her will eat him up!
= 45 = Victim of abduction
Not an update
=46= Thunderous desire

= 04 = DEVIL

3.3K 129 18
By GalaxyEmir

  " An angel was raised by a Devil for……. Another DEVIL,"

Author's POV

"Dear all,

J&K Company of Seoul is pleased to announce Mr. Jeon Jungkook as our new CEO. He is replacing our late respected CEO and owner of J&K Foundation, Mr. Jeon Nam Kook, who passed away on April 27th in Paris.

Before his passing, Mr. Jeon had mentioned that his son, Jeon Jungkook, would assume his position. Therefore, Mr. Jeon Jungkook will be joining our company, J&K Company of Seoul, starting today, May 10th, allowing sufficient time for an orderly handover.

Please extend a warm welcome to our new CEO.

Thank you."

An episode of loud applause echoed in the hall as soon as the host called Jungkook onto the stage. Jungkook, who was sitting next to his PA, stood up. His PA smiled at him, and suddenly the room filled with the sound of numerous camera clicks.

Finally, Jungkook was going to become the CEO of the J&K Foundation, which had branches worldwide. In Seoul, the main branch was known as "J&K Company of Seoul." If the company were in Germany, for example, it would be called "J&K Company of Germany."

As their new CEO made his way towards the microphone to deliver his speech, people applauded. Though he felt nervous, no one could tell. Being new to the business world, every small step seemed daunting to him.

His face lacked a smile, leaving him expressionless, leading people to believe he was "cold."

"Thank you," he mumbled as he approached the person who had called him. That person's name was Chang Seong Min, the same individual Jungkook had encountered in the meeting hall during his first visit—a man with a killer smile.

“First of all thank you so much Mr Chang for calling me on the stage," Jungkook said on the mic without sparing a glance at Mr Chang.

" Hello Everyone, My name is Jeon Jungkook and I will be the CEO of this company," The dominance, and authority were clear in his tone. He wasn't afraid of anyone. He flashed his charming smile which made ladies' hearts skip a beat.

Damn, he had a beautiful smile!

" I am not an expert in many aspects of the business, so I hope you will be open with me when I ask questions. I am not probing to look for weaknesses in you or your colleagues but to see how we are doing things now and how we might look for improvements. My interest is in processes, not personalities. I am not here to hurt anyone, just to see that we all work together to further the corporate fortunes," He paused and stared at his PA, who nodded his head, indicating he is going well.

“I have a few expectations. I’d like to share them with you now.

“The first is safety. Whether you work with machines or in the office, I’d like to promote a culture that ensures that we all go home safely at the end of the workday. I will be asking specific questions on this aspect. Not for money reasons or insurance, but because we are all in this together, and we can’t promote that feeling if someone is risking his or her hands in the factory or a sore back in the filing room. Please be open as to how this concern might be addressed," while saying this he ran his eyes in the board meeting hall. Trying to read people.

“The second expectation is respect. This expectation is one you can aim at me. You should expect that I treat you with respect at all times. This means no shouting, yelling, or baiting. And I will expect the same treatment in return, and that the same courtesies will be extended to others in the company, at all levels. That doesn’t mean we can’t be human — as a matter of fact, I do like to hear laughter and chatter — but it must be kept on a basic, respectful level," He chuckled saying this, making all of the ladies giggle in silence.

“The third is integrity. That means we tell the truth. You can expect me to tell the truth, and I will expect the same. Telling the truth is very freeing. The truth has no politics and no taboo subjects. If it will make the company do better, it should be spoken about candidly. By the way, when I ask questions of people who work here, I keep their impressions to myself. It doesn’t do anyone any good for me to say, ‘Ms Miran thinks our marketing is a disaster.’ However, after speaking to Miran, I might talk to the people in marketing and say, ‘When was the last time you gave a presentation on the latest campaign?’

“Oh, and a commitment to telling the truth is not the same as giving out all information. You do not have the right to know everyone’s salary information or when the big merger is going to be announced. Some information is kept appropriately hidden when it needs to be.

