The Tomboy "Prince" Was Reinc...

By verglas

384K 14.7K 3.7K

Tomoki Akari was the school and drama club's prince. However, no one would've expect the that the "Prince" wa... More

Characters ~ 1
Characters ~ 2
Chapter 1 ~ A New Life
Chapter 2 ~ Lovely Happenings
Chapter 3 ~ Family Time
Chapter 4 ~ Countering Mom's Death Flag
Chapter 5 ~ Geh... I-It's a Capture Target!
Chapter 6 ~ Mom, Dad, Please...
Chapter 7 ~ Audience
Chapter 8 ~ Few Months Later
Chapter 8.5 ~ A Mother's Love
Chapter 9 ~ Little Sister v.s. Prince
Chapter 10 ~ Truth Behind the Rumors
Chapter 11 ~ Debut Party (1)
Chapter 12 ~ Debut Party (2)
Chapter 13 ~ Debut Party (3)
Chapter 14 ~ Debut Party (4)
Chapter 15 ~ Magic Affinity Test
Chapter 16 ~ Canon Development???
Chapter 17 ~ Picnic~!
Chapter 18 ~ Celestial Fox
Chapter 19 ~ First Day of Training
Chapter 20 ~ Shampoo
Chapter 21 ~ D-Don't look at me like that!
Chapter 22 ~ Rest
Chapter 23 ~ Visiting Noir's House
Chapter 24 ~ Tea Party (1)
Chapter 25 ~ Tea Party (2)
Chapter 26 ~ Tea Party (3)
Chapter 27 ~ Tea Party (4)
Chapter 28 ~ Tea Party (5)
Chapter 29 ~ Field Trip to the Royal Library (1)
Chapter 30 ~ Field Trip to the Royal Library (2)
Chapter 31 ~ What in the World is Wrong with This Broccoli?
Chapter 32 ~ Stop Throwing Dirt at Me! Practice Duel (1)
Chapter 33 ~ Stop Throwing Dirt at Me! Practice Duel (2)
Chapter 34 ~ Pain... Muscle Pain...
Chapter 35 ~ To the Royal Palace Once Again!!
Chapter 36 ~ Visiting the Castle
Chapter 37 ~ A-As Expected of a True Prince...
Chapter 38 ~ Outing to the Commoner's District
Chapter 39 ~ Prospective Talents?
Chapter 40 ~ A Little Maid & Cool Beauty in Both Hands~
Chapter 41 ~ The Cinnamon Roll's HERE!!!!
Chapter 42 ~ Worry
Chapter 43 ~ Yet Another Capture Target...
Chapter 44 ~ What is he doing...?
Chapter 45 ~ Mom's bragging lead to this...
Chapter 46 ~Just the thought of it makes me depressed...
Chapter 47 ~ Dazzled
Chapter 48 ~ Sleepover (1)
Chapter 49 ~ Sleepover‌ ‌(2)‌ ‌
Chapter 50 ~ Sleepover (3)
Chapter 51 ~ Sleepover (4)
Chapter 52 ~ Acting like a Princess is much harder than a Prince...
Chapter 53 ~ Finally... Rest After Lily's Spartan Training.
Chapter 54 ~ Dress Haul
Chapter 55 ~ Friendly Visit
Chapter 56 ~ Why is my day off always got interrupted?!
Chapter 57 ~ Morning of the Opening Ceremony
Chapter 58 ~ Opening‌ ‌Ceremony‌ ‌(1)‌ ‌
Chapter 59 ~ Opening Ceremony (2)
Chapter 60 ~ Opening Ceremony (3)
Chapter 61 ~ Opening Ceremony (4)
Chapter 62 ~ Tea Party
Chapter 63 ~ Guhehehe... Two More Cuties...
Chapter 64 ~ Sonia-sama in Loli Heaven
Chapter 65 ~ Best Friends
Chapter 66 ~ Why Does It Feels Like a Wedding Preparation...?
Chapter 67 ~ Signing Papers
Chapter 68 ~ Grand Ball
Chapter 69 ~ Free At Last~!!!
Chapter 70 ~ My Role Model is So Beautiful As Well Today~
Chapter 71 ~ Status: Officially Engaged
Chapter 72 ~ A Well Deserved Reward
Chapter 73 ~ The Grind
Chapter 74 ~ Surrounded by Cute Lolis Once Again~
Chapter 75 ~ Eden
Chapter 76 ~ Different
Chapter 77 ~ 10 Years Later
Chapter 78 ~ Power Dynamic
Chapter 79 ~ A Truly Grand Celebration
Chapter 80 ~ Savior
Chapter 81 ~ First Dance
Chapter 82 ~ Did these Capture Target... Change?
Chapter 83 ~ Dancing with Angels
Chapter 84 ~ Skinship Between Sisters is the Best!
Chapter 85 ~ C-Could it be...?
Chapter 86 ~ Photoshoot
Chapter 87 ~ Meeting with the Coolest Businesswoman!
Chapter 88 ~ Heroine?! Wait... What?
Chapter 89 ~ W-Why is he here?!
Chapter 90 ~ T-Too close! He's being too close to me!!!
Chapter 91 ~ At Last... It Begins
Chapter 92 ~ Weird... But I guess... This is fine?
Chapter 93 ~ A Rose-Colored School Life~!
Chapter 94 ~ Student Council Members
Chapter 95 ~ You Hopeless Siscon!!!!
Chapter 96 ~ Is She That Desperate?!
Chapter 97 ~ Rumors About the Heroine?
Chapter 98 ~ First Day of School
Chapter 99 ~ Lunch Break
Chapter 100 ~ All's Well... Right?
Chapter 101 ~ Genius VS the Rising Star
Chapter 102 ~ Punishing the Siscon
Chapter 103 ~ OP Villainess?!
Chapter 104 ~ Magic Class
Chapter 105 ~ Shoo! Keith! Go Away!
Chapter 106 ~ AvLFC
Chapter 107 ~ How Strange...
Chapter 108 ~ "Assignment"
Chapter 109 ~ More Headaches Incoming...
Chapter 110 ~ Studying... But With a Group of Cuties~
Chapter 111 ~ Thwarting the Heroine's Plans!!!
Chapter 112 ~ Royal Couple
Chapter 113 ~ Three Friends
Chapter 114 ~ Unhinged
Chapter 115 ~ Telling Alexus
Chapter 117 ~ Differences
Chapter 118 ~ Hah... Boys...
Chapter 119 ~ Upcoming Event
Chapter 120 ~ First Match... Against a Cute Girl~
Chapter 121 ~ Mask
Chapter 122 ~ Intermission
Chapter 123 ~ Alterisa vs Illya

