Your Valetine's Day date with...

By PuffpuffBubbles

2.9K 13 3

This is about you, the reader dating Rouge the Bat from SEGA's Sonic the Hedgehog series franchise on Valenti... More

Rouge the Bat shows you a brand new place
Recess Time: Mission Accomplished!?
Lession 1
Valentine's Day Amusement Park
Night at the carnival
Cream tells the class about the Carnival for Show-and-Tell
Competition time
Suddenely, it's Card Captor Time!
Sakura likes Tails
Namco's Klonoa appears!
Date with Klonoa
The "soda kiss"
Valentine's Special
Nekomimi Rouge the Bat
Rouge steals the show
Rouge's Pokemon date
Rouge x Tails
Rouge's quest for the booty
A fun date day together
Valentine's Day at a AC village
Adult Cream x Rouge
Ochaco and Rouge's date
Coco and Rouge's date
Ochaco and Rouge's date
Ochaco and Rouge's night time date
Tails' romantic night with Rouge and a Glaceon
Tails and Rouge's milky date
Powerpuff date with Rouge at the pit
Rouge and Ochaco's date, with Cream
Tails night with Rouge learning about a part
Blossom and Rouge's date
Rouge and Marine's date
Buttercup and Rouge's mature adult date at Tails fox bum
A three-way date
Entai School with Pokeballs
Entai Class Continues
Rouge and Cream's night together

Valentine's Day

75 0 0
By PuffpuffBubbles

It was Valentine's Day, and Rouge the Bat was feeling a little down. She had been hoping to spend the day with someone special, but none of her usual admirers had made any plans with her. So, she decided to spend the day with some of her friends instead.

Rouge went to visit her friend Amy Rose, who was baking heart-shaped cookies in her kitchen. "Hey, Rouge, happy Valentine's Day!" Amy said, giving her friend a big hug.

"Thanks, Amy. These cookies look amazing," Rouge replied, admiring the heart-shaped treats. "Mind if I try one?"

"Of course not, help yourself," Amy said, offering her a cookie.

As Rouge bit into the cookie, she heard a familiar voice behind her. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite bat."

Rouge turned around to see Shadow the Hedgehog standing in the doorway. "Shadow, what are you doing here?" she asked, surprised to see him.

"I came to wish you a happy Valentine's Day, of course," Shadow said, smirking.

Rouge rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You're not fooling anyone with that act."

Shadow chuckled. "Well, it was worth a try. But seriously, Rouge, I wanted to give you this," he said, handing her a small box.

Rouge opened the box to find a beautiful necklace inside. "Shadow, this is amazing. Thank you so much!" she said, putting the necklace on and admiring it in the mirror.

"You're welcome. I knew you'd love it," Shadow said, giving her a small smile.

As Rouge and Shadow talked, they heard a loud crash from outside. They ran to see what had happened and found Sonic the Hedgehog, covered in paint, standing in front of a knocked-over ladder.

"Hey guys, happy Valentine's Day!" Sonic said, trying to play it cool despite the embarrassing situation.

"What happened to you?" Rouge asked, trying to hide her laughter.

"I was trying to hang up some decorations, but I guess I'm not much of a handyman," Sonic said sheepishly.

Rouge and Shadow helped Sonic clean up the mess and offered to help him with the decorations. As they worked, they talked and joked with each other, enjoying each other's company.

Later that evening, Rouge found herself alone with Shadow. "So, Shadow, what do you want to do now?" she asked, trying to hide her nerves.

"I was thinking we could take a walk," Shadow said, holding out his hand.

Rouge took his hand, feeling a spark between them. As they walked under the stars, they talked about everything and nothing, enjoying the peacefulness of the night.

When they got back to Rouge's house, Shadow stopped and turned to her. "Rouge, I know we've been friends for a long time, but I have to tell you something. I've had feelings for you for a while now."

Rouge's heart skipped a beat. "Shadow, I had no idea. I feel the same way," she said, leaning in to kiss him.

As they kissed, they heard a voice behind them. "Aww, how sweet. I knew you two were meant to be together."

They turned around to see Knuckles the Echidna, holding a bouquet of flowers. "Happy Valentine's Day, guys," he said with a smile.

Rouge and Shadow laughed, feeling grateful for their friends and the love they shared. This Valentine's Day had turned out better than they could have ever imagined.

As the group of friends gathered at a local café for Valentine's Day, Amy Rose couldn't help but feel intrigued by Rouge the Bat's enigmatic persona.

"You know, Rouge," she began, "You always seem to give us more mysteries than answers. What's your secret?"

Rouge simply smiled and tilted her head, "Oh, Amy. You know I can't give away all my secrets. Where's the fun in that?"

Amy rolled her eyes, "Sometimes, I wish you were more straightforward like Sonic."

Rouge chuckled, "Where's the fun in that, darling? Life is all about mystery and adventure."

Cream the Rabbit giggled, "That's true! It's like how Eri's core is full of mystery and adventure too!"

Everyone turned to look at Eri, who blushed and giggled nervously.

Rosalina grinned mischievously, "Speaking of adventure, have you ladies ever been on a date with a bat?"

Everyone's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"A date with a bat?" Sonic asked incredulously.

Rouge smirked, "Why not? I promise it'll be an adventure you won't forget."

Amy shook her head, "I don't know, Rouge. I don't think I'm cut out for that kind of excitement."