“The last expectation has to do with teamwork. If you need help, you should ask for it. No one should feel that his or her position is in danger when he or she feels a better job can be done with a little help. You should also provide help when you can and when it would help others do a better job. No doubt this means that you will be making extra efforts and personal sacrifices. Those efforts will be recognized by the people around you and may eventually even lead to material improvements in your situation. But at a minimum, you will realise that some days you, too, need help. Having provided it, you will be gratified when your colleagues step up to do the same.

“Those are my expectations. Please let me know if we are falling short in these areas.

“My door is always open. Thanks for listening.”

He finally stopped, and everyone clapped in the hall, impressed by his great speech. What could be more fascinating than this? With a charming smile on his face, he gracefully retreated, prompting everyone to rise in respect for the owner, the CEO.

An accountant from the company approached Jungkook with utmost respect, presenting him with a bouquet of flowers. Accepting the flowers, he then returned to the spot where the microphone was placed and spoke again.

"If we have concluded this ceremony, let's convene in the meeting room within the next 10 minutes," he announced before stepping back. The sound of clicking cameras persisted, and the flashes illuminated his face as he smiled. Soon after, the news of him becoming the CEO was broadcasted on TV.

"The only son of Mr. Jeon Nam Kook has assumed the position of his late father, who tragically passed away in Paris. Notably, Mr. Jeon Jungkook was in a coma at the time," the news anchor reported.

"Our anonymous source indicates that his presence in the board meeting of J&K Company of Seoul was incredibly inspiring. Despite his history of teenage drug addiction and spending seven years in a mental hospital, today his presence reminded people of an old saying, 'What you were in the past doesn't matter, but what you are gradually becoming does.'"

"We will be closely following Mr. Jeon Jungkook's every step, so stay tuned for more updates," the news anchor concluded, prompting Aziel to switch off the TV. She had been watching the news while sitting in her small living room, her hands busily knitting a sweater. Hoping to hear some positive news about her country, she found that all the news channels were solely focused on a person named Jungkook. Aziel switched on the TV again and changed the channel.

"He has numerous companies across the world, including our country. His company's branch, 'J&K Company of Seoul,' operates in the United States of America, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland," she gasped upon hearing the names. Her fingers paused their knitting for a moment, and she stared intently at the TV, as if her eyes longed to see the owner who had a company in her country.

Her anticipation was finally fulfilled as a picture of Jungkook flashed on the TV screen.

"He is so young," she murmured as she gazed at his face. She had envisioned an older man filling the CEO position, but instead, the CEO was only 26 years old.

He was young, yet still older than her, about five years her senior. Her eyes remained fixated on him, not looking away for a single second. His presence held a captivating charm.

The way his lips moved while delivering his speech, the way his eyes scanned the hall, the way he smiled after speaking—all of these aspects fascinated her.

His confidence was remarkable. Standing before hundreds of people, he exhibited no signs of nervousness. In contrast, she experienced anxiety attacks when faced with unfamiliar faces in a crowd. Fear caused her to stumble and avoid conversations with strangers.

However, the moment her eyes caught sight of the tattoos on his knuckles, a shiver ran down her spine, and she whispered, "Devil."

It seemed as though devils were beginning to dominate the world. The impending day of the world's end felt ominously close. She felt the need to pray.

Visiting the church became essential, as it was the only place where her soul found solace. She firmly believed that with God by her side, no one could harm her.

She was a devout worshipper of God. As a child, her dream was to become a nun and serve God. However, as she grew older, the weight of work and responsibilities caused her dream to fade away.

She understood that merely memorizing verses from the holy book did not make one a true priest. A pure heart and good intentions towards others were crucial factors. And in her case, her heart was indeed pure.


She sat on a vacant seat in the church and watched Jesus with her teary eyes. Her lips are pressed together but her heart is screaming her pain. The pain which was given by this society, last day.


"Mr. Jeon, Mr. Jeon, you shouldn't do this," Mr. William said to Jungkook as soon as he entered his office on the 50th floor of the building.