Chapter 116 ~ Humiliation... What humiliation...!

699 20 2
By verglas

AN: Hello guys~ Before getting into the chapter, there's something I wish to inform all of you, my readers. 

In light of me having a job now, the update schedule for this story might become less stable than it was before. I will still do my best to deliver 1 chapter a week, but because I will concentrate more on the stories I posted in my patreon, there is a large possibility that I will be updating late. 

I hope for your understanding, and I wish you will still enjoy the story. Then, without further ado, TO THE CHAPTER~!


I know I vented my feelings and my concerns to Alex, and I know it might worry him a bit.

The heroine is still targeting me. And at this point, it seems like she's past the point of just wanting to get all the capture targets to fall in love with her, but also to hurt me.

I can assume as much from her glare that night...

I'm scared of what kind of things she might do to me using her "heroine" status. The only thing that helped me sleep at night is the fact that I have plenty of friends to rely on and, at worst, money that would be enough for me to live the rest of my life in a remote place.

I'm happy that he's worried for me and is willing to protect me from the heroine's plot.

But why... Why is he doing this to me...?

"Oh my goodness, look~! It's Lorya-sama and Derium-sama~!"

"They're holding hands as they walk through the halls~ How romantic~"

"Oh gosh~! Did you see that?! He's smiling so lovingly to her~!"

"Yes~! And Lorya-sama seemed so happy as well~"

"Of course she is~ She had been so happy ever since his highness started doing this a few days ago~"

"How sweet~ Truly a match made in heaven~"


Why are we parading around the school hand in hand when I'm just going to my next class?!?!?!

Hah... I thought he'd stop after a few days, but he's been doing this since the morning right after I told him about what happened during the Spring Festival holiday outing I had with my friends.

I was super shocked when I saw him waiting for me in front of my class when I was about to go to the second lecture hall for a magic demonstration by a guest teacher from the royal court magicians that morning. He said he wanted to accompany me to the next class and protect me from anything the heroine might do since she's in my class.

But, even though I told him I'll be fine since I have my friends with me, he insisted and escorted me, hand in hand, to the lecture hall...

Evelyn, who was walking by my side, became much more clingy to me that time, which made it hard to walk. But that was fine...

The problem was... We've been becoming the center of attention every time I walk around the academy...

Even now, three days later, we're still being super conspicuous everywhere we go!!!

I-It's super embarrassing!!! I know we have to act like we're a super lovey-dovey couple in front of everyone, but this is overkill!!!

"Hm? What's wrong, Risa?"

Aaaahhh... D-Don't whisper in my ear in front of everyone! I-It's sensitive and you know that!!!

I tried my best to keep a perfect smile on my lips and turned my head to him.

...Oh my Goddess, his face is so close.

"Nothing's wrong, Alexus-sama. Though, I am worried if I may have become a hindrance towards you. I know you are busy with your own studies and your duties as a student council president, and I wouldn't want to add to your burden. Although having you escort me to my next class warms my heart, I would prefer it if you use the small break in between class to rest your body instead. It would pain my heart even more to see you pushing yourself too much than to not have you by my side."