Rouge leaned in closer to Amy, "Oh, come on, Amy. You're always up for a little adventure. Let me show you how it's done."

Amy blushed at the closeness and the challenge, "Alright, Rouge. I'll give it a shot."

Rouge grinned, "Great! I know just the place."

As the group finished their Valentine's Day treats, Rouge and Amy snuck off for their bat-inspired date, leaving their friends to wonder just what kind of adventure they were in for.

As the night wears on, Rouge and the rest of the gang find themselves sitting around a cozy fire in the park, enjoying the warm glow of the flames and the company of each other.

"Ahh, this is the life," Rouge says, leaning back against a tree and closing her eyes. "Nothing beats spending Valentine's Day with good friends and good conversation."

"You said it, Rouge," Sonic agrees, grinning. "Although I think we could use a little more excitement, don't you guys think?"

Rouge smirks. "Oh, I think we've had plenty of excitement for one day, Sonic. Besides, I'm perfectly happy just enjoying the peace and quiet."

Amy nods in agreement. "I know what you mean, Rouge. Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and relax."

Rouge opens one eye and looks over at Amy. "You know, Amy, you're a pretty perceptive little hedgehog. I like that about you."

Amy blushes. "Thank you, Rouge. That means a lot coming from you."

Rouge chuckles. "But you know what, Amy? I think you're a little too obsessed with my chest. I mean, it's nice and all, but there's more to me than just that."

Amy's face turns bright red. "I-I'm sorry, Rouge. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything."

Rouge waves a hand dismissively. "Oh, don't worry about it, Amy. I'm used to people commenting on my chest. It just gets a little old sometimes, you know?"

Amy nods, looking contrite. "I understand, Rouge. Is there anything else you wish people would comment more on?"

Rouge grins slyly. "Well, if you really want to know, I wouldn't mind a little more attention paid to my backside. It's just as nice as my chest, after all."

Amy giggles and nuzzles her cheek against Rouge's backside. "You're right, Rouge. Your backside is very nice. And so are you."

Rouge smiles and pats Amy's head affectionately. "Thanks, Amy. You're not so bad yourself."

As the night draws to a close and the group prepares to head home, Rouge can't help but feel grateful for the friends she has and the memories they've made together. And as for the mysteries that still surround her, well, she figures there's no rush in solving them all at once. After all, some things are just meant to be savored over time.

After Rouge's statement about wanting attention on her backside, Amy looked at her with confusion.

Amy: "Rouge, why do you want people to comment on your backside now? What changed?"

Rouge: "It's because Cream gets all the attention with her cute bunny tail, and I want people to appreciate my assets too."

Cream, who had been listening in on the conversation, spoke up.

Cream: "Oh, I'm sorry, Rouge. I never realized that you felt that way."

Rouge: "It's okay, Cream. It's not your fault. I just wish people would appreciate me for more than just my chest."

Tails chimed in, "Rouge, I think people appreciate you for more than just your looks. You're smart and talented too."

Rouge smiled at Tails' words, "Thanks, Tails. That means a lot."

Sonic added, "Yeah, and you're always there to help us out on our missions. We appreciate you for that too."

Rouge blushed a little, "You guys are making me feel so much better. Thank you."

Amy then suggested, "You know what, let's all give Cream attention on her bunny tail and give Rouge attention on her backside. That way, everyone can feel appreciated and confident about themselves."

Everyone agreed with Amy's suggestion and decided to make it a point to compliment each other on all their assets. As they continued to celebrate Valentine's Day together, they all learned that true beauty comes from within and that it's important to appreciate all of their unique qualities.

It was Valentine's Day, and Rouge the Bat was feeling a little down. She had been getting comments about her chest all day, and it was making her feel uncomfortable. She confided in Amy Rose and Cream the Rabbit, her two best friends, about her frustrations.

"I don't understand why people always comment on my chest," Rouge said. "It makes me feel so uncomfortable."

Amy looked at Rouge with sympathy. "I'm sorry, Rouge. That's not fair. You're more than just your assets, you know."

Cream looked at Rouge with concern. "Is there anything we can do to help, Rouge?"

Rouge hesitated for a moment, then spoke up. "You know, I think part of the reason I feel this way is because I'm jealous of you, Cream."

Cream looked at Rouge with surprise. "Me? Why would you be jealous of me?"

Rouge looked down at the ground. "Well, you always seem so confident and happy with yourself. And I know that part of that is because of your cute little bunny tail."

Amy looked at Rouge with understanding. "I see what you mean. You want people to notice you for something other than your chest."

Rouge nodded. "Exactly."

Cream smiled at Rouge. "Well, why don't we all focus on complimenting each other's best assets? That way, we can all feel more confident."

Amy and Rouge both looked at Cream with surprise, but then smiled. "That's a great idea, Cream," Amy said.

Rouge nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's do it."

So for the rest of the day, the three friends complimented each other on their best assets. Cream was praised for her cute bunny tail, Amy for her determination and courage, and Rouge for her intelligence and quick thinking.

By the end of the day, Rouge was feeling much better about herself. She realized that she was more than just her assets, and that she had amazing friends who loved her for who she was. And she was grateful for Cream, who had helped her see that.

"Thanks, guys," Rouge said, giving Cream and Amy a hug. "I feel so much better now."

Cream smiled at Rouge. "That's what friends are for, Rouge."

And with that, the three friends went off to enjoy the rest of their Valentine's Day together, feeling happy and loved.

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