Taking off his coat, Jungkook fixed a deadly gaze upon Mr. William.

"You can't lay off 500 employees on your first day of work," Mr. William protested, and Jungkook shook his head.

"I don't want people in my companies who are not profitable. They didn't align with our standards. We've been incurring losses for the past two months, and I'm not here to sustain their selfish behavior," Jungkook stated firmly, causing Mr. William to step back, sensing the danger in Jungkook's gaze.

"Their employment contracts may still be in effect, and it's worth noting that they were hired by your father," Mr. William remarked.

"But is he still alive?" Jungkook retorted angrily, silencing Mr. William.

"Answer me," he demanded.

"No, sir," Mr. William answered fearfully, lowering his gaze.

"And who is the boss now?" Jungkook questioned, his dominance and anger evident in his elevated tone.

"You are, Mr. Jeon Jungkook," Mr. William replied.

"That's your answer. Now start processing their paperwork and begin hiring new talent," Jungkook instructed, glancing at his Rolex wristwatch, which displayed 1 PM.

"My next meeting is with the Transport Minister," he added, his voice lowering slightly.

"Everything has been prepared; you just need to go and speak with him," Mr. William responded.

"Good," Jungkook nodded, settling into his chair—the CEO's chair.

On his very first day of work, he had fired 500 employees!

While many disapproved of his decision, he knew what was best for his company. Why should he please those individuals by retaining unproductive employees?

He was not like his father.

He wouldn't overlook mistakes or allow the company to suffer losses. He sought profitability, plain and simple.

Closing his eyes, he pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to calm his anger. He couldn't fathom the fact that each employee in his company seemed to be two-faced.

He desired to terminate them all.

"Mr. William," he spoke in a deep tone.

"Yes, boss," Mr. William responded.

"Before I fire you, I want you to fire all of those people who aren't worthy of this company," Mr. William's eyes widened in surprise.

"What?" he exclaimed, taken aback. Jungkook opened his eyes.

"Prepare a list of those individuals who truly deserve to be part of this company," Jungkook instructed. "Every employee here is like a snake. They can't be trusted. No matter how profitable a deal may seem, they will ultimately cause me to lose money. So, prepare a list of those who genuinely deserve to be here," Jungkook declared, and Mr. William nodded.

"Yes, sir," Mr. William replied. Just then, a knock sounded at the door.

"Who is it?" Mr. William asked.

"It's Chang Seong Min," came the response from outside, and Mr. William looked at Jungkook.

"Chang Seong Min is here," Mr. William informed him. Jungkook took a deep breath and gestured for Mr. Chang to enter, which Mr. William did.

"Please come in," Mr. William said, and soon the tall, masculine figure of Chang Seong Min entered the office.

"Hello, Mr. William," his tone was warm, but Jungkook sensed the underlying coldness behind Seong Min's friendliness.

"Hello, Mr. Jeon," Seong Min greeted Jungkook.

"What brings you here?" Jungkook wasted no time.

"I heard that you are considering firing 500 employees," Seong Min stated.

"I will even cancel our deal if I don't see profits in due time," Jungkook warned, and Seong Min chuckled.

"You have changed a lot, Jungkook," he remarked, but Jungkook's expression remained unchanged—serious.

"Thanks, the change was necessary," Jungkook replied.

"No one would ever guess that you were once a drug addict, judging by your new avatar," Jungkook smirked.

"Thank you for the compliment, but may I know the real reason for your visit to my office?" Jungkook inquired.

"I just came here to congratulate you," Seong Min replied.

"Thank you, now you may leave," Jungkook said coldly. "See you in the meeting," he added, and Seong Min looked at him differently.

"The accident has changed you a lot, Mr. Jeon. Anyway, best of luck for your future," Seong Min said before walking out of the office.


His aura reminds me of someone. Wanna know whom? Elon Musk 😂

Seems like , accident really changed him in a very different way. Anyway, guess who Chang Seong Min is?

I will update the next chapter soon, maybe in 36 hours, the story is going to be on good track. Remember this is only a start!

Anything you wanna say for Jungkook?

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