His smile grew even more into a tender one he would normally only show when we're alone. And even though all the students here in the hallway are looking at us, he lowers his head and places a kiss on my head.

"I am well and spending this time with you, no matter how long or short, gives me more energy to do my duties, Risa. So there is no need for you to worry."

U-Ugghh... T-This guy... A-As expected of a capture target...

Most female students around me swoon when they hear his romantic words. But it's bad for me and my heart!!!

Is this you trying to get back at me for stealing your cream puff when we went out to the festival?! I told you I'm sorry!

"M-Mm... T-Then, it is fine..."

Kuh... I-I can't argue with him with everyone here looking at us...!

"Alterisa-sama~ Shall we head into the class~"

"A-Ah, of course! Yes, Noir."

"Fufu~ Then, please excuse us, your highness. Let's go, Alterisa-sama~"

Curtsying towards Alexus, Noir then quickly slithered her arm around mine and pulled me into the next class.

Evelyn, Illya, Ellie, and the girls also excused themselves from Alex and then entered with us and began clinging onto me even more than usual.

Phew... Well, at least that's over... I hope we won't have too much of an audience after this class...


[3rd Person POV]

Aria stomped her way through the empty hallway in a huff.

She had just snuck out of the lecture hall after seeing the blatantly shameless display of affection from the crown prince and the villainess, using the crowd of idiots who admired such shamelessness to sneak away undetected by instructors, who were also included in the group of idiots.

Is this academy full of idiots?! Can they not see that the Villainess is seducing the crown prince and THREE other guys?!

She had been frustrated out of her mind ever since she failed to invite those himbos because that "slut" of a villainess invited them first. And what's even more infuriating, they wouldn't leave her even though she, the heroine, had already gone out of her way to search for them in that damn festival and invited them personally!

They should've been grateful and begged to join her, their destined love! She was the only one who could save them from all of the emotional baggage those villainesses had put on them since they're young! No one else but her, the heroine, could do that! They should've been grateful that she's even interested in them!

That b*tch must've done something... She's definitely a regressor too. She must've acted like a saint to steal those himbos from me! Even though she already has the crown prince and her personal piggy bank... What a greedy slut!

Did the crown prince even know that she went to the Spring Festival with the other capture targets too? Maybe, he knew and confronted her about it. So to make him forget about her "cheating", she had him accompany her everyday to and from class and clung onto him like a whore to seduce him!

Shamless slut... And she must be doing it to rub it in my face too...

While thinking over and "realizing" the meaning behind all of Alterisa's actions, Aria arrived at her class once again.

She pushed open the tall, thick, mahogany double doors slowly and peaked in.

After making sure no one was present inside, she quickly entered and closed the door behind her before making her way to Alterisa's desk.

She remembered what kind of things "Alterisa" would do in the otome game to bully her, the heroine. She had tried to make her do those things to her, just like in the game, but every single attempt she had made to frame the rightfully wrong villainess always ended up in failure due to some unlucky circumstances.

But now... No one is here. No one will be able to ruin her revenge for stealing away her boy toys this time.

She looked down at the villainess's desk and began looking around for things she could do. Then, she found her notebooks that she had placed under her desk in preparation for the next class.

Heh, acting like a goody two shoes. I'll make you show your true nature soon, slut.

She took them out and held all four notebooks in her hand.

Oh, now that I think about it. She used to bully Aria by ripping apart her notebooks and throwing them into the fountain, right?

Her lips curled into a grin as she clenched onto the notebooks tighter.

"Let's give you a taste of your own medicine."

She placed three of the note books down and held onto the last one. She opened it, and saw plenty of neatly written and organized notes from the classes she was too lazy to remember.

Just from a glance, she knew they were incredibly well written, and the fact made the hatred in her burn even more.

And just as she was about to rip all of Alterisa's hardwork apart, a beautiful, bell-like voice resounded right beside her ears.

"What are you trying to do with my beloved mistress's notebooks?"


Before she could even turn to look, Aria felt a lithe hand behind her head before a tremendous force slammed her down to the desk, pressing her head down against it.

She tried moving her arms, but before she knew it, they were both held behind her back. Despite knowing that they were held only by one hand, she couldn't even budge no matter how hard she tried to struggle.

"To think someone would dare try to harm my mistress and her belongings... It is unfortunate that I'm unable to erase you from the face of this world. But... A little lesson, perhaps, might educate you not to repeat the same mistake."

"Nggh! You bi-! Kuh-"

"Sleep well, little bird. And do not repeat such foolishness, or I will clip your wings and no one will even remember your existence once you are gone."

She felt pain on the back of her neck. And before she knew it, the world around her turned dark. The only thing she could hear was the few final words the mysterious girl said to her before she went unconscious. 

AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please vote and comment your thoughts~!

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